Society of The Knights of Ignatius - Adzu SHS

SKI - SHS is the primary altar serving organization of the Senior High School Unit of AdZU. ⚔️💙


You are invited to the St. Ignatius Mass/Thanksgiving Mass of Fr. Bok Arandia, SJ, on July 29, 2024, at MPCC1. AMDG!

Photos from Society of The Knights of Ignatius - Adzu SHS's post 09/06/2024


“Whoever does the will of God is brother and sister and mother to me.”
Mark 3:20–35

In the section of the Gospel just before these verses, Jesus calls his Twelve Apostles. Now he performs his first exorcism. It is told within the context of conflict with his family.

A crowd so large has gathered that Jesus and his disciples are not even able to eat their bread. His family comes to take him away because they think he is beside himself. And the scribes think he is possessed by the devil. Jesus points out to them the absurdity of their thinking that he uses the devil to cast out demons. In fact, it is Jesus who ties up the strong man, Beelzebub, and overcomes him.

He concludes with a brief saying about the forgiveness of sins. All sin can be forgiven except for blasphemy against the Holy Spirit. It’s not known exactly what he means by this. It could be that the only sin that can’t be forgiven is the one that cuts you off from the source of forgiveness, the Holy Spirit.

Mark then brings Jesus’ family back into the picture. They are not presented in a critical light but are just trying to see him. This gives Jesus the opportunity to point out that family for him is not based on blood.

Gospel Reflection taken from Loyola Press



“May the Heart of Jesus Christ be our school! Let us make our abode there. Let us study its movements and attempt to conform ours to them. Yes, O Divine Jesus, I want to live there.”

-St. Claude de la Colombiere, SJ

The Most Sacred Heart of Jesus is a Catholic devotion known to many. The image of the Most Sacred Heart is proudly presented in our small prayer corners and as gate icons. But as Catholics, we often refrain from looking at the deeper meaning that the Sacred Heart calls us to embrace.

The Sacred Heart devotion was mainly popularized by St. Margaret Mary Alacoque in conjunction with her Jesuit confessor, St. Claude de la Colombiere, SJ. One of the first things that the Blessed Lord said to St. Margaret Mary was, “Behold the Heart that has so loved men. [...] Instead of gratitude I receive from the greater part (of humankind) only ingratitude.” Jesus also asked St. Margaret Mary to commemorate a Feast of Reparation, which today we call the Solemnity of the Most Sacred Heart of Jesus.

The month of June invites us all to repent and ask the Lord for forgiveness because of the ingratitude that we have shown to His most triumphant heart. The devotion invites us to remove the pride and greed in ourselves and transform them into a heart full of humility and love. As a Jesuit Institution, we need to learn how the love of our Lord can soothe our prideful hearts and make us instruments of compassion to a world full of greed and hate.

In this month of June, let us open our hearts to the One who first opened His heart for us.



The Solemnity of Pentecost is celebrated fifty days after Easter. It is the feast on which we remember the gift of the Holy Spirit that overturns the confusion of Babel (see Gn. 11:9). In Jesus, who died, rose and ascended into Heaven, the peoples once again understand each other through one sole language, the language of love.

During the first half of the 3rd century, Tertullian and Origen were already speaking of Pentecost as a Feast that followed the Ascension. As the pilgrim Egeria attests, Pentecost was a Feast that was already celebrated in Jerusalem in the 4th century. It proposed the theme of the renewal that the coming of the Spirit works in the hearts of men and women.

Pentecost has its roots in the Feast of Weeks celebrated by the Jewish people. This was an annual agricultural festival surrounding the first fruits of the spring harvest and celebrated the year’s harvest. Later, it was connected with the revelation of God to Moses, the Ten Commandments.

Then, for Christians, it would become the moment in which Christ, having returned to the glory of the Father, would make himself present in the hearts of men and women through His Spirit, the law given by God written in their hearts: “The new and definitive Covenant is no longer founded on a law that is written on two stone tablets, but on the action of the Spirit of God which makes all things new and is etched on hearts of flesh” (Pope Francis, General Audience, 19 June 2019). With Pentecost, the Church was born and her evangelizing mission began.

exceprt taken from

Photos from Society of The Knights of Ignatius - Adzu SHS's post 17/05/2024


The Society of the Knights of Ignatius had elected the President and Chancellor for S.Y 2024-2025.

