Yashfeen Dairy

Yashfeen Dairy

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This page is a little effort to let our community know about hundreds of health benefits of camel milk; The Miraculous creation and help people get hands to pure samples of this GOLD.


How to reverse premature greying of hair.

Our natural hair color is controlled by melanin. Poor diet like high carb diets and stress can block melanocytes and our melanin natural clock is disrupted, that leads to premature greying.

Main Culprits for premature greying are:
1- Blockage of Tyrosinase enzyme that is needed to create Melanin.

2- Stress makes adrenal glands produce high levels of Hydrogen peroxide. Hydrogen peroxide is an oxidant that can play havoc in body. ( It’s same chemical used during dyeing to decolorize hair.)

3- Insufficient B-vitamins in body. Mostly we do take supplements n healthy diet, still can’t get benefited, because our gut microbiome is disturbed or our stomach doesn’t have enough acid. So we can not extract all nutrients from food.

Following diets can reverse above issues:

1-Foods rich in Copper like Mushrooms, sea food, oysters, liver, eggs, etc can again activate Tyrosinase enzymes. Do yake lots n lots of mushrooms and liver for immediate results.

2- Vitamin E is an anti oxidant, it can counter act excessive Hydrogen peroxide. Vitamin E is crucial for so many functions like fertility, combating premature wrinkles of skin, spider veins, combating hot flashes and many more.
But don’t take synthetic vitamin E, either go for complete vitamin E complex or take it from crucifers like green leafy vegetables, nuts, etc.

Crucifers also block aromatase enzyme which is responsible for excessive Estrogen production. Estrogen dominance is the culprit behind PCOS, infertility, fibroids, endometriosis, hirsutism, prostate enlargement in males and many other critical issues.

3- A healthy gut ensures a healthy individual, as 70% of our immunity originates in the gut. For optimal bioavailability of nutrients from foods, one should have a healthy microbiome.

Either take a good probiotic like 10-15 billion CFUs for healthy adults or 25-50 Billion CFUS for IBs, IBD, Celiac disease or autoimmune diseases. Or simply do take fermented : pickled vegetables, water or milk kefir or yogurt or even better whey protein ( water that comes out of yogurt, it’s rich in all minerals, vitamins and probiotics) kimchy, kumbocha or any fermented delight.

These fermented foods not have all the necessary probiotics but also have almost digested form of fibre ( prebiotic) that acts as a food for our gut microbes and inturn this symbiotic relationship results in trillions of benefits for out body. Last but not the least… anxiety/ depression/ agitation are caused by distorted gut microbiome as 90% Serotonin ( mood lifting neurotransmitter is produced in gut)
All joint issues and even autoimmune immune diseases like arthritis, etc are caused by disturbed gut microbiome and all auto immune diseases are caused by leaky gut. So fixing our gut microbiome can literally start fixing everything for us.

All this will give 100% results with a diet that has no refined carbs.


Our gut microbiome literally governs all our health, specifically if someone has anxiety, depression, suicidal thoughts, etc.They should get their gut health checked, as largest number of nerves outside our brain, pass through GIT. 70 % of our immunity comes directly from gut microbiome.

Gut microbiome ( we have good and bad bacteria in our body, bacteria should be ideally in large intestine, but due to lack of enough stomach acid, unhealthy diets like high carbs, constipation, unnecessary medications specifically antibiotics, even stress… these microbes multiply and either crawl upwards to wrong place like small intestine, or our stomach doesn’t have enough acid and can’t kill incoming microbes from diet and these reside and multiply in small intestine or even go into stomach like E.Coli causing H. Pylori, etc.)

Gut microbes make neurotransmitters like GABA, Dopamine, Serotonin ( major transmitter for good moods), etc and B- vitamins.

So if someone has any sort of Gut issues or inflammation at any part of GUT that means they will have all sorts of issues like anxiety, irritability, depression, compromised immunity and can even go for autoimmune diseases if they don’t address things in time.

Antidepressants surely inhibit growth of good friendly bacteria including other side effects like inflamed gut, desire to binge eating, even gambling, shopping, etc along with obvious signs like sleeplessness, dizziness, headaches, brain fog, etc.

