Stealthy Ignite Studio

Stealthy Ignite Studio

Golden Thoughts Made Into Diamond Actions
Discord []


Dear Gamers,

Time for another dose of information about ECO production!

We are currently working on fixing the bugs found during testing. 😁

We dealt with a serious network problem that was cutting off the entire environment. As a result, our servers were not available! 💪

After fixing the bugs, we'll move on to the story missions! 👀

What does it mean?

Once in a while in the game you will get a "phone call" in which, after talking the right way, you will have to decide what vehicles are needed to dispose of. 🥰

Depending on the choices, the reward for story missions may differ :) 😉

Until next week!
Team Stealthy Ignite Studio


Dear players!

We apologize for the momentary delay between posts! 😅

We have good news for you. We have completed the update about alliances. 💪

We have now entered the phase of closed testing, which, due to such a large update, will take about 3 weeks. 😁

There is one more thing!

At the beginning of September you can expect open tests where you can test the latest update! 👀

See you in 2 weeks!
Team Stealthy Ignite Studio


Dear Gamers!

It's time for more information about ECO 2065!🥰

We have successfully completed the alliance boost mechanics! 💪

We have now started working on alliance missions! 😉

In order to create a mission, the alliance must have at least 5000 credits in the budget, which consists of funds donated from alliance members. 👀

The reward for completing a mission, in addition to the reward for players in the form of credits and experience, is a special alliance currency. With the help of this currency in the alliance you can purchase buildings and also boosts! 😁

After completing the mission, we will have to prepare the animations and basic configuration.

Then we will move with the game into the closed testing phase!

Until next week
Stealthy Ignite Studio


Dear Players!

It's time for another dose of information on the production of the ECO 2065! 😁

We have completed the mechanic of construction and upgrading of alliance buildings. 💪

The higher the level of the building, the more alliance currency it takes to raise the level. 👀

There are five buildings, and each of them we can raise up to level 18.
It is also worth remembering that the higher the level of the building, the better the level of bonuses for all alliance players! 🥰

- Bank: boost to credits earned: max 180% in addition to the mission reward (that is, almost x3 [x + 180% * x])
- Science Center: boost to earned experience: max 180% to earned experience for missions (that is, almost x3 [x + 180% * x])
- Workshop: max 85% discount on vehicles purchases
- Building depot: max 85% discount on buildings purchases
- Training center: max 85% discount on the courses purchases

We are currently working on the mechanics of boosts. 😉

Until next week
Team Stealthy Ignite Studio


Dear players!

It's time for more information about ECO 2065! 😁

We have completed the alliance chat room! 💪

We are currently working on the alliance buildings, their creation and upgrades.
We plan to finish this stage by the end of next week. 🥰

The next step will be the creation of boost mechanics in the alliance! 👀

Until next week
Team Stealthy Ignite Studio

Stealthy Ignite Studio 02/07/2022

Dear Players!

It's time for more information about the production of ECO 2065!😁

We are currently working on the alliance chat! 💪

Messages in the chat will have the appropriate font color depending on the roles of the alliance member! 😉

The next step will be the creation of the building system (raising levels) and the purchase of temporary boosts for players. 👀

Boosts will include: 🥰
- increasing earned credits from missions,
- increasing the experience received from missions
- discounts on the purchase of vehicles
- discounts on the purchase of buildings
- discounts on courses

Until next week
Team Stealthy Ignite Studio

Stealthy Ignite Studio

Stealthy Ignite Studio 25/06/2022

Dear Gamers!

Time for another dose of information about the production of ECO 2065!

We are currently working on the alliance budget.
Every player will have the opportunity to donate up to 10% of his income to the alliance.
Alliance with gained credits from players will be able to produce special missions, which reward will be a special alliance currency.
Thanks to it you will be able to develop Alliance buildings and buy temporary bonuses for Alliance players!

Last week we promised to tell you about the alliance forum levels!

- Level 1: The cheapest and at the same time without the possibility of converting the forum to alliance needs, available with ads. Estimated cost: 15 zł / month.
- Level 2: The possibility of converting the forum for an alliance needs on a default template, no advertisements, administrative access only as a moderator. Estimated cost: 35 PLN / month.
- 3 level: Full possibility of changing the forum (uploading a new template - we do not provide templates), no advertisements, administrative access as a moderator, no access to install plugins. Estimated cost: 55 PLN/mc
- 4 level: full forum redesign (uploading a new template - we do not provide templates), no advertising, full administrative access, the ability to install plug-ins. Estimated cost: 80 zł / month

Levels 1 and 2 have a basic support package, which mainly includes: updating the forum engine, restoring in case of a serious failure.
Levels 3 and 4 have a full support package.

