Mike Stone karate

Mike Stone karate

Mike Stone has had a long and successful career in athletics, in the movie industry, in the entertai

Photos from Mike Stone karate's post 17/07/2024

Aloha Friends

Beautiful flowers greeted me this morning, another fantastic day in Paradise.

Live a Better Life.

Let's start by understanding the term "A Better Life ". It means different things to different people. It's a measurable improvement in your present lifestyle choices.

Create a powerful positive mindset.
"Always Be My Best"

Money is not essential to create a better life. It depends on what you need to create a better life. One should consider all aspects of one's humanity before deciding. What are your spiritual, mental, and physical needs? There are health issues, age, geography, whether you are married or single, children, occupation, career, religion, hobbies, and overall lifestyle.

What is a better life?

We live in the most fantastic time of human technological advancement. We have more significant opportunities and options than any other generation. We have more leisure time to learn, develop, and grow personally, yet we are more obese, unhealthy, mentally stressed, and depressed. We consume and ingest more toxins, poisons, preservatives, and harmful chemicals in our water and foods than ever before.
The increase in population has made the world smaller and more complex.

We must consider the five physical world elements and how we can integrate them into our daily life choices: earth, wind, water, fire, and void. There are many considerations.

My first is to choose where I want to live. The first consideration when starting a new business is location, location, location. Its about geography, where the best place for me to live. Consider where you choose to live is also where you want to die. Death is not about when you die it's also about where you die that's important. Think deeply about this.

Life should not be only about money.

I have lived here for over forty years and have never had a business or worked to make a living. I made enough money to buy land and build homes with cash from movies I worked on. I never had land or mortgage payments in sixty years. I teach a lifestyle that includes a balance of spirituality (not religion), mentality, physicality, and ideas on breathing, health, fitness, juicing, meditation, observation, and common sense. Honesty, truthfulness, and courage are sought-after character qualities. Wisdom may be a result of honesty, truthfulness, and courage.
Clarity of thought is one's ability to think clearly in moments of chaos, stress, and danger, which is also necessary for living a better life.

Choosing to live a better life does not mean you will be exempt from cruelties, injustices, hardships, challenges, obstacles, pain, and suffering. Your mindset and perceptions of these adverse situations will not appear as problems and trouble. Therefore, you will not worry, be stressed out, or cause yourself to be depressed. You are now entering a life of your choosing, a better way to live.

Live with nature, not only in it.

Allow the five elements to be an integral part of your daily existence. Make contact with the earth, wind, water, fire (sun), and void (meditation) daily. Use the world and the sun's energy to keep you grounded and energized. Ground the bed you sleep on and remove electrical objects from around your bed.
Limit your time and exposure on social media platforms, cell phones, and computers.

Water, Juicing, and Eating

Drink 2-3 liters of distilled water daily. Consume 2- 8 oz. glasses of fresh fruit and vegetable juice daily.
Eat fresh fruits and vegetables (salads) daily. Because I live in a tropical paradise, there is always a variety of fresh fruits and vegetables.

Breathing, Stretching, and Core Exercises.

Start your day with a stretching and exercise program. I practice a "forced breathing" technique with all my exercises while lying on my back. The daily exercise program takes about 65 minutes and includes alternating arms, legs, and core exercises—a minimum of 50 repetitions with each strike for kicking techniques.

Swimming and Rope-Skipping, and Pool

When I go on vacation, I will add the following exercises.
Rope skipping and swimming exercises.
1,000-2,000 skips without a break. 5,000 alternating knee lifts, no break

Massages-See photo

When at home, I get regular arm, leg, and head massages.

Read, Sleep, and Rest

Read biographies and watch podcast interviews of the best athletes, inventors, scientists, entrepreneurs, etc.

Your most vital health need is sleep and rest.

At home, I go to sleep at 9 pm and wake up at 5 am
I take 20-minute naps whenever I feel the need for a charge.

Bathe outside with rainwater.

At home, I splash bathe in nature (outdoors) 99% of the time, using rainwater collected from my roof. The rainwater is collected in a dozen 200-liter plastic containers left in the sun and heated throughout the day.

Grow vegetables and herbs.

We are blessed to live in a climate conducive to growing our vegetables and herbs.
Plant a variety of vegetables and herbs you use regularly. Develop a rotation system that allows you to harvest all year round.

