Website builder expert


InfinityWP 06/01/2022

السلام عليكم واسعد الله صباحكم وظهركم وعصركم وكل لحظة من حياتكم احبابي فالله
يسرني ابلاغكم اننا أخيرا سنبدأ العمل على الدورة التعليمية مع InfinityWP الأكثر شمولا باللغة العربية لتصميم وانشاء مواقع الويب! او بمصطلح No Code بحيث يمكنك خلال شهر بناء عدة اصناف من المواقع بدون كتابة سطر برمجي واحد .
اذا اردتم ان تدرسوا كيف تبنون بأنفسكم مواقع انترنت على منصة ووردبريس (سواء بهدف انشاء موقع ويب تجاري احترافي لمصلحتكم او لكسب دخل من بناء مواقع ويب لأصحاب المحلات) فان هذه الدورة تغطي كل ما يلزم معرفته من اجل دخول عالم الووردبريس والبدء بإنشاء مواقع ويب تجارية احترافية من الالف الى الياء تمامًا من اليوم باستخدام الأدوات المدفوعة والأساليب الأكثر تطورًا في هذا المجال بشكل مجاني لمدى الحياة .
✅ سوف تقومون خلال الدورة بإنشاء موقع ووردبريس احترافي بقيمة الاف الدولارات خطوة بخطوة من الصفر , بدءًا من مرحلة شراء التخزين (الاستضافة) والنطاق وحتى تصميم الموقع ونشره.
من المواضيع التي سيتم تعليمها خلال الدورة :
💠 أساسيات الموقع (النطاق, استضافة المواقع)
💠 التعرف على (WordPress) والإعدادات
💠 إضافات وقوالب او الثيمات
💠 إنشاء وتحرير صفحات
💠 تحرير القائمة الرئيسية
💠 تصميم الموقع باستخدام ادوات No Code
💠 استمارة تواصل
💠 تثبيت شهادة SSL
💠 وغيرها الكثير...
✅ ان الدورة ملاءمة للمبتدئين ✅ ولا تتطلب أي معرفة او خبرة سابقة ✅ ولا معرفة اللغة الإنجليزية .ولا لغات برمجية معقدة ومتعددة .
في نهاية الدورة التعليمية ستتمكن من انشاء مواقع الويب التي يبلغ اقل سعر لها 300$ وكذلك ستتعلم SEO وادواته الخاصة المدفوعة وطبعا كل شيء ضمن سعر الدورة ولمدى الحياة .
🎉 الدورة التعليمية بسعر 99$ لمدة شهر 30 يوم .بحجم ساعي يفوق 30 ساعة .
مع InfinityWP عنوان التميز والنجاح شعارنا دوما Learn To Earn
للتواصل معنا يمكنكم الانظمام للمجموعة :

InfinityWP I'm InfinityWP for WordPress Development


الـ infinityAlgo تفتح فترة تجريبية لمدة 7 ايام للاعضاء فالباقة الشهرية Basic .
شروط الاستفادة من العرض :

حساب Tradingview يجب ان يكون مسجلا لفترة تفوق 24 ساعة .
متابعة حساباتنا على مواقع التواصل الاجتماعي ودعوة اصدقاءك لمشاركة الباقة :

📌رابط التلغرام :
📌التويتر :

Gutek – Gutenberg theme for WordPress - WPTYPEK 27/09/2019

على الاقل هناك من استفاد من منشوراتنا.

Gutek – Gutenberg theme for WordPress - WPTYPEK Simple and powerful design tool for WordPress.
Gutenberg interface it’s incredibly smart, super flexible, amazingly powerful. This is how designing for the WordPress is meant to be done. Take your website to the next level.


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Build Your App Portfolio With Phone Mockup Element


السابق يرجع إلى سلطنة عمان ويعلن #اسلامه و يبكى في سلطنه عمان لما أسلم ، ونطق بالشهادتين ..... والعزة للاسلام ...
returns to the Sultanate of Oman and declares his and weeping in the Sultanate of Oman when he became Muslim.
... and pride of Islam ...


The team's goal is to get good results ... Our projects have no geographical boundaries. We are everywhere.


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Photos from Website builder expert's post 24/08/2019

Now I will put in your hands some pictures you can use on Facebook or other sites .... These pictures are a gift from our team has been working on them before.

الان سأضع بين أيديكم بعض الصور يمكنكم إستعمالها في الفيسبوك أو غيره من المواقع .... هده الصور هدية من فريقنا تم العمل عليها من قبل .
فريقنا يعشق ويتنفس الكود


لمن لديه أي استفسار حول عمل فريقنا يمكنكم مراسلتنا ... نتشرف بمحادثكم.


