Agape Christian Church

This channel for word of God. we will send verses picture and videos. we will send prayer videos. th This page for Jesus work. we are servents of God.

Agape Christian Church 07/06/2022

Sent with a Purpose

Today’s Scripture :
John 20:21, NIV
Again Jesus said, "Peace be with you! As the Father has sent me, I am sending you."

Today’s Word :
In the Scripture, God brought Joseph through many years of difficult circumstances into a strategic position of influence in Egypt, so the Israelites would be able to survive a severe famine. Some of the hard things we go through and don't understand are the result of God positioning us to carry out His purpose. In the difficult times, you have to trust Him, knowing that He's ordering your steps.

Like Joseph, God is going to send you into strategic positions of service, influence, and leadership. We're not called to run away from the world system; we're called to infiltrate the system. God is raising up more Josephs to run media networks, to serve in the government, to find cures for diseases, and to lead in universities, business, real estate, and technology. Your Father's world is a big world. He's going to position you higher than you dreamed. It's because He can trust you. He knows you'll honor Him. You'll handle the success with humility, live with integrity, and be a person of excellence.

Prayer for Today :
Father, thank You that this big world I live in is Your world. Thank You for calling me and sending me with a purpose to infiltrate this world and not to run away from it. I am trusting You to order my steps and to help me make a difference in this world. In Jesus' Name, Amen.

Agape Christian Church This channel for word of God. we will send verses picture and videos. we will send prayer videos. th

Agape Christian Church 21/03/2022

Completely Astonished

Today’s Scripture :
Mark 5:36, ESV
But overhearing what they said, Jesus said to the ruler of the synagogue, "Do not fear, only believe."

Today’s Word :
In Mark 5, after Jesus told a synagogue leader named Jairus that He would come to his house and heal his dying daughter, He was delayed with the healing of a woman who had been sick for twelve years. While I'm sure that Jairus was amazed by the healing and happy for the woman, his daughter died in the meantime, dashing his hopes. But Jesus reassured him that He would do what He had promised. This man came to Jesus asking for healing, but because of the delay, he received a greater miracle, a resurrection that left everyone "completely astonished."

When you have to wait a long time, don't get discouraged. God hasn't forgotten about you. The circumstances may tell you it's never going to happen, but God has something bigger, something better, something you weren't expecting. Like for this man, He's going to do something where not only you, but the people around you are going to be astonished, amazed, and overwhelmed at the goodness of God. Don't be afraid. Only believe.

Prayer for Today :
Father, thank You that no matter what happens in my life, no matter what seems delayed, You will do what You have promised. Thank You that I can get my hopes up and know that You have something bigger and better than I've expected. I will not be afraid. I will believe. In Jesus' Name, Amen .

Agape Christian Church This channel for word of God. we will send verses picture and videos. we will send prayer videos. this is good job. I hope God with my team members.

Agape Christian Church 05/03/2022

Take Your Stand

Today’s Scripture :
Exodus 32:26, NKJV..then Moses stood in the entrance of the camp, and said, "Whoever is on the LORD's side--come to me!" And all the sons of Levi gathered themselves together to him.

Today’s Word :
After Moses received the Ten Commandments on the mountain, he discovered the Israelites worshiping a calf made out of gold. He was furious, knowing that God was about to bring judgment upon them. When Moses called to the people, "Who is on the Lord's side?" the sons of Levi took a stand and did the right thing. Because of that decision, God declared that all the priests would come through the tribe of Levi.

What's interesting is that they were descendants of Levi, whose father was Jacob and whose grandmother was Rebekah--all who had been deceivers. These men were saying in effect, "This is a new day. We're not going to be defined by our past. We're going to break this dysfunction, this generational curse, and start a generational blessing." That's what happens when you decide to get rid of negative things that have been passed down. That dysfunction may not have started with you, but it can stop with you. Rise up and say, "Today it ends. I am on the Lord's side."

Prayer for Today :
Father, thank You that I don't have to be defined by the past, by dysfunctions that were passed down to me or the mistakes I've made. Thank You that I can take a stand and remove anything that is holding me back. I declare that I am on Your side and am rising up to put it to an end. In Jesus' Name, Amen.

Agape Christian Church This channel for word of God. we will send verses picture and videos. we will send prayer videos. this is good job. I hope God with my team members.