Care for Animals and Pets

If possible, keep animals and pets around you. They help keep you responsible and teach compassion and unconditional love.
I am just saying Love and Light.



An attempt to assassinate Donald Trump failed…will he give them another chance?

Did the bullet that grazed his cheek and ear hit anyone behind Trump?

Is there a God?

Aloha Friends,

Although it's another beautiful day in paradise, I am concerned.


My circle of concern had a small radius before the attempted assassination of Donald Trump. My concern now is for the billions of people on Earth, which has a diameter of about 7,926 miles.

I spend most of my day watching podcasts by various speakers and guests who are knowledgeable about different topics and issues. I am curious to learn. After a while, you sense, feel, and notice a trend or pattern evolving. My sixth sense and intuitions start to take over, and I begin developing clear thinking. It's an understanding, a knowing without experience or prior knowledge. It may be like a person who has lost their hearing or sight, and the brain, mind, or whatever picks up the slack, reinforces, and enhances the other senses.

My thought impressions and mental images validate my gut feelings. We all have these "gifts" that are difficult to explain. What surprises me is I am developing insight, wisdom, and clarity of thought I only experienced splashes of before, which have become much more prevalent.

I can see and feel the difference in how I process my concerns. Before, my concerns were mainly dealt with by myself and my close circle of family and friends. They have grown exponentially. My concerns are no longer about me, what I have or don't have. It's strange to feel what others are dealing with because I feel safe and secure in my created paradise.

Everyone talks about this being a critical juncture in our lives. We all feel the stress and pressure from all directions. What can we do about it?

I have found the solution that has brought me to this point of clarity and understanding. Knowing I am created of Love and Light and have a clear foundational understanding of who I am, and where I came from, I accept responsibility for my choices and actions. I am not in denial that others may choose another way to find peace, joy, and happiness. It is their choice to make, but accepting responsibility for the consequences of their choices is another matter. To deny you create your experiences is like saying you don't exist. You don't have to accept responsibility for your choices if you don't exist.

We complain about how short life is, yet make choices to make it shorter by negative thinking, fear, and hatred. To say that human beings are incredibly complex is a vast understatement. Some are choosing to be downright evil. The way we treat each other and the things we do that hurt one another are often evil.

Did the creator misjudge his plan to give us life and free will? If aliens created us, this, too, was a major screw-up. Were we an experiment that went wrong? How else can we explain or justify our actions and behavior?

I changed the direction I was looking. I pay way too much attention to people and things outside me. I find more joy, peace, and love when I look within. I can control myself more than I ever tried to control others. I know who I am and what I want, yet I gave my power to others in the past, thinking I needed their permission and approval to make me feel better. It only made me think less about myself. I will keep my concerns closer to my chest. I will take care of my house first and clean up stuff first. I will accept the mindset of always being my best and, in so doing, serving others who deserve and need my help and support. Love and Light.

Just saying…



Aloha Friends,
Another beautiful day in paradise.
My deepest gratitude and appreciation to George Chung, owner of Black Belt Mag, Karate Illustrated, and Fighting Stars publications for a wonderfully crafted article, and for recognizing and giving me credit for the creation of the Ninja movie phenomenon.

Thank you to all the loyal fans of these ninja films. Without all your support and passionate interest it would have never gotten off the ground.

Open and enjoy the link below.



Aloha Friends,

An exceptionally beautiful day in paradise...again.

Something to think about over this weekend.

Cover photo of our new book coming out in Early August 2024.

State of Mind

The truth of our present state of affairs is that fear, hatred, envy, jealousy, and greed have taken over our daily thinking. Our lack of understanding of our spiritual origin causes our difficulty in making clear, logical, and reasonable decisions. This disconnect from their spirituality hinders clear thinking and distorts their appreciation of life’s essence.

As individuals and as a society, we have drifted away from the core of our humanity, leaving us with a profound sense of longing and a need for introspection.

Our obsession with technology and material possessions has separated us from our spiritual creation. We have lost our moral compass, personal integrity, and self-respect. We constantly lie, deny, forget, and regret.
We need to reconnect through a disciplined focus on our attention and intentions to be our best, always. Spiritual dishonesty combined with stress, anxiety, and depression caused by fear and doubt has caused painful experiences in our professions, friendships, personal and romantic relationships, health issues, and lacking self-esteem and personal integrity.

