Govt. Community Cluster Elementary School Yar Muhammad Nindwani

Govt. Community Cluster Elementary School Yar Muhammad Nindwani

هي اسڪول SRSO طرفان ٻارن جي بهترين مستقبل لاءِ وڏي محنت سان ٺاھيو ويو آهي. اُميد تہ توهان هن بهترين اداري مان فائدو وٺڻ ۾ ڪوتاهي نہ ڪندا.

Photos from Govt. Community Cluster Elementary School Yar Muhammad Nindwani's post 08/03/2024

At Community Cluster Elementary School, we've got a fantastic A.V. room! It's got a huge screen, powerful speakers, and even tablets for students to use. This room helps each level student/learner to learn and understand tricky topics better. Plus, it boosts our confidence by giving us the tools to present our ideas effectively. Wonderful educational functions/workshops are conducted here. This A v is used daily basis.

Photos from Govt. Community Cluster Elementary School Yar Muhammad Nindwani's post 08/01/2024

On the planned date of December 18, 2023, the Medical Team diligently carried out blood Hepatitis B and C at Cluster Yar Muhammad Nindwani. Their focus was on students aged ten and above, spanning from Grade IV to VIII, along with the comprehensive inclusion of all teachers. The noteworthy facilitation provided by the SRSO Organization deserves commendation for making it possible to diagnose Hepatitis among the community's children.

Photos from Govt. Community Cluster Elementary School Yar Muhammad Nindwani's post 25/12/2023

The sports equipments supplied to the Community Cluster School Yar Muhammad Nindwani to encourage students to partake in fun-filled activities, adding vibrancy to their break time and fostering a sense of enjoyment.

Photos from Govt. Community Cluster Elementary School Yar Muhammad Nindwani's post 17/12/2023

Weekly and monthly tests for different classes organized by Mr. Peroz Ali Khoso. He also boosts students' morale by awarding those who excel, promoting a positive and motivating learning environment.


Monthly Assessment
Subject: Sindhi
Grade: IV

Photos from Govt. Community Cluster Elementary School Yar Muhammad Nindwani's post 21/11/2023

In the classroom, textbooks are the trusted companions that illuminate the minds of students, paving the way for enlightenment.
"Textbooks are the mirrors reflecting the depth and breadth of knowledge, allowing students to see their potential reflected in the pages."
"As students engage with textbooks, they have put on the armor of understanding, preparing themselves for the challenges of academic conquest."

Photos from Govt. Community Cluster Elementary School Yar Muhammad Nindwani's post 08/11/2023

ڪلسٽر اسڪول يار محمد نندواڻي پنھنجي روايت جو لاڄ رکندي اسڪول جي بھترين ۽ باصلاحيت استاد صاحبان استاد عبدالرشيد بنگوار صاحب ۽ استاد عبدالرحيم ڏاھاڻي صاحب جي مانَ ۾ ھڪ مائناتي ۽ شائناتي الوداعي توڙي مبارڪ باد جي تقريب اسڪول ۾ قائم سائنس ليب م منعقد ڪئي وئي، جنھن م اسڪول جي سرپرست اعلي سائين ميرحسن خان نندواڻي صاحب، محترم استاد سائين نياز احمد نندواڻي صاحب (سابقه پرنسپال ھائير سيڪنڊري اسڪول واحد بخش بجاراڻي) سائين نجيب الله ملڪ (سابقه پرنسپال ڪلسٽر اسڪول بھادر خان کوسو) محترم استاد سجاد احمد نوناري صاحب (سابقہ اسڪول ڪوآرڊينيٽر، ڪلسٽر اسڪول يار محمد نندواڻي) ۽ اسڪول يار محمد نندواڻي جي سابقه استاد صاحبان شرڪت ڪئي۔۔پروقار تقريب م رخصت ٿيندڙ استاد صاحبان جي ڪيل خدمتن تي روشني وڌي وئي ۽ اجرڪن ۽ گلن وسيلي کين خراج عقيدت طور ڀيٽا پيش ڪئي وئي۔۔آخر ۾ ڪھي آيل سڀني دوستن کي اسڪول پرنسپال مولابخش ٻرڙو پاران شموليت تي شڪريه ادائگي جو اظھار ڪيو ويو ۽ مھمانن کي شاندار مانجهاندي سان رخصت ڪيو ويو۔۔۔۔
پروگرام جون ڪجھ جھلڪيون فيس بڪ جي پليٽ فارم تي اوھان سان ونڊجن پيون...