Agape Christian Church 03/03/2022

Walk Away

Today's Scripture :
Genesis 26:22, TLB
Abandoning that one, he dug again, and the local residents finally left him alone. So he called it, “The Well of Room Enough for Us at Last!” “For now at last,” he said, “the Lord has made room for us and we shall thrive.”

In Genesis 26, Isaac moved to the valley to get away from the local Philistines’ opposition. He could have fought them and won. Once in the valley, he reopened two wells that were rightfully his, but local herders quarreled over the wells, so he let them have the wells. One of the wells he named “argument” and the other “opposition.” He knew that although he could have kept them, it wouldn’t be worth the ongoing strife and conflict. He then dug a third well that was not contested, and he named it “room enough” or “wide-open spaces.”

Too often we get bogged down at the well of argument and opposition, trying to prove our point and convince people we’re right. Sometimes you need to stay and fight for what belongs to you, but some battles that you could win are not worth fighting. There are times when you need to walk away and let God make it up to you. Take the high road to the valley where there’s room enough, abundance, and wide-open places.

A Prayer for Today :
“Father, thank You that I can avoid getting stuck in trying to prove my points and win arguments. Thank You that beyond the wells of opposition are valleys where there is room enough. I believe that You are leading me into wide-open places of abundance and wholeness. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.”

Agape Christian Church This channel for word of God. we will send verses picture and videos. we will send prayer videos. this is good job. I hope God with my team members.


Be a Hosea

Today’s Scripture :
Hosea 3:1, NLT
Then the LORD said to me, "Go and love your wife again, even though she commits adultery with another lover. This will illustrate that the LORD still loves Israel, even though the people have turned to other gods and love to worship them."

Today’s Word :
The wife of the prophet Hosea had abandoned him and their children and had been living with many men. Finally, her circumstances got so bad that she was about to be sold as a slave. Despite all the pain and humiliation she'd caused, after all the rejection and unfaithfulness, Hosea still had an undying love for her when God spoke today's Scripture to him. He went and found her beaten down, dirty, and clothes torn, and bought her back.

We've all been unfaithful and gone our own way, but God who is rich in mercy didn't turn His back on us. He came down to the messy places, to where we failed, and bought us back with the price of His own Son's life. Since God rescued you, will you be a Hosea and rescue somebody else? There are hurting people in messy places all around you, broken people who think no one cares. They're not in your path by accident. You can help love them back into wholeness with mercy and grace.

Prayer for Today :
Father, thank You for being rich in mercy and never giving up on me when I've gone my own way and failed. I want to love the people You have placed in my life as You do. Help me to be like Hosea, full of grace and mercy to help lift the fallen and restore them to wholeness. In Jesus' Name, Amen.


Life’s Puzzle

Today’s Scripture :
Proverbs 4:25, MSG
Keep your eyes straight ahead; ignore all sideshow distractions. Watch your step, and the road will stretch out smooth before you.

Today’s Word :
When you isolate a negative experience and focus on it, it may not make sense. It's like when you have a piece to a jigsaw puzzle that doesn't look like it fits anywhere. You're sure the manufacturer made a mistake. It's an odd shape, not the right color, too blurry. It looks random, like it's unnecessary. But when the other pieces come together, it makes sense. There will be a perfect fit where the colors match and the edges line up. Without it, the puzzle wouldn't be complete.

You may have a piece to your life puzzle that doesn't make sense. You could think, "God didn't ordain this setback or loss. This piece doesn't fit." But God isn't finished. Nothing is random. That piece is instrumental in getting you to your destiny. If you stay in faith, all the pieces will come together for your good--not just the good breaks and increases, but even the losses and disappointments. It will be a perfect fit when God brings it all together.

Prayer for Today :
Father, thank You that my life is in Your hands, and Your plans for me are good. Thank You that the pieces of my life puzzle that I don't understand now are going to come together and be a perfect fit. I believe that You will get me to where I'm supposed to be. In Jesus' Name, Amen.


Morning Is Coming

Today’s Scripture :
Psalm 30:5, NKJV
Weeping may endure for a night, but joy comes in the morning.

Today’s Word :
You may have shed some tears of sadness over what hasn't worked out, over dreams that haven't come to pass, over disappointments, over the loss of a loved one. The Scripture says that God is going to turn your mourning into dancing and those tears of sorrow into tears of joy. It may not have happened yet, but it's not over. What God promised you doesn't have an expiration date. It's still on the way. Your morning is coming. Your baby is coming, your healing is coming, your restoration is coming, your breakthrough is coming. When it happens, it's going to be more rewarding, more fulfilling than you ever imagined.