Consciously reaching the flow state is a journey of disciplined repetitive training, a testament to the value of vision and effort in spiritual growth. The joy that accompanies this effort is a deeply satisfying reward in itself, inspiring us to continue on our path to spiritual enlightenment.

The state of flow, where actions unfold effortlessly and naturally, is a testament to the harmony and balance between mind and body. Achieving these states of mind requires conscious mental monitoring.

Love and Light



Aloha Friends,

Ah, yes, another beautiful day in paradise. How can it not be?
I was never a good student; truthfully, I was terrible. I failed the fourth grade and had to repeat it, which was one of the many embarrassing and humiliating experiences of my younger life. Many of you have noticed my ability to destroy the English language, grammar, spelling, and punctuation. I barely graduated from high school. It was my athletic skills and my girlfriend who helped write my term papers.

Thank God now for computer technology.

The Value of Information

Forty years ago, to begin the second half of my life, I started reading and accessing information on various topics and subjects. Limiting my interaction with mainstream society has enhanced my quality of life immeasurably. My knowledge and understanding of life's issues have been life-changing. For those who read my post, witness what I've learned and shared.

I have always heard of the values and benefits of information. Companies, large corporations, and countries have been spying, lying, cheating, stealing, and killing for information. People will do anything to win and gain an edge over the competition and their enemies. Information is the most valuable commodity on Earth.

Everyone talks about the value of information but less about how to internalize and apply it in their daily lives. The problem with applying information personal benefits is that it is unique to each person and highly individualized. Every human has different wants and needs and must decide what information they need and how best to apply it to experience the best life—one's ability to choose what information to use in another story. What personality and character traits are needed to maximize the benefits from information a person may desire to live a healthy, wealthy, successful, happy, meaningful life?

If you were born, grew up, educated, and lived in a society of uneducated, hostile, fearful, angry, hateful, stressful, depressing, and violent people, how could you expect to live a life of love, peace, joy, happiness, compassion, generosity, and kindness? Would it be similar to Albert Einstein's definition of insanity? To do the same thing repeatedly and expecting different results. Even if you are not fully conscious and aware of what is happening in your community, state, country, and world, you sense some aspects of living are ineffable.

Love and Light,


Photos from Mike Stone karate's post 09/07/2024

Aloha Friends,

Another quiet, peaceful day in paradise, as it should be.

I have read about perceptions for years and only recently appreciated their values and benefits. I will share several ideas, beliefs, experiences, and reality about perceptions. Please keep an open mind and heart as it is shared with love.

The Assemblage Point of Perception

Imagine being encased in an energy cocoon, an electrically charged aura surrounding you, and millions of filaments of golden threads from the universe converging on a specific point at the surface of the cocoon. Our perceptions, experiences, beliefs, and reality are focused on that convergence point.

The assemblage point is also where our life force, energies, attention, and intentions are experienced. After years of habituation and repetition, our perceptions become solidified as hard-core beliefs. However, remember that these habits of thinking and believing are not etched in granite. Perceptions and realities can be changed with understanding and wisdom. We may need the help of people with more energy reserve, patience, knowledge, and discipline to guide us. Or, we can create the power to make these changes ourselves. If we shift the assemblage point a fraction of an inch in any direction, our realities will change. It will require discipline and willpower to transform.

We have been taught fear from the earliest learning. Unfortunately, our well-meaning, loving, and caring parents, who wanted to protect and keep us safe, taught us a fear-based reality. Our young parents were limited in their knowledge and experience. I realized early in my martial arts career that I, too, was limited in my knowledge and experience as a teacher.

Our perceptions are the guiding force of our experiences. When we feel stuck, we often have negative experiences. What we believe shapes our experiences. We can feel paralyzed when our attention is locked into specific thoughts. However, it's crucial to realize that feeling stuck is not necessarily a negative situation but a perception. We can change it into a point of power and freedom. We can perceive that we are free to step forward in any direction. The only thing that prevents us from moving is our thoughts.
Our greatest gift, free will to choose, has become our greatest downfall due to our lack of wisdom, clear thinking, and decision-making. We rarely learn from our mistakes because we habitually select the same experiences. It is easy to make the same choices because they feel familiar.