The following are the certified proclamation as accorded within the memorandum released by the Club President:

Mr. Carrol Panganiban of STEM Ricci was able to obtain the majority of the votes and is hereby proclaimed to become the President of the Society of the Knights of Ignatius until the end of S.Y 2024-2025. Unless otherwise discharged from his duties by duly appointed members of the faculty or by the orders of the Moderator or impeached from his office with a majority vote of the SKI Assembly.

Mr. Benedict Guevarra of ABM Mayer was able to obtain the majority of the votes and is hereby proclaimed to become the Chancellor of the Society of the Knights of Ignatius until the end of S.Y 2024-2025. Unless otherwise discharged from his duties by duly appointed members of the faculty or by the orders of the Moderator or impeached from his office with a majority vote of the SKI Assembly.

Let us ask the Lord for his continued guidance upon the Society of the Knights of Ignatius as we begin a new chapter within the club.

Enhorabuena Mr. Panganiban and Mr. Guevarra, may you lead SKI-SHS with fervor and love.




So then the Lord Jesus, after he spoke to them, was taken up into heaven and took his seat at the right hand of God. But they went forth and preached everywhere, while the Lord worked with them and confirmed the word through accompanying signs. (Mk. 16:19-20).

The Ascension is a liturgical Solemnity celebrated by all the Christian Churches. It falls on the fortieth day after Easter Sunday. Saint John Chrysostom and Saint Augustine make reference to it, but it was probably Saint Gregory of Nyssa who influenced the propagation of the feast. Since it falls on Thursday, in many countries, this Solemnity is transferred to the following Sunday. With his Ascension into heaven, the presence of the “historical Christ” comes to an end, and the presence of the Body of Christ, the Church, is inaugurated.

The Ascension most certainly marks the completion of Jesus’s earthly life. But it is also a mystery of our own lives, it holds a truth about ourselves: just as He ascended into Heaven and sits at the right hand of the Father, so we too are made for this same “ascension”, this return to the Father. All of creation, as Saint Paul recalls, “awaits with eager expectation…to share in the glorious freedom of the children of God” (Rom. 8:19-21). Jesus’s Ascension in body and soul also tells us that our life, body included, is not an obstacle, but a way to reach Heaven. This is why we are called to make everything we are and do an “offering that is pleasing to God”.

excerpt taken from



Pope Pius XII instituted the feast of St. Joseph the Worker on May 1, 1955 so that it would coincide with International Workers Day, also known as May Day — a secular celebration of labor and workers’ rights.

During this time, the Soviet Union proclaimed themselves as the defender of workers and utilized May Day as an opportunity to exalt Communism and parade its military prowess. Pope Pius XII chose the date specifically to ensure that workers did not lose the Christian understanding of work.

In his message to the Catholic Association of Italian Workers on that day in 1955, Pius XII said: “There could not be a better protector to help you pe*****te the spirit of the Gospel into your life…From the Heart of the Man-God, Savior of the world, this spirit flows into you and into all men; but it is certain that no worker has ever been as perfectly and deeply pe*****ted by it as the putative Father of Jesus, who lived with Him in the closest intimacy and commonality of family and work.”

He added: “So, if you want to be close to Christ, We also today repeat to you 'Ite to Ioseph': Go to Joseph!”

The Catholic Church has long placed an importance on the dignity of human work. By working, we fulfill the commands found in the Book of Genesis to care for the earth and be productive in our labors.

We can see from his actions in scripture that Joseph was a compassionate man, and obedient to the will of God. He also loved Mary and Jesus and wanted to protect and provide for them.

Excerpts taken from the National Catholic Register (NCR)

Photos from Ateneo Catechetical Instruction League - ADZU SHS's post 23/04/2024

As part of the SHS-ARO, we kindly ask everyone to support ACIL’s third and final feeding program. Please refer to the caption below for more information concerning the donation drive!


Dear Friends in the Lord,

Please be informed that Gate 1 of the Eusebio Salvador (La Purisma) Campus will be temporarily closed for two (2) days, on April 13-14 (Saturday and Sunday) for the removal of the Atfest Arko.

For our Sunday Mass Goers, please use Gate 3 for vehicle entrance and exit.

For your information and guidance.

