Tasleem Al Quran Academy

>Islamic Tutoring & Spiritual journey
>Quran & Arabic learning with our Expert teachers worldwide Separate class time & Group Classes.

TAQ Academy, A highly trusted institute specially build for a Women Islamic Education & for kids. You can learn in a comfortable Online home environment with our Qualified and Experienced Female tutors. If you want to learn Quran Education, Arabic or want to correct your mistakes then you can join us...
We have a upto 15 years of teaching experience Alhamdulillah...
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This verse, "Indeed, He is Knowing of that within the breasts" (67:13), emphasizes the profound and all-encompassing knowledge of Allah. It serves as a powerful reminder of His intimate awareness of our innermost thoughts, feelings, and intentions. Unlike human perception, which is limited to outward appearances, Allah's knowledge penetrates the depths of our hearts and minds. This understanding invites believers to cultivate sincerity and mindfulness, knowing that their true selves are fully known to their Creator. It also offers comfort, as Allah is aware of every pain, struggle, and hidden sorrow, assuring us that nothing escapes His divine attention and care.


Allah, in His infinite wisdom and knowledge, is described as the All-Hearing and All-Knowing in this powerful verse. It serves as a profound reminder that nothing escapes His attention—whether it be a whispered conversation or an unspoken thought buried deep within the heart. This verse encourages believers to maintain sincerity in every action and word, knowing that Allah is aware of all intentions. His hearing is not limited to sounds alone; He listens to the cries of the soul, the pleas for help, and the gratitude expressed in silence. Similarly, His knowledge transcends human understanding, encompassing every aspect of life, from the smallest details to the grandest events. This divine attribute calls for a heightened sense of responsibility and consciousness in our daily lives, motivating us to act with integrity and humility, always aware of Allah's encompassing presence.


At Tasleem Al Quran Academy, we are immensely proud of our talented students for their outstanding contributions to our recent art drawing activity. Their creativity, passion, and dedication have shone through in every piece of artwork. Each drawing reflects a unique perspective, combining both artistic talent and spiritual insight. We applaud their efforts and encourage them to continue exploring their artistic abilities while staying rooted in their faith. Keep up the great work, young artists—your future is bright!


This narration highlights a fundamental principle in Islam: fairness and equality among children. The Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) emphasized the importance of treating all children equally when it comes to gifts, privileges, and love. By advising the father to take back the gift because it wasn’t distributed equally, the Prophet (PBUH) stressed that favoritism can create resentment and division within families.

Justice between children ensures that they grow up feeling valued and cherished equally, which fosters a harmonious family environment. When parents show impartiality, they instill in their children the values of fairness and equality, which are essential for their development and future relationships. This also serves as a reminder that fairness is not just about material things but also about emotional and psychological support.


In this verse, the Quran emphasizes its comprehensive nature, illustrating a multitude of examples tailored for the understanding of humanity. It suggests that within its verses lie various narratives, parables, and analogies, all designed to resonate with different individuals across diverse circumstances. This richness underscores the Quran's relevance throughout time and its ability to address the needs and questions of all people, regardless of their background or situation.


Surah Al-Jathiya, Ayah 19 states, "And Allah is the Protector of the righteous." This profound verse emphasizes the special relationship between Allah and those who are righteous, known as the "muttaqeen." Being righteous, or having taqwa, means living a life in accordance with Allah's commandments, being mindful of His presence, and striving to avoid sins. The verse reassures believers that when they uphold righteousness, they are not alone; Allah Himself is their protector, guardian, and ally. This divine guardianship means that Allah provides guidance, support, and protection in both worldly affairs and spiritual matters. It encourages believers to maintain their faith and piety, knowing that their efforts will be rewarded by Allah's unwavering support. The verse also serves as a reminder that true protection and success come from aligning oneself with Allah’s will and seeking His favor through righteous actions.


This verse beautifully highlights the boundless mercy of Allah and the ultimate reward awaiting those who repent, believe, and consistently engage in righteous deeds. The believers who have sincerely turned to their Lord are promised something beyond comprehension—complete forgiveness from their Creator. This divine pardon is not merely the removal of sins but the opening of doors to eternal bliss.

