Cohen's Lifestyle Centre Philippines

Cohen's Lifestyle Centre Philippines

Food becomes your Medicine!

Cohen's Lifestyle Centre offers an individually tailored Rapid Fat-Loss, Weight-loss and Wellness Program that is formulated by Dr Cohen, based on your specific blood test results. The blood tests allow an analysis of your unique body chemistry which in turn indicates what is required to get your body back in balance and unlock the tools needed for weight loss. Dr Cohen believes being overweight i

Lose Weight Through Healthy Eating - Cohen's Weight Loss Clinic 10/06/2020

Dear everyone,

We hope you and your families are all keeping well in this challenging time.

We would like to inform you that The Cohen Program has now moved to a fully centralized online program under Cohen International. For future queries, you may access the online program at or email to [email protected].

We would like to thank you for your patronage. It has been our pleasure serving you.

Please keep safe and we wish you all the best in your health journey. God bless! 🙏

The Cohen Team Philippines

Lose Weight Through Healthy Eating - Cohen's Weight Loss Clinic

Timeline photos 10/02/2020

It's never too late to work towards being the healthiest YOU.

Timeline photos 06/02/2020

Want a strong, healthy heart? Eat your greens! It is one of the best sources of Vitamin K, minerals, and antioxidants. Leafy greens such as spinach, "kangkong", bok choy and the like are proven to help lower the risk of heart disease and improve arterial function.

Put some more greens into your Eating Plan, if you haven't yet, and if you're already done with your Eating Plan and just looking to maintain weight and stay healthy, make sure to eat greens every meal. This helps you fill your stomach up with the right kinds of food so that you don't need to gorge on the wrong kinds of food.

Timeline photos 28/01/2020

Why eating healthily should be for life: The top killers and cause of obesity is poor diet.

Hypertension, heart disease and Type 2 diabetes plague millions today due to poor diet, and medication only manages these diseases, not help us OUT of it. If a poor diet led us to these health risks, then a better diet will help us out of it. The sooner we eat healthily, the better.

A poor diet is a product of shortcuts, convenience and habits we've ingrained through the years. Staying healthy has no shortcuts, but it becomes a seamless part of our life if we persist on practicing healthy habits over and over again. If you finished your Cohen Program, your Management Guidelines gives you all that you need to stay on track.

Timeline photos 23/01/2020

Cohenites, here are a few more herbs and spices to keep your meals flavorful and nutritious:

1. Coriander/Chinese Parsley. Although many may not like the taste, Coriander/Chinese Parsley is great for the skin, boosts immunity, heart health, brain health and may help control blood sugar.

2. Ginger. Traditionally used for healing in some countries, recent scientific findings show that ginger also helps in cancer prevention and can be effective against cancers of the pancreas, breast and ovaries.

3. Chives. Part of the allium family in which garlic and onions are part of, this herb contains a nutrient called Choline which does wonders to one's sleep, memory, mood and muscle movement, and vitamin K for bone health as well as for vision because of the presence of lutein zeaxanthin.

* Please note that fresh herbs and spices are to be weighed WITH your vegetable allowance.



It's the new year, and along with it the desire to start clean. In our quest to live a more healthy life, surely we've encountered the word "detox", and the myriad of promises it makes to make us clean and healthy inside. However, a lot of "detoxes" out there are scams, purporting health and wellness when in reality it is literally just overmarketed snake oil. This link from Harvard Health Publishing gives a great history and gives examples of common detox practices that does no body good:

Timeline photos 09/01/2020

Healthy food need not be bland. By using herbs and spices, we help our dishes become more nutritious and packed with flavor! Asides from salt and pepper, here are just some of the herbs and spices that you can use under the Cohen program that are jam-packed with nutrition:

🌿 Basil: contains flavonoids and antioxidants that help against depression, fights free radicals (great for skin and anti-ageing!) and detoxify the body.
🌿 Cinnamon: Antioxidants in this spice help fight ageing, oxidative stress and is anti-inflammatory. Cinnamon is great with coffee and can help with fat loss too.
🌿 Cumin: Good source of Vitamin C, great for warding off colds due to its anti-viral and anti-bacterial properties.

Give these spices a try and stay tuned for more features on other spices to help you jazz up your meals! Eating your way to sexy has never been enjoyable.♥️

Timeline photos 06/01/2020

"Your love for what you do and willingness to push yourself where others aren’t prepared to is what will make you great."

Timeline photos 27/12/2019

"Health does not always come from medicine. Most of the time it comes from peace of mind, peace in the heart, peace of the soul. It comes from laughter and love."

Timeline photos 04/12/2019

How to Avoid The Rotten Egg Surprise

To check if your egg is still ok to enjoy, place raw eggs in a bowl of cold water. If the egg sinks to the bottom, it’s still fresh. If it floats, it has seen better days. Over time, the liquid inside eggs evaporates through the porous shell, leaving a gas bubble inside. The floatier it is, the older it is.