ADZU GS Campus Ministry Office ADZU JHS Campus Ministry Office Adzu Cmo Ateneo de Zamboanga University- Formation Offices Ateneo de Zamboanga University Senior High School

Photos from Society of The Knights of Ignatius - Adzu SHS's post 08/04/2024


“When I was a child, I spoke like a child, I thought like a child, I reasoned like a child. When I became a man, I gave up childish ways. For now we see in a mirror dimly, but then face to face. Now I know in part; then I shall know fully, even as I have been fully known.” -1 Corinthians 13:10–12

The Ignatian Vocation Camp is an annual camp hosted by The Society of the Knights of Ignatius - SHS. In the camp, various activities were held that were purposefully done to form the members to become virtuous and practice Ignatian Spirituality in their everyday lives. The Ignatian Vocation Camp constituted Fr. Tex Paurom SJ as the Main Speaker on Ignatian Discernment Processes. While Br. Gerard Enriquez SJ and Br. Rex Coz SJ shared their vocation story to inspire the young members to find their own. The Ignatian Vocation Camp also coincided with the Pascal Triduum which gave the members an opportunity to expose themselves to the liturgy of the Church.

The participants were divided into three houses, namely, Casa Berchmans, Casa Kostka, and Casa Gonzaga. The competition between the houses were tough but Casa Berchmans became the triumphant victor in the end.

The officers of The Society of the Knights of Ignatius - SHS would like to thank the patrons of the activity, headed by the SHS Principal, Br. Jeff Pioquinto SJ together with the SKI-SHS Moderators, Sir Joshua Ventoza and Br. Gabriel Piquero. Also, we would like to thank the facilitators of the activity, Br. Crispin Ticon, together with the representatives from the AdZU-SHS Office of the Prefect of Discipline and the AdZU-SHS Infirmary Office. Gracias y AMDG!

📸: Kurt Cley L. Adones



Today’s reading from the Gospel of John is proclaimed on the Second Sunday of Easter in each of the lectionary cycles. This fact alone should alert us to the significance of the encounters with the resurrected Jesus that are described in this reading. This Gospel combines two scenes: Jesus’ appearance to his disciples after his Resurrection and Jesus’ dialogue with Thomas, the disciple who doubted.

Part of the mystery of Jesus’ Resurrection is that he appeared to his disciples not as a spirit, but in bodily form. We do not know, however, exactly what this form looked like. Earlier in John’s Gospel, when Mary of Magdala first encountered the risen Jesus, she did not recognize him until he spoke to her. In Luke’s Gospel, the disciples walking along the road to Emmaus did not recognize Jesus until he broke bread with them. We know from readings such as today’s that in his resurrected form, Jesus was not bound by matter; he appeared to the disciples inside a home even though the door was locked. Yet the disciples could still touch the marks of his Crucifixion.

Thomas, the doubting disciple in today’s reading, represents the reality of the Church that comes after this first community of witnesses to Jesus. All but the first disciples of Jesus must believe without seeing. Like Thomas, we may doubt the news that Jesus, who was crucified and buried, appeared to his disciples. Our human nature seeks hard evidence that the Jesus who appeared to his disciples after his death is indeed the same Jesus who was crucified. Thomas is given the opportunity to be our representative in obtaining this evidence. He gives witness to us that the Jesus who was raised is the same Jesus who died. Through the gift of the Holy Spirit, we are among those who are blessed, for we have not seen and yet believe.

Gospel Reflection taken from Loyola Press

Photos from Society of The Knights of Ignatius - Adzu SHS's post 07/04/2024


One week ago, on Easter Sunday, the Society of the Knights of Ignatius - SHS joined the University Church of the Sacred Heart of Jesus in celebrating the Easter Sunday Mass.

On the holiest day of Easter Sunday, the entire Church is jubilant at the resurrection of Jesus Christ. On the Most Sacred Day of Easter Sunday, we reflect on how Christ is our new beginning, and in Him, our own resurrection is found. Therefore, let us go and encounter the Risen Lord, running with joy and triumph to receive His love and mercy.

With this, we would like to thank the University Church of the Most Sacred Heart of Jesus for choosing SKI-SHS as their main altar serving organ. We are very blessed and honored to be one with the community in celebrating the resurrection of our Lord Jesus Christ.

Christus Resurréxit! Resurréxit Vere!

Photos from Society of The Knights of Ignatius - Adzu SHS's post 06/04/2024


Exactly a week ago, the Society of the Knights of Ignatius - SHS joined the University Church of the Sacred Heart of Jesus in celebrating the Easter Vigil.

