Qarze Hasna Official, Karachi Videos

Videos by Qarze Hasna Official in Karachi. It is a platform for all our donors and lovely members to unite and help those who really need it. Genuine people.� Verified cases �We are answerable. Your trust is our asset And keeping it is our responsibility

⭕️ Extremely urgent case ‼️
إِنَّا ِلِلَّٰهِ وَإِنَّا إِلَيْهِ رَاجِعُونَ
A family came from quetta for delivery case as this was their 12th child and it was a very critical case no one was taking her case there plus lady's family is in karachi so she came here to deliver the baby
Husband works at farm takes care of the plants hardly earns 18000 per month due to which they are suffering alot
Baby got delivered in a govt hospital located at highway he was put in incubator as he wasn't doing well he had severe breathing issues was diagnosed pneumonia also but unfortunately his condition got worst and he was adviced to be put on vent which wasn't available there so they shifted to him to insaf hospital that is very close to that hospital
The kid was on vent for 9 days parents had nothing in hand they requested to staff to shift hum to any other govt hospital but space wasn't available in any and he was not in condition to be taken out of vent even for a second
Unfortunately today at around 12 pm he got expired
Now family is in soo much pain they want to take him with them and Bury asap but dont have a single penny to clear his bills and take him..
We need to clear the dues and get his body released ASAP

Amount required for him is 125,000 to clear his bill and for tadfeen
They are eligible for zakat and sadqa both
Slips will be provided to the donors JazakAllah

Meezan Bank
Account Number: 01160105728544
IBAN: PK63MEZN0001160105728544

Easypaisa: 03333215882
Jazzcash : 03333215882 Please join for further updates

Other Qarze Hasna Official videos

⭕️ Extremely urgent case ‼️ إِنَّا ِلِلَّٰهِ وَإِنَّا إِلَيْهِ رَاجِعُونَ A family came from quetta for delivery case as this was their 12th child and it was a very critical case no one was taking her case there plus lady's family is in karachi so she came here to deliver the baby Husband works at farm takes care of the plants hardly earns 18000 per month due to which they are suffering alot Baby got delivered in a govt hospital located at highway he was put in incubator as he wasn't doing well he had severe breathing issues was diagnosed pneumonia also but unfortunately his condition got worst and he was adviced to be put on vent which wasn't available there so they shifted to him to insaf hospital that is very close to that hospital The kid was on vent for 9 days parents had nothing in hand they requested to staff to shift hum to any other govt hospital but space wasn't available in any and he was not in condition to be taken out of vent even for a second Unfortunately today at around 12 pm he got expired Now family is in soo much pain they want to take him with them and Bury asap but dont have a single penny to clear his bills and take him.. We need to clear the dues and get his body released ASAP Amount required for him is 125,000 to clear his bill and for tadfeen They are eligible for zakat and sadqa both Slips will be provided to the donors JazakAllah SUMAIM BIN NADEEM Meezan Bank Account Number: 01160105728544 IBAN: PK63MEZN0001160105728544 Easypaisa: 03333215882 Jazzcash : 03333215882 Please join for further updates

⭕️ Emergency Case alert ‼️ Case refernce 1097 Need to arrange funds for this lady whose husband is completelu mentally retarded she is the sole earner takes care of her kids on her own now she is having extreme gynae issues for which immediate uterus removal is required She is in extreme pain right now Not in a state to even sit properly which is why she is unable to earn even basics for her livelihood along with kids Amount required for her for now is 70,000 Which includes surgery , medicines and labs also They are eligible for zakat and sadqa both Slips will be provided to the donors JazakAllah SUMAIM BIN NADEEM Meezan Bank Account Number: 01160105728544 IBAN: PK63MEZN0001160105728544 Easypaisa: 03333215882 Jazzcash : 03333215882 Please join for further updates

Case reference 1072
Need to arrange funds for adil bhai and his 2 sons all of them are extremely ill Adil bhai is diagnosed with malaria and his son Muhammad Irfan is also diagnosed with Malaria both are having high grade fever along with shivering vomiting and body ache Adil bhai's another son Ahmed is also having severe diarrhea Adil bhai is the sole earner and care taker of his entire family They are in extremely miserable condition right now as he is unable to ride his rikshaw for earning since 2 weeks which is their only source of earning We need to provide some rashan to them so they can atleast have full meals and don't starve plus some funds so that they can get their lab tests and scans done , buy medicines and get their checkup done thoroughly with further followups Amount required for them for now is 30,000 They are eligible for zakat and sadqa both They belong to very poor family. They are currently in a very bad shape of life SUMAIM BIN NADEEM Meezan Bank Account Number: 01160105728544 IBAN: PK63MEZN0001160105728544 Easypaisa: 03333215882 Jazzcash : 03333215882 Please join for further updates

