FTS pro - Football Training System

FTS pro - Football Training System

FTS pro is an innovative device for football training. The system has been designed for professional players and amateurs.

The FTS pro allows you to train tactical patterns. Currently, the project is in the campaign phase on the KICKSTARTER.




Aktualnie poszukujemy osób, firm, clubów, które mógłby zainteresować projekt "FTS pro".
Poszukujemy również inwestora, który chciałby współtworzyć globalną markę sprzętu treningowego.


Currently, we are looking for people, companies and clubs that could be interested in the "FTS pro" project.
We are looking for an investor who would like to co-create a global brand of training equipment.



Przypominamy, że pracujemy nad rozwojem naszego systemu treningu piłki nożnej "FTS pro". Który docelowo będzie głównym produktem marki "PAOL Sports", firmy dostarczającej sprzęt do profesjonalnego treningu.

Zachęcamy do śledzenia nasz na Instagramie, Facebooku i Twitterze, a także kampanii na Kickstarter.


We remind you that we are working on the development of our "FTS pro" football training system. Which will ultimately be the main product of the "PAOL Sports" brand, a company supplying professional training equipment.

We encourage you to follow us on Instagram, Facebook and Twitter as well as campaigns on Kickstarter.



Possibility of planning games.
Possibility of uploading play patterns for each position on the pitch.


Welcome inside


For control training in FTS pro was used a vision system, which constantly monitors:
- position of the ball
- player movement
- player reaction time
- number of contacts with the ball
- precision
- correctness of the game assumptions


The system consists of 8 ball launchers.
For each launcher, you can plan the angle of passing the ball to the player.
This gives you the opportunity to practice different ways of receiving the ball.
The coach gains a greater possibility of overtraining match situations.

The automatic ball distribution system ensures a constant game, without interruptions for replenishing the launcher.


We encourage you to follow our project also on other portals.
There you will find the latest information about the project.





Training system to develop football skills.

We encourage you to visit the project financing page.