Photos from Govt. Community Cluster Elementary School Yar Muhammad Nindwani's post 08/11/2023

ڪلسٽر اسڪول يار محمد نندواڻي پنھنجي روايت جو لاڄ رکندي اسڪول جي بھترين ۽ باصلاحيت استادن صاحبان استاد عبدالرشيد بنگوار صاحب ۽ استاد عبدالرحيم ڏاھاڻي صاحب جن جي مانَ ۾ ھڪ مائناتي ۽ شائناتي الوداعي توڙي مبارڪ باد جي تقريب اسڪول ۾ قائم سائنس ليب ۾ منعقد ڪئي وئي جنھن ۾ اسڪول جي سرپرست اعلي سائين ميرحسن خان نندواڻي،صاحب، محترم سائين نياز احمد نندواڻي صاحب (سابقه پرنسپال ھائير سيڪنڊري اسڪول واحد بخش بجاراڻي) سائين نجيب الله ملڪ صاحب (سابقه پرنسپال ڪلسٽر اسڪول بھادر خان کوسو)، استاد سجاد احمد نوناري صاحب ( سابقه اسڪول ڪو آرڊينيٽر،اسڪول يار محمد نندواڻي) ۽ هن اداري جي سابقه استاد صاحبان شرڪت ڪئي۔۔پروقار تقريب م رخصت ٿيندڙ استاد صاحبان جي ڪيل خدمتن تي روشني وڌي وئي ۽ اجرڪن ۽ گلن وسيلي کين خراج عقيدت طور ڀيٽا پيش ڪئي وئي۔۔آخر ۾ م ڪھي آيل سڀني دوستن کي اسڪول پرنسپال مولا بخش ٻرڙو پاران شموليت تي شڪريه ادائگي جو اظھار ڪيو ويڳ ۽ مھمانن کي شاندار مانجهاندي سان رخصت ڪيو ويو۔
پروگرام جون ڪجھ جھلڪيون فيس بڪ جي پليٽ فارم تي اوھان سان ونڊجن ٿيون

Photos from Govt. Community Cluster Elementary School Yar Muhammad Nindwani's post 30/10/2023

A memorable mini-program, set up in The Audio Visual (A V Room) of Cluster School Yar Muhammad Nindwani to educate the students about the significance of the 23rd of March. The program aimed to foster awareness and understanding among the students viewing the historical importance of the day.


On March 23rd, there was a special tabluea at Cluster School Yar Muhammad Nindwani. It was about doctor and patient.


Sindh Rural Support Organization (SRSO)
The program held on the 23rd of March at Cluster School Yar Muhammad Nindwani showcased students' performances through various tableaus, depicting different themes.
Community Cluster Elementary School, Mir Wahid Bux Bijarani secured the first position for their exceptional portrayal.

Photos from Govt. Community Cluster Elementary School Yar Muhammad Nindwani's post 30/10/2023

Sindh Rural Support Organization (SRSO)
0n 23rd March 2023
A remarkable program was organized at Cluster School Yar Muhammad Nindwani to commemorate the Resolution Day of Pakistan on the 3rd of March. Students from neighboring schools also actively participated in various segments, including recitations, religious poems, speeches, tableaus, stage performances, and the national anthem. Distinguished guests shared their insights on the occasion, with Chief Guest Mahmood Khan Khoso Sb acknowledging the efforts of SRSO and Sir Wakeel Ahmed Dahani Sb (TEO) providing his perspectives. Education Manager Muhammad Akram Sheikh expressed his delight at the children's dedication to the success of the program. The principals, teachers, and guests were warmly welcomed and thanked for their presence. The informative speeches during the event enriched the students understanding of the significance of the day. Hopes are high for the organization of similar meaningful events in Cluster Schools in the future.