Our identity is solidified by our perceptions and experiences. Our fixed position on our assemblage point prevents us from making better choices. Due to habituation and repetition, that specific assemblage point becomes extremely difficult to move. Our greatest gift, free will to choose, may be our greatest downfall due to our lack of understanding, wisdom, clear thinking, and decision-making.

Love and Light,



Aloha Friends,

Another beautiful day in paradise.

Life has no secrets, but there is a formula.

The Formula: Love + Energy + Time = Abundance, Happiness, Joy, and Peace.

I have observed health, wealth, and happiness and created a formula that has worked wonders for me. I am not exempt from the harsh cruelties, challenges, disappointments, hardships, heartaches, and stress. However, this formula has reduced fear, pain, and suffering by controlling my perceptions and applying four essential ingredients: Love, Energy, Time, and Abundance.


Perception is your key to this secret. You determine and decide what is right and best for you. Perception is the point at which you hang your realities. It is the point of your energy cocoon. A fixed position solidified over the years, believing what others have taught you is reality and valid. To change this position takes more Energy than you presently possess. You have experienced the power of this force as it has made it virtually impossible to make the changes you continually fail to make over the years.


You may experience more than your fair share of obstacles and stumbling blocks in your quest for health, wealth, and happiness. Have no fear; the creator created you in his likeness and image. Love is who you are. Your passion, excitement, commitment, persistence, and determination express being your best. It is not the same as a love of food, ice cream, clothes, jewelry, or a weekend at the beach. Love is who and what you are. It is not an idea you need to become. To become the idea of Love means you are not it. The Love I speak of is inherent and intrinsic to your DNA. Love enjoys and embraces opportunities to be its best. Love will get you up at 5 AM for breathing and stretching exercises.

Contrary to old beliefs, Love does not believe in concepts like hard work, suffering, and sacrifice. Those are negative energies that will impede, hamper, re**rd, and interfere with being your best. Love ensures you are on Time for all appointments, makes no excuses or alibies, and accepts 100% responsibility for all results, outcomes, and consequences of your choices. Love is honest and does not lie, hate, steal, criticize, or blame others. Love accepts, is willing, and allows others to be themselves. Love does not judge, humiliate, condemn, or condone. Love allows each soul to walk its path. Love is creation itself and, therefore, is the first ingredient required to live a healthy, wealthy, happy, and prosperous life.


Albert Einstein said, "Everything is energy." The frequency at which an object vibrates defines and identifies it. You vibrate at a particular frequency of Energy. Your frequency is your identity. You have the gifts of life and free will; this allows you to change who you are to any perception of your desire to be instant. Who you are in this moment is a compilation of your past experiences, feelings, and emotions. The gift of free will allows you to change your mind at any time, as often as you choose, for any reason or no reason. You have always been powerful.
Have you ever noticed how much Energy you have when you are in Love, passionate, or excited about what you desire to be, do, or have? If you are passionate about your job, you may forget to take your lunch break or leave work on time.


This ingredient requires clarity of thought and a deep understanding of universal Time. Man has constructed his illusion of time. We obsess over it instead of controlling it. The universe applies one perception of time: the present moment. It is the only time frame in which we can exist.
The most significant life lesson my mother shared before her death was that death was instantaneous. It only takes a moment.

We create our experiential reality through our perceptions. We are all natural creators. I define my perception as a position on the energy cocoon that encircles my physical body. There is a position on the surface of my energy cocoon where the filaments from the universe come together to a point on the surface of my cocoon. This position is where I focus the Energy of my perception to create my reality. When we habitually keep that same position. We habitually focus on attention and intention on what we think we believe about life. This way of perceiving our reality becomes fixed and solidified in this position, and we become comfortable, complacent, routine, familiar, predictable, and automatic.