The imagery of "gardens beneath which rivers flow" paints a serene and comforting picture of Paradise. It symbolizes peace, abundance, and a life free from any form of hardship or worry. The flowing rivers beneath these eternal gardens serve as a metaphor for the never-ending rewards that will be granted to the righteous. The verse reassures believers that the paradise awaiting them is not temporary; they will reside there forever, in a state of eternal satisfaction and joy.

This verse also emphasizes the value of righteous labor. The phrase "excellent is the reward of the righteous workers" reflects that Allah appreciates and rewards every sincere effort made in His path. The reward of such righteous work is not only a better life in this world but the ultimate success in the hereafter.


Here's an appreciation paragraph for the students:

"Heartfelt congratulations to our talented students at Tasleem Al Quran Academy for their incredible artistic efforts in the recent art drawing activity! Your creativity and passion shine through every stroke, and we are immensely proud of how you've beautifully expressed your thoughts through art. Keep nurturing this gift, and continue to inspire others with your unique talent. May this achievement encourage you to explore even more of your potential! 🌟🎨"


The message in this profound hadith highlights the depth of love and loyalty a true believer must have for the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him). It's not merely a verbal affirmation, but a heartfelt commitment that transcends all other relationships. The love for the Prophet isn't just about emotions, but about prioritizing his teachings and the values he stood for above all personal ties.

This love is an essential aspect of faith because it reflects a believer's recognition of the Prophet’s role as a guide, teacher, and the one who conveyed Allah's message. By making the Prophet’s example the central focus of our lives, we align our actions, thoughts, and desires with what is most beloved to Allah.

Loving the Prophet more than anyone else means following his Sunnah, standing up for justice, treating people with compassion, and spreading peace. It's about embodying his character in every interaction, striving to live by the principles he lived by, and cherishing the guidance he brought into this world. When a person’s love for the Prophet surpasses all worldly attachments, it ensures that their faith is sincere, their actions are righteous, and their ultimate goal is to seek Allah's pleasure.


Surah Al-Mu'min, Ayah 60, carries a profound and reassuring message from Allah to all believers. It emphasizes the direct and personal relationship between the Creator and His creation. Allah invites us to reach out to Him in prayer, promising that our supplications will not go unheard. This verse highlights the power and importance of dua (prayer) as a means of seeking help, expressing gratitude, and finding solace. It reminds us that no matter the circumstances, Allah is always accessible, ready to listen and respond to our needs. This divine assurance encourages believers to maintain hope and trust in Allah’s mercy and wisdom. It’s a reminder of His omnipresence and the intimate bond He shares with those who call upon Him with sincerity and faith.


In the profound verse from the Quran, Allah reassures believers of His unwavering support and guidance, declaring Himself as their ultimate protector. With the divine attributes of knowledge and wisdom, Allah encompasses all understanding and discernment. This verse serves as a reminder of the omnipotence and benevolence of Allah, instilling a sense of trust and reliance among His followers.


Surah Ash-Shura (42:37) brings attention to a profound aspect of human character—self-control and forgiveness. The verse begins by highlighting a defining trait of the righteous: they consciously stay away from major sins and acts of immorality. This shows their commitment to purity, not just in their actions but in their thoughts and lifestyle.

A significant part of this verse speaks about anger. Anger is a natural emotion, but what distinguishes the righteous is their ability to forgive even when provoked. Instead of acting on their emotions in moments of rage, they choose mercy and patience. This attitude requires immense inner strength and a high level of spiritual maturity. Forgiving someone in the heat of anger reflects not just discipline but also a strong connection with Allah, knowing that forgiveness brings rewards and peace.

In a broader sense, this verse encourages believers to adopt forgiveness as a way of life. It calls for nurturing empathy, understanding that holding onto anger only harms the soul. The ability to forgive is portrayed as a noble virtue, one that brings a person closer to the pleasure of Allah.


At Tasleem Al Quran Academy, we are immensely proud of our talented students who have showcased their artistic skills in the recent drawing activity. Their dedication, creativity, and passion for learning shine through each stroke, as they beautifully merge art with their understanding of Quranic teachings. These masterpieces reflect not only their talent but also their commitment to expressing their faith in meaningful ways. Keep up the amazing work, young artists – your efforts inspire us all!