On the most holy night of the Easter Vigil, the Church is at watch, awaiting the glorious return of Jesus Christ. It is the culminating point of the Paschal Triduum, the Passover of the New Covenant, which remembers Christ’s passage from death to life. The Easter Vigil Liturgy is the most esteemed celebration of God’s victory over death, for through His death and resurrection we are redeemed.

We are honored to take part in the Paschal Triduum, a doorway to commemorating Christ’s Passion, Death, and Ressurection.

📸: Kurt Cley L. Adones

Photos from Society of The Knights of Ignatius - Adzu SHS's post 05/04/2024


Exactly a week ago, the Society of the Knights of Ignatius - SHS joined the University Church of the Sacred Heart of Jesus in celebrating the Good Friday of the Lord’s Passion.

In the celebration of the Good Friday of the Lord’s Passion, no consecration of the sacred species occur which emphasizes the Church’s sorrow on the Death of our Lord Jesus Christ. The celebration also denotes the veneration of the Holy Cross which calls upon our recognition of Jesus as the savior of us all.

We are honored to take part in the Paschal Triduum, a doorway to commemorating Christ’s Passion, Death, and Ressurection.

📸: Kurt Cley L. Adones

Photos from Society of The Knights of Ignatius - Adzu SHS's post 04/04/2024


Exactly a week ago, the Society of the Knights of Ignatius - SHS joined the University Church of the Sacred Heart of Jesus in celebrating the Mass of the Supper of Our Lord. The celebration emphasizes Christ’s institution of the Most Holy Eucharist as a remembrance of His love which is bodily present in the Most Holy Body and Blood which we consume in the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass. During the Mass we also celebrate the washing of the feet as a remembrance that we should love one another just like He had loved us.

We are honored to take part in the Paschal Triduum, a doorway to commemorating Christ’s Passion, Death, and Ressurection.

📸: Kurt Cley L. Adones



Today marks the ᴄᴏᴜɴᴛᴅᴏᴡɴ for the upcoming community initiative of 𝗞𝗮𝗦𝗮𝗠𝗮𝗞𝗮!🥳

Ready yourselves as we soon embark on advocating 𝚎𝚗𝚟𝚒𝚛𝚘𝚗𝚖𝚎𝚗𝚝𝚊𝚕 𝚜𝚞𝚜𝚝𝚊𝚒𝚗𝚊𝚋𝚒𝚕𝚒𝚝𝚢🍃 and 𝗌𝗈𝗅𝗂𝖽 𝗐𝖺𝗌𝗍𝖾 𝗆𝖺𝗇𝖺𝗀𝖾𝗆𝖾𝗇𝗍🗑️ in the wonderland of Barangay Tugbungan🤍 with beneficial seminar and activities!✨

𝙏𝙤𝙜𝙚𝙩𝙝𝙚𝙧, let us create a sustainable community.🫱🏼‍🫲🏽

✍️ : Bianca Obispo
🎨 : Nurdaeya Usman

Photos from KaSaMaKa - Kalikasan para Sa Masang Kabataan's post 04/04/2024

Buenas, AdZU-SHS!☀️⚔️

The Ignatian Camp 2024, previously known as Jesuit Vocation Camp is an annual event hosted by the Society of the Knights of Ignatius - SHS to further Ignatian devotion and vocation among the SHS community. It was inspired by the “Days with the Lord” activities of the different Ateneo Campuses around the Philippines.

Its main objective is to inspire the participants to the path of becoming what God wills them to be. Furthermore, this will also serve as an organ for teambuilding and fostering a connection among the participants.

The activity will be on March 30, 2024 (Holy Saturday) to March 31, 2024 (Easter Sunday).

The Ignatian Camp will be a/an:

- opportunity to know other members of the Club.👯‍♂️
- moment to know and decide on your vocation.🤔
- meaningful experience to enhance knowledge about what track you will choose in life. 👣
- An opportunity to enhance your confidence and to know how to work as a team. 👥

The Ignatian Camp will include:

-3 Meals (Breakfast, Lunch, and Dinner) 🍽️
-Snacks 🥟
-Basic supplies for creative writing and reflection.✍️
-Vocational Materials. 📝
-The chance to use the Lantaka Campus Pool Facility.🏊

A Participant must be:


We highly encourage the G11 Students to join the activity!

The Call Time for Participants will be @12:00NN —March 30, 2024 (HOLY SATURDAY) at the FWS Lobby.


Please fill up the form, and please wait for a message to your FB account if your slot is confirmed.

