Galeria Schody

Schody Gallery (Stairs Gallery) of contemporary art is small and located in one of the gate of Wars It is full of charm and has a unique atmosphere.


Program galerii obejmuje wystawy twórców cenionych ze względu na ich pozycję artystyczną i dorobek twórczy, jak również obiecujących artystów młodego pokolenia, dla których galeria z chęcią otwiera swoją przestrzeń wystawienniczą. Głównym zamierzeniem galerii jest, by nasi goście mieli możliwość obcowania ze sztuką współczesną. Staramy się zainteresować publiczność nowymi projektami wystawien


Due to the decision of the Prime Minister and our full cooperation in preventing the spread of the coronavirus pandemic, the gallery is closed until further notice.


Due to the decision of the Prime Minister and our full cooperation in preventing the spread of the coronavirus pandemic, the gallery is closed until further notice.


Renata Płonka - Keep the moment - painting exhibition - Galeria Schody - 13-26.07.2019


Renata Płonka - Keep the moment - painting exhibition - Galeria Schody - 13-26.07.2019

From 13 - 26 July 2019, the gallery of works by Renata Kusik - Płonka “Keep the moment” will take place at the Schody Gallery in Warsaw.
The inspiration for creating the presented paintings was the author's trip to the Greek island of Crete, where most of the works present at the exhibition were created.
The impetus to create images was to keep the time spent in the unique Mediterranean climate.
The author wants to convey to the recipients the joy of observing the beauty of nature and suggests the perception of the world through the prism of warm colors.
The works are distinguished by the richness of colors and picturesque landscapes. The presented works are oil paintings painted with a spatula. At the exhibition you can also see watercolors painting.
The paintings show the charming town of Chania, giving the optimistic atmosphere on the island.
The series of zodiac signs was also inspired by Greek symbolism. They are graphics connected with the schlagmetal.
The artist presented her work at several exhibitions in Chania, Crete. The local press published regular reviews of her exhibitions. A large part in the work of Renata Kusik-Płonka performs conservation work, and above all gilding. She cooperates with conservation workshops, which mainly deal with the renovation of sacred buildings.
Part of her professional life was working in several film animation studios where she was mainly involved in supplementary animation. Animation tudies with which she cooperated were: Orange (Bielsko-Biała), Varga (Budapeszt), Animated Film Studio (Kraków), Platige Image (Warszawa).


Dominik Mikołajczyk - painting exhibition - Portrait - Galeria Schody - 18.06-01.07.2019


Dominik Mikołajczyk - painting exhibition - Portrait - Galeria Schody - 18.06-01.07.2019

Each of my single work may be called a self-portrait, in a sense. It is an image which gets filtered by myself, my thoughts and mental conditions on a given day when a painting is being created. These paintings are very personal because I have put my heart and passion into them.
I have always been fascinated with a human face. The face reveals who we really are. It gathers all the emotions of a certain moment. It is commonly said that eyes are the windows of the soul. Face features may often unveil a human personality.
When I think about the point of creating my works, and their justification, I come to a conclusion, that the perpetuating of very subjective thoughts, emotions and mental conditions through a medium of painting makes me look at people, and myself, from the perspective which lets me understand and grasp a sequence of secrets in everyday life. It is some kind of catharsis and a therapy. That is where I find the sense of my work.

Open: mon-fr 1:00 PM - 6:00 PM

Free entry


Danuta Terlikowska – painting exhibition - Cities by Night - Galeria Schody - 4-17.01.2019


Danuta Terlikowska – painting exhibition - Cities by Night - Galeria Schody - 4-17.01.2019

