Magsaysay Foursquare Youth

Magsaysay Foursquare Youth

With the grace of the Lord the
youth found joy, forgiveness,
and love. JESUS, OUR LOVER.



Official Poster for SCMD UFY Camp 2024 is now out!


Be ready to be EMPOWERED!
Be ready to meet new friends and experience another beautiful moment with the Lord in our .

• Pre-registration is now open.
[Until June 16,2024 Only]
Please coordinate with your Division FY Coordinators or Local Church FY Presidents.

Share it with your friends or churchmates or mention them in the comment section.

See you UFY’s! Shalom!


excited na kaayo mi 🙌


Psalms 150:6
Let everything
that has breath
praise the Lord.

Magsaysay Foursquare Church

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Photos from Magsaysay Foursquare Youth's post 17/06/2024

Psalm 150:6
Let everything that has
breath praise the Lord!

Photos from Magsaysay Foursquare Youth's post 29/04/2024

Praise God for another opportunity to be laughing, playing, and talking with our fellow believers in Christ!
Thank God aswell for the completion of our pastor's house!

Photos from Magsaysay Foursquare Youth's post 29/04/2024

John 15:5
I am the vine; you are the branches. If you remain
in me and I in you, you will bear much fruit; apart
from me you can do nothing

Photos from Magsaysay Foursquare Youth's post 31/03/2024

Filled with gratitude, the MFGC, celebrated the resurrection of Jesus Christ while witnessing the sunrise with praises of joy and gladness.
Today and everyday, we sing because of Him! He is risen!
Magsaysay Foursquare Church

Photos from Magsaysay Foursquare Youth's post 29/03/2024

"Because of His love for us He relinquished His rights, delivered salvation, and did not leave us as orphans."

Photos from Magsaysay Foursquare Youth's post 29/03/2024

The privilege of being surrounded with fellow young believers that craves for His presence is the most beautiful advantage one could ever grasp.
Praise God for this gathering!


Grace and peace be with you from God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ! Amen.

Mark 4:39
“And he arose, and rebuked the wind, and said unto the sea, Peace, be still. And the wind ceased, and there was a great calm.”

Photos from Magsaysay Foursquare Youth's post 16/04/2023

Last Sunday:

4 ways to live a resurrection
power everyday. Matt. 28:1-10

the power of resurrection is seen is able for everyday. The death and ressurection of our Jesus Christ was done for our continual life freely. Jesus's death was part of the plan of redeeming us. Colossians 2:13 philipians 3:10. The power of resurrection that you have received in, abides in you now. When you activate it, it removes burden. The moment we accept and encountered Him, we are anointed. The Holy Spirit lives in us. Don't forget that we have God. The resurrection power is the most powerful source of all. Once you activate this ability, you must believe in it. and when you believe in it, you can speak it and act on it. Romans 8:11. When we believe that the power of the Holy Spirit and there is always a good result.
Live a new life through the resurrection power. Revelation 1:8. The moment the Lord changes us, there is definitely the most wondrous change while in this living. Live free with the resurrection power. John 8:36. Philipians 3:13.
Sin will separate you from His presence, whether you believe in Him or not (let's not go further away from Him, should we?).

Mark 16:6
Death defeated.

Photos from Magsaysay Foursquare Youth's post 16/04/2023

Last Friday's activity. Holy Friday.

The seven last sayings of Jesus (some parts of the discourse our church councils spoke):

"Father, forgive them, for they
do not know what they do."
Luke 23:24

forgiveness is the hardest thing to do, especially when we are deeply wounded. Forgiving includes forgetting.
Who are we to not forgive other people? Christ said "forgive them" knowing that we truly have not known. Mark 11:25. Even Christ forgave everyone who sinned against Him.

"You will be with Me in Paradise."
Luke 23:43

This passage gives assurance that it's never too late to look to God. The gates of Heaven is open for everyone. Any tittle thing that you have in this world, any position, any race, can have the right to be in the Heaven as long as you know Christ.

"Woman, behold your son!"
John 19:26-27

This message of the Lord, teaches the mothers to guide and take good care of your child(ren). in verse 27, talks to the children, that children too must take good care of their mothers; as she is still with you. As long as your mother is still living, give them your attention and care.