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The Ultimate WordPress Theme & Visual Page Builder (Latest Version) (Last Updated on 31st August 2018) is the best and top class most famous Builder that was made using complete user experience keep in mind at the forefront of its priorities.

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Divi will easily change the way you build websites or blogs forever.


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Photos from Website builder expert's post 11/08/2019

Now we will put in your hands some pictures of the work file we have done.


We offer you a new design for our page

Photos from Website builder expert's post 11/08/2019

From Your

Step_1: Disconnect your PC from the Internet

Before you do anything else, disconnect your PC from the Internet so that your computer can communicate with the malware server that might be controlling it, and so that it can’t transmit any of your personal information that it may have collected. If you have to download a tool to help remove the malware, do it quickly and immediately disconnect from the Internet when it’s finished. Do your best to stay offline.

screenshot of disconnecting from the internet

Step_2: Enter safe mode

Isolate any issues with your PC by rebooting it in safe mode. This allows your computer to perform checks while it runs on the minimum number of programs it needs to operate.

Step 1: Restart your PC.
Step 2: When you see the sign-in screen, hold down the Shift key and select Power → Restart.
Step 3: After your PC restarts, go to the “Choose an option” screen and select “Troubleshoot,” then “Advanced Options” and then “Startup Settings.”
Step 4: In the next screen, click “Restart” and wait for the next screen to load.
Step 5: A menu will appear with numbered startup options. Select number 4 or F4 to start your PC in safe mode.
Step 3: Refrain from logging into accounts

The goal of many forms of malware is to gain access to your sensitive information. They do this by poaching your login credentials by tracking your keystrokes or lifting your password from your screen or clipboard. Prevent the loss of any login info by avoiding logging in at all.

Step 4: Delete temporary files

Speed up your scan for viruses and free up some disc space by deleting temporary files. Just search for the “Disk Cleanup” tool and run it.

screenshot of how to delete temporary files

screenshot of deleting temporary files

Step 5: Check your activity monitor

If you think you have malicious software on your PC then you need to find it in the Activity Monitor and stop it from running. Through the Activity Monitor, you can see all of the applications that are running on your computer and how each one affects its performance.

Step 1: Go to your search bar and type in “resource monitor” to find the app
screenshot of checking activity monitor

Step 2: Right-click on the program you want to end and click “End Process”
screenshot of checking activity monitor

Step 6: Run a malware scanner

Now you’re ready to actually cure your PC of its malware infection. Luckily, running a malware scanner is usually enough to rid your computer of most standard infections. If you already had an antivirus program your device, you should download an on-demand malware scanner that is different than what you’re using for antivirus.

Download a scanner from a reliable source, such as Panda’s Cloud Cleaner, run it, and then install security software that works constantly in the background and protects you against existing and emerging security threats. Programs such as Panda’s Antivirus for PC work great for this.

Step 7: Fix your web browser

In most cases, malware will attempt to modify your Internet browser homepage so that it can reinfect your device, show you advertisements, slow down your browsing and just flat out annoy you. Check that the homepage address is the right one and then move on to check your Internet browser for malicious extensions. We covered this before in our guide to removing the Chromium Virus, but you can review the basics below:

How to fix your web browser on Internet Explorer

Step 1: Click the gear icon in the top right corner of the Internet Explorer screen
Step 2: Select “Manage Add-ons”
screenshot of fixing web browser

Step 3: Find any recently added extensions that look suspicious
Step 4: Select the suspicious entry and click “Disable”
screenshot of fixing web browser

How to fix your web browser on Chrome

Step 1: Click the menu icon on Chrome (top right-hand corner)
Step 2: Select “More Tools”
Step 3: Click on “Extensions”
screenshot of fixing web browser

Step 4: Locate any browser add-ons that look suspicious and select “Remove”
screenshot of fixing web browser

Step 8: Clear your cache

How to clear your cache on Internet Explorer

Step 1: Click the gear in the top right corner to open up the “Settings” window
Step 2: Go to the “Safety” and click “Delete Browsing History”
screenshot of clearing cache

How to clear your cache on Chrome

Step 1: Go to the “History” dropdown
screenshot of clearing cache

Step 2: Click “Clear Browsing Data”
screenshot of clearing cache

Step 3: In “Time Range” check “All Time”
Step 4: Then click “Clear Data”
screenshot of clearing cache

What If Malware Removal Doesn’t Work?

