ESA BIC Poland

ESA BIC Poland

ESA Business Incubation Centres


⭐ MEET our STARt-ups! ⭐

We are pleased to present you another incubated at ESA BIC Poland ➡ Orbital Matter ❗️

Orbital Matter is developing a new way of manufacturing with 3D printing technology that works directly in exposed space conditions. By moving the production process from earth to space, it can larger and lighter elements of space infrastructure, cheaper and faster than currently possible.

🌍 Read more:

Foundation for Technology Entrepreneurship


⭐ MEET our STARt-ups! ⭐

Are you curious about the next incubated at ESA BIC Poland?

➡ Asynchronics ❕

Asynchronics provides spacecraft integrators and avionics manufacturers with best-in-class system tools that leverage decades of space industry experience.
They design the perfect avionics modules and provide unambiguous digital twins describing interfaces, TM/TC protocols, time-accurate state machines and much more.

🌍 You can read more at:

Foundation for Technology Entrepreneurship


⭐ MEET our STARt-ups! ⭐

We are pleased to present you another incubated at ESA BIC Poland - Extremo Technologies! ❕

The startup uses unique in in-house designed products to support the future of life in space and on Earth. The microalgae bio-panel supports crew space missions through effective CO2 sequestration and O2 production.

Read more ➡


⭐ MEET our STARt-ups! ⭐

We are glad to present you, one of incubated at ESA BIC Poland: is building Multi-Channel AI-based Earthquake Forecast System that helps to prepare for upcoming by sending alerts days before the shakes. This is the technology that relies on a multichannel strategy that includes several precursor signals including Earth Observation channels and novel space wheather channel.

Read more ➡

Rzeszowska Agencja Rozwoju Regionalnego


We invite you to participate in SPACE.CONNECT: ESA Technology Transfer! 🚀

The event will present selected innovations from the sector that can help develop in your company!
This is an excellent opportunity to learn about the possibilities of obtaining financial support for technology transfer and to hold individual meetings with representatives of companies from the space sector.

📆 December 7, 9.30 - 17.00
📍 Warsaw, Brain Embassy, 15 Postępu Street

Don’t wait, REGISTER today! ➡

Reed more at ➡

Krakowski Park Technologiczny | Absiskey Polska


Interested in creating solutions using EU space technology to support international development and humanitarian aid? ➡ The 6th CASSINI Hackathon is open for entries.

Find inspiration from experts, and gain the know-how to utilise data from , satellite and services from Galileo & EGNOS.

The prize pool is PLN 10,000 and business support packages 🏆

📆 November 3-5
📍 Krakowski Park Technologiczny

More information and registration:

Be there with us!


Only 2️⃣ days left to apply to the ESA BIC Poland! 🚀

📩 Apply here ➡

You don’t now how? Read this article ➡

The package of SERVICES OFFERED to start-ups:
💎 Incentive Funding up to 50 000 EURO
💎 Technical support up to 80h expert advice
💎 Business development support up to 50h
💎 Financial and Administrative support
💎 Legal consulting up to 10h
💎 The right of use of ESA BIC brand
💎 Access to the international network of ESA BICs community.

Apply before 24:00 on October 6, 2023 ❗

Foundation for Technology Entrepreneurship | Rzeszowska Agencja Rozwoju Regionalnego


Only 7️⃣ days left to apply to the ESA BIC Poland! 🚀

📩 Apply here ➡

You don’t now how? Read this article ➡

The package of SERVICES OFFERED to start-ups:
💎 Incentive Funding up to 50 000 EURO
💎 Technical support up to 80h expert advice
💎 Business development support up to 50h
💎 Financial and Administrative support
💎 Legal consulting up to 10h
💎 The right of use of ESA BIC brand
💎 Access to the international network of ESA BICs community.

Apply before 24:00 on October 6, 2023 ❗

Foundation for Technology Entrepreneurship | Rzeszowska Agencja Rozwoju Regionalnego

Photos from ESA BIC Poland's post 27/09/2023

📢 We are pleased to announce the signing📝 of the first six Incubation Contracts under ESA BIC Poland❗️❗️❗️ 👍

🚩As a result of the first call for the ESA BIC Poland Incubator, which ended in April 📅, 6 startups were selected from 18 ambitious projects🏆.