SSRIs are most common anti depressants that surely decrease biodiversity of microbiome, causes alteration in natural balance of good and bad microbes.

So what should be the right approach?

Firstly start with healthy eating like go low carb, have high healthy fats, have lots and lots of cruciferous vegetables, 7-10 cups a day, have lots of eggs, red meat, try to have fish or beef liver thrice a week. Throw away all vegetable oils, Cook in desi ghee, real butter, coconut oil or beef tallow. Use extra virgin olive oil for salad dressings or consumption as such but don’t use to cook things, only use for stir frying.

Rule out SIBO ( small intestinal bacterial overgrowth), classic signs are bloating, belching, discomfort, constipation, burps, things get worst with raw vegetables, dairy and lentils, etc as these things start getting fermenting in wrong place as in small intestine rather than large intestine, so body can’t take help from any nutrients as nutrients are not absorbed from small intestine, rather microbes compete for these nutrients.

Solution of SIBO is to go carnivore for some time, have lots of bone broth, try having cabbage juice for all sorts of GIt issues. Ginger, thyme, oregano, clove are natural herbal antibiotics to fix SIBO.

If SIBO is not the issue, then take a really good probiotic at bedtime, have lots of fermented vegetables like sauerkraut, kimchi, etc, pickled vegetables, or fermented dairy like kefir or good quality yogurt.
Do try to take enough Zn,

You may wanna add Mg ( 330mg) Potassium ( Daily dose is 4700 mg, take it from salads or add a good electrolyte) B complex, vitamin D3 and K2 in combination ( D3 10000 IUS, K2MK7 100mcg with fatty meals, you may have to increase dose as per requirements) to your diet for fighting back this irritable state of yours.

But please remember only good gut microbiome can ensure proper absorption of nutrients in body.


Treatment options for corns, callosities and keloids and Alopecia of any type as per Prophetic medicine:

For above issues please try this gift from Tib e nabvi SAAW, it will not only cure corns, cracked heals, but also keloids and all related issues.

Black surma or asmad surma. ( Chemically it’s Antimony sulphide and you can get it from any chemical/ pharma vendor, if you don’t have access to pure surma.) = 2 grams
Senna makki = 10 grams
Kalonji = 4 grams
Extra virgin olive oil = 200grams.

Take a glass jar and add olive oil, senna makki and kalonji to it. Make it air tight and let it simmer in a pan filled with water on low flame for 45 minutes. Filter it and add surma or antimony sulphide at end and mix.
Apply daily, preferably twice or thrice, it will heal corns and keloids in a few days with regular use INSHAALLAH.

Note: Above remedy is also a perfect solution for alopecia of all types. Just apply this oil daily at affected areas and hair will start regrowing in 2-3 weeks.


Photos from Yashfeen Dairy's post 27/04/2021

Watermelon a great gift of nature in light of Tib e nabvi SAAW:

Yummy flavorful refreshing water melons season is here. Do try to have this delicious fruit daily as this blessing was our Prophet’s one of the favorite and has many medicinal values as per hadees e pak:

Hazrat A’isha رضي الله عنها narrated that Nabi صلی اللہ علیہ وسلم use to eat Melon (Bathikh) with dates (Rutab) & use to say heat of the one is broken by the coolness of the other, and the coolness of the one by the heat of the other. : Reference Abu Dawud: 3836; Book no. 28; In English Book no. 27; Hadees no. 3827.

Nabi صلی اللہ علیہ وسلم guided that eating Bathikh (البطيخ) before meal (empty stomach) cleans the stomach & removes diseases. : Reference Faizul Qadeer: 10014

Nutritional Contents of water melon:

Water, mostly protein, citrulline , pectin, vitamin C, vitamin A, vitamin B2, sulfur, phosphate, sugar, 100% bioavaailble form of iron, Folate, pectin, copper, sodium, potassium, calcium, manganese, chlorine & etc.

Medicinal benefits in water melon:

Water melon with outer green color is the best.

It reduces swelling and inflammation thus is great in ascities (water collection in abdomen).

Sugar form available in water melon is harmless for diabetics.

It Reduces constipation, cleans the stomach, heals heartburn, excessive acidity.