Photos from Govt. Community Cluster Elementary School Yar Muhammad Nindwani's post 10/07/2023

Sindh Rural Support Organization (SRSO)
Cluster Secondary School,
Sep, 24, 2022
An Inspection on overall facilitated Material of The School held by An internal Auditor Team from SRSO Head Office.

Photos from Govt. Community Cluster Elementary School Yar Muhammad Nindwani's post 07/07/2023

Sindh Rural Support Organization (SRSO)
Annual Exams 2022-23

Photos from Govt. Community Cluster Elementary School Yar Muhammad Nindwani's post 28/06/2023

سنڌ رورل سپورٽ آرگنائيزيشن(SRSO) ۾ اسڪول پرنسيپال، HST, SS, ECCE ۽ EP جون ويڪنسيز آيون آهن۔
آنلائن اپلائي ڪرڻ لاء

Photos from Govt. Community Cluster Elementary School Yar Muhammad Nindwani's post 23/06/2023

Several official meetings were organized at C.C.E.S YAR MUHAMMAD NINDWANI, where prominent individuals such as DPO (District Project Officer) HTs (Head Teachers), EPs (Education Promoters), and Teachers participated. These meetings focused on a range of topics aimed at improving and advancing the Cluster School. The Respected Senior Programme officer, Sir Abdul Quddoosue Sb, led the meetings as the chairperson.
During these meetings, the participants discussed various agendas related to the betterment and progress of the school, as to identify and address areas that required improvement, seeking ways to enhance the overall educational experience for students.
The meetings were conducted to foster the exchange of ideas among the attendees. The HTs, EPs, and Teachers likely shared their expertise, experiences, and suggestions to develop effective strategies for the school's advancement. The ultimate goal was to create an environment conducive to learning, where students could thrive academically and personally.

Photos from Govt. Community Cluster Elementary School Yar Muhammad Nindwani's post 17/06/2023

Sindh Rural Support Organization (SRSO)
The students, under the guidance of their subject teacher, Sir Abdul Raheem, skillfully created an enlightening chart showcasing valuable information about the globe, the North Pole, and the South Pole.

Amidst this productive session, Sir Najeebullah Malik, the former head teacher of Cluster School B.K.K visited eight classes where he imparted insightful knowledge about the subject matter.

Photos from Govt. Community Cluster Elementary School Yar Muhammad Nindwani's post 14/06/2023

Sindh Rural Support Organization (SRSO)
Snapshots illustrating the SEF TEAM's rigorous validation processes for students and their commitment to meticulous academic assessment.

Photos from Govt. Community Cluster Elementary School Yar Muhammad Nindwani's post 06/06/2023

Sindh Rural Support Organization (SRSO)
Date: 14-03-2023
Location: Cluster School, Yar Muhammad Nindwani
Attendees: All Head Teachers from Cluster Schools
Chaired by: Mr. M Akram Sheikh (Education Manager)
(a) Curriculum enhancement.
(b) Teaching Methods and professional development
(c) Student Assessment & Feedback
(d) Parent & community engagement

Photos from Govt. Community Cluster Elementary School Yar Muhammad Nindwani's post 05/06/2023

Sindh Rural Support Organization (SRSO)
We would like to express our heartfelt appreciation and deepest gratitude to Esteemed Education Manager (E M) Madam Shabana Mansoor for her outstanding contribution during her visit to Community Cluster Elementary School
Her participation, presence, and passion for education supremely enriched our educational environment.
Beyond her role as an E.M. officer, displayed a genuine interest in our school community. She took the time to interact with staff members, expressing sincere curiosity about effective teaching methodology, challenges, and successes.
Her kind visits not only provided our students with a unique opportunity to learn about law enforcement but also inspired them to consider important values such as integrity, responsibility, and public service.

Photos from Govt. Community Cluster Elementary School Yar Muhammad Nindwani's post 29/05/2023

Sindh Rural Support Organization (SRSO)

Photos from Govt. Community Cluster Elementary School Yar Muhammad Nindwani's post 26/05/2023

Textbooks distribution

Photos from Govt. Community Cluster Elementary School Yar Muhammad Nindwani's post 23/05/2023

Surprised visit @ Cluster School Yar Muhammad Nindwani by Education Promoter (E.P) Mr. Muhammad Usman Sb.

