Torch Business Advisors

Torch Business Advisors

Torch Business Advisors


Natural flora
Natural flora - there are hundreds of business ideas for the village here and they are all available: collection and sale of bouquets, including holiday and religious bouquets, dry teas (herbal and fruit-herbal), production of floristry products (and in general the use of elements herbs and trees in art products), sale of seeds (stones, bulbs, mycelium), algae for aquariums, fresh and dry fruits (wild berries, for example) and whole small plants (which, strictly speaking, is also illegal, but "in small doses are harmless"), or better, parts of plants that are not separated by you (for example, selling coniferous branches on New Year's Day is not a crime; even more so, this applies to art processing of snags). Turnovers here can be very large, and the more southerly you live (if you are in the Northern Hemisphere), the more regular this business can be. Well, if you have your own country plot, you can engage in small-scale agriculture - at least in the form of fodder hay production.


Production of decorative letters
Production of decorative letters and inscriptions from plywood is a modern design business. Probably, each of us has repeatedly met neat decorative inscriptions or individual letters in magazines, on photos of friends, in the interior of shops or rooms. Let's reveal the secret right away - mostly all of them are made of plywood. Recently, this element of decor has gained tremendous popularity - similar decorations constantly appear in various TV programs devoted to repair and design, they are used for photo shoots, they are used to decorate a modern apartment, etc. Such popularity of the use of inscriptions has created a demand for these decorative elements. Therefore, thinking about what kind of business you can start, and having invested a small amount of money, it comes to mind: why not start making such decorative inscriptions yourself? In this article, we decided to consider and analyze such a business idea as the production of decorative inscriptions or letters from plywood.


Brooms for the bath
Brooms for the bath - earning from scratch The popularity of baths, saunas, and baths in our country is undeniable - an increasing number of people cannot imagine their lives without relaxing in a steam room, especially since this relaxation, with the right approach, of course, can only bring benefits to the whole body. That is why the construction of baths has grown rapidly. They are being built in cities, once closed baths are being reconstructed, more and more people are setting up individual saunas directly in their yards, in a word, their number is increasing, as a matter of fact, the number of their visitors is increasing exponentially. The fact remains undeniable that with the increase in the flow of sauna customers, bath brooms, which are traditionally used when taking bath procedures, also become unusable. The maximum period of use of a broom for the bath is only one day in the steam room. After that, the broom becomes unusable and is thrown away. Based on the above, weaving and selling bath brooms is an excellent business idea, especially since its implementation requires almost no investment.


Center for child development
The Children's Development Center is a place where parents bring their children over the age of 1 for classes. In small groups, classes are held with children for the development of attention, memory, logic, thinking, fine motor skills, they teach reading and other useful things. All this happens in the form of a game.
It is possible to distinguish 4 groups of small clients of the children's club:
Children from 1 to 3 years old. The main goal is the development of the child.
Children aged 3 to 7 come to the children's club after/or instead of kindergarten for additional classes: comprehensive development (reading, counting, the surrounding world), drawing, English, dancing, gymnastics.
Children aged 5 to 7 are preparing for school. Intensive training in reading, arithmetic, etc. is carried out with them.
Children from 7 to 10 years old come for additional classes after school. It can be English, drawing, dancing, gymnastics and much more.
For efficiency, it is worth building the most flexible work schedule of the center:
In the morning (from 09:00 to 13:00) - classes with the smallest group.
Afternoon (from 1:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m.) — lessons on preparation for school and with schoolchildren.
In the evening (from 5:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m.) there are classes with children who are brought after kindergarten or after a nap.


Organization of game console rental
The organization of the rental of game consoles is an entertainment business idea. Those whose childhood fell on the late 90s and early 2000s probably remember the joyful feeling that arose with every trip to the then widely popular game halls, where anyone could for a small fee, immerse yourself in the colorful, adventurous world of virtual games, "reincarnating" into their main characters and fully controlling them with the help of game consoles. And today there are a lot of people - gamers, who like to play various computer games, not to mention children. Although not everyone can afford to buy a modern game console, because of its price. Entrepreneurs who rent out consoles come to the rescue. Actually, we will now talk about the organization of the rental of game consoles.


Coworking can become a highly profitable business. It is a convenient and complete replacement of a regular office, especially for representatives of creative professions, startups or small teams. It's a great solution for entrepreneurs or freelancers who don't have the opportunity to set up a comfortable workplace at home or don't want to hold important meetings in a cafe or on the go.
In order to create a profitable co-working space, you need:
Choose the premises and make repairs: special attention should be paid to the square, because it is necessary to plan the kitchen, bathroom, utility rooms and the area for events and networking. If the premises are smaller, then you can make a small co-working space (up to 10-15 workplaces) in the open space format. The location is also very important. A co-working space in an unsuccessful location will not be able to recruit the required number of residents and will quickly close. High-quality renovations can set your coworking space apart from competitors and attract new customers.
Purchase and install basic office equipment: internet (wi-fi), computers, scanners, printers, projectors with screens, magnetic boards with markers.
Approximate investment amount for the start:
from 17,000 u.o. ~ UAH 574,600


Fish store
There are not so many individual fish shops. Fish is usually sold in grocery stores and supermarkets. But a correctly defined strategy of a fish store will allow you to convince buyers that it is still better to buy from you.
To register a business, you need to open an LLC or a sole proprietorship. It will take at least 2-3 months to register and obtain all the necessary documents.
In general, there should be:
lease agreement;
contract for garbage removal and waste disposal;
certificates for all products;
permissions from authorities;
medical records of all employees.
Fish should be sold only within the limits of its storage period. After that, you must return the unsold product to the suppliers or dispose of it. This is especially true of fresh fish.
Before opening a fish shop, you should pay attention to competitors. The point must be located in a place where there are no other commercial enterprises selling fish nearby. To place all the equipment in the sales hall and have enough space for the warehouse, you will need an area of 40-50 sq.m. The premises must also be equipped with water supply, sewage and a ventilation system.
Among the mandatory equipment of a fish shop:
refrigerated showcase;
refrigerator chest;
cold store;
a table for processing fish;
the cash register;
air conditioning.
You need to make a business plan and try to follow it. It is important to carefully calculate the costs, analyze the possible income and think through the possible risks. A bright sign and well-organized advertising will help attract a buyer. But the most important thing for the buyer is quality products and reasonable prices.
Approximate investment amount for the start:
from 12,000 u.o. ~ UAH 405,600
