Manunulat na Walang Ballpen

Manunulat na Walang Ballpen

-currently a beginner


What about me.



She's just a girl who badly wants to have friends
Well she's nice, kind, smart, thoughtful, honest yeah all I can say was she's a perfect girl .
But when it comes in friends or peers she can just say "im close to anyone" but the truth is they are just nice to her if they needed something if they wanted something and simply they are using her.

Well its sad because not just about friends but also about her family. When she was in eight grade she told her cousins that whatever may happen they wont be having a relationship until they've reached their dreams but surprisingly after one year they've been in a relationship and the saddest part is that they never talked again. Also her parents made her feel that she's not part of the family although they're treating her right sometimes the fact is, its all because she has been doing great lately. She was the master of ceremony when they've had their prom and got a part of the speech on career and also got this 93 percentage of average and not just that she's close to teachers really close that she treated them as her second mother and father.

She's weak and had a heart disease and got this allergy on skin though she may look healthy but inside she was torn apart it was like she's just a toy where in doesn't feel anything feels like shes just one of the choices in funny question it was so hard on her to take it all but then when she keeps turning back the pages of her life when she was just a single aged little girl, she never felt any of those feeling she never been treated like how they treat her now. But what can she do
Shes just a girl who wants to wear dress but her feet was so ugly
Shes just an honor student who want to make her parents proud
She just want some friends those true ones for her to be more knowledgeable about other people
She want what she deserves the most
She wants love , care, attention, compliment, and she wants herself back.. and wear that green jumper dress that she badly wants to have...