Photos from Govt. Community Cluster Elementary School Yar Muhammad Nindwani's post 29/03/2023

Education Promoter (E.P) Mr. Dur Muhammad's surprised visit @ Cluster School Yar Muhammad Nindwani.

Photos from Govt. Community Cluster Elementary School Yar Muhammad Nindwani's post 28/03/2023

Education Promoter (E.P) Mr. Muhammad Suleman's surprised visit @ Cluster School Yar Muhammad Nindwani.

Photos from Govt. Community Cluster Elementary School Yar Muhammad Nindwani's post 26/03/2023

Some snapshots to Education Manager Sir Naimatullah Sheikh Sb during his surprise visits and planned meetings with Head Teachers @ Cluster School Yar Muhammad Nindwani.

Photos from Govt. Community Cluster Elementary School Yar Muhammad Nindwani's post 13/03/2023

ڪميونٽي ڪلسٽر ايليمينٽري اسڪول يار محمد نندواڻي جي سٿَ سان تدريس ۔اتنظامي ،دفتري رڪارڊ ،مختلف غير نصابي سرگرمين،اداري پاران منعقد ڪيل سماجي پروگرامن ۽ ٻين مختلف معاملاتن م مسلسل معاون ، ٻانھن ٻيلي ۽ سھولتڪار رھندڙ مختلف ڪلسٽر اسڪولن م خدمتون سرانجام ڏيندڙ ۔يار محمد سٿَ جو انتھائي گھڻگھرو دوست محترم سائين نجيب الله ملڪ صاحب کي سنڌ سرڪار جي تعليم کاتي م بطور پرائمري اسڪول ٽيچر جي منصب تي چونڊجڻ تي سندس جي اعزاز م الوداعي توڙي مبارڪ باد جو رنگارنگي پروگرام بتاريخ 12۔2۔2023 بروز آچر تي اسڪول جي قائم سائنس ليب م منعقد ڪيو ويو۔۔پروگرام ۾ محترم و مڪرم سائين نياز احمد نصيراڻي صاحب(پرنسپال ڪلسٽر اسڪول واحد بخش خان بجاراڻي)،محترم سائين محمد امين چاچڙ صاحب(پرنسپال ڪلسٽر اسڪول کنڊو خان نندواڻي) مختلف ڪلسٽر اسڪولن م ڪم ڪندڙ ايڇ ايس ٽيز ،جي ايس ٽيز ۽ پي ايس ٽيز استاد صاحبان،ڪلسٽر اسڪول يار محمد نندواڻي جا سابقه استاد صاحبان ۽ ٻين مختلف شعبن جي معززين شرڪت ڪئي۔ پروگرام جو آغاز قرآن پاڪ جي تلات ڪلام پاڪ سان ڪيو ويو تنھن بعد سرڪار دو عالم جي شان م نعت مقبول پيش ڪيو ويو. ان موقعي تي اسڪول جي سينئير استاد عباس علي نندواڻي طرفان آيل سڀني معززين جي مان م آجياڻو پيش ڪيو ويو. پروگرام م آيل تمام معززين پاران محترم نجيب الله ملڪ صاحب جي شخصيت ۽ سندس جي مختلف ڪلسٽر اسڪولن م ڪيل خدمتن تي پنھنجا تاثرات پيش ڪيا ۽ حسن ڪارڪردگي تي عظيم ڀيٽا پڻ پيش ڪئي ۽ گڏوگڏ سندس جي نئين ڪيرئير ۽ روشن مستقبل لا۽ نيڪ تمنائن جو پڻ اظھار ڪيو. پروگرام ۾ سنڌ جي روايتن ۽ رسمن جي لاڄ رکندي اسڪول جي پرنسپال مولا بخش ٻرڙو پاران سنڌ امڙ جي عظيم ۽ خوبصورت ثقافت جي اھڃاڻ اجرڪ جو تحفو محترم نجيب الله ملڪ کي پيش ڪيو. ان موقعي تي آيل تمام معززين پاران پڻ نجيب الله ملڪ صاحب جي اعزاز م گلن جا ھار پڻ پارايا. پروگرام جي ترتيب ۽ انتظامي خدمتون استاد برڪت علي چولياڻي صاحب ڏنيون. آخر م اسڪول جي پرنسپال مولا بخش ٻرڙو پاران ڪھي آيل معزز مھمانن جو طئي دل سان شڪريو ادا ڪيو ۽ پروگرام جي اختتامي دعا گھري پروگرام کي پڄاڻي تي پھچايو. پروگرام جي اختتام کانپو۽ آيل تمام معززين جي مان م شاندار مانجھاندو پڻ پيش ڪيو ويو.