🚩Agencja Rozwoju Przemysłu S.A. as a ESA BIC Poland operator have signed 📝Incubation Contracts with all of them, which begins a new stage of the project - incubation.

As part of the incubation, each startup receives incentive up 💰 to 50,000 EUR and business, technological and legal support (140 hours in total). The incubation will last from one to two years, and our experienced partners are responsible for direct cooperation with startups: the Foundation for Technology Entrepreneurship and the Rzeszowska Agencja Rozwoju Regionalnego.

🏆👑The most important information is, of course, who was selected, below is a list of 6 startups that have found recognition among a wide range of experts:

💎AstroTectonic ( is a start-up focused on providing communities and professionals with state-of-the-art analysis methods for revealing earthquake nature, as well as on combining multichannel measurements capable of monitoring seismic activity on a whole new level (Incubation place: Rzeszów);

💎Asynchronics is a startup building simulation platform developed in the open-source, that leverages the experience of the space industry with complex cyberphysical systems (Incubation place: Warsaw);

💎Extremo Technologies is a startup that uses microalgae in in-house designed products to support the future of life in space and on Earth. The bio-products can be tailored for uses in crewed deep space missions needing a sustainable and resource-independent approach for air revitalization (Incubation place: Warsaw);

💎Liftero works on building blocks of future space logistics in the form of orbital transfer vehicles and satellite mobility solutions (Incubation place: Warsaw);

💎Orbital Matter is a startup developing a new way of manufacturing for the space industry using 3D printing technology in an exposed space environment (Incubation place: Warsaw);

💎Supercluster is a startup focused on developing stratospheric autonomous solutions creating opportunities for both earth observation and testing (Incubation place: Rzeszów).

💻🌏 You can read more about ESA BIC Poland start-ups on:

The goal of ESA BIC Poland is to create an ecosystem in Poland supporting startups related to the space sector. A key element in achieving this goal is the incubation of 35 startups during the first 5 years of operation. The signing of the first 6 incubation contracts begins a new stage of the project implementation in which all partners will be involved: Podkarpackie, Asseco Poland, Brain Embassy, Airbus Poland, Narodowe Centrum Badań Jądrowych, ICEYE Poland, Instytut Geodezji i Kartografii, Łukasiewicz - ILOT, Łukasiewicz - ITR, Łukasiewicz Piap, Łukasiewicz - Instytut Mikroelektroniki i Fotoniki, Sieć Badawcza Łukasiewicz - Instytut Technologii Eksploatacji, Absiskey Polska, Centrum Zarządzania Innowacjami i Transferem Technologii - Warsaw University of Technology, Osborn Clarke, KP Labs, Agencja Rozwoju Regionalnego MARR S.A. w Mielcu, PIAP Space, Aviation Valley, University of Technology Rzeszów, Uniwersytet Rzeszowski, EXATEL, Olimp Labs Polska, PZL Mielec, Seger, Wytwórnia Zespołów Kooperacyjnych, Rectangel.


📢 We are pleased to announce that KP Labs has joined ESA BIC Poland as a Partner!

Support offer:
🔹 development of business plans,
🔹 customer relations,
🔹 pitch and pitch deck presentations development,
🔹 EO data sources and applicability.

About the company:
KP Labs is an innovative New Space company based in Poland, focused on accelerating exploration by advancing autonomous operation and technology. KP Labs offer is targeted to nano-, micro- and minisatellites. The company owns a private R&D Centre, which includes specialized labs and facilities.

🌎 You can read more about the services offered under ESA BIC Poland at:

Foundation for Technology Entrepreneurship | Rzeszowska Agencja Rozwoju Regionalnego


Meet ESA BIC Poland Team on September 20 in Lublin at Direction Earth/Space - Earth Observation Industry Day! 🛰️

Direction Earth/Space is a new initiative organised in partnership with the European Youth Capitals (EYC). During the event, participants will take a closer look at the potential of using Earth observations data and listen to speeches from guests representing various perspectives on this topic.

💡 Find out why ESA BIC is a great place to build an !