It’s seeds are anthelminthic ( removes worms from GIT)

It is helpful in clearing kidney, urinary bladder and gall bladder stones & Increases urine output, so will help in UTIs and related inflammations.

If rubbed on face or wrinkles, it reduces ageing because it is rich in water, vitamin C, vitamin A,

It’s use is best in typhoid, joint diseases, rheumatic diseases, as it cures fevers. It makes skin radiant.

As it removes free radicals so it helps reducing chances of cancer
with ity antioxidant activity. (removes waste and free radicals out from the body).

It is an excellent source of iron and folic acid so is good for pregnancy.

It has pectin so it cures diarrhea and dehydration, also it can heal ulcers and inflammation of intestine and stomach.

Citrulline in water mellon is converted into arginine in your body. Both of these amino acids aid nitric oxide production. Nitric oxide is a gas molecule that causes the tiny muscles around your blood vessels to relax and dilate. So it will refuce blood pressure.

Science & Hadees regarding water melons:

Water Melons are one of the best recommendations for health Nabi صلی اللہ علیہ وسلم has given us. Water Melons are one of the fruits rich in BOTH vitamin C and Beta-Carotene. In addition, half a melon contains 825 milligrams of potassium (24% of the USRDA). The body uses potassium to help eliminate excess sodium, which in large amounts can cause blood pressure to rise. In fact, in an international study of more than 10,000 people, researchers found that those with the highest potassium levels had the lowest blood pressures. In addition, potassium helps keep the body’s LDL (dangerous cholesterol) from sticking to the arterial walls.

Water Melons also provide a very rare nutrient called folate, B vitamin, which is essential in combating birth defects and heart disease. Prevention’s New Foods for Healing guide mentions a study of almost 4,000 mothers that revealed that those who got enough folate were 60% less likely to have children with brain and spinal cord defects. Additionally, men can benefit from folate too. Folate controls the levels of a chemical called “homocysteine” in the body, which when allowed existing in excess can contribute to artery clogging and thus heart disease.

Watermelon & Dates together

Nutritional value of watermelon. 100 grams of Watermelon has 30 calories only

Water content is dry dates 92%

Total Fat 0.2 g 0%

Saturated fat 0 g 0%

Polyunsaturated fat 0 g

Monounsaturated fat 0 g

Cholesterol 0 mg 0%

Sodium 1 mg 0%

Potassium 112 mg 18%

Total Carbohydrate 8 g 25%

Dietary fiber 0.4 g 32%

Sugar 6 g

Protein 0.6 g 4%

Vitamin A 11% Vitamin C 13% Calcium 0%

Iron 1% Vitamin D 0% Vitamin B6 0%

Magnesium 2%

Nutritional value of dates. 100 grams of dates has 282 calories.

Water content is dry dates 10% to 20%.

Total Fat 0.4 g 0%

Saturated fat 0 g 0%

Polyunsaturated fat 0 g

Monounsaturated fat 0 g

Cholesterol 0 mg 0%

Sodium 2 mg 0%

Potassium 656 mg 18%

Total Carbohydrate 75 g 25%

Dietary fiber 8 g 32%

Sugar 63 g

Protein 2.4 g 4%

Vitamin A 0% Vitamin C % Calcium 3%

Iron 5% Vitamin D 0% Vitamin B6 10%

Magnesium 10%

Match the nutrition of both & judge both are opposite to each other & both in combination make a perfect nutrition. This is miracle of Sunnats of Prophet صلی اللہ علیہ وسلم eating both together.



Treatment Gifts from Tib-e-nabvi SAAW for Psoriasis

Patients should try following remedies extracted from Tib e nabvi SAAW for psoriasis:
Start your day with honey water and try to take 7 dates twice daily ( diabetic should take 3 figs after every meal.)

For external application, make following extract and apply 3 times daily. ( If scales are like wounds that bleed... first make same extract in extra virgin olive oil and apply till wounds heal and then shift to vinegar extract)

Take a glass jar and add following:
costus root powder ( quste e shiirin) 100 grams
hub u rishaad ( cress seeds) 20 grams
senna makki 30 grams
henna leaves 40 grams
kalonji 20 grams.
Apple cider vinegar 500 ml.

