E-commerce Chrome

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✅Over 80% of your buyers browse first on their Mobile device, and 67% of shoppers finish the purchase on desktop. You need to stand out on mobile, or you will not get the sales on the desktop.

✅Always optimize your listings for humans, not machines to get maximum conversions. Seller’s focus too much on the keyword optimization of a listing, when in reality traffic can be bought . If your content cannot connect with and motivate your buyer, the traffic will be worthless.

✅In the process of mobile optimizing your listing, take into mind that your description will display first before your bullets, Only the first 80 characters of your Title will display so put your ultra-relevant words first and make them easy to read.

✅Amazons' standard set up for mobile layout are as follows.
Only display 80 characters of the listing title
Display no more than 7 images on the listing
A+ content is appears before the description if it is used
Only the first 200 characters of the description is displayed
Only 3 bullets are displayed after the description

How Do I Optimize Amazon Listings For Mobile?🤔

1.Title - Optimize your title for 80 characters. Try to address the pre-purchase queries. Target the problem-solving aspects. Avoid Duplication of keywords

Amazon’s Standard Title Templates:
Brand - Keyword - Benefit - Feature - Keyword -Keyword
Keyword -Feature - Keyword + Keyword -Keyword
Brand - Keyword - Benefit -Keyword - Benefit -Keyword -Benefit

2. Images - Your first image, just like your title, will be the shoppers first impression. It must stand out enough be to get them to click on the listing.
Photos are best in PORTRAIT when viewing from a mobile, not square. These taller images are a 2:3 or 4:5 ratio, with a minimum shortest length of 1200 px x 1800. But it is best to go with 2000 × 3000 px.
We can make better use of TEXT on images with portrait images also. Make sure that the shopper doesn't have to struggle to read the text.

4. A+ content - Formerly known as EBC looks great on the mobile phone and always shows first. A seller must however be Brand Registered to avail of A+ Content.

5. Description
👉Descriptions are always displayed before the bullets on mobile.
👉Only the first 200 characters of the description are displayed.
👉Start your description with a super powerful, emotional call to action.
👉Use short, clear, concise paragraphs.
👉Build up the things that the customer likes.
👉Solve the issues that bother them.
👉Mention features that your product has, that are different from all of the competitors
👉Mention features that your product has in common with all of the competitors
👉Read questions that buyers ask in the Q & A section of other listings and reviews to address the pains of the product. Extract all the impacting words/phrases to ensure that enough details are included to answer the customer’s main questions.
👉Tell a story behind your brand, and make a connection with the reader by creating an emotional relationship, for example; Are you also facing the XY problem?
👉Position your product as the obvious choice by focusing on what sets you apart.
👉Go through a few relative blog posts on Google, or perform a little research on Reddit or Quora to get ideas of what is important to your target audience.
👉It is essential that you break up your description into short easy to read paragraphs, possibly using bullets in using the simple HTML that Amazon allows.

6. Bullets - Always Quality over quantity. Make your bullets short, easy to read (7th Grade level) and target the emotional benefits achieved by your product. Initially only 3 bullets show on the mobile, make the most of them and target the customer’s post-purchase queries.

Bullet #1 must describe the overall context of the product
Bullets #2 Define the benefits of the product and trigger the emotions
Bullet # 3 It is best to include a call to action in bullet number 3. Find out what is important to your audience in their own words.
Bullet #4 Target the usage, care, instructions which generate trust with the customer
Bullet #5 Call to Action, and customer guarantee.

7. Product Information - Always emphasize your products most essential features by including them in the Product Information section. This will also help Amazon in further classifying your item.

8. Video Shorts - Add Videos to demonstrate how to use your product, unboxing's or how-to's under the Related Video Shorts area when you scroll down on your listing. A seller can add their own video shorts to their listing. In fact it’s best to fill every slot so that Amazon doesn’t display your competitors videos, giving them real estate on YOUR listing. You don’t need brand registry to do this!



Why is it Important to do Product Research?

