Care Physical Therapy Center

CPTC provides optimal therapy results. We listen to your concerns and help set meaningful goals by s


Piriformis Syndrome
When Piriformis muscle irritates sciatic nerve, it cause Piriformis Syndrome.


Strain and Sprain
The sprain injures the band of tissues that connect two bones together and Strain injures the muscles or the bands that attaches muscle to bone.


Excess fluids gather in the lymphatic system, which then moves around in the bloodstream, causing swelling. Physical therapists use Complete decongestive therapy (CDT) to reduce swelling and prevent future fluid buildup.


گردن کا درد کیا ہے؟
گردن میں درد کسی بھی وقت ہوتا ہے جب آپ کی گردن میں درد ہوتا ہے۔ یہ بہت ساری وجوہات کے ساتھ ایک عام مسئلہ ہے۔ آپ کی گردن ایک مشکل کام ہے. یہ سارا دن بولنگ گیند کے برابر وزن رکھتا ہے۔ آپ کی ریڑھ کی ہڈی کے اوپر کی ہڈیاں، آپ کے پٹھوں اور لگاموں کے ساتھ، آپ کے سر کو سہارا دیتی ہیں، جس کا وزن تقریباً 11 پاؤنڈ ہے۔ یہ ایک نازک توازن ہو سکتا ہے. غلط نیند جیسی چیزیں گردن میں درد کا سبب بن سکتی ہیں.
اس کا علاج فزیوتھیراپی سے ممکن ہے۔
For the treatment of Neck Pain.
Visit: Care Physical Therapy Center (CPTC)
Address: BIC Office, First Floor, Student Teacher Center, New Campus (Jhang Road) GCUF Faisalabad, Punjab, Pakistan-38000
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What is Frozen Shoulder?
To understand Frozen Shoulder, and to read it in easy words. Visit the website!!


فزیوتھراپی کو عرفِ عام میں فزیکل تھراپی بھی کہا جاتا ہے، جو میڈیکل سائنس کی ایک اہم شاخ ہے ۔فزیو کے معنی’’ طبّی ‘‘اور تھراپی کے ’’علاج‘‘ کےہیں۔یہ ایک ایسا طریقۂ علاج ہے، جس میں ادویہ کےبغیریعنی ورزش اور متعدد اقسام کی مشینوں کے ذریعے علاج کیا جاتا ہے۔انیسویں صدی کے اوئل میں ان طریقوں کا سائنسی بنیادوں پر استعمال شروع ہوا ۔
اب فزیوتھراپی کو ہڈیوں، جوڑوں، پٹّھوں کی تکالیف، سوزش، چوٹ، آپریشن کے بعد اعضاء کی بحالی ، پھیپھڑوں کے عوارض اور کئی اعصابی و دماغی بیماریوں مثلاً لقوہ، فالج، پارکنسنز وغیرہ کے علاج کے لیے مؤثر قرار دیا جاتا ہے۔


Kyphosis is an exaggerated, forward rounding of the back. It can occur at any age but is most common in older women. Stretching exercises may help improve spinal flexibility and relieve back pain.
For the treatment of Kyphosis
Visit: Care Physical Therapy Center (CPTC)
Address: BIC Office, First Floor, Student Teacher Center, New Campus (Jhang Road) GCUF Faisalabad, Punjab, Pakistan-38000
Contact us: +92-301-5250712
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Scoliosis is a sideways curvature of the spine that most often is diagnosed in adolescents.