Make jar air tight and let it simmer in water bath for 45 minutes on low flame. Filter after cooling.

As a medicine take 5 grams of costus root powder twice daily with honey water.
Also do have 2 tablespoons of extra virgin olive oil on empty stomach daily.

This mode of treatment requires 3-4 months for complete cure, complicated cases may take 6 months, but INSHAALLAH these will cure this disease for sure.


Treatment options for diabetes of all types.

Following smoothie of bottle guard alone is a perfect therapy for controlling and even reversing diabetes:

Bottle gourd (لوکی/کدو) 1/2 cup
Fresh coriander 2 tablespoons
Fresh mint 1 tablespoon
Fresh spinach 1-2 tablespoons
cabbage 1 tablespoon
cucumber 2-3 tablespoons
Some chunks of Any seasonal fruit of your choice ( strawberries/ berries peaches, etc give an excellent kick)
Honey 2-4 tablespoons
Lemon juice 2-4 tablespoons
Pink Himalayan salt as per taste
Water 1-2 glasses.
Blend these together, diluted and a bit chilled version are so refreshing.

This bottle gourd smoothie can reverse any typ of diabetes. Patients should try to take twice daily 1/2 hour before meals or at least once daily on empty stomach.
This bottle gourd smoothie has trillions of benefits as it can safe any organ and restore its normal functions, even it’s one of the best remedies for allergies of all types.

Still if one needs help, then other gifts from Tib e nabvi SAAW include:

1- Try to take barley porridge/ milkshake in breakfast daily.

2. Do try to take 3 figs after every meal.

3. As a medicine, get following herbs powdered and take 1 teaspoon twice daily before meals:

Kalonji ( Nigella sativa seeds) 100 grams
Kaasni ( Chicory seeds) 70 grams
Maithrey ( Fenugreek seeds) 70 grams.

This same combo is an excellent tonic and remedy for all cardiovascular issues, liver and kidney issues along with all GIT issues.

4. Fruit vinegar ( like apple cider vinegar) is also an excellent remedy for controlling cellular inflammations. Having 1 tablespoon ACV in a warm glass if water with 1/2 lemon juice half hour before meals can help control insulin resistance as it clears the inflammation around pancreatic cells, thus enhancing insulin production and of course its better transport to required areas.

Lastly fibre therapy is an excellent mode of treatment for curing diabetes. It consists of having maximum fiber ( fresh fruit and vegetables ( bottle gourd smoothie is one of the best fibre therapies.))
When we eat food, if this food has more than 12 grams of glucose, it will get bioavailable right away from stomach. ( That is will get transferred to blood stream.) which is the cause of postprandial rise in glucose levels.
But no matter how much fibre from fresh fruit and vegetables we eat... glucose in it never exceeds 9 grams, so it will not immediately cause post prandial rise in glucose levels.
Secondly this fibre itself needs glucose to get metabolized... so it will utilize extra glucose levels in body to get digested completely... and then it will release its glucose reserves slowly after 3 hours... and this transfer is optimal enough to keep body functioning properly. So this fibre therapy alone can treat and control diabetes really well, if followed properly.
Lastly the nutrients in these fruit and vegetables are 100% bio available as compared to man made supplements, so they will ensure optimal physiological functions of body.



Alopecia Treatment options

Patients suffering from alopecia of any kind should try this gift from Tib e nabvi SAAW and INSHAALLAH it will give benefit for sure, as it has guarantee of hadees e pak:
Hadees e pak states:

“Hazrat Ibn Abbas رضي الله عنه says that Rasool Allah صلی اللہ علیہ وسلم said the best surma you have is Asmad (اثمد) (Antimony) it makes the vision (البصر) clear & makes the hair (eye lashes) grow. : Reference Ibn Ma-jah: 3626; Book no. 31; In English volume no. 4 Book 31, Hadees no 3497.”

Now either try to get pure samples of surma preferably asmad surma or surma is chemically Antimony Sulphide. You can get pure samples of antimony sulphide from Chemical/ pharma vendors. Or try get pure asmad surma from Saudia.
Make 2% solution of Antimony sulphide/ surma in extra virgin olive oil and apply on effected areas on scalp and eye lashes, regular use will INSHAALLAH make the hair grow again.
It may take some time, but INSHAALLAH it will surely do the miracle.

