Videos by OPTOMETRISTS in Lahore. Knowledge , Information, Fun, Technology Related To Eyes
If i have dry eye, why do my eyes water? It might not make sense, but dry eye syndrome of ten leads to watery eyes. It happens when your meibomian glands aren't making enough oils for the outer layer of your tear film. So, the middle, watery layer of your tear film evaporates too quickly. In response, your lacrimal glands try to make more watery tears to compensate. But these tears can't properly coat your eye, as the oily layer would. So, they can't solve the underlying problem. They can even encourage you to wipe and rub your eyes more frequently, making your eyes even redder and itchier than before. Dry eye is a chronic condition that is often permanent, but the symptoms can be relieved with very little ef fort. Some of the more common symptoms to watch for are: Scratchy eyes, Blurred vision, especially after longe caption periods of staring at a screen, Watery eyes, Itching or burning eyes, Stringy mucus coming from the tear ducts, Feeling like there's something in the eye, Sensitivity to light, Redness in the whites of the there's something in the eye, Sensitivity to light, Redness in the whites of the eyes. Dry eye syndrome won't go away on its own, you have to treat the symptoms to get relief. If you're suffering from any of the symptoms of dry eye syndrome, make an appointment with your ophthalmologist. [Copied]
Mantis Shrimp's vision.
I always use to think human eye has most unique characteristics of vision before it..
But as there's a quote
"there's always a bigger fish"
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