📋 Check the agenda:
🖋 And don't wait and register for the event:

Rzeszowska Agencja Rozwoju Regionalnego | Foundation for Technology Entrepreneurship

📣DES Earth Observation Industry Day już 20 września w Lublinie🛰️❗

Zapraszamy do udziału w spotkaniu poświęconym biznesowemu potencjałowi wykorzystania danych z satelitarnych obserwacji Ziemi🛰️🌎

✅Możliwości zastosowania danych z obserwacji Ziemi (EO) są bardzo szerokie i dotyczą różnych dziedzin: od nauki i technologii, przez biznes i edukację, aż po kulturę i sztukę.
✅Już dziś są one podstawą wielu nowoczesnych technologii, a potencjał ich wykorzystania w tworzeniu innowacyjnych rozwiązań jest ogromny – i wciąż rośnie.

Zachęcamy do udziału w spotkaniu, podczas którego poznamy możliwości wykorzystania powyższych danych w różnych obszarach aktywności biznesowej. Udział w wydarzeniu będzie także doskonałą okazją do networkingu🗣️ z lubelskimi przedsiębiorcami i rozmów o ich udziale w rozwoju sektora kosmicznego👩‍🚀.

Wśród zaproszonych gości:
👉Anna Burzykowska, Copernicus Innovation Officer z Dyrektoriatu Obserwacji Ziemi Europejska Agencja Kosmicznej,
👉Anna Mirończuk, Scouting Officer z Centrum
Inkubacji Biznesowej Europejskiej Agencji Kosmicznej ESA BIC Poland,
👉Maciej Krzyzanowski, Dyrektor Zarządzający spółki CloudFerro S.A.,
👉Noemi Zabari, Prezes spółki AstroTectonic

📑Szczegółowa agenda wydarzenia i miejsce spotkania zostaną wkrótce udostępnione na stronie internetowej:

Spotkanie organizowane jest przez Direction Earth/Space w partnerstwie z Miasto Lublin, Lubelska Wyżyna IT, ESA BIC Poland i New Space Foundation w ramach Lubelski Festiwal Nauki oraz Europejskiej Stolicy Młodzieży Lublin 2023 (Lublin is YOUth)👏🎉


There is still one month to apply in the 2nd call to ESA BIC Poland! 🚀

Apply here 👉

The package of services offered to by ESA BIC Poland :
💎 Incentive Funding up to 50 000 EURO for product development and IPR
💎 Technical support up to 80h expert advice
💎 Business development support & mentoring by experts up to 50h
💎 Legal consulting up to 10h
💎 Financial and Administrative support (office space)
💎 The right of use of ESA BIC brand
💎 Access to the international network of ESA BICs community.

Apply before 24:00 on the 6th of October 2023! ⏰

Do you want to know the tips for applying to ESA BIC Poland?
Register for the workshop ➡

Foundation for Technology Entrepreneurship | Rzeszowska Agencja Rozwoju Regionalnego


Instytut Geodezji i Kartografii (IGiK) provides technical support to incubated at ESA BIC Poland❗️

Technical support offer:
🔹 User operations in the ground segment – data analysis
🔹 models
🔹 Satellite geodesy
🔹 Geodetic metrology
🔹 Analytical
🔹 Digital photogrammetry
🔹 Terrestrial photogrammetry
🔹 Spatial information systems
🔹 Distribution of material

About the company:
The primary task of the IGiK is to conduct research and application work in the field of and and related disciplines for the needs of science, geodetic and cartographic practice for the purposes of government and local administration, state security, as well as for the needs of geodetic and cartographic contracting units.

🌍 You can read more about the services offered under ESA BIC Poland at:

Foundation for Technology Entrepreneurship


ESA BIC Poland is a Partner of the European Rover Challenge! 🚀

European Rover Challenge is the largest international , combining the prestigious Mars competition with science and technology fairs & presentations by industry leaders!

Michał Chwieduk, the head of the ESA BIC Poland , will participate in the "Ask Me Anything" session and Debate: "Investing in the space sector".

📆 15–17 September 2023
📍 Kielce University of Technology

See you at the !🤝

WORKSHOP - "Tips for applying to ESA BIC Poland" - ESA Business Incubation Centre Poland 29/08/2023

📢 REGISTRATION for the Workshop "Tips for applying to ESA BIC Poland" has started ❗

🗓 Data: 12.09.2023, 14:00-15:30
📌 Place: online

If you are interested in participating in the workshop, please register at:
Remember that the link to the event will be sent only to registered people!

