
sessões corpo-mente, sessões bodynamic,
massagens shiatsu, massagem de tecido profundo, calatonia


Ready for the next steps after completing the bodynamic practicioner training!
Thank you for this amazing learning that went so deep into my soul, body, and mind. Thank you, , for your wisdom, experience, and patience for the group. Thank you, , for the organisation, and the comfortable space you provided. Thanks to the hole group that went with me in this amazing journey with all the ups and downs during the last 6 years.


A minha amiga e artista está a organizar grupos de estudo de fotografia de um ponto de vista artístico! Aconselho verem a pagina olharem para este estilo único. se calhar muito interessante para ti:)


It's time to get a little wild again and to gather again with the wild woman sisterhood devoted to dance and movement. I'm happy to dance again with and company and to be on stage soon:)
Dancing and moving from inside the subconscious in us becomes a possibility to speak out of our body. Subconscious can become conscious, and the movement is a voice for all that we couldn't speak out at the right time for any reason.
Sometimes, we hear music and ask ourselves how the hell I'm supposed to move now? And then you just move, and afterwards, it makes sense or not, and it doesn't matter. YOU DID IT. Dance for me is like life. You're here to live it.

Foto by the fabulous .froger at a one day retreat

Photos from Corpo-Casa's post 05/01/2024

Is there something better than to relax in the spa and watching the pooring rain?

Photos from Corpo-Casa's post 02/01/2024

Finally! I'm drawing again! 15 years ago, I drawed the last time a n**e model. I just got conscious of how much I missed it when I was close to tears when I did it again.


Thank you 2023!

A great year is coming to an end, and I'm just grateful for my path, my learnings, and gatherings I had! Thanks to every emotion I had the opportunity to feel, thank to every lesson life showed me, thanks to every client who trusted in me, thanks to family and friends for your company and support.

2024, I dedicate to self-worth. Self-worth and self-esteem are not the same. I can walk through the world with my blowen-up trunk and feel deeply lost in my body centre. That what I show to the world is not the same as what I feel inside. Let's be authentic about our self-worth and our deepest wound. Mind, heart, diafragma, and bodycentre aligned confronting the individual and collective emotion of shame. Shame is the emotion with the lowest frequency and leads to our shadow.
Let's look up to the shadow, deep in it's eyes and accept this presence as part of every humans life. So we can continue our path towards the light again in radical forgiveness and sense the inner peace.

When I'm in peace with myself, I do my part to create peace in the world.
Nothing more than peace is needed right now on this planet!

Happy 2024 to everybody!


Quais são os teus benefícios em fazeres o curso de massagem terapêutica comigo?

♣︎ vais aprender uma combinação de diversas técnicas; a accupressura e massagem Shiatsu, a massagem do tecido profundo, os toques subtis e o trabalho com pontos de gatilho. Desta forma aprendes a trabalhar a fascia e o músculo que se completam. ( normalmente se o músculo está rígido a fascia a volta deste músculo está fraca.)

◆ durante o curso vou te encorajar de usares a tua intuição. Os toques subtis durante a massagem sirvem para dares intuivamente apoio ao teu cliente aonde ela/ ele o mais precisa.

♠︎ está formação também é uma viajem no mundo infinito do auto conhecimento; quem me conhece sabe que trabalho de forma integrativa. Simtomas psicossomáticos, emoções e o corpo funcionam em sinergia para mim. Depois deste curso terás uma maior percepção da linguagem do teu corpo.

♥︎ este curso inclue uma aprendizagem sobre o contacto entre ti e o cliente; manter- te no teu campo energético durante o atendimento que facilita a percepção neutral das necessidades do teu cliente. Também nos focamos nas posturas de trabalho durante a massagem e em exercícios de alongamentos.

■ o Shiatsu em realidade é muito mais do que uma técnica de massagem. É uma terapia holística. Neste curso vamos mergulhar nos differentes meridianos e perceber a relação entre corpo- órgão - elemento e emoção.

Resumindo; durante muitos anos de prática e formação desenvolvi uma técnica que é flexível e adaptavel as diferentes necessidades dos meus clientes que me permite de focar me nas necessidades de cada ser individualmente.

Consulta o pdf completo com todas as informações no link na minha Bio! Até já.


Top workshop de yoga facial! Obtivemos muitas dicas para cuidar do rosto e realmente saí super relaxada a seguir da sessão. E sim os productos da .pt são únicos em adaptação a pele a base de óleos essenciais.