Photos from Govt. Community Cluster Elementary School Yar Muhammad Nindwani's post 04/03/2023

Community Cluster Elementary School, YAR MUHAMMAD NINDWANI
Informative charts made by Students.

Photos from Govt. Community Cluster Elementary School Yar Muhammad Nindwani's post 04/02/2023

بيشڪ ادارا فردن جا محتاج ناھن ھوندا مگر ڪي فرد وسيع تجربي، خداداد صلاحيتن ۽ لازوال علم باعث پنھنجي پر ۾ ادارن جي حيثيت رکندڙ ھوندا آھن.
سرسو(SRSO) ڪلسٽر ايليمينٽري اسڪول يار محمد خان نندواڻي درسگاھ جي روح روان استادن سائين سجاد احمد نوناري صاحب، سائين وسيم احمد نوناري صاحب ۽ سائين سھيل احمد منڱريو صاحب کي پوري عرصي دوران حسن ڪارڪردگي پيش ڪرڻ تي اسٽاف ۽ اداري طرفان الوداعي تقريب جي موقعي دوران ھي تصويرون ھڪ يادگار طور ورتل آھن.
انھن تصويرن کي ڏسندي دل محسوس ڪندي آھي تہ بيشڪ ھن اداري کي ھنن سٻاجھڙن ۽ سينيئر استادن جي ڪمي محسوس ٿئي ٿي مگر خوشنصيب آھن اھي گورنمينٽ جا اسڪول ۽ اتان جا شاگرد جتي ھي علم و ادب جا ڄاڻو استاد پنھنجون خدمتون سرانجام ڏئي رھيا آھن.
تڏھن محبت ۽ پيار وچان چپن تي سرمد سنڌي جي گيت جيان اھا دعا اچي ويندي آھي ته "جتي ھجو سکيا ھجو اسان جي آ دعا اھا، اسان جي آ دعا اھا"

Photos from Govt. Community Cluster Elementary School Yar Muhammad Nindwani's post 08/12/2021

Special Thanks to District Manger -SRSO Mr. Raja Khan Pathan Sb, TEO Mr. Niaz Ahmed Nindwani (Talka Tangwani) Mr. Tariq Ayyoob Sb DPO, Mr. Mir Hassan Khan Nindwani Sb, Head Teachers & School Co-ordinators to Cluster & Govt schools & other Highly Respected community Personalities partcipated here.
The program was consist of contradictory segments such as: Speeches, Tablos, quiz Competition etc.
Respected DM Sb, TEO Sb and other guests praised the efforts of SRSO Team,Talent to students as well as programme arrangements during their stage views.
Respected Officials were gifted with Ajrak. All the students who took part in any of segment was awarded by School Team. TEO Sb also awarded 1000 to a posotion holder in a Sindhi Speech. A Mahraj student was awarded 500 by village-headed due to his best talent and good performance.

Videos (show all)

Monthly AssessmentSubject: SindhiGrade:     IV
On March 23rd, there was a special tabluea at Cluster School Yar Muhammad Nindwani. It was about doctor and patient.
Sindh Rural Support Organization (SRSO)     The program held on the 23rd of March at Cluster School Yar Muhammad Nindwan...



Opening Hours

Monday 08:30 - 13:30
Tuesday 08:30 - 13:30
Wednesday 08:30 - 13:30
Thursday 08:30 - 13:30
Friday 08:30 - 13:30
Saturday 08:30 - 13:30