Until next week
Team Stealthy Ignite Studio

Stealthy Ignite Studio

Stealthy Ignite Studio 18/06/2022

Dear Gamers!

It's time for another dose of information on ECO game production! 😁

Currently we are already dealing with alliance features (members, settings, alliance budget).

Today we'll tell you about a decision we made in alliance forum.👀

We decided that it will be better both for us and for you to bring the forum outside the game.
The forum will be based on Wordpress and depending on chosen package it will be prepared accordingly! 💪

As for the advantages of this solution:
-using the forum will not interfere with the functioning of the game under significant loads,
-the more developed forums with the possibility of additional uploading appropriate plugins.

Of course, moving the forum out of the game will not be free.
We will tell you more about the forum packages next week!

We also have some sad news for you.
Unfortunately in connection with the search for a person who would take care of graphics, the work phase on alliances will be longer.

This is due to the fact that the main alliance mechanics rely heavily on the use of graphics, so unfortunately this stage of work will be longer.
This mechanic is both the most interesting and the most complicated for us to implement.

We ask for your understanding and see you next week
Team Stealthy Ignite Studio

Stealthy Ignite Studio

Stealthy Ignite Studio 04/06/2022

Dear gamers!

Time for another dose of information about ECO 2065 production! 🥰

We are currently working on the main alliance panel. 💪

As we wrote earlier each alliance will have its own infrastructure.
The more it will be developed the better bonuses will be available for players. 😁

Bonuses and buildings can be bought with a special currency, which alliances can get by doing alliance missions. 😉

The bonuses will include bonuses to player's earnings, experience and discounts on vehicles, buildings and courses. 😅

Next week we will tell you a bit about the changes to the Alliance Forums. 👀

Until next week
Team Stealthy Ignite Studio

Stealthy Ignite Studio


Dear Players!

Time for more information about the game ECO 2065😁

As you know we are working on alliances. We have tentatively completed the process of creating and joining an alliance!🥰

You will be able to assign your own logo to an alliance using an image URL. Of course, the image will be visible only after approval of the game administration.😁

We will tell you more about alliances in the next week!

Check out our website and tell us what you think!👀

Until next week
Team Stealthy Ignite Studio


Dear Players!

Time to tell you a little about alliances.😁

Let's start from the fact that in order to develop alliance you will need to perform alliance missions, for which you will receive a special currency in alliance.
For this currency you will be able to build buildings on alliance map. 😉

Of course buildings provide various benefits such as:🥰
-time bonus to experience, earning credits.
-Temporary discounts on vehicles, buildings or trainings.

Of course the better alliance architecture is developed the better advantages for players!💪

Let us know what you think about our vision for alliances!

See you next week!
Team Stealthy Ignite Studio


Dear Players

This weekend the testing phase is coming to an end! 💪
This is the last chance to test ECO 2065 in its current production phase. 🤭

URL to Launcher:

After registering, please create a ticket on our helpdesk. 😉

After the end of this testing phase, we will take a look at the alliances.
Each week we will talk about the different mechanics regarding alliances. 🥰

Until next week!
Team Stealthy Ignite Studio


Dear players!

As we announced, we will give you some tips on gameplay in ECO 2065 🥰

Here they are:
- It's best to start with the fire department
- To generate missions you need to finish the course
- It's better to develop buildings than to buy new ones because of the fees
- It's worth taking care of good condition of your vehicles

Good luck in the game! 💪

Until next week
Team Stealthy Ignite Studio


Dear Gamers!

It's time for more information about the production of ECO 2065! 😁

Tomorrow after 7pm we will announce the 5 winners of the competition, who will get access to the closed testing phase from Monday.💪💪

Patreons will also get access to the game!😉

This testing phase will last about two weeks.🥰

Until tomorrow😁
Team Stealthy Ignite Studio


Dear Players!

We announce the Contest!!! 😁

The rules are simple: 😉
- Write your idea for further development of the game!
- Share this post.

The 3 most interesting ideas in our opinion will win! 🥰

The prize is access to this and next tests with a small bonus. 🤭

We will decide who will win in the end of closed tests!👀

Team Stealthy Ignite Studio


Dear Gamers!

Time for another dose of information about the production of ECO 2065! 😏

We are currently starting the next closed tests, which will hopefully last about two weeks!
After these tests our Patreons and ... (you will learn this information in the next post) will gain access to these part of tests. 🤭

As we said last week we will tell you today about the mechanics of maintaining vehicles and buildings!👀

From now on, there will be costs to maintain Buildings and Vehicles.