Já temos datas!

24/25 Fevereiro
23/24 Março

Formação de massagem terapêutica

Em dois módulos com foco na prática
vais aprender;

- os meridianos da acupressura japonesa ( teoria e prática)

-trabalhar pontos de gatilho em colaboração com o cliente

-massajar o tecido profundo ( ventosas, dedos...)

-os toques subtis durante a massagem

-o contacto com o cliente; manter fronteiras (energéticas) saudáveis

-posturas do massagista/ transferência do peso corporal

- massagem no colchão e na marquesa

A cada participante será entregue uma ventosa de silicone, manual e um certificado de participação.

Valor early bird 250 euros até o dia 31.12.2023 através mbway ou transferência bancária.

A partir do dia 1.01 serão 300 euros

Máximo 8 participantes.


Curso de massagem terapêutica

Modulos de 2 fin de semana em Fevereiro e Março. ( datas ainda para confirmar)

O programa completo em breve


Spa weekend..just both of us.
As a caretaker (3kids, house and being a therapist), it was time that we took some space just for us..


Next tuesday we focus on the centre of our bodies. Our centre is the place where we own our power and impulses to bring this power to act. A big part of our immune system is located in our indestines. So let's meet this place with movements inspired by oriental dances and other somatic practices that bring you in contact with that place.


Every family- constellation is a little miracle for me. It's about connection between me, the devine, and my clients' issues. As a constellator, my function is to be extremely aware of the signals that I receive from " the field." It's not really intuition but rather I receive the information like an antena and emit it to the client, in firm of the "right" question or suggestion of sentence that need to be spoken in between the participants.
On the other hand, I hold on to my grounding to earth by respecting strictly the systematic laws or so-called orders of love:

1: the right to belong. No family member should be excluded
2: the right of hyrachy. ( an older sibling has more rights and responsibilities)
3: Balance between giving and receiving

I know already that sensation of being an antena from butoh dance, and thanks for being educated in somatic psychotheraphy, I know the importance of importance to avoid transference/ contra transference ( my pessoal issues and my good intention to help the client need to be contained by me and shouldn't influence the process of my clients therapy) during a therapy session.


We start on tuesday the 14th of November from 9.00 until 10.00.

Dive into a conscious movement practice that benefits your soul, body, spirit, and mind.

We start with a warm-up related to a topic we work. The first session will be about empowerment. Therefore, we put attention to the muscles related to this theme.

Afterwards, we use the energy provoced by that movement in a dance guided by me and interpretaded by you. Imagine a flamengo dancer that is encoorporating totally his empowerment.

Conscious Movement is an excellent opportunity to learn about yourself, integrate new skills, and strengthen up your resources.

Last but not least, join a community to have a good time!

Drop in for 7 euro the class with a (minimum)24h antecipated confirmation.
hyggie house

Pm me here and check my website for more information.

Começamos a terça dia 14.11 das 9.00 até as 10.00.

Mergulha numa pratica de movimento consciente que beneficia a tua alma, espirito, corpo e mente.

Começamos com um aquecimento relativamente ao tema que vamos trabalhar. A primeira sessão será sobre o empoderamento. Para este fim vamos dirigir a nossa atenção aos músculos relacionados a este assunto.

A seguir usamos a energia provocada pelos movimentos na dança sob a minha guia e a tua interpretação.
Imagina te um bailarino de flamengo que encorpora totalmente o seu empoderamento...

O movimento consciente é uma possibilidade excelente para aprender sobre de ti, integrar novos conhecimentos e reforçar os teus recursos.

Como último mas não de menor importância, estarás com uma comunidade gira partilhando um bom bocado.



I realized deep inside myself that I passed my exams with fantastic feedback after 5 years of studying, my personal therapy, and an intensive integration process.I loved it. Every minute, every cent that I invested was totally worth it.
At the same time, I transmitted my knowledge about the body memory that reflects in behaviour and personality during my therapies, dance, and movement practices.
I totally believe that a psychotheraphy needs to integrate the body. At the opposite of the spoken word to the spoken word, the body can't hide the truth.

Check my website for more information;

Book your therapy on


Girls lclub on tour!


We start on tuesday the 14th of November from 9.00 until 10.00.

Dive into a conscious movement practice that benefits your soul, body, spirit, and mind.

We start with a warm-up related to a topic we work. The first session will be about empowerment. Therefore, we put attention to the muscles related to this theme.

