Łączymy ludzi z pracą! Wspieramy na każdym etapie zatrudnienia! Ograniczamy formalności!

Działamy w całej Polsce! Świadczymy usługi leasingu pracowniczego, rekrutacji, pośrednictwa pracy.



Czy zastanawiałeś się kiedyś czym jest outsourcing pracowniczy?

Outsourcing pracowniczy to strategia, która przynosi wiele korzyści. Oszczędzasz czas i koszty, które normalnie byłyby poświęcone na proces rekrutacji, selekcji i zatrudniania pracowników. Dzięki naszej agencji pracy, dostajesz dostęp do szerokiej bazy wykwalifikowanych specjalistów, którzy idealnie pasują do Twojego stanowiska i firmy. Skoncentruj się na rozwoju swojego biznesu, a my zajmiemy się skutecznym zarządzaniem personelem.
Zapraszamy do współpracy wszystkie firmy, które chciałyby wprowadzić u siebie takie rozwiązanie !



Alleluja! Z okazji Świąt Wielkanocnych życzymy Wam spokoju, harmonii i sukcesów zarówno w życiu zawodowym, jak i prywatnym. 🐣🌸


To all women, ladies, colleagues, daughters, mothers on the occasion of their celebration, a lot of smiles for every day! Strength to overcome all difficulties!


Всем женщинам, дамам, коллегам, дочерям, матерям по случаю их праздника, много улыбок на каждый день! Сил для преодоления всех трудностей!


Wszystkim kobietom, paniom, koleżankom, córkom, mamom z okazji ich święta dużo uśmiechu na każdy dzień! Siły do pokonywania wszelkich trudności!



Job description:
- packaging finished product (coffee) to the boxes and placing on pallets
- unpacking the raw materials
- closing the jars and cans
- product labelling

Readiness to work and manual dexterity are warmly welcomed
Remuneration from 20,83 PLN gross/h to 23,50 PLN gross/h (rates until the end of 2022) - dependently on department and entrusted duties.

- contract of mandate
- orders lasting 8 or 12 hours (6-18, 18-6) - Saturdays possible too
guaranteed accommodation (2,3,4-personal rooms with access to the bathroom and kitchen)
- subsidy (170 PLN) to accommodation paid by Employer
- work permit (type A) - issued free of charge
- accommodation near the workplace (1,5 km)
- provided protective working clothing

Additional information:
- workplace - Żary (near Katowice)
- obligation for sanitary and epidemiological examinations (cost of 100 PLN will be deducted from remuneration)
- waiting time for issuing work permit is 4 weeks (approximately)


Feel free to contact us via direct message!


There is Diwali (Tihar in Nepal), festival of lights going on!
We wish you all the happiness that you can receive! Prosperity, love and a lot of light!


All the best to all our employees and friends!


If you are in Poland and would like to obtain UDT qualifications - this offer is for you 🙂

Work position: Forklift driver (operator):
* After passing the exam (training in the company; low price; you can work and pass training)

Place of work: 3 km from Warsaw (Janki)
Number of hours: up to 240h per month
Changes: 06-18 and 18-06 / 7 days (random days off during the week)
Salary: from PLN 25.67 / h gross (or more ...)
Contract: Contract of mandate
The cost of an apartment: PLN 300 per month (Couples payable additionally) - only if necessary;
Language: Russian or English
Experience: not required (you need - forklift license - UDT)
Minimum period of work: 4 months, possibility of direct employment after 1 year.
Residence card: PLN 490 for application fees;
Age: up to 45 men and women
Job description :
- Working with the scanner in Russian / Polish / English
- Order picking in a limited sector
More information - Priv 🙂


Position: ELECTROPLATER [Only for people in Poland!]
Place of work: Ostrowiec Świętokrzyski (Near Kielce)
Number of hours:160h per month + overtime (bonuses);
Shifts: [1] 6 am - 2 pm ; [2] 2 pm - 10 pm ; [3] 10 pm - 6 am ;
(4 days - I shift ; 1 day off ; 4 days - II shift ; 1 day off ; 4 days - III shift ; 2 days off (including 1 day when coming off the III shift) ;
Salary: 4000,00 zł to 5000,00 PLN / gross + overtime ;
Contract: contract of employment (Like for Poles) ;
Cost of utilities: 150 PLN May- October / 250 PLN November - April;
Language: English / Polish
Experience: not required but you should be physical strength 🙂
Age: up to 45 - Men;
Job description:
- appling and depositing tin coatings on the metal wires and sheets products by drowning them in the plating baths;
- swilling and drying products coated with the electrolytic coating;
- servicing and supporting hoisting crabs and windlasses;
More information in a private message.


👉I am looking for a Forklift Operator!!!
If you are in Poland and you have a UDT Licence - this offer is for you 🙂
Work position: Forklift Driver (Operator):
Place of work: 3 km from Warsaw (Janki)
Number of hours: up to 240h per month
Shifts: 06-18 and 18-06 / 7 days (random days off during the week)
Salary: from PLN 25,67 / h gross (or more ...)
Contract: Contract of mandate
Apartment costs: PLN 300 per month (Couples are charged extra) - this only if you need ;
Language: Russian or English
Experience: not required (You need - A forklifts license - UDT)
A minimum period of work: 4 months, possibility of direct employment after 1 year.
Residence card: PLN 490 for the application fees ;
Age: up to 45 men and women
Job description :
- Working with a scanner in Russian / Polish / English language
- Order picking in a limited sector
More info - Priv 🙂


Position: Machine Operator [Only for people in Poland!]

Place of work: Ostrowiec Świętokrzyski (Near Kielce) ;
Shifts: [1] 6 am - 2 pm ; [2] ; 2 pm - 10 pm ; [3] 10 pm - 6 am ;
Salary: 22 zł / gross ;
Contract: Contract of mandate ;
Cost of utilities: 150 PLN May- October / 250 PLN November - April;
Transportation: Free ;
Language: English / Polish;
Experience: not required (but if you have - good 👍);
Age: up to 50 - Men ;
We help with TRC and other formalities ;
More information in a private message :)


Another job offer that you can take advantage of:
Position: WELDER [Only for people in Poland!]
Place of work: Ostrowiec Świętokrzyski (Near Kielce);
Shifts: [1] 6 am - 2 pm ; [2] 2 pm - 10 pm ; [3] 10 pm - 6 am;
Salary: 26 zł / gross;
Contract: Contract of mandate;
Cost of utilities: 150 PLN May- October / 250 PLN November - April;
Language: English/Polish
Experience: required - 2 years (+certificate)
Age: up to 50 - Men;
More information in a private message.


Opening Hours

Monday 09:00 - 17:00
Tuesday 09:00 - 17:00
Wednesday 09:00 - 17:00
Thursday 09:00 - 17:00
Friday 09:00 - 17:00