Let's take vehicles as an example. Here we have a daily fee (here fuel and vehicle crew costs) as well as a weekly fee (administrative fees e.g.: insurance).

For buildings, we only have the weekly taxes.

Please note that if you don't play, you will still have to pay these taxes!😁

What if we can't afford it? Then the debt collection process will begin, just like with a bank loan! In addition, we will be placed on a black list in the bank which will prevent us from getting a loan.

Until next week!
Team Stealthy Ignite Studio


Dear players!

Time for information on ECO production!😀

At the moment, we have completed 3 new mechanics:🥰
- Vehicle depreciation
- Bank System
- Maintenance of vehicles and buildings.

As we promised, we will tell you about the mechanics of the banking system.😏

In the game, we will be able to apply for a loan for the development of our rescue center!
At the moment, we can only take one loan at a time.😉

We have created a new in-game object (Bank) for this purpose. After entering the bank window, the creditworthiness will be calculated, which depends both on the buildings and vehicles we have, as well as the level and number of missions that we have completed.🥰

The loan repayment time depends on the amount of the calculated creditworthiness (the maximum loan duration is 90 days).😀

When the bank calculates the capacity, we can choose the amount we want to receive and the period in which we want to pay it back.
Then the bank will calculate the maximum loan amount: after adding bank charges, and the amount of the installment: with the calculation of interest.😏

Note, the installment may increase or decrease depending on the interest rate!😅

The installment is repaid once a day.

But what if we can't afford to pay?👀

The bank will not collect the installments that day, but will postpone the payment to the next day, where you will have to pay 2 installments at a time!

If we do not pay 2 installments and at 3 installments we still do not get the required amount (3 installments), the debt collection process will start, which will be settled from the remaining loan amount to be repaid!🤭

Next week, we will tell you about the maintenance of vehicles and buildings.

Until next week
Team Stealthy Ignite Studio


Dear Players!

As you know, our ECO game is currently in closed testing stage. 🥰

So far, some minor bugs have been found and fixed.
If everything goes according to plan, our Patreons will probably get the game for testing within two weeks! 😁

In the meantime, we are working on the administration panel for ECO, which will make it easier for us to manage the game and handle synchronization before updating.

Until next week,
Team Stealthy Ignite Studio


Dear players!

Time to announce a small breakthrough in the production of our ECO 2065 game! 😁

Currently, the game has entered the state of internal testing, which will take about two weeks if there are no major problems.
Then the game will be submitted for testing for our Patreons. 😉

Of course, the game is not finished yet, currently, these will be tests of basic mechanics.
To the final point where we want to release the game, we are still a bit short of it.

The time spent on testing, in addition to fixing current errors, will also be devoted to a tool that allows us to manage the game server,
and if time permits, we plan to improve the appearance of the Launcher! 🥰

Until next week!
Team Stealthy Ignite Studio


Dear players

As every week, it's time for new information about ECO production! 😁

We have completed the mission mechanics! The missions are now fully setup to work on the game server side!

The amount of credits and experience we can earn depends on:
- number of vehicles,
- mission duration (counted along with travel time to mission)

ECO completion for today: 80% 🥰
(Completion counted for testing)

In the next week we will focus on:
- increasing the player's level (rank system depending on the level),
- sounds (radio broadcasts, effects, Radio - music)

Until next week!
Team Stealthy Ignite Studio

Photos from Stealthy Ignite Studio's post 11/02/2022

Dear players,

It's time for more information about ECO production! 🥰

This week we completed the Mission Generator! 😁

Its operation is based on the seasonality and courses that the player completes. 😉

We have four seasons: 👀

The missions will vary by season (sometimes there may be two seasons at the same time during the transition period) 😏

The missions will be performed on the server side, so even if we exit the game, we will not lose mission progress! 😉
However, you have to be careful because we have about two and a half hour to complete the mission!

We have also created a mission management panel.

Overall ECO progress: 75%

In the coming week, we will be working on the mechanics of the missions (sending vehicles, sending back from missions, and completing missions). 😁

Until next week
Team Stealthy Ignite Studio

Photos from Stealthy Ignite Studio's post 04/02/2022

Dear players,

It's high time for more informations on ECO!

Last week we completed 80% of the settings panel (Sounds are scheduled much later :))
The game will be available in two languages ​​(English, Polish).

We also completed building and vehicle management panels, and made a country purchase panel.