We hope to see you in the Camp this Saturday. May God bless us all! Gracias y AMDG!

Photos from Society of The Knights of Ignatius - Adzu SHS's post 24/03/2024


Today, marks the beginning of the Holy Week. Often regarded as the most solemn week where the passion, death, and glorious resurrection of Our Lord Jesus Christ is remembered and commemorated. The Palm Sunday Mass in the University Church was held earlier at 11:00AM presided over by Fr. Francisco “Ekku” Bustamante, SJ together with Fr. Edwin Castillo, SJ. The Palm Sunday of the Lord’s Passion is a precursor to the Holy Triduum which SKI will also partake this week. SKI-SHS is honored to be chosen as the main organ for Altar Serving in the University Church of the Most Sacred Heart of Jesus.

📸: Kurt Cley L. Adones



Today, we commemorate St. Joseph. To many, St. Joseph is known as the earthly father of Our Lord Jesus Christ. Even though he never spoke a word in the Gospels, his presence is felt in the stories that we hear at Church. St. Joseph’s silence is not a symbol of his absence, but a mark that he is the silent protector of the Holy Family. As a Father, Joseph exemplified the virtues that every man should have: strong, brave, and loving.

St. Joseph's role as the protector of the Holy Family mirrors the church’s commitment to caring for the spiritual and material needs of those entrusted to her care. Through educational, pastoral, and social ministries, the church seek to emulate St. Joseph's loving care and protection for all members of God's family

We did not see in the Gospels, a father that is strict or iron fi**ed nor did we see a complacent father. Rather, we saw a father that is loving to his family. Let us pray to Saint Joseph that he may strengthen families worldwide and to teach us how to be like him.

Photos from ROME REPORTS's post 13/03/2024

Happy Election Anniversary to our Pontiff, Pope Francis! 🙏🎊🙌



The Church regards with esteem the religion of Islam. They adore the one God, living and subsisting in Himself; merciful and all-powerful, the Creator of heaven and earth, who has spoken to men; they take pains to submit wholeheartedly to even His inscrutable decrees, just as Abraham, with whom the faith of Islam takes pleasure in linking itself, submitted to God.

- Sec. 3 of Nostra Aetate, Proclaimed by HH Pope Paul VI

Today marks the beginning of Ramadan for our Muslim Brothers and Sisters. As Christians, we ought to emulate the example of our brothers and sisters in the faith of Islam. As Ramadan coincides with the Lenten Season, let us look at the example of our fellow muslim brethren as they pray, fast, alms give, and give up temporal desires. As Catholics, we are also called to do the same and to love others as we love ourselves. As the season of Ramadan is celebrated in the Islamic Faith, let us unite our prayers with our Muslim brethren as we pray for peace in Palestine and to a continuous dialogue with each other towards a shared goal of peace and unity in the world.

The Society of the Knights of Ignatius - SHS sincerely greet our Muslim brothers and sisters, especially in the SHS Community, a generous and blessed Ramadan! May your prayerful observance of the fasting season bring you hope, blessings, and joy!

Ramadan Kareem!



The Society of the Knights of Ignatius - SHS greets our friend and President, Fr. Guillrey Anthony “Ernald” Andal SJ, a Happy Birthday!🎉🥳🎂

As our President, we have seen your dedication to furthering Ignatian Spirituality in AdZU, and we see you as our friend and companion in our spiritual life. SKI-SHS is one with the Senior High School Community in greeting Fr. Ernald a Happy Birthday!



Lent is the time when we remember and pay respect to Christ as he fasted for 40 days and was tempted by the devil. Lent reminds us to do Christ’s work. We fast for 40 days as Jesus did during his time in the desert, where he was tempted by the devil. During this time, Jesus continues to spread the word of God. Following the actions of Christ reminds us to be responsible in everything we do. As we give up our traditional earthly desires, we are tempted more and more by those around us. Lent reminds us that pleasure is not everything; pleasure is a temptation that can lead us away from God. Lent is the time to repent of our sins and reflect upon them, all while spreading the word of God.

The gospel for today (Jn 4:42) is the story of the Samaritan woman. It reminds us that God can save us. It can be associated with the phrase “God is the key,” which many take as a joke. It shows us how God knows what we need and the right time to help us succeed and do the work of Christ. Remember that God created us in his own image, making us vessels of his essence. With this, we should practice self-control and avoid temptation at any cost.

