BestBonds - Extending the Competences of Adult Educators

BestBonds - Extending the Competences of Adult Educators

Contact information, map and directions, contact form, opening hours, services, ratings, photos, videos and announcements from BestBonds - Extending the Competences of Adult Educators, .

BestBonds - Extending the Competences of Adult Educators is an Erasmus+ sponsored project with code 2020-1-PL01-KA204-081837
Sector: Strategic partnership projects for adult education (KA204) Aim of the project:

Improving the overall European reality in terms of adult education - coming from many different cultural, linguistic and religious backgrounds. The project is focused on both trainers and


Nowadays, adult learners are more and more, and required competencies are changing fastly while people need to change their vision of education.

However, while education still matters for adults, educators need to adapt their way of teaching. As people’s brains are fully developed by their 20s, they have lots of developmental and cognitive differences with children: educational approach needs to be consistent with it. These are the reasons why adult education is based on Andragogy, an approach gathering methods and scientific theories used to teach adults.
One main premise of Andragogy is based on the fact that adults are more self-directed and motivated than children. Knowing this, teaching methods are radically different: highly participatory, focused on hands-on learning experiences… In fact, adults are mindful about the meaning they give to what they learn, they need applicable and valuable knowledge.

If you want to learn more about Andradogy, follow this link:


Children and adults are very different in the way they learn.
This is why there are many techniques and theories on how to effectively educate adults in particular.
Obviously, each theory and technique are different and do not apply to everyone, some will be more comfortable with one than another depending on their primary learning style. Some of the top learning theories in the adult learning space include:
• Andragogy theory,
• Transformative Learning,
• Self-directed learning,
• Experiential Learning,
• Project-based learning.

To learn more about these different theories and strategies for adult learning, feel free to click on the link in the article!


😍👏👩‍💼💥Our team of volunteer educators and teachers on their way to Spain for new educational experiences 📲💜
📲💚💙Our in "New TeaM" will promote digital environments for ubiquity and motivation in the field of adult education at Ccif Cyprus EPALE - Adult Learning in Europe Epale Cyprus


This publication, created by Cedefop, aims to support the design, dissemination and implementation of VET policies and measures that help adults, especially the low-skilled, to acquire the knowledge, skills and competences required for work, employability and lifelong learning. This analytical framework for developing upskilling pathways for low-skilled adults was developed to support a single vision of developmental pathways. Upskilling pathways are about bringing together resources and creating the right synergies to support each adult on an individual pathway to empowerment.

According to Cefedop, this approach should be able to meet all their needs in a coordinated and coherent way and ensure that they have all the tools and support they need to engage in sustainable learning pathways leading to their potential and fulfillment.

Feel free to read the article to learn more:


👉💥⚡️Adult learning contributes to improving social cohesion and promotes active citizenship!!
👉💥⚡️It enhances European economies!!

COVID-19 and online adult learning. 10/11/2022

Adult education is central to the European Commission's lifelong learning strategy. However, adult learning in the workplace has been severely disrupted and has fallen strongly as a result of the economic impact of Covid-19 on it. This European Commission study argues, however, that increasing the participation of adults in e-learning activities would be a way to at least partially compensate for this. Therefore, this study shows that in most EU countries, Covid-19 has led to an increase in the proportion of adults taking online courses, indirectly accelerating the digital transformation.
The analysis also reveals that the pandemic had a different effect on adult e-learning according to certain criteria such as gender, age and education. For example, this study shows that women, individuals aged 55-64, and less educated adults were more likely to seek online learning and skills development.

👉 Read the full report about COVID19 and online adult learning in the following link:

COVID-19 and online adult learning. While adult learning is a vital component of the European Commission’s lifelong strategy, its incidence decreased in 2020 due to the economic impact of Covid-19. A main reason for such decline lies in the disruption of on-the-job training caused by the pandemic. This study, however, shows that inc...

Photos from BestBonds - Extending the Competences of Adult Educators's post 12/10/2022

Skills Revolution !!!

A strong skill set opens opportunities to individuals, provides a safety net in ever-changing times, and promotes inclusion. The Commission’s initiative on individual learning accounts and on micro-credentials aims to ensure that everyone has access to relevant training opportunities, tailored to their needs, throughout life. The learners as unique individuals are directly at the centre of skills development, allowing for dynamic upskilling and education across their entire lifelong learning journey.

In 2022, EPALE is dedicating an entire thematic focus to this revolution in skills, collecting experiences and reflections on the development of innovative approaches that will transform adult learning.

