Based in Krakow "Ukrainian World Art Foundation" aims to support and preserve Ukrainian art.


Іван Марчук
«Різдвяна Ніч»

Photos from UA WORLD ART FUND's post 22/09/2023

"Ми не хотіли бути занадто банальними, але й не хотіли бути занадто філософськими, ми хотіли зробити мистецький проєкт, який залишить по собі емоцію, думку, спогад…", — каже Ангеліна Єфименко, співкураторка проєкту "Безсмертні імена"

У Центрі Архітектури, Урбаністики та Дизайну "Порохова ВЕЖА", що у Львові, триває завершальний тиждень проєкту про митців, які після повномасштабного вторгнення стали на захист нашої країни, а один із них віддав за нас своє життя

більше про виставку та про художників Олега Христенка, Артура Столярука та Романа Хруща читайте у матеріалі на нашому сайті . #україна #мистецтво

Photos from UA WORLD ART FUND's post 28/07/2023

Alisa Lysykh is a modern Ukrainian artist and designer.She tells about the inner orientations of a person and feelings, by using the paint.
She was born in Lviv in 1993 and began her creative career as a child, when her parents took her to the art school named after Oleksa Novakivskyi in Lviv. Later, she entered the Lviv National Academy of Arts, majoring in interior design. That is why her work today, in addition to painting, is closely related to the design of objects that also acquire an artistic connotation. While working on her specialty, the artist clearly realized that visual art is much more than just beautiful and harmonious shades in the interior, therefore, in parallel with her main activity, she began to work with painting and search for her own style. Among the author's works, the series "Clouds" should be noted, which tells us about the inner orientations of a person against the background of such terrible events as war and the loss of ordinary life.“With the beginning of this shameful war of russia against Ukraine, I was reborn as an artist and as a person. So, these terrible events made a huge impression on my creativity and life and gave impetus to the creation of the spatial sculpture "Identity" and the series of works "Clouds". That is why my works are filled with reflection on what is happening in the world, terrible impact on environment.”
Her artworks are about feelings, emotional states and love. With the help of simple symbols and bright colors, the viewer can read a certain emotion embedded in the meaning of the picture. Also, this series of works gives us the understanding that there is light ahead, we just need to look behind the clouds.



Ілюстрація із серії «Слово важче».
цифрове мистецтво 2D


Вікторія Кольт
«Вогняний шлях» 2021
Великий вибух. Все одразу: повний місяць удень, застигла під льодом вогняна лава під ногами, сонячне сяйво, будинки у темряві.


Artists support Ukraine through art 2💛💙
/Charity auction of the armed forces of Ukraine/
Olga Karika
Self portrait .Part /2
Olga Karika
"Self portrait. Part/2
60/50 cm
450 €



Artists support Ukraine through art 2💛💙
/Charity auction of the armed forces of Ukraine/
Yana Hudzan
The Tree Of Life. Shooted
Tree of life. Shooted
Canvas, oil, acrylic, 100x80 cm, 2022
Fence as a symbol of protection from external threats, shot by the occupiers. After the liberation of towns and villages, people returned to their homes, but the shelled gates and fences reminded of the atrocities committed by the Russians here. To neutralize these signs, people began to draw flowers in these places, and this gesture seems powerful to me. The tree of life has always been a symbol of family, family, home of Ukrainians. Families are collapsing right before our eyes right now. People are losing loved ones, home and security, everything that has been nurtured and built for so long.,


Artists support Ukraine through art 2💛💙
/Charity auction of the armed forces of Ukraine/
Nataliia Slobodiuk
„Херсонські презенти”
Acrylic ,50/40, canvas
300 €


Artists support Ukraine through art 2💛💙
/Charity auction of the armed forces of Ukraine/
PAVLOVA Anastasiia
Round canvas
45 cm in diameter
Acrylic painting, spray painting
I was Inspired by plants patterns this one from my paintings dedicated nature and I would like to give my artwork for supporting Ukraine and our army


Artists support Ukraine through art 2💛💙
/Charity auction of the armed forces of Ukraine/
Yuliya Odukalets
Amulet, 2022
Multi-layered painting
Canvas on stretcher, oil, varnish.
Gallery stretch
45/38 cm
Poppies are symbols. Sun, will, beauty, wealth, pride, memory. What is closer to you?