While visiting the Schody Gallery, Nowy Świat 39 Street in Warsaw between 4th January 2019 and 17th January 2019, art lovers will have the opportunity of familiarizing themselves with the exhibition by Danuta Terlikowska. The artist will present 20 of her oil paintings, the topic of which will be illuminated cities seen at night. The topic of the exhibition is “Cities by Nights”. Aside from the aforementioned works of art, there will also be some others being an overview of the artist’s career.
A romantic mood and the accompanying light makes the city not to lose its inner beauty, even at night. The panoramic landscape of the city stimulates viewer’s imagination and improves his or her mood. Panoramas of cities characterized by intense colors, tricks of the light, and mist evoke strong emotions, especially while combined with the night landscape.
It is something spectacular to take a walk during a city by night, when the gloomy, dark reality is illuminated by city lights and can be perceived from many unusual angles. The topic of the exhibition has been inspired by the art of painting with light and by the charm of the city nightlife. The painter focuses on various topics, such as cities by night, towns covered by mist, landscapes, flowers, abstract paintings, still life, and portraits.
Danuta Terlikowska is the authoress of the book of poetry entitled „The Testimony of Love” and the „Dabo the Cloud” fairytale, which was additionally illustrated by her.


Michał Rutkowski - HUMANITY - art exhibition - Galeria Schody - 7-20.12.2018


Michał Rutkowski - In EXHIBITION: „HUMANITY”. A visual journey. Drawnings, oil paintings, instalation works & film - Gallery Schody 7-20.12.2018

We invite to art exhibition by Michal Rutkowski in Gallery Schody 7th December 2018

Michał Rutkowski - In EXHIBITION: „HUMANITY”. A visual journey. Drawnings, oil paintings, instalation works & film.

During the building of Babylon, in need of funds semitic tribes have been sold to Egypt, and enslaved until Moses proceeded with the Exodus. Since, the East is much against monetary politics, which reminds the people on human trade. The Roman Empire, when having entered in Palestine, has brought it all there back again, and the revolution led by Jesus ended up in self-sacrifice – even nowadays people, who are not able to support their issues otherwise, to raise a problem & get attention offer all they own: their body. Supposedly, the WTC spot was especially chosen to be attacked, because of its symbolic meaning for trade and value. Meaningful are still colonial moves all over the planet, which are a reminder for obligatory work, and ideas about historically enslaved ethnic groups & nations. It all still influences huge political changes on the planet.
Peaceful era is a seldom achievement, that touches the heart with happily gaming kids, the green that is spreading, fields of crop to feed the hungry, and women that can finally pay time to their beauty. Family albums with colorful photography are topics to be discussed along with cups of coffee, and people are more busy with marriage trouble, than with real criminality.


Open: mon-fr 1:00 PM - 6:00 PM

Free entry

Galeria Schody
39 Nowy Swiat Street
tel. (+48) 22 828 89 43

Video relations:


Michał Rutkowski - HUMANITY - art exhibition - Galeria Schody - 7-20.12.2018

During the building of Babylon, in need of funds semitic tribes have been sold to Egypt, and enslaved until Moses proceeded with the Exodus. Since, the East is much against monetary politics, which reminds the people on human trade. The Roman Empire, when having entered in Palestine, has brought it all there back again, and the revolution led by Jesus ended up in self-sacrifice – even nowadays people, who are not able to support their issues otherwise, to raise a problem & get attention offer all they own: their body. Supposedly, the WTC spot was especially chosen to be attacked, because of its symbolic meaning for trade and value. Meaningful are still colonial moves all over the planet, which are a reminder for obligatory work, and ideas about historically enslaved ethnic groups & nations. It all still influences huge political changes on the planet.
Peaceful era is a seldom achievement, that touches the heart with happily gaming kids, the green that is spreading, fields of crop to feed the hungry, and women that can finally pay time to their beauty. Family albums with colorful photography are topics to be discussed along with cups of coffee, and people are more busy with marriage trouble, than with real criminality.

Galeria Schody, 39 Nowy Swiat Street, Warsaw


Izabela Olszyna - Harnessed abstraction - Aerial series - Galeria Schody 9-22.07.2018


Izabela Olszyna: Każdy mój obraz to eksperyment /wywiad/ Rozmawiam z malarką i graficzką, Izabelą Olszyną – o jej rozumieniu abstrakcji, procesie tworzenia, a także o wyborach między pracą twórczą ...