Case reference 1050 This little baby Abdus Samad choked while feeding he couldn't breathe and upon turning blue parents immediately took him to nearby hospital where they were told he needs incubator on urgent basis and that they don't have space so they took no time and shifted him to shah medical He is currently in critical condition admitted in the hospital and parents are completely out of money they are unable to afford his treatment but cannot even get the baby discharged at the moment Father is a shopkeeper hardly earns 18000 per month Amount required for the baby is 70,000 for now You can also directly pay in the hospital They are eligible for zakat and sadqa both Slips will be provided to the donors JazakAllah SUMAIM BIN NADEEM Meezan Bank Account Number: 01160105728544 IBAN: PK63MEZN0001160105728544 Easypaisa: 03333215882 Jazzcash : 03333215882 Please join for further updates

🔺️ Extremely urgent case ‼️ Case reference 1038 A 6 years old boy who was having high grade fever along with severe fits and stiffness in body was taken to nearby hospital in emergency where he was told to be taken to a hospital where vent is available They tried to find space in jinnah and abbasi but unfortunately couldn't find one They then shifted him to Insaf medical hospital where vent was available but as the father is a labour hardly earns enough to even afford their monthly expenses. He is unable to afford his treatment in a private hospital Kid is on ventilator responding to pain possibly suffering from meningitis He needs immediate treatment for survival.. he is in critical condition right now Amount required for him for now is 60,000 Eligible for zakaat and sadqa both Slips will be provided to the donors U can also visit and pay in the hospital JazakAllah Keep the kid in ur prayers SUMAIM BIN NADEEM Meezan Bank Account Number: 01160105728544 IBAN: PK63MEZN0001160105728544 Easypaisa: 03333215882 Jazzcash : 03333215882 Please join for further updates

🔺️ Extremely urgent case ‼️ Case reference 1036 This 1.5 months old baby was all fine yesterday all of a sudden since today morning after feeding he started shivering vomited and got stiff upon tapping and giving pressure on chest he wasn't moving as if he was dead family immediately took him to abbasi since then he was put in incubator he needed picu and vent facility but it wasn't available in abbasi so they referred him to Jinnah Father went to Jinnah also they told him they don't have any space there also Now since morning they have visited several hospitals and some of them are occupied already some are charging very high per day They went to hamdard also and gave the family my number And has been referred to shabbir medical center which has low per day charges and they have space available in picu and vent is also available The baby needs our support he is in extremely critical condition Father is a daily wager and they are very poor Neither they have android phone nor any vehicle They even don't have any savings in hand they are completely dependent on us We need to pay 15,000 immediately in the hospital right now otherwise they won't take him in And will be needing 70,000 atleast for him to get his treatment done Incase we need more amount for him we will reopen the case For now amount needed is 70,000 They are eligible for zakat and sadqa both Slips will be provided to the donors JazakAllah U can also visit and directly pay in the hospital Please consider SUMAIM BIN NADEEM Meezan Bank Account Number: 01160105728544 IBAN: PK63MEZN0001160105728544 Easypaisa: 03333215882 Jazzcash : 03333215882 Please join for further updates

🔺️ Extremely Urgent Case ‼️ Case reference 1034 This 1 month 10 days old baby is very ill.. her lungs are not working properly her airways are partially blocked due to which she is unable to breathe properly.. she hasn't taken feed since 2 days due to her illness which is worsening her condition Father is a scrap hawker hardly earns 8 to 10k per month They have 3 kids she is the youngest one They are very poor cannot afford her treatment at all They took her to abbasi shaheed and children's hospital but they refused to take her due to non availability of space in picu She is currently in fm Hospital Amount required for her is 50,000 for now Donors can also visit and pay directly in the hospital They are eligible for zakat and sadqa both Parents are in miserable condition Hospital staff is asking for amount to be paid otherwise treatment will be discontinued as we don't have any reference in the hospital . They are not being lenient in any way Slips will be provided to the donors JazakAllah SUMAIM BIN NADEEM Meezan Bank Account Number: 01160105728544 IBAN: PK63MEZN0001160105728544 Easypaisa: 03333215882 Jazzcash : 03333215882 Please join for further updates

Case reference 1024 This little kid falak is getting severe fits just like his elder brother who is just 3 years old His eyes rolled up and he stopped responding as if he passed away parents are in extreme igony and wants our help They took him to several govt hospitals and nearby clinics but are unable to find diagnosis and cure Last seizure was very prolonged so they took him to a hospital where he was adviced to be admitted He is critically ill currently in picu and parents need our help as father is a driver hardly earns 18000 per month mother used to work as household but since she gave birth to his 2 sons she is unable to work as both of them get fits and this little one gets it more often and severe He cannot afford the treatment at all and its life and death for his kid Amount required for the baby is 60,000 They are eligible for zakat and sadqa both and are extremely poor Slips will be provided to the donors JazakAllah SUMAIM BIN NADEEM Meezan Bank Account Number: 01160105728544 IBAN: PK63MEZN0001160105728544 Easypaisa: 03333215882 Jazzcash : 03333215882 Please join for further updates

