Hey im new to this "streaming world" but i'm pretty good at videogames. . . come watch and if you li
Almost at 100K KILLS on Wraith BABY
Grinding Ranked! Lucky 20 BomB :3
Can i really be called a main wraith if i dont do this from time to time :3
I Still donT knoW how i won this but hey iLL take it! Crypto for MVP xD!
Gota Love Streamer Building
TOP #3 Wraith WorldWide On kills according to Apextracker
Just Doing Things On
EDR1K on TikTok Just Doing Things On
EDR1K on TikTok nother 1 Bites the Dust! When they try landing on
ILL be coming back soon
Havent been on for a while but im coming to stream soon
cuando quieres ser un superheroe , y te pones a dispararle al del piso para hacer mas daño porque piensas que ya ganastes la pelea pero se te olvida que el niñoPEO tiene unos pedos POTENTES jajajajajajjajajajaj donde quieras que estes caustic touche' my brother touche'
when trying to be a hero goes wrong! thought i had won so started shooting the down guy but fartboy had other plans!
Sweaty Plays
some sweaty plays
When you fall with no weapon and have to put on your dancing shoes to get a win
Tengo esta paginita abandonada pero pronto vengo con todo a STREAM ....KILL GRINDING!