Now, also in the light of the recent announcement by EC President Ursula von der Leyen that 2023 will be the European Year of Skills, we offer you this Resource Kit, to have a look at what has been produced on EPALE so far and prepare for the year ahead!

In the first part of the kit, you will find a series of reflections and narratives, which will allow you to gain a deeper understanding of some of the key issues at stake. To enter the topic, we offer you a truly must-read: an article providing an overview of the main policies and initiatives on skills held in Europe in the past years. We then suggest different perspectives on skills: an inspiring Community Story highlighting the importance of self-awareness to achieve personal and career goals; a glance at the changes
in skills required by automation; a case for life skills and green competencies.

The second part of the kit provides a series of tools and practices to assist you in your practical work. We have selected a project aimed at improving employability and key competencies of migrants, starting with their linguistic skills; a handbook to favour a culture of learning in the workplace; a series of resources to improve access to the labour market for People with Intellectual Disabilities; and finally, OERs contributing to the professionalisation of validation practitioners.

I really recommend this KIT.

Intercultural learning in adult education - EPALE - European Commission 10/10/2022

What is Intercultural learning in adult education?

How can adult education support effective learning for migrants and refugees?

How does integration in the host countries work?

Intercultural learning in adult education - EPALE - European Commission Intercultural learning in adult education


Design teaching so that participants understand - choose the right methods!!!

One of the key goals in teaching is understanding. Sometimes it is a obligatory factor for a training or development process to have a positive effect. I often advise on digital education projects, and even where I don't know the content myself, I see that ensuring understanding is not at all an easy task, and many training authors and educators struggle mightily with it.

Here are some inspirations for working on a methodological goal: UNDERSTANDING.

Make sure you yourself understand what specifically you want to explain
How are they supposed to understand if I don't understand it myself?

There is no point in looking for good methods to explain something if we ourselves are not clear about what it is all about. Let's start by questioning an expert (perhaps yourself) about what it's all about. Keep pushing until a coherent, logical message emerges.

First, make sure that you yourself know what the recipient should understand and what is not necessary for that understanding.

Give the recipient a chance to understand what is important
Just because we know what is to be understood does by no means mean that the recipient of our material will not get lost in our message. We need to make it easier for him, and we can easily do this by using various procedures.

First of all, the layout of the content itself, the use of interheadings and the orderly naming of the various parts is important. The table of contents (table of modules, training map, etc.) must form a logical whole, preferably suggesting how to learn from the material.

Maintaining hierarchy and proportion is also key. If something is important, it should be bigger than the unimportant. If we have an important topic then devote more space to it, and try to do side topics more sparingly or clearly weaken them in the navigation (for example, as supplementary material).

In the material itself, it is worthwhile to use highlighting and emphasis to facilitate understanding. Pulling out to the so-called "frame" or to the board the most important definition will help focus on it and facilitate understanding.

When you want to say something, say what you are going to say, say what you have to say and say what you have said. It's worth thinking of a good introduction and conclusion. The introduction will help the learner to extract what is important from the content, and the summary will make sure that the learner has captured what is key.

If you're already deciding on some quizzes, don't debrief from school memory, but make an effort to ask questions that test comprehension rather than memorization of unimportant details. This is a common mistake, and sometimes I feel that training authors ask questions that are easy to put into a "cool" drag and drop mechanism. And this is a serious mistake.

Properly explain
Whenever I wonder how to accomplish a methodical goal, I grab Learning Battle Cards.

The first route to take is simply to make good material that explains things brilliantly. How do you do that?

The Explanation card brings to mind making a decent explainer - for example, in the fashionable form of Sketching and Doodling, or hand-drawing. You've probably seen such a video more than once with a sketch forming as the voiceover explains what it's about. It's really hard to look away.

There are many ways to make such an explainer - from animating clipart yourself (even in PowerPoint) to hiring someone to draw the shapes and record it on video. There are also various programs and websites that make it easy to create such videos.

Probably forms such as a good Metaphor referring to concepts and phenomena that the learner already understands can be helpful here. It could also be a good Case Study or Story.

Visual forms can prove to be an interesting clue. Sometimes a well-drawn diagram or infographic explains better than a stream of words. Visuals can be animated and effectively explain more complex processes. I found a simple example online to illustrate Pythagoras' theorem.

Show, let touch, let look at
When looking for a way to build a learning situation that will allow the learner to better understand, it is worth thinking about bringing the phenomenon or concept being explained closer in a more practical way.