Too often we disqualify ourselves. We think it would have happened if we had more faith, or hadn't made so many mistakes, or were just good enough to deserve it. But God is full of mercy and doesn't bless us based on our performance. What He promised is still going to come to pass. What He started, He's going to finish. Joy is on the way.

Prayer for Today :
Father, thank You that in times of sadness, when I don't see the way out or a loss seems too great, I can know that it's only for a night. Thank You that the morning is coming, and the tears of sorrow will be turned to joy. I believe the dancing You promised is on the way. In Jesus' Name, Amen.


It’s Not Worth It

Today’s Scripture :
Romans 12:2, MSG
Don't become so well-adjusted to your culture that you fit into it without even thinking. Instead, fix your attention on God. You'll be changed from the inside out. Readily recognize what he wants from you, and quickly respond to it.

Today’s Word :
There's a price to pay to become all we were created to be. You may not be able to do what others do, to watch what they watch, or to do your business as they do business. To always do the right thing, you'll need to go the extra mile. People may not understand why you won't talk behind someone else's back, or why you won't slack off at work with them, or why you won't laugh about certain things. It's not our business to judge them, but don't become like them. Don't lower your standard. Value God's blessing more than what another person thinks of you. If you don't feel good about something, if you have to talk yourself into it and make excuses as to why it's okay, it's not worth it. You'll never go wrong taking the high road.

Have a made-up mind. "I'm going to be a person of integrity and honor God in all I do. I'm not going to compromise what I know God says." Be the person whom God rewards.

Prayer for Today :
Father, thank You that when I fix my attention on You and do what's right, You change me from the inside out. I'm not going to be pressured into compromising, and I'm not going to live like everyone else. I will not lower my standard to please someone else. In Jesus' Name, Amen.

Agape Christian Church 10/02/2022

Arise and Shine

Today’s Scripture :
Isaiah 60:1, NKJV
Arise, shine; for your light has come! And the glory of the LORD is risen upon you.

Today’s Word :
Sometimes we're stuck in discouragement, stuck in the blahs, feeling like a victim of our circumstances. Thoughts tell you, "Nothing good is in your future. You'll never get out of this." Recognize that's the enemy trying to get you into his territory. When you're positive, hopeful, and full of praise, you're in God's territory. The enemy can't cross that line. That's why he works overtime in our thought life to get us down and discouraged, because that's where negative thoughts dominate us.

You have to take control of your thought life. That's where the battle is taking place. Don't wait for thoughts of hope and faith to come; think them on purpose. If you fill your mind with the right thoughts, there won't be any room for the wrong thoughts. Arise from the discouragement. Shake off the blahs. You're a victor, not a victim. Your light has come, and His glory is risen on you. When you come back over to His side, you'll get your joy and passion back.

Prayer for Today :
Father, thank You that Your light has come to me and Your glory is upon me. Help me to arise and shake off any of the blahs of this moment and fix my hope in You. I declare that I will take control of my thought life and give You all my praise. In Jesus' Name, Amen.

Agape Christian Church This channel for word of God. we will send verses picture and videos. we will send prayer videos. this is good job. I hope God with my team members.

Agape Christian Church 08/02/2022

A Public Display

Today’s Scripture :
1 Kings 18:36–37, NIV
LORD, the God of Abraham, Isaac and Israel, let it be known today that you are God in Israel and that I am your servant...Answer me, LORD, answer me, so these people will know that you, LORD, are God...

Today’s Word :
In 1 Kings 18, four hundred and fifty prophets of the god Baal came against the one prophet Elijah in a challenge to prove to the entire nation of Israel who God was through a demonstration of power. After the prophets of Baal had failed, Elijah prayed the words of today's Scripture, and God answered with an awesome display of fire from heaven. There was no question as to whether it was the hand of the true God.

Sometimes you find yourself in a situation where you feel outnumbered. The sickness seems bigger, the opposition stronger, or the addiction too powerful. It's easy to get discouraged and shrink back. But you have to do as Elijah did and not be intimidated by what's against you. The battle is not yours; the battle is the Lord's. He allowed that situation so He can display His awesome power through you. Ask big, and God will show out big. He's a supernatural God. Everyone will see His hand on your life by what He does.

Prayer for Today :
Father, thank You that You want to do great things in my life so that others will see and know that You are God. Thank You that the battles are not mine but Yours. I believe that You're about to make things happen that I could never make happen, and in amazing ways. In Jesus' Name, Amen.