Rzeszowska Agencja Rozwoju Regionalnego | Foundation for Technology Entrepreneurship

WORKSHOP - "Tips for applying to ESA BIC Poland" - ESA Business Incubation Centre Poland ESA BIC Poland organizes workshop to prepare for the application process


PIAP Space provides technical support to incubated at ESA BIC Poland!

Technical support offer:
👉 Consulting in terms of domestic and European industry opportunities and potential technological niches;
👉 Technological consulting in the field of mechanical and robotic systems;
👉 Identification of possible technological risks;
👉 Access to the prototyping laboratory (including 3D printing);
👉 Access to the vision systems laboratory;
👉 Access to calibration of force and torque sensors.

About the company:
PIAP Space is a daughter company of Łukasiewicz – PIAP’s dedicated to space-related industry activities. In its activities, PIAP Space strongly focuses on two specialisations:
♦ Space Robotics – develops technologies and products in the space robotics domain for On-Orbit Servicing and future OSAM missions.
♦ Mechanical Ground Support Equipment (MGSE) – offers various types of devices for the assembly, integration, and testing of satellites and their subsystems.

🌍 You can read more about the services offered under ESA BIC Poland at:

Foundation for Technology Entrepreneurship


Brain Embassy provides office support to incubated at ESA BIC Poland!

Brain Embassy is the space brand by Adgar Investments & Development Ltd, a global owner of commercial real estate & a public company traded on the TLV Stock Exchange.
All the unique benefits of the Brain Embassy gathered in one : quality & ergonomic furniture, activity based design, vivid & dynamic Community, diverse events and professional business support.

👉 As part of the ESA BIC Poland support, the start-up can rent a and join a diverse !

🌎 You can read more about the services offered under ESA BIC Poland at:

Foundation for Technology Entrepreneurship


incubated by ESA BICs are supported by ICEYE! 🛰

ICEYE owns the world’s largest synthetic-aperture radar constellation. The data can be collected day or night, and even through cloud cover.
The collaboration of ICEYE in the EPIC partnership provides startups with easy access to affordable high quality , enabling them to develop new and innovative products.

🌏 You can read more at:

Want to know more about the ESA Partnership Initiative for Commercialization (EPIC)? ➡ Visit this page:

ESA Commercialisation Gateway | Foundation for Technology Entrepreneurship | Rzeszowska Agencja Rozwoju Regionalnego


Are you interested in applying to ESA BIC Poland but you are not sure how to fill out the documents correctly?

📣 We invite you to the WORKSHOP - "Tips for applying to ESA BIC Poland"!

During the workshops, experts from ESA BIC Poland will discuss:
◾ the criteria to be met when applying for the ESA BIC Poland
◾ application process
◾ the most common mistakes made when filling out the documentation
◾ financial part
◾ competition and target market analysis
◾ business model

🗓 Data: 12.09.2023
📌 Place: online

Information on registration and a detailed workshop agenda will be published soon. Save the date and follow our social media!!!

🌏 More information:

Foundation for Technology Entrepreneurship Rzeszowska Agencja Rozwoju Regionalnego


📣 We are pleased to announce that Łukasiewicz – Institute for Sustainable Technologies (Sieć Badawcza Łukasiewicz - Instytut Technologii Eksploatacji) has joined ESA BIC Poland as a Technology Partner!

ABOUT the company:
Łukasiewicz – Institute for Sustainable Technologies for nearly 30 years has been specialising in boosting innovation performance in the areas of machine construction and maintenance as well as technical and environmental safety. Additional areas of the Institute’s activity include model solutions in the field of technology transfer and continuing vocational education.

OFFER for start-ups incubated at ESA BIC Poland 👉 technological support in the advisory, mentoring and expertise areas in the research centres for:
🔹 surface engineering,
🔹 prototyping,
🔹 tribology,
🔹 bioeconomy,
🔹 ecoinnovation,
🔹 innovation management and
🔹 access to the laboratories.

🌎 You can read more about the services offered under ESA BIC Poland at:

Foundation for Technology Entrepreneurship


Polskie Zaklady Lotnicze Sp. z o.o. provides technical support to incubated at ESA BIC Poland!

Technical support offer:
👉 designing,
👉 technology,
👉 prototyping,
👉 fabrication of structural elements and mechanical elements,
👉 special processes (heat, chemical and electrochemical treatment) for machined or plastic-worked parts made of metal, plastics and composite materials.