A Journey to Wellness 30/11/2019

Revisit James' journey to wellness.

A Journey to Wellness James was borderline diabetic and struggled with other health issues like fatigue, sleep apnea, high cholesterol, arrhythmia and fatty liver.

Timeline photos 29/11/2019

The best investment you can ever make is in your health.

Timeline photos 28/11/2019

November is World Diabetes Month. Let us take time to know how to prevent diabetes, particularly Type 2 diabetes from destroying our life and of our friends and family. Diabetes falls under the TOP 10 causes of death in the Philippines.

According to the International Diabetes Federation, the total cases of diabetes in adults as of 2017 was 3,721,900. As the Philippines starts to adopt a more stressful and unhealthy diet, it seems that these days, we know at least one or two people who are diabetic. It could be that we ourselves fear of getting diabetes.

Take charge and turn that fear into action. We can still do something about it, and it starts with what we put into our plates. Thankfully, your Eating Plan is taking you closer and closer to preventing type 2 diabetes! Just stick to it.

Timeline photos 19/11/2019

What are statins?

Statins are cholesterol-reducing drugs that work by blocking away additional cholesterol from entering our body and by helping our body reabsorb cholesterol that has built up in plaques on your artery walls, preventing further blockage in your blood vessels and heart attacks.

Several examples of statins are the following: atorvastatin (Lipitor), lovastatin (Altoprev)
pitavastatin (Livalo), rosuvastatin (Crestor), simvastatin (Zocor).

Numerous new studies now suggest that statins do more than help lower bad cholesterol. Statins can also prevent heart disease in certain adults of a certain age.

However, just because a pill offers so many benefits doesn't mean we slack off our diet and go easy on our healthy lifestyle. According to Harvard Health Publishing, " some people gain weight and eat more fat after starting a statin".

Being mindful of what's on our plate is far more effective, cheaper and more beneficial to our body than pills. Let's always remind ourselves that "food is medicine".

Doctors and nutritionists still recommend a healthy lifestyle in reducing risks of heart disease and control bad cholesterol.

"Taking a statin? Don't use it as an excuse to slack off on your diet. Some people gain weight and eat more fat after starting a statin, falsely believing that the pill is mightier than the diet. It isn't." –Harvard Health Publishing

Timeline photos 06/11/2019

Microwave Oven Cleaning Pro Tip!

The microwave oven can be home to some of the nastiest gunk that can be a challenge to remove.

To make the task easier, de-gunk it first by putting a dishwashing sponge in a bowl with a bit of water and nuke for 2 minutes. If you have used lemon rinds, throw it in as well for a fresh-smelling result.

After 2 mins, open the oven and wipe the surfaces away. Not only did you clean out your microwave, but you’ve sterilized your dishwashing sponge and found a use for that lemon rind you were going to throw anyway.

Timeline photos 31/10/2019

According to the Philippine Council for Health Research and Development, Breast Cancer remains one of the top causes of death among Filipino women today. From their research, one in 13 Filipino women will develop breast cancer in her lifetime. Furthermore, the Philippines has the highest prevalence of breast cancer among 197 countries.

As we know more about this dreaded disease, it is also found by the American Cancer Society that obesity is linked to 13 kinds of cancer, including breast cancer. Losing weight, therefore, can reduce the risk of cancer.

Timeline photos 28/10/2019
Timeline photos 25/10/2019

Losing weight is a mind game. Change your mind, change your body.

Timeline photos 23/10/2019

Sometimes, a convenient and compliant snack is all you need to keep from deviating from your Eating Plan. A great way to always have complaint snacks ready before you get hangry is to slice up your fruits. To prevent your apples from browning, wash the sliced fruit in vinegar or soda water. The acids will reduce the PH levels of the food surface, keeping it looking fresh longer.

Timeline photos 22/10/2019

When you are already well into the program, you are starting to get the hang of the habits you need to to stay healthy. Getting the right amount of sleep, eating minimally processed foods and staying hydrated with water are just the basics to help you stay on the leaner side of the scale.

However, good health is a journey where you can still pick up so many lessons, and it is quite tempting to pick up so many lessons and apply them at once, only to fail on keeping these habits in place. When this happens, don't fret! :) Instead, try introducing habits little by little.

Studies show that on average it takes 18-254 DAYS (2-8 months) for new behavior to become a habit because of varying factors. So if you want to eat completely oil-free for example, don't expect it to magically stick into your lifestyle. Give it time to make it a part of your lifestyle. After all, ROME WAS NOT BUILT IN A DAY.

Why Metabolic Syndrome Matters 17/10/2019

One of the leading causes of death in the Philippines are diseases of the heart. Studies show that our food and lifestyle has a direct effect on our heart health. Poor diet, lack of activity and stress accelerates the likelihood of getting Coronary Heart Disease.