Like a cable woven of consistency is who we become. Our perception of Time is highly distorted. Society has collectively agreed to live by Man's illusion of Time. Think of it this way. Regardless of where we are on Earth and its time zone, we can only die in the present moment we exist. The reality is that the moment is the only time we can die because I physically exist at that moment. We can both die at the exact moment in time, regardless of our time zone. If that moment is the only time I exist and can die, it must also be the only time I can truly live. Why are we always spending our lives remembering our past or worrying about our future? We choose to live in our past and future and never enjoy the present moments we exist—a waste of time. Imagine the power you have to perceive your life's experiences only happening in the present moment you exist. Imagine attracting all the people, situations, and circumstances into your present moment, where you can instantly act upon them and receive instant benefits. You would no longer have to wish, hope, and pray for your goals and dreams to come true. You would achieve results instantaneously. Every person and situation can find you because you are always home, living in the present.

I was hooked on Napoleon Hill's Think and Grow Rich book when I was nineteen. I remember using his six-step goal-setting program. I set goals for six months, a year, three years, and 5-year goals. I never felt a sense of urgency to attain my goals because I thought I had plenty of Time to accomplish them. I became discouraged and impatient and changed my goals often, creating more delays and interruptions.

When we take ourselves out of the present to dwell and focus on the past or worry about the mysterious, unknown future, we become stagnant, stuck, and paralyzed to take positive action in the present. Suppose you live in a universal time where your focus, attention, intention, and energies are focused.


Money is one form of abundance, but there are many others, such as happiness, peace of mind, fulfillment, accomplishment, feeling blessed, grateful, appreciative, and creative.
Regardless of your idea of abundance, this formula is the fastest way to experience abundance.

Love and Light,



Aloha Friends,

I am blessed to share another beautiful day in paradise.

Life Energies

We are created and then allowed to be born into the physical world of relativity with two types of energy. The first is spiritual energy, and the second is physical energy. Your physical energy is from your DNA, genetics, and heredity. Physical energy is used for your day-to-day activities, such as powerful forces. This type of energy is like a rechargeable battery. This energy can fluctuate depending on the energy used to accomplish your full potential.
It's up to you to keep your life force strong. You were given two incredible gifts at birth: life and free will. These weren't guarantees but opportunities to make wise choices. You have the power to shape your life, but you must also accept responsibility for the results of your decisions.

Your quality of energy depends on your clarity of thought, sound choices, logic, reason, and wisdom.
Enhancing your life's energies is a journey that can be embarked upon through spiritual awareness, self-discipline, and mental and physical habits. Your lifestyle choices, including what you eat and drink, exercise routine, meditation practices, exposure to sunshine and fresh air, sleep patterns, and attitude, play a significant role in this journey. These choices are daily routines and opportunities to invest in your well-being and vitality.

An analogy I will use regarding your life's energy is to compare it to opening a bank account. The creator opened your life's account by depositing your two greatest gifts at birth: life and free will to choose your life's experiences. You make daily deposits to maintain and ensure the quality of life. Daily deposits through simple mindful choices and disciplined practices.

Daily deposits can be made in several different ways. One is cultivating a positive mindset and always striving to be your best. The others include the three aspects of your humanity: your spirituality, mentality, and physicality.

1- Remember to reconnect to your spiritual origin by knowing who you are and where you came from.
2- Clarity of thought through monitoring your thinking.
3- Avoid ingesting toxins, poisons, preservatives, and harmful additives in your foods and drinks.
4- Avoid smoking, alcohol, and using harmful drugs.
5- Eat only live foods such as fresh fruits and vegetables.
6- Create a daily habit of exercising, meditation, and stretching.
7- Get sufficient sleep, rest, and relaxation.
8- Spend time outside in the sun and breathe fresh air. Visit the beach and the mountains.
9- Drink at least 2 liters of fresh water daily and hydrate whenever you exercise.

As you move through your daily experiences, you will consume your life's energy. Be aware the most significant drain on your energy will be negative thoughts, emotions, and feelings such as fear, hate, anger, jealousy, greed, envy, stress, anxiety, and depression. Be consciously aware by mentally monitoring your thoughts. Be mindful of your choices and decisions. As you move throughout your life, you may meet well-meaning people who may drain you of your life's energy. Everyone has a personal agenda, as you do. Remember, in your agenda, to include gratitude, respect, honor, and personal integrity.

Love and Light



Aloha Friends,

A busy day in Paradise. How Blessed are we?

Setting the Record Straight.

The idea of writing this book has existed for a long time. I write it now with clarity, wisdom, and a clear conscience.