One way is to show how something works. A good demonstration allows you to "see with your own eyes." Many things can simply be shown as they are. If we are explaining a process, why not just show it in the simplest possible version.

If possible, let's let people experiment. One may not understand exactly the concept of compound interest, but experimenting allows one to see how it works with different parameters. This is how we learn many things - how to use a new app or device, or even how to cook. Experimenting also allows you to experience different things, such as feedback. The same is true of simulation - simulating a difficult situation often allows you to see much more than when listening to explanations, and there is also the immersion and emotion factor.
I usually urge training authors to let training recipients experiment in their own world as soon as possible, to offer, for example, an Implementation Task to understand various practical aspects and, above all, to catch strong motivation by linking the training content to their own practice of action.

In college, exams did not come easily to me - mathematics is a demanding field, it is not enough to learn, you need to understand. However, there was one exam that went like a flash, even though Topology is not a stick. This happened because my female colleagues from the year asked me to explain more topics to them for the exam. I explained so much... This is a form of Teach back, i.e. involving the recipient of the training in the role of explaining to others. This form is worth considering.

Let you understand another point of view
Sometimes the methodological task is not to cause understanding of a concept, but to understand another point of view of, for example, a customer, a student, a person from another department in the production chain, etc. We sometimes talk about the so-called "stepping into the shoes". How to understand others?

Two methods come to mind first - observation and role swapping. Taking a look at how a customer reacts to different situations allows you to better understand how they act, and role-swapping often allows you to better understand why they react the way they do. Once, while conducting training on "e-learning," I found the form of entering the role of the learner very effective for teachers. They quickly realized how one feels when the material is poor and how one engages when the material is good.

Corporate settings also use so-called job-rotation, which is the temporary assignment of employees to other departments or tasks that are unusual for them.

In diverse groups, one may be tempted to deliberately mix people with different competencies in a Group Task learning situation, or even Project-based learning, i.e. in a situation of carrying out an entire project. I found this method very effective in my MBA studies, where different competencies are mixed. I learned a lot from my project teammates.

Consciously look for a way
If you know what you want, you will find a method. After all, there are still such ideas as Game, or so-called gamification. The key is not to lose sight of the main goal and not to lay it on the altar of self-indulgence over a fussy form. Everything you do must be subordinated to a specific methodological goal - anything that is not most often gets in the way and obscures the picture.

And how do you make them understand?

Paweł Zimecki, adult educator🙂

Four reasons you should consider adult education – even if you're at the start of your career 10/09/2022

1. The idea of a career has changed
2. There are financial incentives
3. Learning has become much more flexible
4. It’s good for your wellbeing

Four reasons you should consider adult education – even if you're at the start of your career Education can improve wellbeing – and job prospects.


A Couple words about stereotypes discrimination and prejudices.

In recent time I often talk about the fight with social exclusion in context of actions of cultural institutions, so as the non-govermental organizations. There are a few favourable factors for undertaking such topics. Among other things it comes from a fact that I have been working for six years now on a project involving a group of female refugees from Ukraine, Chechnya or Kyrgyzstan to name a few. Moreover, I lead certain inclusive actions for people from Poland and for people who travel to Poland from all around the world. I organize various “opportunities” for refugees, volunteers and immigrants to have a chance to meet with the natives.

Such organised meetings are splendid occasions for mutual integration, getting to know each other, and bringing down various mental barriers which all the participants have to face. Independently of the nation whether are those refugees or Polish natives, everyone has their own initial fears, anxieties or expectations. In such situation the process of social inclusion requires a lot of time, but every consistent educational work put in the particular action is always worth of making it happen, because the sooner we take care of it, the lesser are the chances for social exclusion.

Why is it worth to do and why should you do that?

There are countless arguments for inclusive work and counteracting social exclusion. First off I will start with battling the stereotypes. They are the first step on the path leading to exclusion, they are defined in many different ways:

“excessively generalized and simplified picture of certain social group, separated on the basis of clearly visible feature (gender, race, nationality, social class, profession) usually followed by a larger group of people”

Stereotypes make identical features to be attributed to everyone between male or female members of the group, independently from factual differences between them. Despite of the definition, stereotypes may affect everyone. Yet education in that matter can bring numerous positive results for both sides. The faster should a stereotype be spotted, the easier may stopping the outcome be.