علامہ محمد اقبال ہماری قوم کے رہبر و رہنما تھے،آپ کو شاعر مشرق کہا جاتا ہے ۔ یہ ایک حقیقت ہے کہ اہل مشرق کے جذبات و احساسات کی جس طرح ترجمانی کا حق اقبال مرحوم نے ادا کیا ہے اس طرح کسی دوسرے نے نہیں کیا ہے ۔ ان کی شاعری عروج رفتہ کی صدا ہے ۔ ان کے افکار و نظریات عظمت مسلم کے لئے ایک بہترین توجیہ اور جواز فراہم کرتے ہیں،اوراسلام کی انقلابی ،روحانی اوراخلاقی قدروں کاپراثرپیغام ہے ۔ان کی شاعری میں نری جذباتیت نہیں بلکہ وہ حرکت وعمل کاایک مثبت درس ہے ۔


Cerebral palsy (CP) refers to a group of neuropathy that appears in infancy or early childhood and has a lasting effect on body movements, muscle tone, posture, and coordination. Cerebral palsy (CP) is caused by abnormalities or damage inside the developing brain that disrupts the ability of the brain to control movements and maintain posture and balance.the term Cerebrum Refers to the brain. paralysis Refers to loss or impairment of motor function.
For treatment Visit: Care Physical Therapy Center (CPTC)
Address: BIC Office, First Floor, Student Teacher Center, New Campus (Jhang Road) GCUF Faisalabad, Punjab, Pakistan-38000
Contact us: +92-301-5250712
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اوسٹیو آرتھرائٹس لفظ کا تعلق انگریزی زبان سے ہے جس کے معنی ''ورم مفصل و عظم ، جوڑوں کا مرض جو 40 سال کی عمر کے بعد ہوتا ہے. عموماً موٹوں کو ہوتاہے ہڈیوں کے سرے گھس کر رگڑ کھاتے ہیں. اس کا علاج فزیوتھیراپی سے ممکن ہے۔

For the treatment of Osteoarthritis,
Visit: Care Physical Therapy Center (CPTC)
Address: BIC Office, First Floor, Student Teacher Center, New Campus (Jhang Road) GCUF Faisalabad, Punjab, Pakistan-38000
Contact us: +92-301-5250712
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گولفرکہنی ٹینڈونائٹس کی ایک شکل ہے جو کہنی میں درد اور سوزش کا سبب بنتی ہے۔ درد آپ کی بازو میں پھیل سکتا ہے۔ یہ عام طور پر آرام کے ساتھ بہتر ہو جاتا ہے۔


• آپ کی کہنی میں سختی۔
• درد ، عام طور پر آپ کی کہنی کے اندرونی حصے یا آپ کے بازو کے اندرونی حصے پر ، لیکن آپ کو کچھ حرکتوں سے درد ہوسکتا ہے ، جیسے مٹھی بنانا یا گولف کلب جھولنا
• آپ کی انگلیوں بے حسی (عام طور پر انگوٹھا اور چھوٹی انگلیاں)
• آپ کے ہاتھوں اور کلائیوں میں کمزوری۔

• کھیل جو ریکیٹ استعمال کرتے ہیں
• کھیل جو تیر اندازی ، بیس بال ، فٹ بال ، برچھی پھینکنے اور سافٹ بال جیسے بہت سے پھینکنے والی حرکتوں پر انحصار کرتے ہیں۔
• بار بار دہرانے والی حرکتیں۔


What are the best stretches, strengthening, or other kinds of movements for golfer's elbow? Utilizing these exercises for GOLFER’S ELBOW you'll address the local capacity of the tissues around the medial epicondyle, while also developing the entire kinetic chain, maximizing upper body function that may contribute to the function of the medial elbow structures. Tell us in the comments what kind of pathology or condition you'd like us to cover the best exercises for in the future!

Note: The information presented is not intended as medical advice. If you are experiencing pain, please seek the appropriate healthcare professional.

Visit: Care Physical Therapy Center (CPTC) Address: BIC Office, First Floor, Student Teacher Center, New Campus (Jhang Road) GCUF Faisalabad, Punjab, Pakistan-38000
Contact us: +92-301-5250712
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گاؤٹ گٹھیا کی ایک قسم ہے جو سوجن کا سبب بنتی ہے ، عام طور پر ایک جوڑ میں ، جو اچانک شروع ہوتا ہے۔ گاؤٹی گٹھیا جوڑ میں یورک ایسڈ کے سوئی نما کرسٹل کے جمع ہونے کی وجہ سے ہوتا ہے۔ گاؤٹ کی علامات شامل ہیں۔ جلد کے نیچے نوڈول ، جسے ٹوفی کہتے ہیں ، مشترکہ لالی ، سوجن جوڑ ، جوڑوں کا درد ، اور جوڑ کی گرمی.
For the treatment of Gout Visit: Care Physical Therapy Center (CPTC)
Address: BIC Office, First Floor, Student Teacher Center, New Campus (Jhang Road) GCUF Faisalabad, Punjab, Pakistan-38000
Contact us: +92-301-5250712
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Physiotherapy is such a wide field, we can never imagine. Learn it, read about it and make yourselves healthy without medications.