Artists support Ukraine through art 2💛💙
/Charity auction of the armed forces of Ukraine/
250 €
Kateryna Pyrog
Storm cloud
A work from the series that are dedicated to ukrainian fields. It shows calmness and silence of nature, that you always can ran away to from big city life. Also now we understand how fragile it is . We have to keep it safe as much as we can.
Watercolor on paper


Artists support Ukraine through art 2💛💙
/Charity auction of the armed forces of Ukraine/
Poperechna Kateryna
Вид на горизонті / view of the horizon
Paper 190g


Artists support Ukraine through art 2💛💙
/Charity auction of the armed forces of Ukraine/
Dobrova Mariia
Planet in blood
in the center of the composition, the "blue planet" is life, water, greenery, immersed in red and black - in grief and blood. but the blue strokes cutting through the red indicate the victory of life. canvas 70x100cm, oil, abstract expression, impasto technique,


Artists support Ukraine through art 2💛💙
/Charity auction of the armed forces of Ukraine/
Dariia Yovyk
Oil ,canvas

Photos from UA WORLD ART FUND's post 25/02/2023

Artists support Ukraine through art 2💛💙
/Charity auction of the armed forces of Ukraine/

My name is Kateryna Felistovich. I am 24 years old. I was born and raised in Lutsk, Ukraine. This is also where I received my education. Firstly in an art school, then I entered university majoring in fine arts. I have been drawing since childhood and continue to do so now because I feel a great need for it.

I promote the art of emotions. Paintings are carrying not only the semantic load but also the emotional when you can feel everything that the author felt at that moment that I wanted to convey. If a person looking at my art was able to feel the emotions that are depicted in one of my works, or just to see them and catch yourself thinking, that once you already felt them; to put yourself in the place of the depicted, to understand it — for me personally, this work was successful.

I look for inspiration in everyday life, I look at people, I study emotions not only as a sound, movement, or a state, but also as a facial expression, as an image that I later reproduce in my paintings. Emotions surround us everywhere, every day, every minute, we contemplate them, feel them and we live through these moments. For me, this is the main research that is embedded in my art.


200 €
The work "Light" is inspired by a situation in Ukraine that everyone has faced, namely the blackout. It's not just a lack of electricity, but also a lack of heat. Looking at the candle I light every time the lights go out, I see strength and light in every Ukrainian.


Artists support Ukraine through art 2💛💙
/Charity auction of the armed forces of Ukraine/
Yuliia Chaika, Torrevieja , Spain
City of Mary” canvas , acrylic, 20x30cm.
“And if everyone does not need war,
Then why did It come to my country?”
Mariupol is a wound in the heart of the entire conscious society, it is a symbol of the invincibility and rebelliousness of Ukrainians.
"City of Mary" now has large bloody marks on his body, which we want to cure as soon as possible.
Artists often painted the image of Venus, because it symbolized the beauty and prosperity that everyone aspired to.
Therefore, on the background, Ukrainian ornaments are taken from embroidered and Easter eggs. They bloom despite the sad plot of the picture, despite the war - spring has begun, despite the evil that has come, telling own rules, but the last word remains with the Ukrainian people.
The background of the painting is also covered with brilliant varnish and the portrait is matte to make the composition more interesting and expressive.