This beautiful saying of the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) highlights the spiritual purity required for entering Paradise. The comparison to birds symbolizes innocence, humility, and a heart free from negativity such as malice, envy, or hatred. Birds have a natural sense of trust and reliance on their Creator for sustenance and survival. Similarly, a believer is encouraged to have a heart filled with trust in Allah, devoid of ill feelings towards others, and maintaining a state of peace and serenity.

In this world full of trials, it is easy for hearts to become hardened by resentment or jealousy. However, those who manage to keep their hearts soft, pure, and free from hatred, resembling the gentle and trusting nature of birds, are promised a great reward. This Hadith serves as a reminder to constantly cleanse our hearts from negative emotions, focus on forgiveness, and adopt a state of inward tranquility that leads us closer to Allah and His eternal reward of Paradise.


This verse highlights the mercy and compassion of Allah. It comes in the context of the rules of fasting, demonstrating that the commands of Allah are not meant to place an unbearable burden on believers. Allah encourages ease in worship, allowing flexibility in difficult circumstances, such as when someone is ill or traveling. This reflects His wisdom and kindness, ensuring that religious practices are attainable for everyone. The message serves as a reminder that Islam is a religion that nurtures the well-being of its followers and is meant to facilitate spiritual growth without overwhelming difficulty.


The verse you provided, Surah Al-Buruj (85:14), emphasizes Allah's attributes of forgiveness and love. This verse is often interpreted as highlighting the merciful and compassionate nature of Allah towards His creation. It serves as a reminder of His willingness to forgive sins and His boundless love for humanity.


The verse "Indeed, good deeds remove bad deeds" from Surah Hud (11:114) highlights a profound principle in Islam. It reminds us that no matter how much we may falter, the door to redemption is always open through righteous actions. Each good deed serves as a light, dispelling the darkness of past mistakes. It’s an encouragement to continually strive for goodness, knowing that every positive action carries the power to erase previous wrongs. This verse fosters hope, urging us to pursue a path of virtue with the assurance that our efforts will not only be rewarded but will also cleanse us from our past errors.


What a remarkable display of creativity and talent by the students at Tasleem Al Quran Academy! Your dedication and passion for art are truly inspiring. Each stroke and color choice reflects your understanding and connection to the beautiful teachings of the Quran. Keep up the fantastic work—your efforts are a testament to your hard work and artistic growth.


This hadith beautifully emphasizes the immense value and significance of the simple yet profound phrases of dhikr (remembrance of Allah) in Islam. The phrases "SubhanAllah, Alhamdulillah, La ilaha illallah, and Allahu Akbar" encapsulate the essence of faith and the recognition of Allah's majesty, gratitude, and oneness.

When the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) states that these phrases are more beloved to him than anything in the universe, it highlights the immense spiritual reward and inner peace that comes from constant remembrance of Allah. This comparison to the entire universe signifies that the true wealth of a believer lies not in material possessions but in the connection and closeness to Allah.

"SubhanAllah" reminds us of the perfection of Allah and our need to glorify Him. "Alhamdulillah" is a declaration of gratitude, acknowledging that all blessings come from Allah. "La ilaha illallah" is the core of our faith, affirming the oneness of Allah. "Allahu Akbar" recognizes the greatness of Allah above all else.

These simple words carry profound meanings that resonate with the heart and soul, elevating a believer's status in the eyes of Allah and providing solace in both good and challenging times. They are keys to contentment, spiritual elevation, and the ultimate success in this life and the hereafter.


The verse from the Quran, Surah Ar-Rum (30:12), depicts a vivid scene of the Day of Judgment, where those who have committed crimes and transgressions will be filled with despair. This ayah serves as a reminder of the accountability that awaits individuals for their actions in the afterlife. The portrayal of criminals facing hopelessness on the Day of Judgment underscores the gravity of moral responsibility in Islam. This verse emphasizes the importance of living a righteous life and adhering to the teachings of Islam to avoid the consequences of wrongdoing.



This verse from Surah Al-Qasas captures a profound moment of humility and recognition of human fallibility. The speaker, in this context, is Prophet Musa (Moses, peace be upon him), who acknowledges his mistake and turns to Allah with a sincere plea for forgiveness. This act of seeking forgiveness reflects a deep awareness of one’s shortcomings and the importance of turning to Allah in moments of weakness.