If you don’t spend adequate time honing your research skills, you’ll be unable to spot potentially profitable products. Choosing random products just because you like the look of them and ‘think’ they will sell on Amazon will not cut it, because what you ‘think’ and what your research will uncover are likely to be total opposites!
So, don’t sell what you want to sell, sell what sells!
There is no room in the world of running an ecommerce business for you to make guesses or uninformed decisions, particularly if you want your business to be successful and to grow.
One of the main reasons Amazon sellers find product research so challenging is because they simply don’t know what to focus on. And it’s not surprising as not all products are equal. Before you even start your research you should have a handle on what a good product looks like to introduce to your inventory.

So, hire an expert now to get a golden product
Feel free to contact us


𝗟𝗼𝗻𝗴-𝘁𝗮𝗶𝗹 𝗞𝗲𝘆𝘄𝗼𝗿𝗱 𝗦𝘁𝗿𝗮𝘁𝗲𝗴𝘆 𝘁𝗼 𝗙𝘂𝗲𝗹 𝗬𝗼𝘂𝗿 𝗣𝗣𝗖 𝗖𝗮𝗺𝗽𝗮𝗶𝗴𝗻𝘀
As advertising campaigns are scaling success more and more, short-tail keywords have become more competitive than before. So, it became more prominent to use low volume keywords and long-tail keywords to increase your ROI..

Long-tail keywords are a group of keywords that are more specific for your products used by your buyers and are usually of 4 or more than 4 characters. Customers choose to use these keyword phrases if they are close to a point of purchase product of their choice. Also, long-tail keywords are more beneficial if customers use voice search to search their product.
Typically, long-tail keywords are ideal for a new seller as they have:
Less competition.
Low CPC.
And, high buying intent.

Implementing a long-tail keyword strategy is considered as a tactical move for the ecommerce businesses who want to rank higher for their buyer keywords.
Let’s see why you need to implement a long-tail keyword strategy in your PPC campaigns
𝐋𝐞𝐬𝐬 𝐜𝐨𝐦𝐩𝐞𝐭𝐢𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧– As mentioned, they have less competition because long-tail keywords are relevant for fewer sellers. So, it is easier to rank organically and a higher position in the search results will attract more traffic.
𝗠𝗼𝗿𝗲 𝗖𝗼𝗻𝘃𝗲𝗿𝘀𝗶𝗼𝗻𝘀– Customers searching with long-tail keywords have high purchasing intent and they are considered as more qualified leads. So, a customer visiting your listing has a huge chance to buy your product. This boosts your conversions and improves your organic search ranking..

Long-tail keywords are the most overlooked and under-utilized ones in improving your conversion rate. Not all long-tail keywords are relevant to your business. You can narrow down the best long-tail keywords and phrases that align the most with your product.
Target those keywords and improve your other customer metrics such as shipping rate and customer service. This helps you scale your business growth on a longer run.

Thanks and regards
Team E-commerce chrome


PPC Post No:-2
What is ACOS in amazon PPC ?

ACOS stands for advertising cost of sale this is the cost which we bear of each sale for it's advertisment. ACOS should be low because our profit margin depends on it.

How we Minimize ACOS ?
To minimize our advertising cost in PPC we have to follow certain rule what we can do is

1.First when we run PPC compain on our keywords after some time we know that on which keywords we are getting sales or on which not. so we should pause those keywords which are getting useless clicks and we are paying through PPC for nothing.

2 .Reduce ACOS By Setting Amazon PPC Negative Keywords:

:- Run your search terms report
:- Identify the terms that are driving clicks, but not converting sales
:- Determine which of those keywords are not relevant for your products or likely don’t make sense.
:- Add them to your Negative Keywords List

Negative keywords are a powerful tool to make sure you aren’t wasting precious clicks on potential customers that are just doing research or looking for something completely different.

This will reduce your ACOS on Amazon by helping filter out people who aren’t a good fit to buy.