Case reference 1021 إِنَّا ِلِلَّٰهِ وَإِنَّا إِلَيْهِ رَاجِعُونَ Need to arrange funds for a lady who was on vent since 2 days She came with severe pneumonia and was admitted in icu but her condition deterioted and she was put on vent her family didn't have a single penny for her left as they were already taking her from hospital to hospital but her condition was worsening and all the amount in hand was used in transportation and medications We were contacted and we asked her to be admitted immediately in the hospital But unfortunately she couldn't survive we just got the news that she couldn't survive unfortunately Need alot of prayers for the departed soul and the family And 25,000 is required to pay her dues so her body can be released They are eligible for zakat and sadqa both Please consider JazakAllah SUMAIM BIN NADEEM Meezan Bank Account Number: 01160105728544 IBAN: PK63MEZN0001160105728544 Easypaisa: 03333215882 Jazzcash : 03333215882 Please join for further updates

Case reference 1010 A pathan father who earns 12000 monthly has requested for help for his daughter who is extremely ill due to typhoid which has worsened due to no treatment provided to her She is not eating not talking and not opening her eyes even She needs to be treated on urgent basis and its getting dangerous by each passing day Amount required for her is 25,000 Slips will be provided to the donors JazakAllah SUMAIM BIN NADEEM Meezan Bank Account Number: 01160105728544 IBAN: PK63MEZN0001160105728544 Easypaisa: 03333215882 Jazzcash : 03333215882 Please join for further updates

Case update 1009 A 3 months old baby is having severe difficulty in breathing and has stopped taking milk also Needs to get treated on urgent basis They have seen several doctors and all have recommended admission in hospital Amount required for her is min 40,000 Father is a shop keeper cannot afford her stay in the hospital Slips will be provided to the donors JazakAllah SUMAIM BIN NADEEM Meezan Bank Account Number: 01160105728544 IBAN: PK63MEZN0001160105728544 Easypaisa: 03333215882 Jazzcash : 03333215882 Please join for further updates

Case reference 1008 This new born baby born with low birth weight after his first feed he collapsed Upon evaluation he is having double pneumonia and his lungs are not working properly Father works in a shop hardly earns 18000 per month Cannot afford his treatment at any private hospital He took his baby to several clinics and govt hospitals but all invain and now the baby's condition has worsened Amount required is 60,000 for him They are eligible for zakat and sadqa both Slips will be provided to the donors JazakAllah SUMAIM BIN NADEEM Meezan Bank Account Number: 01160105728544 IBAN: PK63MEZN0001160105728544 Easypaisa: 03333215882 Jazzcash : 03333215882 Please join for further updates

Extremely critical case Case reference 999 This baby is born today but unfortunately soon after delivery the baby wasn't responding upon evaluation doctor adviced to shift him immediately on vent He is having issues in his spinal cord and brain also In Abbasi vent is not available and he needs vent on urgent basis hence adciced to be shifted to any vicinity where vent is available As next 48 hours are very critical for him He needs alot of prayers and support For now 50,000 is required for him If incase more amount is needed we will reopen the case Father is a labour works on construction sites Hardly earns 400 per day They are eligible for zakat and sadqa both Slips will be provided to the donors JazakAllah SUMAIM BIN NADEEM Meezan Bank Account Number: 01160105728544 IBAN: PK63MEZN0001160105728544 Easypaisa: 03333215882 Jazzcash : 03333215882 Please join for further updates

Case reference 994 إِنَّا ِلِلَّٰهِ وَإِنَّا إِلَيْهِ رَاجِعُونَ Baby Haris was suffering from severe diarrhea and was taken to hospital in emergency He was put on vent rightaway but unfortunately he collapsed and couldn't survive Father is a labour he tried his best to save his son's life but couldn't he had nothing in hand for his treatment and upon request we agreed to take kid's case Amount required to pay his bill is 45,000 15,000 required for his tadfeen Total amount required 60,000. They are eligible for zakat and sadqa both Slips will be provided to the donors JazakAllah SUMAIM BIN NADEEM Meezan Bank Account Number: 01160105728544 IBAN: PK63MEZN0001160105728544 Easypaisa: 03333215882 Jazzcash : 03333215882 Please join for further updates

