ESSAAR - Educational Society For Strategic Analysis And Research

ESSAAR - Educational Society For Strategic Analysis And Research


The ESSAAR (Education Society for Strategic Analysis and Research – is a newly established NGO since 23 March, 2009, of true and loving Pakistanis for greater Pakistan.


When Jews praised Mussolini and supported N***s: Meet Israel's first fascists 27/12/2023

Italy was the originator of the modern fascist ideologies, followed by Germany’s Hi**er and Spain’s Franco. Anti-Zionism critics often describe the Zionist movement as fascist. This seemingly haphazard analogy is fully justifiable on historical grounds.

Vladimir Jabotinsky, the founder of Revisionist Zionism, saw in Italy “a spiritual homeland”.

Jabotinsky, advocated a form of militant Jewish nationalism, A child of Eastern European Jewry, he took as his model the rising populist, fascist movements in Italy and Germany.

Benito Mussolini was especially to his liking: he didn’t espouse explicitly antisemitic ideas, as Adolf Hi**er clearly did. Like his Italian idol, Jabotinsky projected Jewish power and a united Jewish nation intent on achieving it.

He understood that the “Palestinian Arabs,” wanted no part in the new Jewish colony.

He acknowledged that the Jews were colonizers and that it would be necessary to use force to quell their opposition.

In “The Iron Wall” (1923), he expresses his disdain for the indigenous inhabitants:

“Culturally they [Palestinian Arabs] are five hundred years behind us, they have neither our endurance nor our determination; but they are just as good psychologists as we are. . . . We may tell them whatever we like about the innocence of our aims, watering them down and sweetening them with honeyed words to make them palatable. But they know what we want, as well as we know what they do not want. They feel at least the same instinctive jealous love of Palestine”

Jabotinsky had a complex relationship with Mussolini, the fascist dictator of Italy. He believed that Italy, under Mussolini's leadership, could potentially be an ally for the Zionist movement.

He saw similarities between Italian fascism and Zionism, particularly in their emphasis on nationalism and the desire for a strong, independent state.

In 1927, Jabotinsky met with Mussolini in Rome to discuss the Zionist cause. During the meeting, Mussolini expressed sympathy for the Zionist movement and promised to support Jewish settlement in Palestine;

“For Zionism to succeed, you need to have a Jewish State with a Jewish flag, and Jewish language. The person who understands that is your fascist, Jabotinsky,” Mussolini said during a private conversation with Nahum Goldman, founder of the World Jewish Congress, in November 1934, (Zionism in the Age of Dictators).

Netanyahu’s late father Benzion Netanyahu, was Jabotinsky's secretary and the editor of the Revisionists' daily newspaper, HaYarden.

Israel’s current Likud party, the offspring of revisionist Zionism, is headed by the current PM of Israel, Netanyahu.

The words of Albert Einstein, “not to support the latest manifestation of fascism“ are still valid today!

Unveiling Truth ~ Restoring Justice 🇵🇸

When Jews praised Mussolini and supported N***s: Meet Israel's first fascists ***


ZSkull No. 5942

Few years ago, returned the skulls of 24 Algerians decapitated while fighting French colonialists over 170 years ago.

One of the skulls returned was Sheikh Moussa Al-Derkaoui.

Sheikh Moussa was an Egyptian, a student of Sheikh Muhammad bin Hamza Dhafir al-Madani.

Sheikh Moussa settled in central in 1829 and joined the colonial resistance. He fought alongside Sheikh Bouziane who led the colonial resistance during the 1849 battle of Zaatcha, a village in northern .

During the siege of Zaatcha, the Algerian resistance fighters under the leadership of Sheikh Bouziane fought against the French occupation forces led by General Emile Herbillonet. The siege had ended with the extermination of the local population of the oasis.

Sheikh Moussa and Sheikh Bouziane were both captured, decapitated and their heads paraded before their skulls were taken to France as trophies and displayed in the Museum of Man in .