"My God, My God, Why hast thou forsaken me?"
Matthew 27:46

Abandonment can be understood in different senses. The Father certainly allowed His Son to experience suffering on the cross, so He could be said to have abandoned to that suffering, but not abandoned Him in any more fundamental sense. Despite Jesus's cry of abandonment, He ultimately tiumphed over sin and death. Through His death and ressurection, He offers us forgiveness, hope, and a way back to God.

"I thirst!"
John 19:28

"It is better to lose food, than water."
Christ is our water. When we go to Christ, we will never thirst again. Psalm 69:20-21. The Lord thirst for us to reciprocate His love towards us, He thirsts for us to have a personal relationship with Him.

"It is finished"
John 19:30

"It is finished" means that His sufferings within this world as a human being has ended. Let us remember that during that time, Jesus was 100% God and a 100% man. The missions that God had commanded Him to do—to preach and let the world know about God and to take the sins of the world—is accomplished and done.
The enemy thought that when Jesus will die, he will have the reign, that is why satan tempted judas to betray Christ. All we have to do is to not allow satan to deceive us with our former sins and our latter sins, and even our future sins, because it is done, Christ payed for it all.
God is willing to forgive us.

“Father, into your hands I commend my spirit”
Luke 23:46

Jesus spoke to God with intimacy while remembering everything that had happened and knowing that God was always with Him. While we continue to live in this world, we must remember the right path. Always follow/try to follow Christ's directions. It is our mission to serve God.Last Friday's activity. Holy Friday.

The seven last sayings of Jesus (some parts of the discourse our church councils spoke):

"Father, forgive them, for they
do not know what they do."
Luke 23:24

forgiveness is the hardest thing to do, especially when we are deeply wounded. Forgiving includes forgetting.
Who are we to not forgive other people? Christ said "forgive them" knowing that we truly have not known. Mark 11:25. Even Christ forgave everyone who sinned against Him.

"You will be with Me in Paradise."
Luke 23:43

This passage gives assurance that it's never too late to look to God. The gates of Heaven is open for everyone. Any tittle thing that you have in this world, any position, any race, can have the right to be in the Heaven as long as you know Christ.

"Woman, behold your son!"
John 19:26-27

This message of the Lord, teaches the mothers to guide and take good care of your child(ren). in verse 27, talks to the children, that children too must take good care of their mothers; as she is still with you. As long as your mother is still living, give them your attention and care.

"My God, My God, Why hast thou forsaken me?"
Matthew 27:46

Abandonment can be understood in different senses. The Father certainly allowed His Son to experience suffering on the cross, so He could be said to have abandoned to that suffering, but not abandoned Him in any more fundamental sense. Despite Jesus's cry of abandonment, He ultimately tiumphed over sin and death. Through His death and ressurection, He offers us forgiveness, hope, and a way back to God.

"I thirst!"
John 19:28

"It is better to lose food, than water."
Christ is our water. When we go to Christ, we will never thirst again. Psalm 69:20-21. The Lord thirst for us to reciprocate His love towards us, He thirsts for us to have a personal relationship with Him.

"It is finished"
John 19:30

"It is finished" means that His sufferings within this world as a human being has ended. Let us remember that during that time, Jesus was 100% God and a 100% man. The missions that God had commanded Him to do—to preach and let the world know about God and to take the sins of the world—is accomplished and done.
The enemy thought that when Jesus will die, he will have the reign, that is why satan tempted judas to betray Christ. All we have to do is to not allow satan to deceive us with our former sins and our latter sins, and even our future sins, because it is done, Christ payed for it all.
God is willing to forgive us.

“Father, into your hands I commend my spirit”
Luke 23:46

Jesus spoke to God with intimacy while remembering everything that had happened and knowing that God was always with Him. While we continue to live in this world, we must remember the right path. Always follow/try to follow Christ's directions. It is our mission to serve God.

Magsaysay Foursquare Church

Photos from Magsaysay Foursquare Youth's post 26/02/2023

On Today's word:

Gen 12:1-3//Gen 3:14//2 corinthians 5:17-18//Galatians 3:9// Jeremiah 2:3//Zechariah 2:8//1 John 5:1//1 john 4:14-16.

can you consider yourself blessed or a blessing?

They were chosen by Lord and they were blessed by the Lord. It is a privilege to be a blessing that was blessed by the Lord.