Afterwards, we use the energy provoced by that movement in a dance guided by me and interpretaded by you. Imagine a flamengo dancer that is encoorporating totally his empowerment.

Conscious Movement is an excellent opportunity to learn about yourself, integrate new skills, and strengthen up your resources.

Last but not least, join a community to have a good time!

Drop in for 7 euro the class with a (minimum)24h antecipated confirmation.
hyggie house

Pm me here and check my website for more information.

Começamos a terça dia 14.11 das 9.00 até as 10.00.

Mergulha numa pratica de movimento consciente que beneficia a tua alma, espirito, corpo e mente.

Começamos com um aquecimento relativamente ao tema que vamos trabalhar. A primeira sessão será sobre o empoderamento. Para este fim vamos dirigir a nossa atenção aos músculos relacionados a este assunto.

A seguir usamos a energia provocada pelos movimentos na dança sob a minha guia e a tua interpretação.
Imagina te um bailarino de flamengo que encorpora totalmente o seu empoderamento...

O movimento consciente é uma possibilidade excelente para aprender sobre de ti, integrar novos conhecimentos e reforçar os teus recursos.

Como último mas não de menor importância, estarás com uma comunidade gira partilhando um bom bocado.

Participa para 7 euros por aula com inscrição prévia de mínimo 24h.

Manda mensagem aqui e conhece o meu site:


Can a therapist heal me?

I'll share here my opinion about that delicate issure and I don't think so.

As a alternative therapist it would be arrogant to impose you "the solution".
"The solution" could have worked out for me, considering my experiences, skills and defenses.

As a therapist I want YOU to access to the solution that is already WITHIN you and now I tell you how I work:

I'll believe in the greatness of the universe; that it send us the solution and the conflict at the same time.
Aswell I believe that our body provides us a deeper knowledge about ourselfes and we can integrate new learnings through the body in mutual connection.

Now It's time to be extremly conscious and that just works with an regulated nervoussystem.

Therefore, I meet you with empathy, openness, conectedness and emotional containment.

To access to your subconscious me we activate your body-ego with movements and respiration techniques.

Different muscle groups access to different topics in life that can be ressourceful for the solution of the conflict you confront.

With I already helped clients to:

☆ ground/ embodiment spirituality
☆ find a new direction in life/ re-orient and positionate
☆ relationship conflict resolution
☆ calming and coping with anxiety
☆ self-worth and self- value
☆gain openess and containment for intime relationships
☆ make a decision and acting in colaboration with body consciousness
☆ set clear bounderies and limits
☆ selfregulate in depressive states

I atend online and in Benedita.
Find more out here:


Can a therapist heal me?

I'll share here my opinion about that delicate issure and I don't think so.

As a alternative therapist it would be arrogant to impose you "the solution".
"The solution" could have worked out for me, considering my experiences, skills and defenses.

As a therapist I want YOU to access to the solution that is already WITHIN you and now I tell you how I work:

I'll believe in the greatness of the universe; that it send us the solution and the conflict at the same time.
Aswell I believe that our body provides us a deeper knowledge about ourselfes and we can integrate new learnings through the body in mutual connection.

Now It's time to be extremly conscious and that just works with an regulated nervoussystem.

Therefore, I meet you with empathy, openness, conectedness and emotional containment.

To access to your subconscious me we activate your body-ego with movements and respiration techniques.

Different muscle groups access to different topics in life that can be ressourceful for the solution of the conflict you confront.

With I already helped clients to:

☆ ground/ embodiment spirituality
☆ find a new direction in life/ re-orient and positionate
☆ relationship conflict resolution
☆ calming and coping with anxiety
☆ self-worth and self- value
☆gain openess and containment for intime relationships
☆ make a decision and acting in colaboration with body consciousness
☆ set clear bounderies and limits
☆ selfregulate in depressive states

I atend online and in Benedita.
Find more out here:

Photos from Corpo-Casa's post 15/10/2023

Bye bye summer days! Thank to all the coragous guests in the quintas that permit me to massage press,cup and touch there bodys and soul.

Photos from Corpo-Casa's post 27/08/2023

Massagetherapy and everywhere else


A natureza é perfeita na su imperfeição.


A Bodyreading is more than a massage...
it goes deep from your muscles into your soul.