السَّلَامُ عَلَيْكُمُ وَرَحْمَةُ اللهِ وَبَرَكَاتُه

آج پھر ایک دفعہ اور ، اِس مقدص اور بابرکت زمین پہ عید الفطر کی نماز کے لیئے اپنے گناہوں کا بار اٹھائے اس بوجھل ضمیر اور یقین و گمان کے ساتھ حاضر ہوا کہ شاید یہی وہ دن و موقع ہے کہ جب میری تمام دعائیں امتِ مرحوم کے حق میں قبول و منظور ہونے کو ہیں۔
میں تمام تیاری اور اہتمام کے ساتھ حاضر تو ہوا مگر دل ندامت سے اشکبار ، بےچین اور مضطرب تھا- مجھے وہ تمام بے گناہ معصوم فلسطینی بچے بھی یاد آرہے تھے اور ان کی دہاڑیں مارتی مائیں بھی-وہ شہدا بھی جن کے جنازے صف در صف بچھے تھے-اور وہ کلیاں بھی جنہیں کھلنے کا موقع ہی نہ ملا-
مجھے اس بچے کا رونا کلیجہ چیرتا مھسوس ہوا جو اپنے شہید باپ کے جنازے میں بھاگ رہا تھا اور اس بچے کو گود میں لے کر چپ کروانے والا کوئی نا تھا جس کے چمن کو صیہونیوں نے ہوائی گولہ باری سے اجاڑ دیا تھا -میرے لیئے ان دونوں کا کرب نا قابل برداشت تھا-
مجھے وہ فلسطینی ماں بھی یاد آئیں جو اپنی شہید بیٹی کی خون آلود وردی پہن کر رضاکارانہ نرس کا فریضہ انجام دے رہی تھیں- اور وہ باپ بھی جو اپنے بچے کو یہودی گولیوں سے بچانے کےلئیے ڈھال بن گئے-
میں کیسے بھولاتا ان کشمیری ماؤں ، بہن ، بیٹیوں کو آج ہی کے دن اپنے پیاروں کو یاد کرکے الله سے کسی ناخدا کے آنے کی فریاد کرتی ہیں-
میں ایسا کیا کروں کہ روہنگیا کے مسلمانوں کی تصویریں میری یاداشت سے مٹ جائیں - میں ان چیخوں کی بازگشت کیسے روکتا جو میرے کانون میں گونچ رہی تھیں اور مجھ سےشکواہ و فریاد کر رہی تھیں کہ آج کا دن بھی گزر گیا اور کوئی ہماری مدد کو نہ آیا- نہ تجھ سے کچھ ہوا اور نہ ہی کسی اور نام نہاد مسلمان سے- سب مزے سے نئے کپڑے پہن کر سج دھج کر اور ہمیں بھلا کر اپنی پر آسائش زندگیوں میں مصروف ہیں اور رہیں گے ، صرف اس وقت تک خدانخواستہ جب تک کہ یہ آگ ان کے اپنے گھروں تک نہ پہنچ جائے-
إِنَّا لِلّهِ وَإِنَّـا إِلَيْهِ رَاجِعون
میں سوچ رہا تھا کہ تمام تر صیہونی قوتوں کا آخری حدف قبلہ اول بیت المقدس شریف ہے ۔ آس پاس کی بستیاں مسمار کی جا چکی ہیں اور اس پہ قبضے کے لئیے ضروری ہے کہ اس سے ملہقہ آبادی کو بھی منہدم کیا جائے-تاکہ آخری چٹان ، مضبوط مزاحمت بھی ختم ہو اور منزل تک رسائی ہموار ہو جائے- اس اسلام کے قلعے کی حفاظت ہم سب کی ذمہ داری ہے-اس لیئے نہیں کہ ہم پاکستانی ہیں- بلکہ اس لیئے کہ ہم مسلمان ہیں ، اور القدس اسلام کا آخری قلعہ ہے اگر ابھی بھی ہم نے متحد ہو کر مزاحمت کا ساتھ نہ دیا تو ہمارا حال بھی شام ، لیبیہ ، عراق اور یمن جیسا ہو سکتا ہے-اس کا دفع اسلام کا دفع ہے-اور ہمیں تمام تر وسائل و نیک نیتی کے ساتھ ان تمام قوتوں کا ساتھ دینا ہے جو اس کے دفع میں سنگِ میل کا کردار ادا کر رہی ہیں اور اُن میں سر فہرست ترکی فوج اور اس کے متعلقہ ادارے ہیں-
ہمیں اس نازک وقت میں تمام تر تعصبات سے بالا تر و متحد ہو کر اس اسلام کے قلعے کی ہر عملی سطح پر حفاظت کرنی ہے-اور ثابت کرنا ہے کہ ہم ایک زندہ قوم ہیں -
حضور ﺻﻠﯽ الله ﺗﻌﺎﻟﯽٰ ﻋﻠﯿﮧ ﻭﺍٓﻟﮧ ﻭﺳﻠﻢ کی نظر کرم کے صدقے ، مجھے پاکستان کی سلامتی اور روشن مستقبل کا یقین ِ کامل ہے- صرف دیکھنا و کوشش کرنا یہ ہے کہ ہمارا تعلق الله کی پسندیدہ جماعت سے رہے اور الله ہمیں اپنے قرب کی خاطر کسی پسندیدہ کام کے لیئے منتخب فرما لیں- آمین اللھم آمین یا رب العالمین-
میری اس بابرکت دن کے موقع پر آپ کے لئیے دل کی گہرایوں سے دعا ہے کہ
الله سبحانه و تعالى آپ کی تمام عبادات کو قبول و منظور فرمائے
آپ کو اور اہل و عیال کو ہمیشہ اپنے حفظ و اماں میں رکھے
اپنے خزانہ غیب سے آپ کی ہر ضرورت و خواہش کو خیرو عافیت کے ساتھ پورا فرمائے اور محتاجی سے ہمیشہ بچائے
الله آپ کو بھی بار بار دربار اقدس میں حاضری کی سعادت نصیب فرمائے اور امت کے کرب و اذیت میں کمی کا باعث بنائے اور ان کی مدد کی توفیق و وسائل عطا فرمائے
اور میرے پاک وطن کو ہمیشہ غاسبوں کے شر سے محفوظ رکھے اور مزید ترقی و کامرانی عطا فرمائے-
آمین اللھم آمین یا رب العالمین-
آج کی یہ عید اور اس کی تمام برکات و ثواب فلسطین کے بے بس لاچار نہتے معصوم عوام کے نام