While we believe in the Lord we have now been extremely blessed. The moment you testify the salvation that we have/that we had from Christ, becomes a wonderful blessing towards everyone around you.

Everyone has the capability of growing and/or progressing their faith where you are able to bless many. To testify about Christ is to talk about Christ and how He offers salvation for us, where the only price you need to pay is to believe in Him as He already paid the price that we would have possibly take from our sins. You have not been saved not only to experience anew life, you also have an obligation to share the gospel to others. It is not easy to share the Gospel.
Everyone is in observation, so be aware of your actions and show how the love of Christ illuminates your utter existence.

Be a blessing to everyone that surrounds us.

We Christians must learn to invite people to church activities, being in joy to invite people because it is gloriously sublime to praise and lift His name.

It is not only the missionaries, the pastor's/the preacher's, the council's, the officer's duty to spread the word and be a blessing, it is too our obligation as a Christian to speak and share Him to everyone that we know.

Let everyone experience the feeling of having a new life from Christ. Every knowledge that we have about our Lord, we must share. God has a purpose for you. Testify about your relationship with God, share to others how blessed you are from everything that you've received from Christ: His love, His protection, and continual comfort.

Pray that God will show you
how you can bless others.
Gratify Him for the blessings
that you've received from God.

Be a blessing to other people.

Photos from Magsaysay Foursquare Youth's post 19/02/2023

Today's words are:

John 20:21-22

God is a missionary and all believers must take part in His mission, because in Him we are here, called, and loved. His mission is to save people. For He doesn't want the amount of people going to Heaven be limited, but wants Heaven to be crowded. He sent Jesus and the Holy Spirit to empower and save us. So that they can move in power for the word to spread, for the word to be known of its sublimity and puissance.

the way you give can show how you are a Christian.

you're the salesperson of the products (the word), not the product, so be as kind as you can, for customers are always observing.
The Lord is happy when you follow His commands. 1 John 4:9-10. Matthew 28:19-20. In this era we are the disciples, so therefore we must make disciples of all nations as the Word says. 2 Peter 3:9. God is in a very important task of bringing people back to Him. For this mission to be fulfilled He sent His only Son to die for the people and sent His Holy Spirit for the people; inorder for us to preach the Gospel, know the word, and be empowered for service.

Now, it is our turn to move.
make our movements true.
(to do so, know the mission.)

The Holy Spirit is still here to empower us in service; don't be afraid for He (the Holy Spirit) is here to empower and revive our souls from exhaustion. 1 John 4:14. We have seen that The Lord will find ways to protect us. Inorder for us to be disciples, we must be aware. John 14:26. Acts 1:8.

The Holy Spirit helps.

The Word must have to be preached to every aspect of the world, inorder for the Lord's wait can finally be finished. Matthew 24:14. As believers we must do all we can to make The Lord's name be known to every nation and tribes. So that the more people can know how wonderful and glorious it is to finally let Him move within us. The Lord wants the believers to preach the world, for He doesn't want anyone to perish, but to come to Him with repentance in their heart—accepting that we are sinful and ready to let Him rule our lives. So do not be ashamed of the Gospel.

God is sending us believers out to speak of His love, NOT OF THE RELIGION WE ARE IN! Everyone is precious to God's eyes, He wants all men to come to repentance and be in relationship with Him to carry the desires of God. So let us participate in the mission of the Lord. Be willing to let God guide, set us out, and lead us to His mission. Know the importance of being chosen to be part of the Creator's mission to save our kind, that includes ourselves.

walay gipili and Ginoo. He still chooses us.


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Photos from Magsaysay Foursquare Youth's post 13/02/2023

Friends, famililies, churchmates, and classmates that praised with us last night, we thank you for making the praising of the Lord more enjoyable. 'till next time!

Photos from Magsaysay Foursquare Youth's post 13/02/2023

On to yesterday night's marathon of praise:

Paul/Pablo and Silas
Acts 16:16-32

We look at Paul's life, how he suffered truly to the fact that he speaks of the word and has authority to command the right things towards this word. We look at it and reflect on it, how we should further struggle and strive to believe still. Continue to praise Him when sufferings are utterly difficult just as how Paul and Silas did before, because they trust and know who to believe in.

Praising the Lord is a movement.