3 .Optimize Your Bid Strategy To Reduce ACOS:

:- View your keywords that you are targeting and identify the keywords that have a high ACoS over 50% (this one is a rule of thumb, some have better product margins than others.).
:- If the ACOS is really high, shut off the keyword.
:- If the ACOS is around 50% or close to your target ACOS (TACOS), then decrease the bid by about 45% or 50%.
:- Now, if your ACOS is great, step on the gas and increase the bids.

4. When buyer clicks on our sponsored ad it is directed to our listing so our listing should be too good and flawless so that customer don't return without buying.

5.Other things which is very important is reviews you should have positive reviews which you can get through giveaways.

What we are doing above is we know that it's buyer phsyce that buyer always prefer to buy from first page for that we do PPC and get position on first page through sponsored add.Other thing is positive review buyers always go to review section first because he is interested in knowing experience of people about particular product.
So, when clicks converted into sales ACOS will reduce

Above method are used to minimize ACOS and get better profit margin.

Hope this Post will help and I have delevered the concept.

Thank You!


PPC Post No:-1
What is Amazon PPC?

Amazon PPC is the advertising platform Amazon makes available to its third-party sellers. It allows sellers to create ad campaigns for their products, and then charges them each time a potential customer clicks and views their ad.

Before we get into the details of PPC though, it’s important to understand Amazon’s key PPC metrics. This is how Amazon describes each one:

Advertising Cost of Sales (ACoS): The percent of attributed sales spent on advertising. This is calculated by dividing total ad spend by attributed sales. For example, if you spent $4 on advertising resulting in attributed sales of $20, your ACoS would be 20% (ie. $4/$20 = 0.20).

Attributed Sales: The total product sales generated within one week of clicks on your ads. Your sales data can take up to 48 hours to populate so, as a result, sales data is not available in the ‘Today’ date range and may be delayed to the ‘Yesterday’ date range. You can view the individual sales totals for advertised products and other products in the Campaign Performance report.

Impressions: The number of times your ads were displayed. Once identified, it may take up to three days to remove invalid clicks from your reports. Clicks from the last three days may be adjusted due to click invalidation.

Clicks: The number of times your ads were clicked. Once identified, it may take up to 3 days to remove invalid clicks from your reports. Clicks from the last three days may be adjusted due to click invalidation.


Amazon is one of the largest retailer and service provider platforms. Amazon used by both an individual and businesses to sell products. To start a business on amazon as easy as eating chocolate. Here, is no restriction of register first. Open a seller central account, sell products, and generate revenue. Revenue is the backbone of every business. It is the most trusted platform.
Why should you choose Amazon?

More than 300 million customers shop in Amazon’s store, and every day, customers browse, purchase, and review products sold by third-party sellers right alongside products sold by Amazon. Since 2000, Amazon has offered this virtual shelf space to individuals and companies of all sizes, helping them reach hundreds of millions of customers, build their brands, and grow their business. Fast-forward to the present day, and these third-party seller products account for more than half of all units sold in our store.




As an Amazon seller, your product listing is your storefront. Like a window display attracting shoppers, your listing title and image on a search results page get buyers to click. Buyers then get a full impression of your item at the product page with your detailed description, customer reviews, and additional images.
Listings should provide all of the knowledge that a buyer needs to make a purchase, so they’re the key to making Amazon sales. As a seller, it’s paramount that you craft your product page in a way that’s going to attract buyers quickly and easily.