لبیک یا فلسطین

طلحہ رضا
یوم العید
۲۸ جون ۲۰۲۳


اس جیسا نشانہ باز نہ پہلے کوئی پیدا ہوا نہ کوئی آئندہ پیدا ہو گا
فقیر کالا خان مری بلوچ صوفی تھے.
انگریزوں نے 1870 میں جب بلوچستان پر حملہ کیا تو فقیر کالا خان نے تسبیح چھوڑ کر بندوق اُٹھائی۔ پھر مزاحمت کی تاریخ رقم کر ڈالی۔ موجودہ بلوچستان کے ضلع کوہلو کی تحصیل کاہان کیایک 1 پہاڑی پر انگریز آرمی کو چار سال روکے رکھے برٹش آرمی توپوں بندوقوں سے مسلح گھرا تنگ کرتی رہی مہینوں کے محاصرے سینکڑوں فوجیوں کی ہلاکت کے بعد پہاڑی پر قبضہ کیا گیا تو بھوک سے نڈھال کالا خان مری بلوچ اپنے دو ساتھیوں جلامی بلوچ اور رحیم علی بلوچ سمیت پکڑا گیا مقدمہ چلا
پھانسی کی سزا دی گی یہ تصویر 1891 میں پھانسی سے پہلے لی گی جس میں کالا خان مری بلوچ اپنے ساتھیوں سمیت پکڑا گیا
سوال یہ یے ہم اپنے ہیروز سے لا علم کیوں ہیں جان بوجھ کر انکی تاریخ قوم سے کیوں چھپائی گی ؟ ان پر فلمیں ڈرامے کیوں نہیں بنے ؟
کالا خان بلوچ کو پھانسی کے بعد کلکتہ جو تار بھیجا گیا اس میں لکھا تھا
اس جیسا نشانہ باز نہ پہلے کوئی پیدا ہوا نہ کوئی آئندہ پیدا ہو گا۔۔ منقول⁦✍️⁩