The phrase “I have wronged myself” signifies the realization that sins and mistakes ultimately harm the individual, distancing them from the mercy of Allah. By admitting his error, Musa (peace be upon him) exemplifies the ideal response when one falters: immediate repentance and a sincere request for Allah’s forgiveness. This verse serves as a powerful reminder that no matter the gravity of our mistakes, Allah’s mercy is always within reach for those who sincerely seek it.

The plea “so forgive me” is not just a request but a demonstration of complete reliance on Allah’s mercy. It teaches us that acknowledging our faults and seeking forgiveness is a sign of spiritual maturity and strength. It emphasizes that forgiveness is a divine gift, and recognizing one’s need for it is the first step towards spiritual purification and growth.


When Allah says, "Fear not! Indeed, I am with you both; I hear and I see everything," He is offering profound reassurance to the Prophets Musa (Moses) and Harun (Aaron) as they embark on a daunting mission. This verse highlights the divine support that accompanies those who strive for justice and truth. In a world filled with challenges, the assurance of Allah's presence brings immense comfort. The phrase "I am with you" signifies not just a physical presence, but an active engagement where Allah is fully aware of every sound and sight, every word spoken, and every action taken.

This verse teaches us the power of faith in the face of fear. It encourages believers to trust in Allah's guidance and protection when confronted with difficulties. The knowledge that Allah is both hearing and seeing reminds us that nothing escapes His attention, and every effort made in His cause is acknowledged. This divine companionship is a source of strength, enabling us to move forward with confidence, knowing that we are never alone in our struggles.


This verse from Surah At-Tawbah emphasizes the profound reliance a believer places in Allah. It begins with a declaration of complete trust, "Sufficient for me is Allah," signifying that no matter the circumstances or challenges one faces, Allah alone is enough to provide comfort, support, and guidance. The verse continues with the affirmation that there is no deity except Him, reinforcing the core belief of Tawheed (the Oneness of Allah).

When a person wholeheartedly relies on Allah, they acknowledge that He is the ultimate source of power and authority. The phrase "On Him I have relied" illustrates a deep and unwavering faith, where a believer places all their trust and hopes in Allah's wisdom and mercy. Finally, the verse concludes by recognizing Allah as the "Lord of the Mighty Throne," highlighting His supreme dominion over all creation, reminding believers of His vast and unparalleled authority.


The saying of the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) beautifully encapsulates the transformative power of charity. By giving, we not only aid those in need but also bring ourselves closer to divine mercy. Charity, in this sense, acts as a shield, protecting us from the trials and tribulations that might otherwise come our way. It cools the flames of anger, whether from our Creator or within our own hearts, fostering peace and tranquility. Furthermore, it safeguards us from the ultimate fear—an untimely and ill-fated end. By engaging in acts of charity, we align ourselves with divine compassion, ensuring that our final moments are met with grace rather than despair. This profound teaching reminds us of the lasting impact of generosity, both in this life and the hereafter.


In this verse, Allah reminds us of His all-encompassing knowledge and wisdom. He alone knows who has deviated from the path of righteousness and who is truly guided. Human judgment is often limited and flawed, but Allah's understanding is perfect and complete. This serves as a reminder to trust in His wisdom, especially when faced with situations where we cannot discern the true state of others. It also encourages self-reflection, urging us to strive for sincerity and righteousness, knowing that only Allah fully understands our inner state and intentions.

Guidance is a gift from Allah, and while we may try our best to stay on the right path, it is ultimately He who knows our hearts and deeds. This verse reassures believers that Allah is fully aware of their struggles and efforts to remain on the straight path. It also serves as a warning to those who stray, reminding them that nothing is hidden from Allah, and that He knows the true nature of their actions.

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In Surah Al-Mulk, verses 12 and 13 carry a profound message about the inner consciousness of a believer and the omniscie...
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This supplication reflects a deep recognition of human vulnerability and dependence on divine mercy. It is a heartfelt p...
This profound statement sheds light on the nature of challenges in our lives, guiding us to differentiate between those ...
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In Surah An-Nisa, Ayah 31 and 32, Allah conveys profound messages about sin, mercy, and contentment. The first verse und...
Reflecting on the words of Allah, it becomes clear that gratitude plays a crucial role in our spiritual journey. By utte...
In these powerful verses, Allah addresses all of humanity, highlighting our complete dependence on Him. Despite our achi...




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