The content— your product title, description images — is what makes or breaks your listing page. It has to be both informative and engaging so buyers trust your brand and understand why they should purchase your item.
Elements of a Great Product Listing
There are a few basic elements of great Amazon listings that drive sales. They have:
• SEO-driven keywords
• Detailed product descriptions
• Scannable formatting
• Engaging visuals

Seo-Driven Keywords
Search engine optimization (SEO) is the key to driving buyers to your Amazon listing. It guides search engines to rank your listing high in search results so that your product is highly visible to buyers.
Amazon’s search engine and outside search engines interpret the keywords you place in your listing to determine whether your product is a relevant search result. The trick is to include keywords in your listing that your key buyers are frequently searching — that way your listing is ranked high where it matters.
Say, for example, you’re selling a speaker and want to rank for the highly searched keyword “Bluetooth,” a key feature of the product. You would include “Bluetooth” throughout your product listing so search engines tie your item to that term in search results.
To avoid lower rankings, we recommend moderately including keywords in relevant areas of your listing. Here are a few recommendations:
• Include target keywords in your product title. Avoid overloading your title with keywords, though— this will make your listing look like spam to buyers and search engines. Instead, stick to your most essential keyword phrases.
• Distribute your keywords consistently and evenly. We recommend including target keywords two to three times throughout your listing and spreading them out every 100 to 200 words.
• Use variations of your target keywords. If you are targeting “purple phone case,” for example, you’d also want to use phrases like “phone cases that are purple” or “purple-colored phone cases.”

Detailed Product Information
Your product description is like the salesman on the shop floor. It has to gain the buyer’s trust by explaining product information while also sparking shoppers’ curiosity and interest in the item.
First and foremost, your product description should be comprehensive and accurate. Making false promises about your product may win a sale initially. In the long-term, though, the buyer will most likely return the item, and your seller reputation can be harmed.
Beyond including basic product information, a great listing description also takes into account buyers’ motivations. Instead of just listing product features, highlight the benefits of your item that your key customers will care about the most.
For example, say you’re selling a mobile phone with Bluetooth 4.2. As a customer, this technical spec isn’t emotionally powerful— I’m much more invested in the function of Bluetooth, being able to connect my phone to other devices. To grab my interest, a description of the product might look something like this:
“The Bluetooth V4.2 ensures your device is compatible with a broad range of devices while providing faster data transfer.”
Scannable Formatting
Amazon buyers aren’t going to read your entire listing — there are too many products on the marketplace for customers to read every page entirely. Instead, it’s more likely that a buyer will skim your listing to determine whether they want to make a purchase.
Clearly separated, the five bullet points at the top of every Amazon listing are easy for buyers’ eyes to scan.

Knowing that customers are going to focus on these points, you want to strategically include product information in a way that highlights the best features of your item. Here are a few tips for highlighting your product information in a listing’s bullet points.
• Place your product’s best attribute in the first bullet point. A buyer may stop reading your bullets if the first point isn’t captivating. Grab their attention by highlighting your product’s best feature in the first point.
• Consider writing your key product features in all caps. Amazon’s description formatting is pretty restrictive — you can’t use tools like bolding to highlight your product features. A simple fix is to write your product’s most important features in all caps to draw in buyers’ attention.
• Keep your bullet points short and sweet. You risk losing buyers’ attention if you include too much information. Keep your bullets short with only the most essential product information. We recommend mostly using a bullet length of one line and at the most, two lines.
Buyers’ eyes are naturally drawn to a listing’s bullet points — take advantage of this scannable formatting by highlighting your product’s best features in short, easy-to-read bullet points.
Product Images
Our brains gravitate towards images—90% of the information transmitted to the brain is visual, and we process images 60,000 times faster than text. With this psychology, clear, high-quality product images can quickly convince Amazon buyers to make a purchase. Capture your customers’ attention with these product image tips:
• Use high-resolution photos. Amazon recommends that product photos be at least 1,000 pixels in either height or width.
• Include multiple photos. Since Amazon buyers can’t physically interact with your products, including multiple images is a great way to build their trust in your brand and feel confident in buying your item.
• Edit your photos to make your products pop. Tricks like increasing the exposure, reducing shadows, and adjusting the contrast can make your product colors stand out and catch buyers’ attention more easily.
Taking the time to carefully select and edit your product photos pays off in the long-run. With attractive images, your listing grabs buyers’ attention and builds their trust in the product so they feel comfortable and ready to make a purchase.




Photos from E-commerce Chrome's post 19/12/2020




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