Ctto....Muhammad Affan


رسول اللہ ص نے مسجد اقصی میں نماز کی ترغیب دلائی تو کسی نے دریافت فرمایا جو وہاں نہیں جاسکتے تو آپ ص نے فرمایا: پھر وہاں کی مسجد کے لیے کچھ تیل ہی بطور ہدیہ بھیج دینا جس سے وہاں چراغ جلے جو بھی ایسا کر لے گا گویا وہاں پہنچ گیا (ابن ماجہ)

سوچیں اگر رسول اللہ ص وہاں چراغ کے لیے تیل تک بھیجنے کی بات کررہے ہیں تو اس مسجد اقصی کو یہودیوں کے قبضے سے آزاد کرنے کا ثواب کیا ہوگا؟

Bosnia's Srebrenica massacre 25 years on - in pictures 25/02/2023

A haunted part of UN history

Bosnia's Srebrenica massacre 25 years on - in pictures Bosnian Serb and Serbian units systematically murdered 8,000 Muslims at Srebrenica in July 1995.


Ever wondered what happened in Bangladesh after 1971?

I used to think about it a lot growing up. At the time it never occurred to me that it was our collective way of forgetting that BD was ever part of our history. If you are a history buff like me, you'll enjoy this.

This should be read carefully as an eye opener by every Pakistani. Particularly by our civilian as well military leaders.

On 16 Dec 1971, Sheikh Mujib was in custody in West Pakistan. He was released in Jan 1972 and arrived in Dhaka via London and New Delhi on 10 Jan 1972. Naturally, he received a hero’s welcome. The Bengalis called him Bangabandhu, Friend of Bengal.

He became the PM and was able to pass a new constitution within a year enshrining the principles of secularism and socialism in it. Unfortunately, running a country proved harder for him and his party, the Awami League (AL), than they had envisioned.

In the 1973 Yom Kippur war, BD sent medical aid to Egypt. After the war, Anwar Sadat sent a gift of 30 tanks and 400 rounds to BD. Mujib, ever suspicious of the Army, stationed the tanks in Dhaka, and had the rounds locked up in a different base. Remember this fact for later.

Socialism strained the struggling economy further and lawlessness became rampant. Corruption and cronyism became the order of the day, and the AL became a criminal syndicate tormenting the masses. In some areas the Army had to be deployed to maintain public order.

As young officers on civil duties learnt first hand, each time an AL member was arrested and handed over to the police, he would be out the next day. Widespread disconnect with Mujib and the AL began spreading in the Army too.

In 1975, Mujib tried to consolidate his rule, by turning the country into a single-party state with himself as President. The more authoritarian he grew the more unpopular he became and people began murmuring that something had to be done.

Enter Maj Faruque Rahman, 2IC of the 1st Bengal Lancers, stationed in Dhaka with tanks but no ammo. Faruque, himself the son of an officer, had grown up in Army cantts. He finished 4th in his course in PMA and opted for the Armoured Corps, joining 13th Lancers.

He always considered himself a Pakistani nationalist but when he learnt of the Army’s atrocities in East Pakistan as part of the Op Search Light, he went AWOL from his deployment in the UAE and made his way to East Pakistan.

Faruque had been one of the officers deployed on civil duties and was disgusted by AL’s excesses and Mujib’s blind eye to them. His brother in law, Maj Khandaker Abdur Rashid, CO of the 2nd Field Artillery was also in Dhaka. Together, they planned a coup to oust Mujib.

On the night of 15 Aug 1975, with the help of serving and retired officers, and specially trained teams of ‘hunter-killer’ squads, they stormed Mujib’s official residence. Mujib along with all members of his family were gunned down.