Reflection by: Jesther Inovejas



In 1541, The First Companions of the Society of Jesus met to begin the construction of the constitutions of the Society which was done in conformity with the Bull of Approval, "Regimini Militantis Ecclesiae," of Paul III. The Constitutions were written by Saint Ignatius together with the early Jesuits, especially his secretary, Fr. Juan de Polanco SJ. It was adopted by the Society in 1553, which created a centralized organization for the Jesuits to follow and stressed the importance to accept any mission the Pope might call them.

Ignatius’ main principle became the unofficial motto of the Society: Ad Maiorem Dei Gloriam ("For the greater glory of God"). The phrase, often shortened as AMDG, has been adopted by different institutions influenced by the Jesuits or by Ignatian Spirituality. The phrase is designed to reflect the idea that any work that is not inherently evil can be useful for spiritual life if it is performed with the intention of doing more for the greater glory of God, even things normally considered of little importance.

Image taken from JCAP



A friend once told me, “Baka masunog ako pag ako magdadasal.” I pondered upon that remark, often contemplating the fear I would experience if I saw my friend burning. Now, imagine you were with the apostles on the mountain with Jesus, Him saying, “Wait here,” then suddenly His clothes became dazzling white, shining so brightly that it would blind your eyes. Suddenly, two friends on His side are standing, the great prophets of old. If I were there, I would literally be starstruck! But what does Christ intend to do in showing His glory?

The only viable answer to that question is that Christ is foreshadowing His resurrection. Christ’s overwhelming glory is seen in His resurrection and is demonstrated through His passion. The transfiguration is a demonstration of purity, an invitation to our own death to the opaque world, and a glimpse of what happens after we die and rise with Christ.

The Gospel anticipates the glorious purity seen in the resurrection, which we can all attain through Christ’s death. The Gospel invites us to aspire purity in life, not through our own means but by the way our Lord has shown, through His death and our own death to the world. Through our death, we can journey towards a resurrection with Him, partaking in the purity that we once held in the Garden that our first parents abandoned. In the end, we truly burn in encountering God; by dying, our sins are cleansed by fire, and by being cleansed through the death and resurrection of the Lord, we come to partake in His transfigured purity.

Reflection by: Jan Michael Francisco


The Society of the Knights of Ignatius - SHS took part in the Eucharistic Celebration of the Feast of the Chair of Peter the Apostle. The Mass was presided over by Fr. Xavier Olin, SJ, the New Provincial for the Philippine Province of the Society of Jesus.

We pray for the continued vocation to Religous Life, especially to the Society of Jesus. AMDG!


"Come to me all you are weary and I will give you rest"
Matthew 11:28

The Sacrament of Reconciliation will now be available every Wednesday from 11 am to 12 noon at the University Church of the Most Sacred Heart of Jesus.

The Sacrament of Reconciliation, also known as the Sacrament of Penance provides a means for individuals to seek forgiveness for sins committed after baptism, allowing them to be reconciled with God and the Church. The sacrament offers peace of mind and soul, assuring the penitent of the forgiveness of their sins and their restored relationship with God. The sacrament is a celebration of God's love and mercy, emphasizing the importance of repentance and conversion of heart. It is considered a gift from God to enable the forgiveness of sins and to help individuals stay close to the truth that they cannot live without God.


The Society of the Knights of Ignatius - SHS took part in the Sunday Mass for the First Sunday of Lent. The Mass was presided over by an Indonesian Jesuit — Fr. Effendi Sunur, SJ, who empowered the community with a homily emphasizing our need of God’s light and a call to turn away from our bad habits.

The Society of the Knights of Ignatius - SHS is glad to be of service to the Ateneo Community as we begin the solemn season of Lent. AMDG!



As the first Sunday of lent comes around, the scriptures invite us to reflect on the challenges and triumphs of our spiritual journey as embodies spirits.

In the scriptures, we see the beauty of our close relationship with God alongside the reality of our vulnerability to temptation. The Responsorial Psalm echoes our heartfelt cries for forgiveness and restoration, while St. Paul's words remind us of the profound impact of both sin and grace on our lives. And in the Gospel, we witness Jesus' own struggle with temptation, showing us that even in our weakest moments, we can find strength and hope in God's promises.

As we navigate the Lenten season, may we embrace the opportunity for growth and renewal, trusting in the mercy and love of our Creator to guide us through every trial and lead us to the joy of redemption found in Christ.

Reflection by: Kurt Cley L. Adones

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