Agape Christian Church This channel for word of God. we will send verses picture and videos. we will send prayer videos. this is good job. I hope God with my team members.

Agape Christian Church 07/02/2022

Set Your Face

Today’s Scripture :
Luke 9:51, NKJV
Now it came to pass, when the time had come for Him to be received up, that He steadfastly set His face to go to Jerusalem...

Today’s Word :
In Jesus' life, when the time came for Him to be crucified, He set His face to go to Jerusalem. There was no more preaching to the multitudes and feeding five thousand, no more waiting at the well for the Samaritan woman, no more stopping by Zacchaeus' house for dinner. Those things had been for a season, but now the hour had come to fulfill His purpose. He would not allow for any distractions.

If you're going to reach your highest potential, you have to do as Jesus did and set your face. "Your hour has come." You can't get distracted by things that are keeping you from your purpose. The enemy would love for you to waste your time and energy trying to win over every critic and to convince someone to understand why you don't do things or say things that they want to see or hear. Your time is too valuable. That's a distraction. Set your face, run your own race, and stay focused on your goals.

Prayer for Today :
Father, thank You that You have called me to run my own race and to fulfill the purpose You have for me. Thank You that my highest potential lies ahead of me and is not subject to the approval of other people. I will set my face and stay focused on the goals that will lead to my destiny. In Jesus' Name, Amen.

Agape Christian Church This channel for word of God. we will send verses picture and videos. we will send prayer videos. this is good job. I hope God with my team members.


What if They Don't Believe?

Romans 3:3, KJV
"What if some did not believe? Shall their unbelief make the faith of God without effect?"

Have the opinions of others caused you to water down your dreams? There will always be critics and naysayers in life. One of the most important things you can learn is that other people don't have to believe in you in order for your dreams to come to pass. Other people don't set the limits for your life—you do. It's not what others say about you that affects your life, it's what you say and believe about yourself. In today's verse, the apostle Paul is saying, “It doesn't matter if other people don't believe. Their unbelief is not going to keep me from believing in my dreams.” When God puts a promise in your heart, it's not up to other people to bring it to pass, it's up to you! You don't need everyone to validate you. You have to follow the voice of God for yourself and allow Him to order your steps!

"Father, thank You for another day to see Your goodness in my life. Help me to see myself the way You see me. Help me to see the plans You have for me so that I can be empowered to fulfill my destiny. I love You and bless Your name today in Jesus' name. Amen."

Agape Christian Church 01/02/2022


Today’s Scripture :
Isaiah 61:7, MSG
Because you got a double dose of trouble and more than your share of contempt, your inheritance in the land will be doubled and your joy go on forever.

Today’s Word :
You may be in a challenging time that has left you feeling beat up, worn and tired. It feels as though something's been taken out of you that can't be replaced. You've lost the spring in your step. Get ready, for God is about to breathe new life into your spirit. He's going to renew your strength and renew your youth like an eagle's. What that challenge took out, God is about to put back in--health, vitality, freshness, passion. He's going to bring new opportunities, good breaks, the right people, and favor that catapults you ahead.

He's not going to just bring you out. He's going to bring you out with double. When you come into double, nobody will know that business partner cheated you, nobody will know you had an unfair childhood, nobody will know you went through that illness. You're going to be so blessed, so healthy, so strong, so favored that nobody will know what you've been through. That's the way God restores. He's going to bring you out better.

Prayer for Today :
Father, thank You that You never leave me stuck in my troubles, and You always work to bring about my restoration. Thank You for Your promise that You are going to make up for it in such an above-and-beyond way. I receive Your double blessing and the joy that goes on forever. In Jesus' Name, Amen.

Agape Christian Church This channel for word of God. we will send verses picture and videos. we will send prayer videos. this is good job. I hope God with my team members.

Agape Christian Church 31/01/2022

Since You Are Human

Today’s Scripture :
James 5:17, TLB
Elijah was as completely human as we are, and yet when he prayed earnestly that no rain would fall, none fell for the next three and a half years!

Today’s Word :
I think most of us see many people in the Bible as superhuman. When we read about someone like the prophet Elijah and the miracles he did, we think he had so much more faith than us, and God favored him because he was so special. Yet James says that "Elijah was as completely human as we are." Of course, we know he was human, not an alien. But God was reminding us that Elijah was just like you and me--an ordinary person who was filled with the Spirit of the Most High God. He didn't walk around with a supernatural glow. The reason you're reading about Elijah today is that he dared to pray bold prayers. He dared to ask for the impossible. That's what made him stand out, and we can do the same.