About the company:
Polskie Zakłady Lotnicze (PZL Mielec) is presently one of the largest aircraft manufacturer in Poland, and the largest production site for Lockheed Martin outside the USA. For over 85 years the PZL has designed, produced and maintained agricultural & fire-fighting planes, passenger/cargo commuters and trainer aircraft. In addition, PZL Mielec is a proud supplier of aerostructures to worldwide customers.

🌎 You can read more about the services offered under ESA BIC Poland at:

Rzeszowska Agencja Rozwoju Regionalnego


Uniwersytet Rzeszowski (University of Rzeszow) provides technical support to incubated at ESA BIC Poland ❕

Technical support offer:
👉 Access to the MBE Technology Laboratory and the quality control of ;
👉 Access to the Research Laboratory of materials currently used in detectors, lasers, diodes and other devices based on semiconductor structures made on the NANO scale;
👉 Preparation of opinions and expert opinions in the field of semiconductor structures applicable in modern electronics and nanotechnology;
👉 Expert base in the field of , including environmental protection.

The University of Rzeszów was established in 2001 through the merger of the Pedagogical University of Rzeszów, the Maria Curie Skłodowska University, Lublin, Rzeszów branch and the Economics Faculty of the Agricultural Academy of Cracow.
The University offers a variety of undergraduate and postgraduate programmes, specialist training, supplementary training, and adult education.

🌎 You can read more about the services offered under ESA BIC Poland at:


Startups incubated by ESA BICs are supported by Euroconsult!

The Euroconsult Group is the leading global strategy and firm specialized in the space sector and satellite enabled verticals. It has forty years of experience providing first-class strategic consulting, developing comprehensive market intelligence programs, organizing executive-level annual summits and training programs for the industry.

Support offered by Euroconsult:
👉 Access to industry leading market intelligence reports at a preferred rate
👉 A series of webinars, offering valuable insight into multiple segments across the global space value chain.

🌏 You can read more about the Euroconsult support at:

Want to know more about the ESA Partnership Initiative for Commercialization (EPIC)? ➡ Visit this page:

ESA Commercialisation Gateway | Foundation for Technology Entrepreneurship | Rzeszowska Agencja Rozwoju Regionalnego


Politechnika Rzeszowska im. Ignacego Łukasiewicza provides support to start-ups incubated at ESA BIC Poland in the field of communication and electromagnetic compatibility analysis of devices ❕

Rzeszow University of Technology is the largest technical university in south-east Poland.
The university’s structures include:
👉 Research and Development Laboratory for Aerospace Materials (LabMatPL), which conducts interdisciplinary research, training in aerospace materials, and
👉Aerospace Research Laboratory (AOSL), which deals with: design and testing of jet and rocket propulsion; designing and testing hybrid drives, including those powered by hydrogen; FEA analyses, strain gauge tests; optical-measuring systems and polarization-optical analyses.

🌎 You can read more about the services offered under ESA BIC Poland at:

Rzeszowska Agencja Rozwoju Regionalnego S.A.

Support in EO and cloud services - ESA Business Incubation Centre Poland 30/06/2023

🛰 Do you need Earth Observation and Cloud Services support? 📡

Thanks to the establishment of regional cooperation and cooperation within ESA EPIC, startups incubated in ESA BIC Poland can benefit from technical and mentoring support from the following institutions:
⭐ OVHcloud - access to a number of free benefits offered by the Start-up Program - up to €100 000 of free credits for OVHcloud products and up to 20 hours of specific technical support from business experts.
⭐ Planet - discounted access to Earth Observation data, supporting their pre-commercial stage and technical, business or marketing support to select start-ups.
⭐ Sinergise - a free one-year enterprise-level subscription for Sinergise’s Sentinel Hub.
⭐ ICEYE - access to affordable, high-quality SAR imagery, enabling them to develop new and innovative products.
⭐ ICEYE Polska – business development support and SAR Satellite data.
⭐ Instytut Geodezji i Kartografii (IGiK) – technical support in the field of: EO data analysis, GIS, satellite geodesy, geodetic metrology, gravimetry, photogrammetry, distribution of satellite material.

You can read more about the support at: ➡

Support in EO and cloud services - ESA Business Incubation Centre Poland Details on what, where, how and when to submit in the Permanent Open Call for ESA BIC Poland.