Case reference 985 Need to arrange funds for a newborn baby his mother is still hospitalized as she is having severe jaundice and is in critical condition due to which baby was born with low birth weight and is gasping with difficulty in breathing he is in picu rightnow father is looking after her expenses but is unable to afford the baby's expenses and has requested for help Amount required for the baby is 35,000 Please keep both mother and baby in ur prayers They are eligible for zakat and sadqa both Slips will be provided to the donors JazakAllah SUMAIM BIN NADEEM Meezan Bank Account Number: 01160105728544 IBAN: PK63MEZN0001160105728544 Easypaisa: 03333215882 Jazzcash : 03333215882 Please join for further updates

Case reference 984 Need to arrange funds for this little 2 months old baby who hasn't cried since she is born not once at all Rest she is doing all good but getting a little weaker we need to get her examined and get her initial tests done Doctor has prescribed some labs and scan Amount required for her for now is 15000 only They are eligible for zakat and sadqa both Slips will be provided to the donors JazakAllah SUMAIM BIN NADEEM Meezan Bank Account Number: 01160105728544 IBAN: PK63MEZN0001160105728544 Easypaisa: 03333215882 Jazzcash : 03333215882 Please join for further updates

Case reference 983 An 8 days old baby needs vent on urgent basis Father is a labour works in a shop hardly earns 12000 per month He is their first baby They took him to Jinnah and civil but vent wasn't available so he took him to a hospital in gulshan even vent was not available there too He is now present at rajput general hospital They live in a goth and are extremely needy They need our help to save their child's life Sadqa zakat eligible Amount required for him is 90,000 Slips will be provided to the donors JazakAllah SUMAIM BIN NADEEM Meezan Bank Account Number: 01160105728544 IBAN: PK63MEZN0001160105728544 Easypaisa: 03333215882 Jazzcash : 03333215882 Please join for further updates

Case reference 975 Need to arrange funds for Adil bhai... we bought rikshaw for him 1.5 years back with the help of our donor He now needs help for his rikshaw maintainance as he is Alhamdulillah earning enough to meet ends he is paying his rent and bills and for all the other basics plus he is taking care of his 4 kids himself even monthly maintainable of his rikshaw but unfortunately he is not in a position to afford cost this time as it is a bit high there was some problem with the engine Amount required this time is 11,000 Sadqa is applicable U can also directly hand it over to him JazakAllah SUMAIM BIN NADEEM Meezan Bank Account Number: 01160105728544 IBAN: PK63MEZN0001160105728544 Easypaisa: 03333215882 Jazzcash : 03333215882 Please join for further updates

🔺️ Extremely emergency case ‼️ Case reference 973 A lady contacted us 3 months back as she said she is due in early August and will be needing our help as her husband is a labor works on daily wages And won't be able to afford delivery in private hospital At that moment we asked her to visit abbasi or jinnah and let us know if it works and she gets appointment but unfortunately she didn't get and neither she contacted us again otherwise we would have scheduled her appointment with any doctor in private It's her eighth month now and unfortunately she fell down and soon after that she started getting pains later that night she delivered the baby at home her mother in law cut umbilical cord herself and took the baby to abbasi and left the mother there in pains.. She contacted me and told me everything I have asked her to immediately see the doctor I have referred and when I contacted her mother in law she told me a day has passed baby needs picu but space isn't available So we immediately shifted baby to rajput general hospital to save his life as he is turning blue neither he cried after delivery and has swallowed meconium also and is having severe difficulty in breathing We need funds on urgent basis to get them both treated both mother and baby are in miserable condition right now They are eligible for zakat and sadqa both Amount required for them is 100,000 Slips will be provided to the donors JazakAllah SUMAIM BIN NADEEM Meezan Bank Account Number: 01160105728544 IBAN: PK63MEZN0001160105728544 Easypaisa: 03333215882 Jazzcash : 03333215882 Please join for further updates

‼️ Extremely urgent case ‼️ Case reference 972 This 3 years old baby is in extremely critical condition till now she hasn't received the treatment that she needs on urgent basis as she was taken to civil hospital they shifted her to Jinnah due to non availability of space in picu but there unfortunately they asked them to take the baby to abbasi as they too don't have space available in picu She is currently in abbasi shaheed and on waiting as they too don't have space available at the moment and as u can see she is not in a position to be kept on waiting We immediately need to shift her to any private hospital now and save her life Please keep her in ur prayers and support as much as u can Amount required for her for now is 50,000 If incase more amount is needed we will rearrange for her They are extremely poor and are eligible for zakat and sadqa both Slips will be provided to the donors JazakAllah SUMAIM BIN NADEEM Meezan Bank Account Number: 01160105728544 IBAN: PK63MEZN0001160105728544 Easypaisa: 03333215882 Jazzcash : 03333215882 Please join for further updates