Another decisive factor that work dedicated to counteracting the social exclusion is crucial is a fact of coming across various prejudices to which the “new” and current members of particular societies are the most vulnerable. They do not have to be immigrants, every single person can be offended by exclusive prejudice, which impacts the standard of everyday life seriously.

Prejudices are often defined as:

“hostile, unjustified, irrational, strong and very durable attitude towards a group or an individual, solely from a fact of a membership to a particular group”

Causes of prejudices could be numerous, to which for example we attribute; authoritarian personality, dehumanization of interpersonal relationships, unfulfillment of basic needs, feeling of crisis, transferring the aggression onto the victim and social categorization. Independently from the cause it is worth to face and counteract.

Education plays an enormous role in that matter, because the consequences of prejudices could also impact the psychological sphere so as the social circle. The sooner we react to those and teach people how to react to them, the better not only for the individual but for the whole society. It is very crucial not to camouflage prejudices but to face them head on realistically, conversation about them and counteracting them. If we choose not to do it with appropriate timing, we are going to be obliged with dealing with discrimination.

Discriminatory behavior is a situation when a particular person gets treated in a different way, in a different manner, usually unfavourably, or hurtfully compared to other people who even though are in the same situation do not get the same backlash. Discrimination is a form of unjustified and unobjective, stereotypically-based marginalization of individuals and/or groups, who are characterized by the same or similar feature. It can involve different race, gender, age, ethnicity and disability.

We encounter discrimination every day in various spheres of our lives, in education, in work places, or business. Everyone of us can be a victim or a witness. It is worth to remember that discriminatory behavior may be exponentially diverse. It can be noticed in specific behavior of an individual towards the other person, or in particular phrases, jokes or gestures.

If discrimination occurs it should be met with a reaction, since its consequences are often long-lasting and serious. Discriminated people usually have to go through vast stress episodes, feeling of hurt, sadness, also a large drop in self-esteem can be noticed. Features listed out above have a huge impact on a life standard of such individual and can lead to exclusion from the society.

Undertaking actions dedicated to eliminating the phenomenon of stereotyping, battling prejudices and discrimination is a task for everyone of us. It is worth to prevent those events by education, prevention, and reaction to causes, and not only to the outcome.

Taking care of equality, variety, social inclusion is a process, that by reason of consistency of undertaking actions can change the world for the better which is why it is worth and you should do that

Adam Kazimierczak
adult educator

5th Global Report on Adult Learning and Education - Citizenship education: Empowering adults for change [EN/AR] - World 11/07/2022

👉 You can 𝐝𝐨𝐰𝐧𝐥𝐨𝐚𝐝 𝐡𝐞𝐫𝐞 the 5th Global Report on Adult Learning and Education by UNESCO [EN/AR] !

"𝘛𝘩𝘦 𝘮𝘢𝘪𝘯 𝘤𝘩𝘢𝘭𝘭𝘦𝘯𝘨𝘦 𝘧𝘰𝘳 𝘢𝘥𝘶𝘭𝘵 𝘭𝘦𝘢𝘳𝘯𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘢𝘯𝘥 𝘦𝘥𝘶𝘤𝘢𝘵𝘪𝘰𝘯 𝘢𝘤𝘳𝘰𝘴𝘴 𝘵𝘩𝘦 𝘨𝘭𝘰𝘣𝘦 𝘪𝘴 𝘵𝘰 𝘳𝘦𝘢𝘤𝘩 𝘵𝘩𝘰𝘴𝘦 𝘸𝘩𝘰 𝘯𝘦𝘦𝘥 𝘪𝘵 𝘮𝘰𝘴𝘵"

5th Global Report on Adult Learning and Education - Citizenship education: Empowering adults for change [EN/AR] - World Analysis in Arabic on World about Education; published on 15 Jun 2022 by UNESCO

The importance of Adult Education 10/06/2022

Education is a privilege that not many people get to have. Those that do some times do not appreciate it until it is too late. 𝐎𝐧𝐞 𝐨𝐟 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐦𝐚𝐣𝐨𝐫 𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐫𝐚𝐜𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐢𝐬𝐭𝐢𝐜𝐬 𝐨𝐟 𝐞𝐝𝐮𝐜𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧 𝐢𝐬 𝐭𝐡𝐚𝐭 𝐢𝐭 𝐡𝐚𝐬 𝐧𝐨 𝐚𝐠𝐞. People are never too young or too old to be educated.

The importance of Adult Education Adult education is the first step in creating your own future. Learn how to evolve your skills and competencies and build a bright career.