Sometimes malware infections can be present even after all these steps. If you believe your device is still infected, you’ll need to completely wipe your hard drive and reinstall your operating system. Before doing this, it’s a good idea to consult the Apple or Microsoft support teams to ensure that the steps you take are correct.

How To Protect Your Devices From Malware

Developing a keen eye for suspicious activity online is the best way to protect yourself and your devices from a malware infection or other viruses. There are already plenty of ways that malware can find its way onto your computer, and there are more types of malware being created all the time. Some best practices to defend your computer and your information against a breach are:

Create stronger passwords
Delete files from your downloads and trash can often
Update your operating system and applications when prompted
Avoid suspicious emails, links and websites
Upgrade your Antivirus
Malware is a threat to any device connected to the Internet and hackers are getting more creative with how they infect them. Exercising your best judgment online, knowing the signs of a malware infection, and acting quickly when you think your device is infected are some of the best ways to protect your information online in addition to strong malware detection and antivirus software. Be sure to check out how Panda Security helps protect your devices and your information online with great tools like free Antivirus software.


3 Phases of Website Development




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In the digital world we live in, your company or project needs a website. If you are not a web design expert ... we will help you learn how to create a site from scratch .

في العالم الرقمي الذي نعيش فيه، تحتاج شركتك أو مشروعك إلى موقع إلكتروني. إذا لم تكن خبير في تصميم المواقع ... سنساعدك على تعلم كيفية إنشاء موقع من الصفر.



If you want to build your own site or have a technical problem in your site you can contact our page and we will help you solve the problem.
Or building a better future for you.


How-to Get To Emails Box

Not a week goes by without someone reporting some issue with WordPress and the it is supposed to send out.

The problem is that when WordPress sends an email notification that the email goes to the folder or worse, never gets delivered.

Well the good news is there is a simple fix to the problem


Start teamwork on Loop Email!
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X-Files Components package contains a full set of advanced visual components, which includes X-DBData Components package and X-DBGrid Component package! All controls have excelent support of VCL Styles!


Astonsoft Google Tasks Delphi Component v1.9 (21 Jan 2019) for D7-D10.3 Rio + Crack
Google Tasks Delphi Component is a non-visual component that allows to work with Google Tasks using Delphi. The component supports Delphi 7 and higher versions and works directly with Google using official API. Official API use guarantees maximum compatibility and fewest possible modifications to future versions.
*Create and edit tasks and task lists (all properties supported, including hierarchy, due date and completion)
*Full OAuth 2.0 authentication support (including two-step verification)
*Access to XML code for each object with possibility to read and modify any fields for an object
*Unicode support for all text fields
*HTTP, SSL, SOCKS4, SOCKS5 proxy servers support
*HTTPS support


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Photos from Website builder expert's post 29/07/2019

Oops! Electro-404
Inspiration is an inspiration series focused more on the graphic design side. A roundup of high-quality images from across the web all put into one short


6 Things that take your UX from Above Average to World-Class
Many parts of applications are rarely experienced, yet we have to consider how the presence or absence of these states affect a user’s…


Landing page for your business


Building cloud native confidence


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One Page HTML Template

‘Leno’ is a free One Page HTML app template built by Inovatik. Features include a sticky header navigation that smooth scrolls to sections, clear intro CTA buttons with alongside devices, testimonial slider, impressive feature carousal, video modal, slick lightbox functionality, stats and a contact form. This is one of the better free Landing Page templates I’ve seen, cheers Inovatik for the quality freebie for the One Page community!


Now we are building a site for the company CTIB and we are still working on the latest routines before the final delivery of the project.


Are you an online seller? Or an online shopper? We carried out a study to bring you this infographic revealing the fussiest consumers and which products they’re most likely to return! Find out more about trends in the full article:
Website builder expert


We've tested over 50 website builders so far, and here's the top 10. We used our research to rank them best to worst - where does your website builder sit on the scale?


A page in which all modern programming projects and beginners' education are presented on technology. We can also build platforms for all categories and introduce modern technology to the Algerian community.
صفحة يتم فيها عرض جميع مشاريع البرمجة الحديثة وتعليم المبتدئين على التقنية .. كما يمكننا بناء منصات لجميع الفئات وإدراج التقنية الحديثة للمجتع الجزائري .


People everywhere are making massive mistakes when writing their web content - we don't want you to join them! That's why we created this handy showing the 19 essential tips you need to create ultimate web content. We hope you find it useful!

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Wtorek 09:00 - 17:00
Środa 09:00 - 17:00
Czwartek 09:00 - 17:00
Piątek 09:00 - 17:00
Sobota 09:00 - 17:00
Niedziela 09:00 - 17:00

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