Also you can mix following:
Henna leaves 250 grams
Kalonji 100 grams
kaasni 80 grams
senna makki 80 grams.

Get all these powdered.
Soak sufficient quantity ( that can cover head and hair) of this powdered henna mix in apple cider vinegar and apply weekly.

This combo also contains all recommendations from hadees e pak n INSHAALLAH will not only help hair grow but will take care of all disease conditions even psoriasis in scalp.


Treatment options for curing all sorts of seasonal allergies/ hay fever/ urticaria/ influenza/ common cold ( Coryza) extracted from Tib- e-Nabvi SAAW

Please try to follow following remedies extracted from hadees e pak for rectification of hypersensitivity of respiratory tract and strengthening of immune system.
Please note following remedies do give immediate relief too but for rectification of root cause, patient should use following remedies for quite a long time. ( I personally recommend at least 4 months so that new RBCs are healthier enough to cope with any issues)

1- Try to find honey with honeycomb preferably or at least get honey that is obtained by squeezing honey comb and not heating again and again. Honey comb or honey comb squeezed honey with cold press methods not only has bees wax in it but also a good amount propolis. This propolis is the most powerful medicine against any bacterial, specially viral and fungal infections, and empowers immunity exponentially. This honey alone can treat any sort of allergies like hay fever, urticaria, influenza, common cold ( coryza), etc as it’s the strongest anti inflammatory for inflamed vessels.
But if one can not find it, then any pure honey will do the job.

Calculate daily dose of pure honey for adults or kids based on following formula:

10 kg body weight = 1 tablespoon of pure honey.

2- Presoak following ingredients overnight in 1.5 litre of water:

3 figs ( Cut into smaller pieces for better extraction)
Glycerrhiza ( Mulathi) 1-2 inch piece. Try to crush it coarsely before adding.
Fenugreek seeds 1/2 teaspoon
Barley porridge ( same grain used for making porridge) 4-5 tablespoons
Nigella sativa seeds ( kalonji) 1 pinch.

Boil these for for at least 20-30 minutes on low flame to reduce this decoction to half the volume.

Filter it and store in a flask.
Give 1 cup of this decoction with 1-2 tablespoons of honey, as first thing in morning ( try to take it warm and earliest after patient gets up.)
Also give 5 figs and a handful of almonds to patient along with this tea.

Try to give a cup of this tea with honey 3-4 times again daily.

Do give following mix preferably twice or at least once daily to patient 10-20 minutes before main meals.
Mix 2 tablespoons each of extra virgin olive, honey and lemon juice and a pinch of pink himalayan salt.

Make an extract of extra virgin olive oil with kalonji ( Powder 3 tablespoons of kalonji coarsely and add in a glass jar, add 200-250 ml of extra virgin olive oil. Add a few dry henna or marva leaves too, if one can find these easily. Make jar air tight and let it simmer in a pan filled with water for 45 minutes over low flame. Filter oil after cooling. )
Instill 2 drops of this extract in each nostrils thrice daily. ( one may feel irritated on first instillation but it will get ok after 3-4th instillation as capillaries get coated and dryness and inflammation is a bit reduced.)

As a medicine, give 1 teaspoon of following mix twice daily to adults preferably with that tea or plain honey water.

Costus root powder ( qust e shiriin) 100 grams
Nigella sativa seeds ( kalonji) 50 grams
Chicory seeds ( kaasni) 30 grams
Fenugreek seeds ( maithrey) 40 grams
Cress seeds ( hub u rishaad) 20 grams
Thyme ( saiter faarsi) 20 gams
Henna leaves ( mehndi k pattey) 5 grams.

Also please do try to plant marjoram ( مروا) and basil ( نیاز بو/ تلسی/ ریحان) plants in your home. Breathing nearby these plants is guaranteed to heal common cold, asthma, etc.

Even making tea with a few leaves of marva and basil leaves. and taking with tea cures most chronic nasal congestion, influenza, nasal polyps and excessive mucus dripping into back side of throat.

