Insaf Doctors Forum Punjab-Official

Insaf Doctors Forum Punjab-Official

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HCW Register - Resource Management System

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All healthcare workers may get registered at the following link for vaccination. RMS NCOC NITB


IDF Punjab extends its condolences on the sad demise of wife of Dr. Shahid Sohrani (Senior Vice President IDF South Punjab). May Allah bless the departed soul with highest place in Jannah and give Sabar-e-Jameel to the family. Ameen


IDF Punjab press release. 12.01.2021

IDF Punjab is immensely concerned on the NPA issue province wide.It has been a struggle to get the matter resolved and get the funds be expedited to our hard working doctors.

IDF Punjab team has pledged to resolve this issue from the start.All higher authorities concerned are in constant liason for resolution.Soon all respected doctors shall get a good news.

IDF Punjab will always raise the voice of doctors to address all core issues of the community.


IDF Press Release 11.01.2021

*IDF Punjab President expresses his deep concerns over irregularities in PPSC selection tests and strongly condemn any sort of selection against merit and is vocal against this injustice.

*This issue is being closely observed. All selections against merit will be exposed and all candidates who donot meet selection criteria shall be openly named.Furthermore, all those involved in this henious act will be brought to justice.

*IDF has always stood by selection on merit and will again follow the same stance.This criminal act of merit murder will be raised at all forums and platforms by IDF.

*IDF is working in close liason with Health Department in this regard and no napotism will be allowed.IDF is representing doctors community from the front and will ensure the right of every doctor for PPSC selection by enforcing selection on merit.

IDF will highlight all napotism and will fight against merit selections in legal manner as required.


IDF Punjab Press release 07.01.2020

IDF Punjab strongly condemns torture on delegates and representatives of Foreign medical graduates by police in Islamabad.This is an utterly unacceptable stance. All demands of doctors should be solved with table talk and all necessary measures must be made to facilitate the doctors.


PMC -Complete Press conference on National Mdcat 2020 and Rechecking process ~ VC Muhammad Ali Raza

59% of MDCAT candidates got 60% marks or more, a significant passing rate.

Also, all requests for recounting of candidates' marks will be entertained free of cost.

PMC's press conference about MDCAT '20:

In all honesty, the level of transparency of PMC is commendable! PMC - Press conference about MDCAT Result 202...



No message has been released by IDF Punjab President in terms of Administrative affairs in Rawalpindi teaching Institutes.The said message on this subject has been edited and portrayed as if delivered by the IDF Punjab President.The people behind this malinformation will be dealt strictly and any future act of this category shall be handled legally.