The world has been subjected to untrue sensationalism through the media, gossip shows, and thousands of tabloids for over fifty years. I am telling the truth about my time with Priscilla and Lisa Marie Presley. Although our time together was brief, it was filled with love, joy, and happiness.

It only fits that Priscilla and I can set the record straight. I’ve heard that Priscilla has already stated her position on our relationship. For those looking to read trash-talk, name-calling, and accusations, save your money. Haters will find some satisfaction in my stories about the stupid, petty, childish attitudes I demonstrated occasionally. Some people would love for me to find fault with Priscilla or Lisa Marie, but I can’t do it. They were both a joy to be around. What could I possibly say that was negative, disrespectful, or untrue about a beautiful woman who only wanted to create a life of her choosing? What could I say negatively about the loving, pretty, innocent 6-year-old gem that was Lisa Marie? Nothing. If you look closely at the photo of how Lisa and I looked at each other, it's obvious how we felt about each other. What cruel, unkind lie could I write? Haven’t they all suffered enough?

The only issues I had were never with Priscilla or Lisa Marie but with my naïve ignorance. I had an instinctive dislike for the stupid attitude and mentally bankrupt Hollywood insiders who saw Priscilla as prey. I feared that, in her vulnerable condition, she might jump from the frying pan into the fire. History has a way of repeating itself.
Priscilla is free to choose any lifestyle, but I cautioned her of the consequences of her choices. The past fifty years have revealed the harsh reality, cruelties, and challenges of life with significant loss and sadness. Everyone has the right to choose how they prefer to live. My spirit agreed never to interfere with my choices. Who am I to question anyone else’s choice of how to live? We must allow each soul to walk its chosen path, even if that soul decides to end its own life. Ever notice that the Creator never interferes with a soul who chooses to end its earthly experiences?

I have written about my time with Priscilla and Lisa Marie, remembering the beautiful times and joys we shared. I was truly blessed.

I encourage you to read about these experiences. They are meant to reveal, motivate, and inspire you to remember the wonderful times you shared with loved ones and friends.

We plan to have the book available through Amazon by the middle of August.

Love and Light



Aloha Friends,

Another beautiful sunny day in paradise.

Quality of Life:

I have always looked for a better way to live, a quality lifestyle. This doesn’t require as much money as people think, although I understand how most people have thought the quality of one’s life has a direct connection to the amount of money one has available. If your perspective of life requires you to have a lot of money to ensure you live a “quality” lifestyle, then I can understand that BUY, a quality lifestyle is perceived by people differently. My definition is a bit simplistic, but it has worked well for me so far, and I’m 81 years old. My wants and needs require me to live a far easier and simpler lifestyle than fifty years ago. I have been there and did over 95% of my goals and dreams. The remaining 5% I can live without. The rest of my life is a huge bonus round. In fact, I am looking for ways to give most of what I have to others who can use them.

My definition of quality of life is having the ability, health, and funds to do what I desire when I prefer to do it and with the people I choose to share it with. I came into this life with nothing, and I will leave with no regrets and a lifetime of blessings.

Breathing and Bed Exercises:

I am always looking for better ways of living my life. The physical aspect of my humanity requires me to maintain a healthy mind and body. I strive to improve on these two aspects: being consciously aware and clear and having a healthy functioning body. Since my body is a direct reflection of my thinking I strive to improve my flexibility and range of motion.

I have designed an exercise program that allows me to perform simple breathing and stretching exercises before getting out of bed in the morning. These bed exercises allow me to be awake, aware, alert, and alive, the best way I know to greet each day. I have posted a sample of these breathing and stretching exercises. Enjoy,

Love and Light,

Videos (show all)

Aloha Friends, Another beautiful sunny day in paradise. Quality of Life:I have always looked for a better way to live, a...
Aloha Dear Facebook Friends,Yes, I’m going to say it again, It’s another beautiful day in Paradise.We have all chosen, o...
Aloha Friends,The weather was a bit gloomy, dark and rainy, but for unknown reasons, I and a few others believe that we ...
loha Friends,11:20 AM, January 11, 2024It is an awesomely, beautiful day in Paradise. Just stepped out into the garden t...
Hi Friends,Another beautiful day in paradise.I believe we have many opportunities to act and feel young again. At 78 yea...