Quit discounting yourself. Quit thinking you can't pray for something big, that you don't have the faith. The requirement is that you are a human. Since you are, God says you can ask for things that seem impossible.

Prayer for Today :
Father, thank You for being the God of miracles and that You invite me to pray big prayers. Thank You that I don't have to be superhuman to come boldly before Your throne. I want to be one of the ones who always believes that You can do the impossible. In Jesus' Name, Amen.

Agape Christian Church This channel for word of God. we will send verses picture and videos. we will send prayer videos. this is good job. I hope God with my team members.


Sunday school in my school children...

Agape Christian Church 29/01/2022

No Withholding

Today’s Scripture :
Psalm 84:11, NLT
For the LORD God is our sun and shield. He gives us grace and glory. The LORD will withhold no good thing from those who do what is right.

Today’s Word :
God not only knows everything you need in the future, but He knows when you're going to need it. He's the Source. He knows where all the good things are. He has already lined up everything you'll need. He's not going to withhold the finances, the health, the ideas, or the connections. Quit worrying about how it's going to work out. God is in control. He has unlimited resources. He knows how to get you to the right place at the right time. He can give you one idea that will catapult you to a new level. He can cause one person to come across your path who will help you accomplish a dream that seems impossible.

Too often we're striving to make things happen on our own, trying to beat doors down. God is saying, "Ask Me for help. Call on My Name, and I will answer. Acknowledge Me every day as your source. What you're believing for, I already have prepared." Now it's time to go to Him.

Prayer for Today :
Father, thank You that You are my provider, the source of everything good in my life. Thank You that Your favor is bringing me the right people, the right ideas, and getting me to the right place at the right time. I will call on Your name, knowing You will answer. In Jesus' Name, Amen.

Agape Christian Church This channel for word of God. we will send verses picture and videos. we will send prayer videos. this is good job. I hope God with my team members.

Agape Christian Church 28/01/2022

Change Coats

Today’s Scripture :
Isaiah 61:3, give them beauty for ashes, the oil of joy for mourning, the garment of praise for the spirit of heaviness...

Today’s Word :
The Scripture says to put on a garment of praise for a spirit of heaviness. A garment is like a coat. Before you can put on a coat of praise, you have to take off a coat of heaviness. Sometimes we wonder why we don't have any joy, why we're not passionate. We're wearing the wrong coat. "Nothing good is in my future. I never get any breaks." That coat of discouragement doesn't look good on you, that coat of self-pity is out of style, and that coat of bitterness over who left you or what you didn't get doesn't fit you anymore. Now do your part and take off that coat of offense and put on a coat of praise. "Father, thank You that Your plans for me are for good. Thank You that what You started in my life You will finish." If you're going to rise to the next level, you have to adjust your attitude. You can't have a defeated mentality and live a victorious life.

Prayer for Today :
Father, thank You that though I can't change my past, I can control my attitude today and make sure that I'm not wearing a coat of heaviness and discouragement. Thank You that I can put on a garment of praise and thanksgiving. I'm going to live today with a great attitude. In Jesus' Name, Amen.

Agape Christian Church This channel for word of God. we will send verses picture and videos. we will send prayer videos. this is good job. I hope God with my team members.

Agape Christian Church 24/01/2022

What if They Don't Believe?

"What if some did not believe? Shall their unbelief make the faith of God without effect?"

Have the opinions of others caused you to water down your dreams? There will always be critics and naysayers in life. One of the most important things you can learn is that other people don't have to believe in you in order for your
dreams to come to pass. Other people don't set the limits for your life—you do. It's not what others say about you that affects your life, it's what you say and believe about yourself. In today's verse, the apostle Paul is saying, “It doesn't matter if other people don't believe. Their unbelief is not going to keep me from believing in my dreams.” When God puts a promise in your heart, it's not up to other people to bring it to pass, it's up to you! You don't need everyone to validate you. You have to follow the voice of God for yourself and allow Him to order your steps!

"Father, thank You for another day to see Your goodness in my life. Help me to see myself the way You see me. Help me to see the plans You have for me so that I can be empowered to fulfill my destiny. I love You and bless Your name today in Jesus' name. Amen."

Agape Christian Church This channel for word of God. we will send verses picture and videos. we will send prayer videos. this is good job. I hope God with my team members.