Two of his daughters on a foreign trip survived. One is the current PM of Bangladesh, Hasina Wajid and the other’s daughter is an MP in the British Parliament. Along with Mujib, the hunter-killer teams killed several AL leaders and in some cases their families too.

The tanks supplied by Sadat played an important role in pacifying Dhaka’s pro-Mujib population. Unknown to most Bengalis at the time, the tanks Faruque had deployed during the coup never had any ammunition! The image of tanks rolling down the street was enough.

After the coup, the two majors appointed their hand picked successor, Khandaker Moshtaque the President of Bangladesh and put him on radio. It is worth mentioning that the Army high command did not respond to the coup or try to arrest the killers of the founding father.

In the following months, the two majors began attending all high level meetings at GHQ. Despite their rank, they had become more powerful than all of the high command. This led to resentment against them particularly by the pro-Mujib officers.

Just three months after the coup, on 3rd Nov 1975 Brig Khaled Mosharraf (yes Mosharraf) led a counter-coup against the majors. Within days he promoted himself to Maj Gen and appointed himself the COAS. He negotiated an exile of Mujib’s killers who were allowed to fly out.

However, just three days later, on 7th Nov 1975, a leftist inspired counter-counter-coup took place led by sepoys loyal to ex-Col Abu Taher, a charismatic figure who had been leading leftist sleeper cells amongst the troops. Brig Khaled Mosharraf was killed in the coup.

The slogan of the sepoy led mutiny was ‘all sepoys are brothers, we want the blood of officers’. It saw several officers murdered across BD, and a set of demands put forward by the sepoys. They also freed ex-COAS Gen Zia ur Rahman, who had been put under detention by Khaled.

General Zia ur Rahman had also passed out from PMA. He was loyal to Pakistan till the very end and saw the Mukti Bahini as miscreants. It was only when the news of killings at East Bengal Regimental Center got to him did he switch sides and became a freedom fighter.

At the time he was 2IC of 8 East Bengal Regiment. He had his Pakistani CO stripped naked, sit in the CO’s chair and shot dead by his Bengali batman. Later he led the Z-force of Mukti Bahini and became a war hero/legend in Bangladesh.

After the coup, Zia became the Chief Martial Law Administrator and eventually the President of Bangladesh. His tenure saw a lot of economic progress for BD and he was generally very popular with the masses. However, within the military and veterans it was another story.

From 1975 to 1981, there were 21 mutinies against Gen Zia. The 21st mutiny was led by Maj Gen Manzoor, GOC 24th Inf Division. While Zia died in the attack, the Army managed to quell the mutiny and Gen Manzoor was killed as a result. Another 13 officers were tried and hanged.

After Zia's death on 30 May 1981, a civilian President took over. However, on 24th Mar 1982, Gen Hussain Ershad, the COAS took power in a bloodless military coup and became Chief Martial Law Administrator and ruled BD till 1990.

Unlike his predecessor Generals, Ershad survived his Presidency, relinquished power in 1990 and stayed active in politics. He passed away in 2019. From 1982 to 1996, there were no military coups in Bangladesh and civilians remained in power.

In 1996, the then COAS, General Abu Saleh Nasim attempted a coup against the President who dismissed two senior officers for publicly speaking against the government. However, most troops remained loyal to the President. The Army Chief was arrested and court-martialed.

Throughout the 1990’s two women played musical chairs with the PM-ship of Bangladesh. One was Khaleda Zia, wife of late Pres. Zia, and the other was Hasina Wajid, daughter of Mujib.

In 2006, troops of the Bangladesh Rifles (BDR) revolted against its officers. The BDR is similar to Rangers or FC, with officers sent from the Army. The revolt started during a darbaar when a DG (a Maj Gen) was giving a speech. It eventually led to the murder of 57 officers.

However, the mutiny remained localized to BDR and the mutineers eventually surrendered, were tried and given death sentences. Many more were alleged to have been killed during interrogation due to torture.

The main book I recommend is Bangladesh: A Legacy of Blood. By Anthony Mascarhenhas. Anthony was a Pakistani Christian.

