ZJ Nayab Official

ZJ Nayab Official

ZJ Nayab is a emerging Music Icon of Pakistani Music industry very soon his devil music beats and re

Timeline photos 16/04/2021

Being alone has a power that very few people can handle

Timeline photos 25/03/2021

Final Countdown Has Begin
in because of

Timeline photos 21/03/2021

Let’s spin it 🤞

Timeline photos 20/03/2021

Is anybody out there ? It feels like i am talking to myself,No one seems to know my struggle and everything i come from ,Can anybody hear me ? I guess i keep talking to myself it feels like i am going insane Am i the one who’s crazy ? I will write i will rap my worst of life your worst of life, I broke my cage and freed my words and thoughts. Now my songs will free you from your frustrations and I will become a voice like mine.


Something is coming out from the Rock and it will be very colourful believe me