Visit: Care Physical Therapy Center (CPTC)
Address: BIC Office, First Floor, Student Teacher Center, New Campus (Jhang Road) GCUF Faisalabad, Punjab, Pakistan-38000
Contact us: +92-301-5250712
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Every year 16th October is observed as World Spine Day. To create awareness about spine pain and related disorders around the world. This day highlights the importance of keeping your spine healthy and well being.

Visit: Care Physical Therapy Center (CPTC)
Address: BIC Office, First Floor, Student Teacher Center, New Campus (Jhang Road) GCUF Faisalabad, Punjab, Pakistan-38000
Contact us: +92-301-5250712
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شیاٹیکا انتہائی اذیت ناک درد ہے۔ جو کسی دباؤ، مہروں میں خرابی کی وجہ سے ہو سکتا ہے۔ اس سے گھبرائیں نہیں ہم آپ کو شیاٹیکا کا مکمل علاج فراہم کر رہےہیں۔ وہ بھی بنا کسی دوا اور سرجری کے۔
درد سے گھبرائیں نہیں، بلکہ اس کا علاج کرائیں اور اسے جڑ سے اکھاڑ پھینکیں۔
ہم جراحی کے عمل اور ادویات کا استعمال کیے بغیر اپنے مریضوں کا بہترین علاج یقینی بناتے ہیں۔
مزید معلومات کے لئے ہمارا نمبر ڈائل کریں اور بکنگ کروائیں۔
ہمیں, 03015250712 پر کال کریں
نیچے دیے گیٗے لنک پر کلک کریں۔


Relieve Sciatica Pain in SECONDS

Dr. Hamza shows how to get IMMEDIATE relief for sciatica pain in few seconds!
This step-by-step sciatica relief guide will focus on releasing tension on the sciatic nerve through gentle and EFFECTIVE stretches. All of these exercise steps are easy, can be done AT HOME, don't require any special equipment and can give QUICK relief.
Visit: Care Physical Therapy Center (CPTC) Address: BIC Office, First Floor, Student Teacher Center, New Campus (Jhang Road) GCUF Faisalabad, Punjab, Pakistan-38000
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Cupping therapy is one of the oldest and most effective method of releasing the toxins from body tissue and organs. It is also known as vacuum cupping, hijama cupping, horn treatment etc. It is a practice in which the therapist puts special cups on the skin to create suction.

Visit: Care Physical Therapy Center (CPTC)
Address: BIC Office, First Floor, Student Teacher Center, New Campus (Jhang Road) GCUF Faisalabad, Punjab, Pakistan-38000
Contact us: +92-301-5250712
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Self Test for Sciatica

Do You Have Sciatica? (Self-Test for sciatica)
Sciatica, Sciatic Pain
Visit: Care Physical Therapy Center (CPTC) Address: BIC Office, First Floor, Student Teacher Center, New Campus (Jhang Road) GCUF Faisalabad, Punjab, Pakistan-38000 Contact us: +92-301-5250712

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Dr. Muhammad Hamza is an experienced Physiotherapist and he has great hands on skills. If you are suffering from Joints pain, Musculoskeletal problems or any disability, Get an appointment and We assure you better results.
Physiotherapy can make your life better.
Care Physical therapy center. Our moto is to bring every less fit or differently abled person Back to Life.