According to the American Heart Association, people with Metabolic Syndrome have an increased risk of heart disease. 23% of Americans have Metabolic Syndrome, while up to 20% of Filipinos meanwhile have it, making it an increased threat to our society. Some people may “eat to their heart’s content”, thinking that they can eat whatever they want. In the end, when the inches of our waistlines increase, our hearts lose.

For more details on Metabolic Syndrome, you may check out the American Heart Association’s website below:

Why Metabolic Syndrome Matters Metabolic syndrome increases your risk for many conditions, including heart attack and diabetes. Learn about metabolic syndrome.


Since October is Breast Cancer month, let's take time to discover what we can do to PREVENT it.

According to the Philippine Cancer Society, breast cancer is one of the leading cancers in Filipino women today. Decades of research show that the likelihood of cancer, specifically breast cancer increase the longer one is overweight. This is largely due to too much fat in the body. For more information on how fat plays a big role in increasing the chances of cancer, please visit:

There are so many factors that can increase our risk of cancer, but most of these factors are within our control. :) With awareness, empowerment, lifestyle change and of course, scientific advancement--we can beat cancer and save ourselves and our loved ones.

Does obesity cause cancer? 11/10/2019

October is Breast Cancer Month. Let's take time to discover what we can do to PREVENT it.

According to the Philippine Cancer Society, breast cancer is one of the leading cancers in Filipino women today. Decades of research show that the likelihood of cancer, specifically breast cancer increase the longer one is overweight. This is largely due to too much fat in the body. For more information on how fat plays a big role in increasing the chances of cancer, please visit:

There are so many factors that can increase our risk of cancer, but most of these factors are within our control. :)

With awareness, empowerment, lifestyle change and of course, scientific advancement--we can beat cancer and save ourselves and our loved ones.

Does obesity cause cancer? Obesity is the second biggest preventable cause of cancer in the UK- more than 1 in 20 cancer cases are caused by excess weight

Timeline photos 09/10/2019

Veggie Meat Loaf, Burgers and Balls!

If you’re not a fan of vegetables but must complete the choir for the sake of your weight loss and health goals, veggie meatloaves, burgers and balls can really be a welcome addition to your food rotation. It allows you to eat your full vegetable prescription hidden inside your minced beef or chicken. Shred zucchinis or mushrooms in an electric food chopper and mix with your mince. Add some minced garlic and onions as well and form into loaves, burgers or balls and pan fry.

Timeline photos 08/10/2019

Your path to good health starts with you and the PERMANENT habits you choose to adopt along the way. Keeping healthy habits can be difficult when you’re not in a positive environment that SUPPORTS your healthy lifestyle. As we are social animals, our surroundings matter when it comes to cultivating and keeping good eating and lifestyle habits--a friend or a family member constantly derailing your efforts to be healthy is a sure way to send you teetering down to old habits--and once again into your bigger sized jeans!

The key to maintaining a healthy weight are the following:

1. Your determination to KEEP the habits you gained and the lessons you learned.
2. Stay resilient towards gatherings and always practice your healthy lifestyle even when people question or tease you doing it.
3. Cultivate the attitude of progress, not perfection.
4. Own your power to choose when to indulge in your favorite food. If you don’t feel like eating cake, don’t allow anyone to obligate you or guilt-trip you for eating something you’re simply not in the mood to eat.
5. Always listen to your body. Respect your need to rest and relax. Be balanced.

Timeline photos 25/09/2019

How to Make Zucchini Last Longer

Zucchini can be a yummy staple in your Eating Plan journey if you’re not a big fan of leafy greens. However, Zucchinis can be pricey too. Make this tasty veggie go a long way by storing it in cling wrap, making sure the bottom dot is covered tightly. Cut from the top and keep the Zucchini covered tightly when stored in the fridge.

Our Story

Cohen's Lifestyle Centre offers an individually tailored Rapid Fat-Loss, Weight-loss and Wellness Program that is formulated by Dr Cohen, based on your specific blood test results. The blood tests allow an analysis of your unique body chemistry which in turn indicates what is required to get your body back in balance and unlock the tools needed for weight-loss. Dr Cohen believes being overweight is a result of a medical condition that can be effectively controlled by achieving metabolic equilibrium and changing your lifestyle.

The Cohen program is based on internationally accepted research and sound facts, and has been available for over 25 years with over 25 000 success stories worldwide. Over a number of years, Dr Cohen tested thousands of foods to develop a clear understanding of what foods affect and correct underlying imbalances of the hormones involved with fat loss, for example Human Growth, Insulin and Serotonin.

Weight-loss and wellness using food as your medicine is a lifestyle decision that will set you on the path to regaining your energy and quality of life.

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Track Your Water Intake
What is Food Addiction?
Hunger and cravings explained. Learn more about how to address the hormonal imbalance causing cravings and weight gain. ...
Be the Best Mom Ever


Opening Hours

Monday 08:00 - 17:00
Tuesday 08:00 - 17:00
Wednesday 08:00 - 17:00
Thursday 08:00 - 17:00
Friday 08:00 - 17:00
Saturday 08:00 - 17:00