OVHcloud supports start-ups incubated by ESA BICs with free cloud services ❗

OVHcloud is an international provider delivering public and private cloud services in 140 countries. With over 400 000 servers lodged in 33 data centres, the company also offers domain name registration, web hosting plans and telephony. The OVHcloud Start-up Program has been running since 2015 and has so far helped more than 2000 enterprises with resources, training and advice.

ESA - European Space Agency and OVHcloud, ONDA strategic partner, announced an agreement in order to support both start-ups already working in the aerospace industry and those that could approach this sector. In the frame of the agreement, any company granted a contract as part of ESA Business Incubation Centres (ESA BIC) will be entitled to access to a number of free benefits offered by the Start-up Program. These include 👉 up to €100 000 of free credits for OVHcloud products and up to 20 hours of specific technical support from business experts.

🌏 You can read more at:

Foundation for Technology Entrepreneurship


Wytwórnia Zespołów Kooperacyjnych provides technical support to start-ups incubated at ESA BIC Poland.

Technical support offer:
👉 Consulting/advising on the technology of making structures and mechanisms;
👉 Advice on aspects of obtaining project financing;
👉 Production of prototypes, models and working copies of structures and mechanisms on behalf of clients.

About the company:
WZK continues the tradition of Mielec co-op in the production of assemblies and retail parts for passenger aircraft. Since 2008, the company has produced complete Krueger flaps for the Boeing 777 aircraft.
The plant is equipped with modern HAAS and MAZAK machining centers on which it produces almost all components for its products. The company also conducts research and development work on modern manufacturing methods for the engineering industry, particularly for aerospace. WZK has its own research and development facilities for improving technological processes, monitoring the quality of current production, and implementing new technologies.

🌏 You can read more about the services offered under ESA BIC Poland at:

Rzeszowska Agencja Rozwoju Regionalnego


📢6 startups were selected for incubation at ESA BIC Poland ‼️

In the first call for the ESA Business Incubation Centre Poland, 6 start-ups were selected: 4 in the Mazovia Region and 2 in the Podkarpackie Region. The official information about selected start-ups will be published, after signing the incubation contract in the next 2-3 months.

📅The next deadline to apply to ESA BIC Poland is the 6th of October!

ESA BIC Poland planned to gather a community of 7 incubated start-ups in the first year of activity. However, due to high interest in the ESA BIC Poland program, additional start-ups are planned to be selected in the next call. So don't hesitate and join the family of ESA BICs start-ups!!! 🚀

➡️How to apply?


📅 On 15-16 June, the ESA BIC Poland team will participate in the Carpathian Startup Fest 2023 event!

Can Rzeszów be called the capital of start-ups?
On 15-16 June, it certainly will!

That's when G2A Arena will become the center of start-ups and investment funds integration for two days. In the agenda:
👉 two days of pitches, presentations, and discussion panels
👉 almost a hundred guests on the Demo Day and Community Stage
👉 matchmaking of participants, workshops, and extended networking

In the evening, the MeetUp Party, a combination of a concert, interesting talks and masterful cuisine, and a unique magical atmosphere with a view of the Rzeszów boulevards, lit up at night.

The organizers have prepared a special 25% discount for entities and people that are cooperating with the CSF23 Partners. The discount is available until the end of the day on June 12. To use the discount, just enter the code CSF25OFF when booking a ticket.

Suppose you have yet to make plans for the weekend after the event. In that case, we strongly recommend relaxing in the iconic Bieszczady Mountains. It's only less than 2 hours away from Rzeszów 😊.

🌍 Tickets and agenda at:


RECTANGLE Sp. z o.o provides technical support to start-ups incubated at ESA BIC Poland.

Technical support in the field of:
👉GNSS technology
👉radio interference
👉design of electronic systems
👉development of embedded software

About the company:
RECTANGLE Sp. z o.o is a company created to develop innovative hi-tech products and solutions dedicated to telecommunications, transport, public security, crisis management and the critical infrastructure sector. Company is specializes in:
📌electronics design,
📌developing algorithms and software,
📌radio navigation systems,
📌inertial navigation systems,
📌active location systems based on radar, optics or sound,
📌on-board command and control systems,
📌FPGA technology,
📌telecommunications solutions.

🌏 You can read more about the services offered under ESA BIC Poland at: and

Rzeszowska Agencja Rozwoju Regionalnego

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