Sheikh Abdul Mateen on Twitter 10/10/2022

Another Kashmiri resistance leader Altaf Fantosh killed in custody by India.

Son-in-law of Shaheed Syed Ali Geelani, Fantosh was detained in infamous Tihar Jail for years on trumped up charges.

Suffering from serious ailments including Diabetes, he was denied medical aid.

Fantosh attained martyrdom on Monday in a hospital in New Delhi where Delhi police kept him locked up.

Last year 77 year-old Shaheed Ashraf Sehrai was killed in custody by India by denying him medical aid.

Wake up Pakistan!

Sheikh Abdul Mateen on Twitter “Altaf Ahmad Shah,the son in law of Syed Ali Gillani,jailed for 5 years w/out trial has died in custody of Indian occupational forces. He was denied proper medical treatment for renal cancer despite many appeals by his daughter .Such dark is the face of largest democracy.”

Photos from ESSAAR - Educational Society For Strategic Analysis And Research's post 22/08/2022

🇺🇲🇺🇦🇷🇺 No matter who wins the war in Ukraine, America has already lost - The National Interest

It was with this title that an article was published in an American edition. According to the author Ramon Marks, the United States will be a strategic loser, regardless of the results of the hostilities in Ukraine.

“Russia will build closer relations with China and other countries of the Eurasian continent, including India, Iran, Saudi Arabia and the Persian Gulf countries. It will turn its back irrevocably on European democracies and Washington. How President Richard Nixon and Henry Kissinger played the “China card” to isolate the Soviet Union during the Cold War, so Presidents Vladimir Putin and Xi Jinping will play their cards to remove US global leadership.


❗️🇷🇺🇺🇦 Highlights of Russian Military Operation in Ukraine on August 19, 2022

▪️Near an old airfield in Tomarovka, Belgorod Region, a Ukrainian drone was shot down by Russian air defence systems

▪️ An ammunition detonation occurred at a munitions depot in the village of Timonovo.

▪️The Russian Armed Forces continue their advance on the AFU positions at the Udy — Odnorobivka line.

▪️Reportedly, the Russian Armed Forces’ offensive is intensifying in Barvenkovo along the line Karnaukhivka — Nova Dmytrivka — Dibrovne.

▪️Russian troops hit AFU concentrations at the College of Technology and Design in Kramatorsk.

▪️ The LPR People’s Militia HQ reports that Allied Forces have entered Soledar residential areas, with several streets already under control.

▪️ The 6th Cossack regiment of the LPR People’s Militia advances to Bakhmuts'ke, with fighting near the village council.

▪️ It is reported in the DPR that the control has been established over the village of Dacha and the village of Zaitseve north of Horlivka.

▪️Near Piski, the destruction of AFU strongholds on the Donetsk Ring Road along its entire length from Nevel's'ke to Opytne is underway.

▪️The fighting near Vuhledar has taken on a positional character. The AFU managed to stabilize the front by redeploying significant reserves.

▪️Russian missile forces and artillery hit targets in Mykolaiv. The buildings of the Black Sea State University were hit again.


The Chinese Foreign Ministry ridiculed the seven "exploits" of the United States

The photo shows several conflicts in which Washington has been directly involved. These included the bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, the Korean and Vietnam Wars, the invasion of Iraq and Afghanistan, the military campaign in Pakistan, and the Yugoslav conflict.



° Africa area = 30,37 million km2
° China area = 9,6 million km2
° US area = 9,8 million km2
° Europa area = 10,18 million km2

● Africa is bigger than all of Europe, China and the United States of America together.

● But on most world maps, Africa is represented in downsize.

This is deliberately done to create the visual effect of a small Africa to manipulate, brainwash, and deceive Africans wherever they are.

● Africa has 60% arable land.

● Africa owns 90% of raw material reserve.

● Africa owns 40% of the global gold reserve.

● Africa, 33% of diamond reserve.

● Africa has 80% of Coltan's global reserve (mineral for telephone and electronics production), mainly in the Democratic Republic of Congo.