Reference of hadees e pak for marjoram:

Hazrat Anas Bin Malik رضي الله عنه says that Nabiﷺ said “For you Marzanjosh (المرزنجوش) is present, this is very beneficial in cold & cough (للخشام جيد) it can be smelled (steam of it).
[Kanz al-Ummal: 17345 & Abu Nu-aim: 286]



Excellent treatment options for active Acne/ eczema/ dermatitis/ pimples and facial marks because of any issues like melasma/ Freckles/ Albinism/vitiligo/ Chloasma/Carotenosis/ Pigmented Naevi ( excessive moles تل),etc extracted from Tib e nabvi SAAW.

We have got multiple options from hadees e pak that can address these issues. Both internal rectification of root cause and external application too. But today i am focusing on external application more.

Wars (ورس) is herb directly prescribed in hadees e pak for removing facial marks/ freckles/ acne, etc. Of course this herb has both internal snd external recommendations from hadees e pak. This herb is directly prescribed for pleurisy and tonsillitis. So have tremendous benefits for multiple diseases too.

But today, we will discuss only uses for above options.

Take 3-4 tablespoons of this herb and place in a glass jar, add 200-250 ml of extra virgin olive oil. Make the jar air tight and let it sit overnight. In ther morning, let it simmer for 45 minutes in a pan filled with water on low flame. After cooling, you can either filter it or store it as such.

Every night, apply a few drops of this oil on your face and over any other body part having eczema or any marks.

All pimples/ marks, etc go away in 1-2 months of regular use and cherry on top skin remains clear for quite a long time.

( Luckily it’s easily now available in Pakistan online too. Earlier it was only cultivated in Yamen, so i never recommended it. One can search it online as Ceylon Cornel.)

For enhanced benefits, have optimal hydration and avoid junk. Also daily use of 4-5 figs dipped in apple cider vinegar speeds up recovery.

Those who can not find this herb, can alternately use costus root powder. As both these herbs have almost same benefits and are recommended together in hadees e pak so same issues.

Method to use costus root powder for above purposes:

Mix 1-2teaspoon of costus root powder in 1-2 tablespoons of pure honey. Use some rose water to make a diluted paste. Apply this mix on pimples/ acne, skin marks daily for 30-45 minutes. Rinse with luke warm water afterwards and apply extra virgin olive oil.

References of hadees e pak for this herb:

1- Hazrat Umme Salma رضي الله عنها says that at the time of Nabi ﷺ, women in postnatal bleeding (after childbirth) used to wait for forty days, and we used to put Warss on our faces because of freckles." (except for one who became pure (clean) before that).
[Ibn Ma-jah: 692 & 693; Book. 1; Eng vol. 1; Book 1, Hadees. 648 & 649]

2- Hazrat Zaid Bin Arqam رضي الله عنه says that Rasoolullahﷺ advised, as a treatment for pleurisy (ذات الجنب), Memecylon (ورس), Costus (قسط), & Olive oil (زيت) & take at one side of mouth (يُلَدُّ).
[Ibn Ma-jah: 3596; Book. 31; Eng volume. 4 ; Book. 31, Hadees. 3467]

3- Qatadah narrated from Abu Abdullah that Zaid Bin Arqam رضي الله عنه said that Nabiﷺ would acclaim Olive oil (الزَّيْتَ) and Memecylon (الْوَرْسَ) for (the treatment of) pleurisy." Qatadah said: "And it is put in the mouth on the side which he is suffering ".
[Tirmizi: 2222; Book. 28, Eng vol. 4; Book. 2; Hadees. 2078]

4- Hazrat Jabir Bin Abdullah رضي الله عنه says that Nabiﷺ sOh! Ladies, Do not burn (Cauterize) throats of your children for Azrah (العذرة) (swelling/ infection in throat) because, you have Qustul hind (الهندي قسط) & Warss (ورس) make them to lick (both).
[Mustadrak Hakim: 8239]

5- Narrated by Ibn Umar رضي الله عنهما that Nabi ﷺ forbade dyeing the cloth of Ihraam (cloth worn while doing Hajj & Umrah) with Memecylon.
[An-Nasa’i: 2666; Book. 24; In Eng vol. 3; Book. 24, Hadees. 2667]