Visit: Care Physical Therapy Center (CPTC)
Address: BIC Office, First Floor, Student Teacher Center, New Campus (Jhang Road) GCUF Faisalabad, Punjab, Pakistan-38000
Contact us: +92-301-5250712
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Besides being more effective, physical therapy is less risky and leads to far fewer negative side effects. In contrast, the CDC reports that opioid use led to more than 28,000 deaths in 2014 alone.
So Physiotherapy is the best medicine.

Visit: Care Physical Therapy Center (CPTC)
Address: BIC Office, First Floor, Student Teacher Center, New Campus (Jhang Road) GCUF Faisalabad, Punjab, Pakistan-38000
Contact us: +92-301-5250712
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SMR is an acronym for self-myofascial release, a technique that involves applying pressure to the tissues that surround, support, and connect your muscles.

You should never use a foam roller directly on the lower back. ... If you use a foam roller on your lower back, the spinal muscles could contract and cause more damage than good, especially if your back pain is caused by a condition in the lumbar spine.


What is Sciatica?

Sciatica is a type of pain that stems from the irritation or inflammation of the sciatic nerve. The sciatic nerve is the longest nerve in the human body running from the spinal cord through the buttocks and down each leg any right below the knee. Common symptoms are leg pain tingling and numbness in the leg and feet, and pain throughout the lower back and buttocks. Sciatica is a term used to describe the symptoms like: pain, weakness, numbness, burning or tingling in the leg. Sciatica can be caused by lumbar hernaited disc, degenerative disc disease, lumbar stenosis or spondylolisthesis. Visit: Care Physical Therapy Center (CPTC) Address: BIC Office, First Floor, Student Teacher Center, New Campus (Jhang Road) GCUF Faisalabad, Punjab, Pakistan-38000 Contact us: +92-301-5250712
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Frozen shoulder is a painful condition in which the movement of the shoulder becomes limited. Frozen shoulder occurs when the strong connective tissue surrounding the shoulder joint (called the shoulder joint capsule) become thick, stiff, and inflamed.
If You are suffering from Frozen Shoulder then visit a Physiotherapist.

Visit: Care Physical Therapy Center (CPTC)
Address: BIC Office, First Floor, Student Teacher Center, New Campus (Jhang Road) GCUF Faisalabad, Punjab, Pakistan-38000
Contact us: +92-301-5250712
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Physiotherapy keeps you moving.

Visit: Care Physical Therapy Center (CPTC)
Address: BIC Office, First Floor, Student Teacher Center, New Campus (Jhang Road) GCUF Faisalabad, Punjab, Pakistan-38000
Contact us: +92-301-5250712
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There are many kind of Back deformities.
If your work is related to lifting, you might get Lifter's Backpain. If you don't put your head at a comfortable place then you definitely will suffer from Couch Neck. You use computer in daily life or you are a game lover, you must be suffering from Computer Neck and Backpain. Similarly, you might develop pain due to Driving Tension or Telephone neck and Bending your head forward also can cause Back pain.
If you are suffering from any of these, must visit a Physiotherapist.

Physiotherapy can bring you back to normal Life.

Visit: Care Physical Therapy Center (CPTC)
Address: BIC Office, First Floor, Student Teacher Center, New Campus (Jhang Road) GCUF Faisalabad, Punjab, Pakistan-38000
Contact us: 0301-5250712

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Rheumatism is not cured easily. It is important to meticulously follow the restrictions of diet & activity as advised by physician & undertake physiotherapy.


What is Physiotherapy? Everything you need to know?

What is Physiotherapy as explained by Dr. Hamza, Care Physical Therapy Center. Contents: PHYSIOTHERAPY— Physical therapy, also known as physiotherapy, is one of the allied health professions that use manual therapy, exercise therapy and electrotherapy, remediates impairments and promotes mobility and function. —PHYSIOTHERAPIST Visit: Care Physical Therapy Center (CPTC)
Address: BIC Office, First Floor, Student Teacher Center, New Campus (Jhang Road) GCUF Faisalabad, Punjab, Pakistan-38000 Contact us: +92-301-5250712 Like, follow and share our official pages. Subscribe our YouTube Channel.
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Channel Trailer: CPTC

Visit: Care Physical Therapy Center (CPTC)
Address: BIC Office, First Floor, Student Teacher Center, New Campus (Jhang Road) GCUF Faisalabad, Punjab, Pakistan-38000
Contact us: +92-301-5250712
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The Hamstring muscle is one of the most important muscle groups that are responsible for adequate gait pattern.