Agape Christian Church 22/01/2022

Keep Getting Back Up

Today’s Scripture :
Proverbs 24:16, HCSB
Though a righteous man falls seven times, he will get up...

Today’s Word :
When life knocks you down, steps on you, takes your health, or squashes your dreams, you just have to get back up again. The way you win some battles is not by defeating them but by outlasting the opposition. You have comeback power. Some enemies are stubborn. You can't be weak and give up because it's not happening on your timetable. You have to outlast the trouble at work, outlast the slow season in your finances, outlast the difficulty in your marriage. We all want God to deliver us from attacks, but if He's not changing it, then it's really simple--you have to keep getting back up and outlast the attacks.

Sometimes we think God has forgotten about us. We've seen Him turn situations around in the past, but this problem won't seem to go away. You have to have a holy determination and say, "Staying down is not an option. I'm going to outlast this sickness, this addiction, this injustice, these critics." The victory will come through outlasting it.

Prayer for Today :
Father, thank You that You have given me comeback power to tap into in order to outlast whatever is coming against me. Thank You for sustaining faith that takes me through the challenge. I will keep getting back up until the victory is mine. In Jesus' Name, Amen.

Agape Christian Church This channel for word of God. we will send verses picture and videos. we will send prayer videos. this is good job. I hope God with my team members.

Agape Christian Church 20/01/2022

Keep Traveling Steadily

Today’s Scripture :
Psalm 37:34, TLB
Don't be impatient for the Lord to act! Keep traveling steadily along his pathway and in due season he will honor you with every blessing...

Today’s Word :
Most of us don't like times of waiting. We're interested in the destination, but God is interested in the journey. When we understand that He's working in us along the way, waiting and patience become a part of the process. When you stay faithful in the waiting times, when you don't get impatient and complain because it's taking so long, when you don't get upset because the door closed, when you're traveling steadily along God's pathway and honoring Him, He will give you every blessing. You won't have to make it happen in your own strength, and you won't have to manipulate people or try to force the door to open. God will give you the position, give you the spouse, give you the influence. Don't fight the wait time. You're not falling behind. God has already lined up the blessings He's going to give you. He's already put your name on things bigger and better than you've imagined. Now keep traveling steadily, keep trusting Him when you don't see anything happening.

Prayer for Today :
Father, thank You that there is a purpose for times of waiting, whether I understand it or not. Help me to be patient, to be faithful, and to rest in the fact that it's all part of Your process. I believe that I am right where You want me, and that You have every blessing already lined up for me. In Jesus' Name, Amen.

Agape Christian Church This channel for word of God. we will send verses picture and videos. we will send prayer videos. this is good job. I hope God with my team members.

Agape Christian Church 19/01/2022

When You Don’t Know

Today’s Scripture :
Proverbs 3:5–6, MSG
Trust GOD from the bottom of your heart; don't try to figure out everything on your own. Listen for GOD's voice in everything you do, everywhere you go; he's the one who will keep you on track.

Today’s Word :
We all have situations that we don't see how they're going to work out. We do our best to find a solution, but there are some things God doesn't want us to know. He has the solution, but if He showed you right now, it wouldn't take any faith. If you could see the provision, the healing, or the favor that He is going to bring, it would be easy to believe. The test comes when we don't have the answers. Thoughts tell us, "How are you going to make it after you retire? What if your health doesn't improve?" Sometimes there is no logical solution. The more we try to reason it out, the more discouraged we get. This is what faith is all about. You don't have to come up with a plan. You have to be comfortable not knowing.

Sometimes we think it's a lack of faith to say "I don't know." Take the pressure off. God knows. He has you in the palms of His hands. He will direct your steps.

Prayer for Today :
Father, thank You that You are my God, and that You will keep my life on track. Thank You that I can be free from trying to figure everything out on my own. I declare that I am in the palms of Your hands, and I am going to trust You from the bottom of my heart. In Jesus' Name, Amen.

Agape Christian Church This channel for word of God. we will send verses picture and videos. we will send prayer videos. this is good job. I hope God with my team members.

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H.hassan entertaiment H.hassan entertaiment

This page is about short clips, drama best scenes, ost status and funny videos

The Fun Fame The Fun Fame
Faisalabad, 38000

It's me Sattar Siddiqui Form Faisalabad Punjab Pakistan. This page is for Challenge Videos

Boring LiFe:/ NeeD A BreaK Boring LiFe:/ NeeD A BreaK

Shugal on h �