6- Narrated Abdullah Ibn Umar رضي الله عنهما that Nabi ﷺ used to wear tanned leather sandals and dye his beard yellow with Memecylon and saffron, and Ibn Umar used to do that too.
[Abu Dawud: 4210; Book. 35; Eng Book. 34; Hadees. 4198]



Treatment options for Kidney/ Gall bladder stones and all other diseases of urogenital tract, specially UTI’s/ urinary incontinence and any obstruction/ inflammation in any part of these organs. ( Extracted From Tib- e- Nabvi SAAW)

1- Presoak overnight 1-2 litre water with 4 tablespoons of barley ( preferably coarsely ground grain, as used for porridge), 1/6 teaspoon of kalonji ( nigella sativa seeds), 1 tablespoon of chicory seeds ( kaasni) and 8-10 basil leaves ( if one can find easily).
Boil this mix first thing in the morning for 15-20 minutes on low flame. Filter it and store in a flask. Add honey 1-2 tablespoons in a glass of this decoction and take it first thing in morning, with 5 figs and a handful of almonds ( optional).
Keep sipping this decoction all day with honey.
Do have 3 figs after lunch n dinner too. If one can soak these figs in apple cider vinegar, and then consume these. Then benefits are enhanced exponentially.

2 . As a medicine, powder following and take 1 teaspoon of this mix with honey water ( preferably use same decoction), twice daily before main meals.

Nigella sativa seeds ( Kalonji) 50 grams
Costus root powder ( Qust e shirin) 100 grams
Chicory seeds ( Kaasni k beej/ leaves) 50 grams
Cress seeds ( Hub u rishaad) 20 grams.

Try to take this medicine for 15-20 days, even if symptoms of UTI go away, for stones and other obstructions, take this medicine for at least 2months.

3. At asar time, try taking bottle gourd smoothie. Method: Blend a glass of water with 1/2-1 cup bottle gourd, a handful of fresh coriander, add any fruit of choice for taste, honey 2-4 tablespoons, lemon juice 2 tablespoons and some pink himalayan salt.
This drink is detoxifying, so one may experience diarrhea, but it will go away on its own, once body is detoxified.

3. Take this mix twice daily, 10 mints before main meals.
Extra virgin olive oil 2 tablespoons
Pure honey 2 tablespoons
Lemon juice 2 tablespoons
a pinch of pink himalayan salt.

These remedies can rectify diabetes and hypertension too, along with Cholesterol and other issues.

These remedies can work wonders in all sorts of Kidney issues too. But if patient has got kidney failure, then this remedy needs to be altered as per requirement. Like instead of taking water, bottle gourd and fresh coriander juice with boney are to be used along with camel milk. But exact modification depends on diseases profile of patient.


Treatment for vitiligo/ برص/ پھلبہری extracted from Tib e nabvi SAAW

As a medicine, patient should have two medicines. Recipe of one is attached in picture and other one is as follows.

Patient should have following mix 1 teaspoon twice daily of before meals.
Kalonji ( nigella sativa seeds) 50 grams
Hub ur rishaad ( cress seeds) 20 grams
Maithrey (fenugreek seeds) 5 grams
kaasni ( chicory seeds) 30 grams.

Get these powdered.

For local application on marks:

kalonji ( nigella sativa seeds)
hub u rishaad ( cress seeds)
meithrey ( Fenugreek seeds)
Henna leaves (mehndi k pattey)
50 grams each and add this powder to a glass jar. Add 1000 ml of apple cider vinegar and make it air tight. Let it simmer for 45 minutes on low flame. Filter it after cooing. Apply this filtered lotion on marks daily. N try to sit in sunlight for 20-30 minutes after applying. These marks will slowly go away.

Also try to have 1 teaspoon of other medicine twice daily, after meals. mentioned in pic.

Treatment takes 6-7 months.

For super speedy recovery, try having honey, dates ( or figs for diabetics), maximum fresh fruit and vegetables and above all if possible do have camel milk daily.


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Opening Hours

Monday 09:00 - 20:00
Tuesday 09:00 - 20:00
Wednesday 09:00 - 20:00
Thursday 09:00 - 20:00
Friday 09:00 - 20:00
Saturday 09:00 - 20:00