● Africa has 60% of global cobalt reserve (mineral for car battery manufacture).

● Africa is rich in oil and natural gas.
● Africa (Namibia) has the world's richest fish coastline.

● Africa is rich in manganese, iron and wood.

● Africa is three times the area of China, three times the area of Europe, three times the United States of America.

● Africa has thirty-half million km2 (30 875 415 km2).

● Africa has 1,3 billion inhabitants (China has 1,4 billion inhabitants in 9,6 million km2).

Which means Africa is SUBPOPULATED.

● The arable lands of the Democratic Republic of Congo are capable of feeding all of Africa.
And all of Africa's arable land is a cord to feed the whole world.

● The Democratic Republic of Congo has important rivers that can illuminate Africa.

The problem is that the CIA, western companies and some African puppets have destabilized DRC for decades.

● Africa is a culturally diverse continent in terms of dance, music, architecture, sculpture, etc.

● Africa accommodates 30.000 medicinal recipes and herbs that the West modifies in its laboratories.

● Africa has a young global population that should reach 2,5 billion by the year 2050.

"The most powerful weapon in the hands of the oppressor is the mind of the oppressed" ~Steve Biko


An interesting infographic was published by Forbes-Ukraine columnist Volodymyr Datsenko.

He analyzed the supply of Western aid by months and found that the volume of supplied military products in many positions is steadily declining, despite a slight increase in some systems in August.

The main decline is in artillery, the supply of which remained at the lowest level in two months. The Ukrainian military on the front line constantly complains about the lack of artillery shells and guns.

There was a surge in long-range missile systems and helicopters in June, there were fewer in July, and even fewer in August.

Money is increasing and hardware is decreasing.


❗️🇷🇺🇺🇦 Highlights of Russian Military Operation in Ukraine on August 9, 2022

▪️Air defence systems in Belgorod Region intercepted several missiles fired from Ukrainian territory.

▪️ Russian Armed Forces hit Ukrainian army positions in the border areas of Chernihiv and Sumy regions.

▪️Large explosion with ammunition detonation happened near Saki airfield in Crimea. One person was killed and several others were injured. The exact cause of the incident is not yet known.

▪️Russian missile troops and artillery hit targets in Kharkiv, while the Russian Aerospace Forces attacked AFU positions near Verkhnii Saltiv.

▪️Advancing Russian units are fighting on the outskirts of Verhn'okam'yans'ke to the east of Sivers'k. Clashes continue in Ivano-Dar'ivka area.

▪️LPR People's Militia soldiers are fighting for Yakovlivka. Intensive fighting is taking place to the south in the section from Kodema to Vesela Dolyna.

▪️Allied Forces have fully liberated Knauf Gips Donbass in Soledar, which was one of AFU defence hubs at the outskirts of the city.

▪️ Wagner's PMC units continue fighting on the eastern outskirts of Bakhmut (Artemivsk). Intensive artillery shelling of AFU positions is under way.

▪️Allied Forces continue to advance towards Avdiivka and have entered Krasnohorivka and Staromykhailivka. There is fighting in the settlements.

▪️In Mar'inka, DPR People's Militia units have knocked out AFU from their positions around the Shchurove mine heap and are advancing towards the centre of the village.

▪️Position fighting continues in Peski on the northwestern outskirts of the settlement.

▪️Ukrainian artillery shelled Donetsk: two civilians killed.

▪️During the night, AFU attempted to strike Nova Kakhovka and Beryslav. The missiles were intercepted by air defence mean.

▪️ Russian Armed Forces struck target in Mykolaiv. A large fire broke out at the site of the strike.


Media owners


Guess who was in Kosovo 5 days ago


❗️🇷🇺🇺🇦 Highlights of Russian Military Operation in Ukraine on July 23-24, 2022

▪️ At night, a Ukrainian Bayraktar TB2 UAV was shot down near Grayvoron, Belgorod region.

▪️ There are low intensity fightings for heights on the outskirts of Sivers'k near Verkhn'okam'yans'ke and Serebrianka. Artillery suppresses AFU's identified firing points.