Today we had an English lesson from 11-12am. On friday was the Greek lesson. In the Greek lesson we taught some Greek basics.
In the English lesson we explained how to describe a picture. It was a successful day. You can see the progress hour by hour.


🔹Today we had an online meeting with the Best Bonds partners about the future projects. We are so excited for the future activities 🔹


Hello everyone, you are all invited to our workshop about European Union!

Gain knowledge through European bonds!
EU educational opportunities for professional integration of migrants, asylum seekers and national minorities!

It will take place at our office next Tuesday at 15:00pm. We look forward seeing you!! 👉🇪🇺👈

European adult learning community is ready to support refugees from Ukraine in their learning pathways - European Association for the Education of Adults 10/04/2022

Counting on the long-standing experience of adult education actors in welcoming and empowering newcomers, EAEA reiterates the important role that non-formal adult learning and education can fulfil in supporting refugees.

European adult learning community is ready to support refugees from Ukraine in their learning pathways - European Association for the Education of Adults Read and download the full statement here (pdf) Europe is facing a huge humanitarian crisis. According to the official data of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees, millions of refugees have already been forced to flee the war in Ukraine moving to neighbouring countries, while many peop...

The role and use of ICTs in adult education 10/03/2022

🟢 According to the article, the relevance of ICT to the education system is often underestimated, although it can provide better quality and more tailored education if it is well mastered and used. In a multicultural environment where each learner has his or her own specificity, ICTs can allow a better integration of differences and break the traditional educational model by increasing student participation.

The role and use of ICTs in adult education IDENTIFYING GLOBAL DIMENSION OF LEARNING CONTEXTS Introduction Information and Communication Technologies is a major factor in shaping the global education and economy, and they are part of the glo…

Εκπαίδευση ενηλίκων: Ενισχύοντας τις ικανότητες των εκπαιδευτών 11/02/2022

🔵 Άρθρο για την εκπαίδευση ενηλίκων στην Ελλάδα, από την Ance | An article about adult education in Greece, written by Ance.
(𝘭𝘢𝘯𝘨𝘶𝘢𝘨𝘦: 𝘎𝘳𝘦𝘦𝘬)

Εκπαίδευση ενηλίκων: Ενισχύοντας τις ικανότητες των εκπαιδευτών BestBonds - extending the competences of adult educators


How to comunicate your project? A step-by-step guide
on communicating projects and their results. Welcome to Your Project . Must to read for Erasmus+ beginners advanced learners.

Adult Learning and COVID-19: How much informal and non-formal learning are workers missing? 13/01/2022

🟪 𝐀𝐝𝐮𝐥𝐭 𝐋𝐞𝐚𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐂𝐎𝐕𝐈𝐃-𝟏𝟗: 𝐇𝐨𝐰 𝐦𝐮𝐜𝐡 𝐢𝐧𝐟𝐨𝐫𝐦𝐚𝐥 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐧𝐨𝐧-𝐟𝐨𝐫𝐦𝐚𝐥 𝐥𝐞𝐚𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐚𝐫𝐞 𝐰𝐨𝐫𝐤𝐞𝐫𝐬 𝐦𝐢𝐬𝐬𝐢𝐧𝐠?

👉 This brief proposes estimates of the loss in on-the-job learning due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Participation in informal learning due to widespread shutdowns of economic activities is estimated to have decreased by 25%. In the case of non-formal learning the estimate corresponds to 18%. This represents a notable amount of lost learning, and one which may not be easily recovered. Estimated learning losses are highly heterogeneous across sectors and individuals, and depend on the pervasiveness of shutdowns of economic activities. Workers employed in administrative and support service activities; in the arts, entertainment and recreation, are expected to lose, on average, nearly three-quarters of informal and non‑formal learning opportunities per week. Results also show that the pandemic likely led to fewer learning opportunities for disadvantaged and low-skilled workers who, in turn, are most likely going to need retraining.

Adult Learning and COVID-19: How much informal and non-formal learning are workers missing? This brief proposes estimates of the loss in on-the-job learning due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Participation in informal learning due to widespread shutdowns of economic activities is estimated to have decreased by 25%. In the case of non-formal learning the estimate corresponds to 18%. This represe...

Photos from Ccif Cyprus's post 25/12/2021

"Green Enter for Future""You are all invited to the workshop about how to do a successful green job interview!
It is very helpful to get a green job.

It is this Thursday 23th December at 11am in the ccif office.