Through Paul's and Silas's life we reflect and know that He listens and saves us from captivity. So when we go through trials, we must continue. to fight the battle, because He fights with us. When we praise and worship Him, make it be filled with joy in your heart.


What's on today's plans?

praising the Lord at our church.

Photos from Magsaysay Foursquare Youth's post 12/02/2023

On to today's service, we have:

1 John 4:7-11
The Love of the Lord/
Ang Gugma sa Diyos.

Those who love the Lord knows and understand the commands of the Lord; obeying the Lord's known commands "Ten Commandments" cannot be obeyed without the presence of love. Frequent neglect towards the word stops you from loving—the way the Lord wants you to love. Flee from the habit of neglecting the progression of your faith and start committing towards knowing God. God loves through a "sacrificial love" that we do not deserve, for our lawlessness, our humanly desire, never cease to exist, but He still sacrificed His only Son.

Start now with one step.

We must love for it is the command of the Lord to all the Christians. Non-believers don't see the Lord, but they see us believing the Lord. So be careful and let everything that we do can illuminate the image of God's goodness, in order for them to know that He is good. The non-believers can see the Lord through our love with each brethren. 1 John 4:12.
Love everyone, despite the fact that all have sinned, For God continues to pour out His everlasting love to us even with all our sins. Love the way the Lord loves us.

Without His love for us, we are nothing.
Do not give up your faith.
Hebrew 10:38-39

The life of Joseph son of Jacob is a good example of what the love of the Lord can help us love—the way the Lord wants us to love. God is love, let love reign in our hearts. The love of the Lord has no conditions, unlike how we humans love. He loves us with our imperfections and sins. We love Him, because He loved us first. When we can love the Lord, it shouldn't be difficult to love our brethrens.

His Consummate love

Photos from Magsaysay Foursquare Youth's post 05/02/2023

On to today's service! we have:

Ministering to God
- Psalm 96:9 -

ministering is a flow of praising God, because we thank Him of what He has done in our lives. Exodus 20:4-6, you shall not make any image in the firm of anything. Serve Him only and only Him, by serving Him you must conform to His standards and give your whole being//your whole life to Him.

Offer your whole you.

This is your spiritual act of worship. understand that God has a very high standard, Godly and pure, something that we cannot achieve even if we try very hard, but on trying to give everything you have and the whole you to Him can walk through those standards, because He loves us.
Endure the trials and sufferings, because this world—this society, is inhumane. Remember the endurance that paul went through when He offered everything he has to Him. 2 Corinthians 6:5. We also as a Christian have to endure it all "by purity, by knowledge, by patience, by kindness, by the Holy Spirit, by sincere love," (2 Corinthians 6:6).

We become God's representative to others.

Psalm 101:6. 2 Corinthians 13:4.


1 Timothy 1:15-17
Here is a trustworthy saying that deserves full acceptance: Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners—of whom I am the worst. But for that very reason I was shown mercy so that in me, the worst of sinners, Christ Jesus might display His immense patience as an example for those who would believe in Him and receive eternal life. Now to the King eternal, immortal, invisible, the only God, be honor and glory forever and ever.

Magsaysay Foursquare Church

Send a message to learn more

Photos from Magsaysay Foursquare Youth's post 26/12/2022

It is our gratitude, our way to exhibit our
praises and adoration, our joy, to celebrate each
day with His people.
Magsaysay Foursquare Church

Photos from Magsaysay Foursquare Youth's post 26/12/2022

Ă—Ă—Ă—Ă—. 'Tis the season to be jolly fa la la la lalala~ Ă—Ă—Ă—Ă—Ă—.
‿︵‿︵୨˚̣̣̣͙୧ - MERRY MERRY CHRISTMAS -୨˚̣̣̣͙୧‿︵‿︵
Magsaysay Foursquare Church


salutations to you november!

congratulations to us all once again, we have attained another month with Christ our Lord! give yourself a big applause for not giving up, the Lord and we the Magsaysay Foursquare Youth of Christ are most utterly proud of another accomplishment you have made. may you continue to strive more days with God and have more progress in your faith in our Heavenly Father.
now, please do receive our heartfelt gratitude for allowing God to guide and assist you. we are all glad to still continue to have your presence in this world. have a very lovely month with God this november. God bless and Shalom!

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