Body and Mind are connected and the structure of your body position, muscle tonos like your skin are giving me a lot of information who you really are.
The deeper layer of your brain is related to your emotions and instincts. From that place on, we created our Body ego that forms our body by saving memories that had an emotional impact in us.
A Body-Reading will give you’re a better Knowledge about yourself.
Knowing your Defences and Resources, you can decide if you want to keep or change them. Your Body is deeply related with your subconscious mind and the collective subconscious that connects you to your ancestors.

So it´s logical that your body keeps a lot of information stored, buried and a lot of time suppressed, resulting in a stagnation of your life-energy.

Let it flow (again).


Family-Constellations can help me in what exactly and how?

I like to use the tool Family constellation when I'm finding out with the client during a therapy-session, that there is maybe an ongoing, strong family pattern in my clients family-system that it breaks his/her therapy process and well-being.

The pattern may can contain:

- a disease (psychological or/ and physical symptoms )

- a behavior that provokes complications in relationship to others.

- deep emotions and obviously there is no reason that there here.

- in general, difficult relationships with other family members/ business partner/ friends

How can a family-constellation help here?

-Re-establish the order in a family system (For instance, a child can not assume the papers of an adult, sadly this happens a lot.)

- Re-establish the hierarchy: ( The oldest child of siblings has a certain priority in a family system. )

- Re-integrate excluded family-member. ( The "black sheep" also makes part in a family. If it is excluded the behavior can repeat in a future family-member)

We´re deeply connected to our family-system through genes and a morphic field (Ruppert Sheldrake)that follows certain rules and principles to hold the family system together. Pattern and Symptoms are a "wake- up" call for the the next generation to make it different than a previous generation.

Individual sessions can be booked online or presencial.


Last call for our one-day retreat!

Here our program.

The retreat will happen and is in english.

Facilitaded by me and .


A Bodyreading is more than a massage...
it goes deep from your muscles into your soul.

Body and Mind are connected and the structure of your bodyposition, muscle tonos like your skin are giving me a lot of information who you really are.
The deeper layer of your brain are related to your emotions and instincts. From that place on, we created our Bodyego that forms our body by saving memories that had an emotional impact in us.
A Body-Reading will give your a better Knowledge about yourself.
Knowing your Defenses and Resources, you can decide if you want to keep or change them. Your Body is deeply related with your subconscious mind and the collective subconscious that connects you to your ancestors.

So it´s logical that yor body keeps a lot of information stored, burried and a lot of time surpressed, resulting in a stagnation of your life-energy.

Let it flow (again).


You maybe sense that your body contains your individual life-story? You want to know how your physical symptons are related to your personality? Or you just want to know more about yourself?
In this session you first enjoy a massage, finding out about your body-sensations and manifestations ( tension, pain, high sensibility), that give you, together with my reading, the key to understand the psychosomatic language of your body.
Later we meet the root of it´s origen by connecting the symptom with the conscious mind using tools (breathing, sensing, muscle-activation) of the somatic Psychotherapy approach Bodynamic®.

Tu sentes que o teu corpo contem a historia da tua vida? Queres saber como os teus sintomas físicos são relacionados a tua personalidade? O simplesmente queres saber mais sobre ti?
Nesta sessão disfrutas primeiro uma massagem descobrindo as sensações e manifestações a partir do teu corpo ( tensão, dor, sensibilidade elevada), que junto com a minha leitura são a chave pela adesão a linguagem psicossomática do teu corpo. Logo vamos ao encontro da raiz do sintoma usando ferramentas (respiração, ativação e o sentir consciente) da psicoterapia somática Bodynamic®.


O Bastão da Baccante simboliza o Auto empoderamento
Batizado com o suco da romã que simboliza o equilibro entre o masculino e o feminino; entre outros...
Para te apoiar nas tuas tempestades internas...
Conectando-te com o teu lado mais selvagem, barulhento, puro...a base do teu empoderamento...Para integrar e contemplar com a força da terra que te segura...a tua criança interior te agradece..
Eventos e Retiros que te conectam com o teu ser mais profundo e que revelam os teus poderes e capacidades subconscientes.

com o apoio de;

Photos from Corpo-Casa's post 03/11/2022

Enraizamento é estar em paz com a própria criança interior.

Como alcanças esta paz?

Fazer as coisas que a tua criança interior probamente vai adorar:

Dançar na natureza
Explorar os elementos terra, fogo, ar, éter e agua a partir da tua criatividade.
Exercícios físicos que conectam o teu corpo a terra- ao final o teu corpo é terra.
Descobrir a energia primordial/selvagem em ti. O que faz te viva/o?