We may all know that it is -as a knee flexor- responsible for whole limb functional shortening during swing phase through contracting concentrically.

In addition, it has another crucial role which is termed [Deceleration]. But what is really meant by it?

The Hamstring muscle performs an ECCENTRIC contraction when preparing the limb for stance which controls the process of initial contact and yields adequate heel strike.


we care for you,


When someone say you that I got your back, this will happen with you, keep it in mind. Don't let anyone be at your back. If you feel pain in your back, visit a Physiotherapist.


Physical therapy treatments such as hydrotherapy, therapeutic massages and exercises were used in countries like India, China and Greece
In 460 BC, Hippocrates also emphasized on exercising


Get personalised sessions in the comfort of your own home.


Did you know that the main cause of back pain is poor posture? This issue has gotten worse over quarantine as many of us have become more sedentary. Fortunately, there are a few exercises that can help stretch and strengthen your muscles to improve posture and alleviate some pain.

Feel free to call us to book an appointment with our Chiropractor or Physiotherapist to determine the root cause of your back pain as there can be various causes, and exercise therapy is most effective paired with hands-on therapy and modalities.



There are four major ligaments in the knee: the Anterior Cruciate Ligament (ACL), Posterior Cruciate Ligament (PCL), Medial Collateral Ligament (MCL), and the Lateral Collateral Ligament (LCL). The ligament that gets injured the most is the ACL as it is torn during sports that involve sudden pivoting movements. The PCL and the two Collateral ligaments are usually torn due to direct impact from either car accidents or contact sports. The ligament that gets injured usually depends on the direction of the force. You should always consult a health professional if you suspect that you have torn your knee ligament as each ligament is crucial to mobility and stability of the knee, and depending on the severity of the tear, surgery may be required.

Which ligament would you guys like us to go in depth about?


Visit: Care Physical Therapy Center (CPTC)
Address: BIC Office, First Floor, Student Teacher Center, New Campus (Jhang Road) GCUF Faisalabad, Punjab, Pakistan-38000
Contact us: 0301-5250712

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If your therapist ONLY does a "treatment" to you and misses out on 'get it moving recovery process'- then it's my opinion that your therapist is a complete waste of time.
And we are here to help you.

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Videos (show all)

#shorts #physiotherapy #exerciseWhat are the best stretches, strengthening, or other kinds of movements for golfer's elb...
Relieve Sciatica Pain in SECONDSDr. Hamza shows how to get IMMEDIATE relief for sciatica pain in few seconds! This step-...
Self Test for SciaticaDo You Have Sciatica? (Self-Test for sciatica) Sciatica, Sciatic PainVisit: Care Physical Therapy ...
What is Sciatica?Sciatica is a type of pain that stems from the irritation or inflammation of the sciatic nerve. The sci...
What is Physiotherapy? Everything you need to know?What is Physiotherapy as explained by Dr. Hamza, Care Physical Therap...
Channel Trailer: CPTCVisit: Care Physical Therapy Center (CPTC)Address: BIC Office, First Floor, Student Teacher Center,...




BIC Office, First Floor, Student Teacher Center, New Campus (Jhang Road) GCUF

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Book Your Appointment at Al-Hanif Physiotherapy and Hijama Center

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Faisalabad, 38000

Caring is our Passion Helping you get back on Track �� Live A Life without Pain � We’ll Keep You Moving����

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Dr Bahar Ali PT Dr Bahar Ali PT
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Posturologist Chiropractor

Physiotherapy Professional Development Academy Physiotherapy Professional Development Academy
Neelam Street Green View Colony Raja Wala
Faisalabad, 38000

Physiotherapy Professional Development Academy is a platform for Medical Students to enhance their skills, Improve their Clinical and Theoretical knowledge, and much more

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