Overall Game Progress: 65%.

What country, apart from Poland, would you like to see in the game?

Until next week
team Stealthy Ignite Studio

Photos from Stealthy Ignite Studio's post 28/01/2022

Dear players,

Time to get you informed about our progress in ECO production.

We have completed the course panel by configuring it so that we can easily and quickly add new courses.

As we announced last week, we are going to tell you a bit about this system.
Each course has its own database of questions and answers, of which only 8 are randomly selected during the test. There is a limited time to pass the test, of course we think it is enough time.
To pass a given course, you need to get 75% correct answers.

But what do the courses do? Without them, missions will not be generated for you, or you will not be able to buy more vehicles if you do not complete the required course.

The first basic course is free, each subsequent one will require you to invest either in credits or premium currencies. (Each approach is payable)

The completion status of praduction as of today is around 50%.

The settings await us next week.

Below is a list of planned works:
-Buildings management panel,
-Vehicle management panel,
-Mission management panel,
-Mission generator
-Effects and sounds,

Until next week
team Stealthy Ignite Studio

Photos from Stealthy Ignite Studio's post 21/01/2022

Dear players,

Time for more information about the current progress 😄

This week, we have completed the work on the user panel, which includes elements such as:

1) Current information about the player (current credits, level, experience)
2) Player statistics (The total number of credits earned, missions completed, or the number of buildings and vehicles owned)
3) Ranking

The current state of work on the graphic design is about 45%

We plan to start working on the player training panel next week.
Yes, yes in order to unlock missions or the ability to purchase more than 15 vehicles, you will have to complete the trainings :)

We will tell you more about the trainings next week 😏

Until next week
Team Stealthy Ignite Studio


Dear players,

as every week we come to you with new news.

This week we completed the shop where you will be able to buy buildings and vehicles for various rescue units.
The store is designed to automatically add buildings or vehicles that we will add in updates. It will make the update easier to carry out.

The current state of completion of the graphic intarface is: 35%

In the next step, we'll look at the statistics panel, which will include things like:

1. current credit status and the player's premium currency status
2. current level and amount of experience gained by the player
3. general statistics
4. ranking

Until next week
Team Stealthy Ignite Studio

Photos from Stealthy Ignite Studio's post 07/01/2022

Dear players,

The new year started very productively for us.
The platform is still in the internal testing phase.

Currently, we are working on the website and the game Emergency Center Operator 2065.
As for the website, we have a cover page in about 80% done and a pre-prepared template for the remaining elements of page.

Emergency Center Operator 2065:
We are currently focusing on the graphic layer (GUI), at the moment about 30% of the graphic design is done.

All the best for the New Year,
Team Stealthy Ignite Studio


Dear Players,

May the New Year bring you much joy and reflection on the past period and plans for the coming New Year.

In these special days we would like to wish you a lot of satisfaction and successes with the undertaken challenges.

We would also like to thank you for your cooperation so far.

We wish you all the best.

Stealthy Ignite Studio


Dear players,

As every week, we inform you about the development progress.
This time we come not only with the update of what has already been done, but also with an interesting announcement.

For the last few months, we've been working on the platform and things related to it.
It took a lot of work for the functions we wanted to implement to work properly.
We are happy to inform you that the platform has entered the state of internal testing.

Due to the fact that this is the last progress post in this calendar year, we want to share the vision for the game Emergency Center Operator 2065.

1) The map is back, but in a much better and different edition than its previous version. The map is divided into countries, the borders of countries are clearly marked with a contrasting color.
2) In the game, you will be able to manage rescue units in different countries.
3) To make it not too easy, there will be different trainings in given countries
4) Remember, each country has its own currency (although some may have the same currency).

And now the nerd stats 😉
1. Forum - 100%
2. Friends system and chat - 100%
3. User profile - 100%
4. Settings - 100%
5. Update system - 100%
6. Platform - 99% (internal testing phase)

Until next week
Team Stealthy Ignite Studio


Dear players,

On the occasion of the upcoming Christmas
we want to wish you a full of happiness
and peaceful Christmas.
Let this time be full of warmth and family atmosphere.
Lots of joy, cheerfulness, all good fortune,
and many successes in the coming year.

Stealthy Ignite Studio


Dear players,

We come to you with another dose of information.
At the moment, we have finished working on:

1. Forum - 100%
2. Friends system and chat - 100%
3. User profile - 100%
4. Settings 100%

and we are finishing work on the update system (90%)

Overall Platform Progress - 90%

Until next week
Team Stealthy Ignite Studio

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