Isso é a base para poderes comunicar com atua criança interior.
Conecta-te com o arquétipo da criança para uma vida mais feliz, pura, clara e curiosa.

de corpo
de dança
e massagens



Matridança na Casa da Árvore nas Caldas da Rainha!

Esta vez vamos ao (ré-)encontro com a nossa essência feminina através da incorporação dos 5 elementos, o bodypainting e a integração da relação consciente do corpo e a mente no movimento.

Quer que o seu prática seja a primeira Clínica em Caldas da Rainha?
Clique aqui para solicitar o seu anúncio patrocinado.

Vídeos (mostrar todos)

Still tripping;)
Finally, the well-deserved holidays started!We put the kids and a tent in a jeep from the second world war and let's go!...
Grounding exercises Stretch your body, activate the fingers.Go towards the ground slow, let gravity help you to ground o...
It's time to relax....This season, you can book your outdoor experience at the following locations:@quintahortadarosa @q...
About issues in the spine and the vertebraes;Are you flexible towards other opinions, in your values and responsibilitie...
Ancestral life force and the bodyYou stamp - it's enoughYou turn - keep flexible You free your shoulders - let the backb...
Can the root of a disease be in the family system and has a familyconstellation the power of healing it?I believe that a...
The hero/ine part in us shows us our true aspirations, our ideals, and values. For what do  you fight/ engage or/ and be...
O mamifero em nos precisa do toque.. essencialmente. Agradeço as minhas alunas @r.a.q.u.e.l.l.e @anicacortezhealing @san...
Sim, foi na formação da massagem terapêutica:)


Caldas Da Rainha

Outra clínicas em Caldas da Rainha (mostrar todos)
Farmácia Tornada Farmácia Tornada
Rua 1º Maio, 10-Tornada
Caldas Da Rainha, 2500-315


Casa Mater Casa Mater
Rua Fonte Do Pinheiro 11, São Gregório
Caldas Da Rainha, 2500-065

Neuro-Estimulação para a melhoria das habilidades motoras, psíquicas, emocionais e cognitivas.

Otília Sousa - Psicoterapeuta Holística Otília Sousa - Psicoterapeuta Holística
Chão Da Parada/Tornada
Caldas Da Rainha, 2500-860

Psicoterapeuta Holística - Terapias multidimensionais Autoconhecimento Desenvolvimento Pessoal

Mauri Terapias Corpo e Mente Mauri Terapias Corpo e Mente
Travessa Infante D. Henrique Nº 3-E
Caldas Da Rainha, 2500-269

Lar Nossa Senhora da Glória Lar Nossa Senhora da Glória
Rua Do Vale Pinheiro 195
Caldas Da Rainha, 2415-030

O Lar Nossa Senhora da Glória é uma instituição com 33 anos de experiência na prestação de serviços a idosos. Está localizado na Rua do Vale Pinheiro 195, 2415-030 Regueira de Pon...

Vista da Aldeia Residence Vista da Aldeia Residence
Rua Da Corredoura Nº18 A
Caldas Da Rainha

Cátia Marques Filipe - Consulta de Psicologia Cátia Marques Filipe - Consulta de Psicologia
Rua Raul Proença, Nº 71, 2º, Escritório 205
Caldas Da Rainha, 2500-248

Consultas de Psicologia em Caldas da Rainha - Criança, Adolescente e Adulto Psychology appointments in English - Children, Teens and Adults Psicóloga em atividade desde 2008, cédul...

Petição - Centro Hospitalar do Oeste nas Caldas da Rainha Petição - Centro Hospitalar do Oeste nas Caldas da Rainha
Caldas Da Rainha, 2500

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Terapia Dos 7chakras Terapia Dos 7chakras
Rua Doutor António Maldonado Freitas
Caldas Da Rainha, 2500

Centro De Ajuda Espiritual, Centro Religioso, Centro De Reiki Usui, Centro Holístico, Aconselhamento e Limpeza Espiritual. Terapia Reiki - Terapia Holística - Tratamento e limpeza...

Oficina do Movimento Oficina do Movimento
Rua Manuel Matos E Sousa 56
Caldas Da Rainha, 2500

Massagem Terapêutica/Desportiva, Reabilitaçao e Exercício Terapêutico

Body Dream Body Dream
Caldas Da Rainha

Se queres alcançar o teu corpo dos sonhos, e alcançares um rendimento extra, esta é a página para ti!

Mulambo de Axe Mulambo de Axe
Caldas Da Rainha, 2500-241