Izabela Olszyna - Harnessed abstraction - Aerial cycle - Galeria Schody - 9-22.07.2018

Each of the paintings is a subjective depiction of reality, of a given spot on the globe. It is the artist’s interpretation, her impression filtered through her artistic sensibility and the sum of her life experiences. The whole surface of our planet is abstract, but it does not stop us from appreciating its beauty. The similar assumption motivated the artist to create the Aerial cycle.


Galeria Schody's cover photo


Mirosław Adamczyk - 26th International Poster Biennale - Galeria Schody - 7-22.06.2018

Mirosław Adamczyk - in the years 1985/1990, he studied at the Faculty of Graphic Arts at the
State College of Visual Arts in Poznań (diploma with honors at the Poster Studio of Professor Waldemar Świerzy). In the years 2008/2016 — the Head of the Department of Visual Communication at the Unive rsity of Arts in Poznań.
Currently, he is a professor at his home university and the Head of the Publishing Illustration Studio. He has participated in numerous poster exhibitions and festivals in Poland and abroad.
Winner of a number of awards and honourable mentions.


Night of Museums in Warsaw 2018 - Schody Gallery - 19th may 2018 - Wojciech Cieśniewski - Painting exhibition


Night of Museums in Warsaw 2018 - Schody Gallery - 19th may 2018 - Wojciech Cieśniewski - Painting exhibition


Night of Museums in Warsaw 2018 - Schody Gallery - 19th may 2018 - Wojciech Cieśniewski - Painting exhibition


Wojciech Cieśniewski - Painting exhibition - Galeria Schody - 19-25.05.2018


Wojciech Cieśniewski - Painting exhibition - Galeria Schody - 19-25.05.2018

… the exhibition is my statement in the form of paintings about the coexistence of cultures, their mutual interpenetration and peaceful symbiosis.
It is also about the possible consequences of mutual hostility and lack of tolerance, which Europe experienced so much in the 20th century.
Let’s not wake up demons of the past…
Wojciech Cieśniewski


Paulina Kościk - It’s me, Ophelia - photo exhibition in Galeria Schody 4-18.04.2018 Discover recipes, home ideas, style inspiration and other ideas to try.


Ophelia is a photo-tragedy in three acts. It is a photo story based on two writings 'Hamlet' by William Shakespeare and 'The Hamletmachine' by Heiner Muller. The work is a trial of analysis of emotions, fears and tensions that threaten the heroine of both dramas and visualize the same conditions on the photographs. When the body says the words which lips can’t say something begins.... but what? It is a story about trying to find our identity, about who we are, inside and out. The isolation, the enigmatic and the mystery. Everything are clearly visible — but the real theme of the image is obscured.
This is also Paulina’s first studio project. She constructs her world and the people in it. The colours represent different emotions. In the firts act (the first part of the exhibition) predominates cold colours - white and blue. In the second act the colours changes and predominates red. In the third part you can see not photo but… mirror. The experience with these photographs can be not only the journey into Ophelia, but also the journey in yourself.


Adam Wyżlic - BAD TRAVEL - photo exhibition in Galeria Schody 7-21.03.2018


Adam Wyżlic - BAD TRAVEL - photo exhibition in Galeria Schody 7-21.03.2018

In the photographic narrative, I present a process that voluntarily surrenders to young people. On the photos we see young girls entering adult life with addiction. I wanted to show the scale of this problem their uncertainty and suffering. It is easy to lose a life at a young age because the title "bad trip" leads to death.


Weronika Tadaj Królikiewicz - HOUSE - drawings exhibition in Galeria Schody 9.12-22.12.2017


Galeria Schody Weronika Tadaj - Królikiewicz

Wernisaż wystawy 11.12.2017

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