We will bring coffee/tes and Christmas snacks.🎅🏽🎄☃️


Library of Things - what you can borrow in the library?

But how do you make items other than books or records available? What kind of things can be found in the Library of Things?

When we hear the word library, the first association that comes to mind is of course books, possibly, audiobooks or movies. However, in the modern world, where thanks to the Internet access to knowledge and information is at our fingertips, libraries are constantly looking for answers to new needs of their users. More and more often they become institutions of learning, culture and animation supporting community development in various areas of life. Hence, they feature a variety of innovative and sometimes controversial services and... resources.

What is the Library of Things?

One of the ideas that can be an answer to the changing needs of local communities and at the same time to the challenges of the climate crisis and the culture of excess, is the Library of Things.
It is a place where e.g. works of art, tools, equipment, toys, technologies, games but also plants or seeds are made available. Thanks to it a user can learn and test novelties, as well as acquire new skills without incurring purchase costs. The idea broadens the way we think about the library as a bookstore. It makes it associated with a place where we can borrow, try out, and exchange all sorts of goods while developing our own interests. And although the idea itself is not a new invention, due to its connection with the Sharing Economy it is gaining importance nowadays. This is why more and more public libraries around the world are expanding their offerings in the Library of Things movement.

But how do you share items other than books or records? What kinds of things can be included in such a library? I invite you to a brief overview of collections and solutions that expand library offerings.

Alternative forms of reading and their media

In the digital age, users are increasingly choosing digital equivalents of paper books instead. This solution allows access to many titles at once. However, despite the convenience related to e.g. low weight and large number of books that can fit on a reader, not everyone knows whether this form of reading will be suitable for them. Therefore, to meet the needs of readers, more and more libraries in the country not only provide codes for e-books, but also lend e-book readers.

Visually impaired or elderly people often also have problems with using paper publications. For them, an alternative are often special devices, the so-called Readers, which allow you to listen to literature. However, buying such equipment is quite a serious expense for many people, so in some libraries the devices are lent together with selected and recorded titles for the user.


Lending works of art is an activity that Polish libraries have not yet tried. However, the idea is strongly present in German institutions, where "Art Libraries" have been operating since the 1960s. Some of them operate as part of municipal library networks, while others are run by various organizations. With a library card you can borrow there original works of recognized artists for a period of 3 months. This allows the users to experience high art not only in a museum, but in their own homes.

An interesting initiative is also the lending and promotion of the work of local artists. This is how the Nashville Public Library works, which in July 2021 launched an art lending library. Users can choose from 60 works available in an electronic catalog.

Plants and seeds

The public's growing awareness of how greenery has a positive impact on human functioning has created a need to learn more about and surround themselves with plants. In response to this trend, more and more libraries not only collect literature related to the subject but also create initiatives based on exchange or lending of plants and seeds. There is a growing number of plant exchange points in Polish libraries. They currently function in e.g. the Lublin Bioteque, Borowo Library or Piaseczno Library.

Seed libraries have also been established in the United States for several years. The first of them, was established in a public library in 2004. It found its place in Gardiner Public Library in the state of New York. Seeds are made available in two ways - on an exchange or "loan" basis. In a loan, the user takes seeds of interest, grows plants, and returns seeds from propagated specimens. Seed types, like books, are often available in the library's electronic catalogs. This is the case, for example, at the Grosse Pointe Public Library.

Tools and equipment

In the face of the climate crisis, the Less Waste movement is growing in strength. Libraries are responding to this trend by providing places where people can leave items they no longer need but which are in good condition. These are the so-called Giveboxes, which operate, for example, in the library in Bartoszyce or Suchy Las near Poznan. Various types of exchanges, e.g. of clothes, are also held for a similar purpose.

Another interesting initiative is the possibility to rent cargo-type bicycles, which is offered e.g. by the library in Lublin or the Gdynia Library. Additionally, in the latter one you can use or even borrow a sewing machine.

American libraries have gone a step further and lend various types of equipment useful both in developing passions and creative activities and in everyday matters. Such services are offered by already mentioned Grosse Pointe Public Library.

The Library of Things is an idea which definitely expands services and possibilities of traditional book collections. However, it evokes extreme emotions among many librarians. From admiration to frustration caused by the departure from a purely literary profile. Everything depends on how we understand its role and mission in the local community for which it works. For me, the most important thing in a library is always the person and his or her need to develop on many levels. What do you think about it?

Adam Kazimierczak, adult education coach ECM Poland