▪️ Firefights continue near Ivano-Dar'ivka, where AFU's fortified area is located on the way to Soledar - Sivers'k road.

▪️ There are battles for control of Pokrovs'ke on the outskirts of Bakhmut. AFU control dominating heights near Bakhmut - Svitlodars'k road, which complicates Russian Armed Forces' offensive.

▪️ Allied forces have started an assault of Bakhmuts'ke northward Pokrovs'ke on southeastern outskirts of Soledar.

▪️ AFU launched strike on Kadiivka in LPR, the buildings of the college and kindergarten were damaged. There was another artillery raid on the hotel in Khrustalnyi.

▪️ Ukrainian artillery proceed shelling cities of the Donetsk agglomeration. A part of town infrastructure was damaged and destroyed.

▪️ AFU's armored group was detected from the air and hit near Mar'inka. Several vehicles were destroyed.

▪️ A terrorist attack took place in Melitopol: an explosive device went off on one of the railway tracks. The railway received minor damage.

▪️ Ukrainian MLRS launched strike on Kakhovka Hydroelectric Power Plant territory, local repair teams are promptly fixing the damage. Another explosion blew up in Tavriis'k.

▪️ Russian Missile Troops and Artillery hit 28th separated mech brigade's objects in Mykolaiv.

▪️ In Kryvyi Rih direction AFU continue preparing to offensive. An additional crossing over the Inhulets River near Andreevka has been built.

▪️ Russian Navy's ships struck the territory of Odessa port. A warehouse with anti-ship missiles was hit.


Moscow considers Israel’s anti-Russian stance on the Ukrainian conflict regrettable, according to Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Maria Zakharova. During a TV talk show appearance on Tuesday, she noted that West Jerusalem’s recent rhetoric was “absolutely unconstructive” and “unobjective.”
Relations between Russia and Israel have soured since the launch of Moscow’s military operation in Ukraine, and Zakharova drew attention to the fact that this “did not happen by itself.”
“In recent months we have heard absolutely unconstructive and, most importantly, biased rhetoric from Tel Aviv,” Zakharova stated. She noted that anti-Russian assessments coming from various levels of authority in Israel raised serious questions in Moscow, especially since they were being framed in an exclusively pro-Ukrainian manner.
“And this was not in terms of supporting the Ukrainian people, but only in support of the Kiev regime,” the diplomat noted, adding that the rhetoric was “absolutely in tune with the strange and wild voice of the West.”
Zakharova also emphasized that the “impulse” to complicate bilateral relations with Israel did not come from Russia.
“When we now hear comments from the leadership of this country that some of Russia’s actions on the bilateral track may affect relations, I would like to ask if these same people do not think that their actions and statements over these months have already affected bilateral relations,” she said.

Israel has so far refrained from supplying weapons to Ukraine and joining sanctions against Russia.


India new naval base


British paedophiles have been travelling to Poland claiming they are providing “humanitarian assistance” to refugees fleeing Ukraine, who include thousands of unaccompanied children.

The National Crime Agency (NCA) said 10 known s*x offenders travelled to the country in the six weeks following the Russian invasion.

All 10 men were asked to leave Poland following an interview with immigration officers and law enforcement, and British authorities are working to deter others from travelling.


The United States will provide Ukraine with two NASAMS SAM batteries

The representative of the command of the Ukrainian Air Force, Yuriy Ignat, said that the United States will provide the Ukrainian military with two batteries of NASAMS anti-aircraft missile systems.

SAM characteristics:

Target range: up to 25 km
Max Engagement height: 16 kilometers
Deployment time: 15 minutes
Reaction time: 10 seconds

The air defense system is capable of hitting cruise missiles as well.

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❗️🇷🇺🇺🇦 Highlights of Russian Military Operation in Ukraine on August 9, 2022▪️Air defence systems in Belgorod Region int...
❗️🇷🇺🇺🇦 Highlights of Russian Military Operation in Ukraine on July 23-24, 2022▪️ At night, a Ukrainian Bayraktar TB2 UAV...
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