Artists support Ukraine through art 2💛💙
/Charity auction of the armed forces of Ukraine/

“The charm”, from the series “Feelings”
Charm is a golden key that opens all doors. Sweet naive work, as a memory of carefree time. 31*44cm, gouache on paper.,
Savchenko Tetiana
300 €


Пасівна 2022"
Олена Ткачук
"Пасівна 2022"
60/60 см .,2022,олія,полотно
400 euro


Artists support Ukraine through art 2💛💙
/Charity auction of the armed forces of Ukraine/
Felistovych Kateryna
Oilpainting, 2022, oil on canvas, 30×30 cm ,

Photos from UA WORLD ART FUND's post 18/02/2023

Artists support Ukraine through art 2💛💙
/Charity auction of the armed forces of Ukraine/

My name is Daria Okhrimenko I’m an artist from Kyiv, Ukraine, who passionately loves watercolor and botanical art. Each of my pieces is painted with great love for what I do and is filled with enthusiasm for life and genuine emotions.

Before I started painting, I worked at a heavy industry factory, and it just broke me into pieces. The impetus for drawing was the Covid pandemic in 2020 when painting helped me stay afloat. Watercolor was the most understandable medium for me at that time.

People often ask me: “Why flowers?” And for the beginning, I just wanted to reply: “Why not?”. But now I understand that I choose flowers to celebrate the complicity yet simplicity of them as well as their perfection, while every piece of it is imperfect the way mother nature intended it. They are all like people regardless of age, gender or race.

In February 2022, dark times have come to my homeland and the people of Ukraine. But even in such a crucial period, I am trying to create beautiful things no matter what.

Photos from UA WORLD ART FUND's post 17/02/2023

Olena Tkachuk, 25 years old And in my works I mostly highlight nature, the sea occupies a special place in my heart. I can draw him endlessly. After all, I lived in Crimea most of my conscious life, until I was 18, and I liked the sea. Although I have an art education, I learned to paint with oil on my own. Some of my pictures are not perfect, but I hope they can help bring us closer to victory. After all, this is not the first charity event in which my paintings participate.

Photos from UA WORLD ART FUND's post 13/02/2023

Artists support Ukraine through art 2💛💙
/Charity auction of the armed forces of Ukraine/

I’m Anna Inozemtseva, Ukrainian artist. I have been painting since childhood, I have a higher Art education, I graduated from the Art College and the Art Academy in Kyiv. Today I feel relatively safe, during this time and I want to be useful to my country on the art front. I’m sending my paintings to charity auctions and exhibitions to raise funds for Ukraine. The main questions that interest me as an artist are the connection between human and nature and their interaction with each other. The technique of my art is oil painting on canvas.
I created a series of paintings "A touch of the Ukrainian soul" to shows the culture of Ukraine to the world through symbols, visual images that make up the code of the nation. Each work has a deep theme and is filled with various emotions that Ukrainians are currently experiencing: homesickness, pain of loss and hope for a bright future. Feelings overflow and unite us, we feel the support of the whole world and great gratitude for it. I want the audience to experience these states with me and get to know Ukrainian ethnic more deeply.


The second auction will start at midnight today. We hope for your support and reposts. The war in Ukraine continues, I call on our foreign friends to join and support culture, because we are actually fighting for it.

Photos from UA WORLD ART FUND's post 09/02/2023

Artists support Ukraine through art 2💛💙
/Charity auction of the armed forces of Ukraine/

Maria Dobrova
Architect, artist, fashion designer
Born in Dnepr. Ukraine
In 2009 graduated from PSACEA "Faculty of Architecture".
Since 19.03.2022 I am in Katowice, Poland.
I work mainly in the abstract expressionism style in the impasto technique.
Before the war he created a series of transformational paintings "Sacral".
The canvases are characterized by radiant energy, expression, awakening sensitivity . Dynamics, freedom, the play of color charge.
Inspired by freedom, the sea, sunrises.
From deep feelings of the beginning of the war, in April 2022 was created the first work, reflecting the emotional state of grief. "The Torn Spring"
"The shot Spring", which was sold at an auction in Vienna 30.06.22. At the moment continues the creation of works devoted to war, representing pain, blood and lust for life. Also a series of paintings On faith, the peaceful sky, the strength of will "Winged".

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