Heitor Corrêa Art

Heitor Corrêa Art

Heitor Corrêa is a multidisciplinary artist with libertarian spirit, natural from Rio de Janeiro, currently living in the City of Porto, Portugal.

Fascinated by nature, spirituality and cultural plurality, he approaches in his work the contrast between urban and natural, fantasy and real aspects, represented by dreamlike figures and landscapes that promote reflections on several points of view, also varied interpretive possibilities. Transiting through many different surfaces as canvas, walls, sculptures and others..; he explores existent re


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My Instagram account was hacked and I can't get it back.
If you receive any type of suspicious messages please do not open it. And report it if you can.

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Photos from Heitor Corrêa Art's post 15/02/2023

for .co

Photos from Heitor Corrêa Art's post 22/12/2022

Comunicado, Rei Tina 🐭🪸

Alô alô apoiadores do crowdfunding da Biblio'Terra.

Rei Tina, um dos 3 livros da coleção escrita pela Ana Terra (juntamente a "Mostrado" e "Tomás"), e o qual tive o prazer de ilustrar, está finalmente pronto! 🙌☀️

Após pouco mais de ano e meio em desenvolvimento, no qual acabou por sofrer alguns atrasos de produção dos quais falarei mais em outras publicações, o livro enfim chega a superfície com todo fôlego pra mergulhar nas casas de todas as famílias!

Apreço grande que tive por esse projeto desde quando a querida me fez o convite para ilustrar um dos lindos livrinhos da sua filhota, Ana. Escritos quando ela tinha ainda 4 anos de idade. Todos incríveis diga-se de passagem e com ilustrações belíssimas que a Gabi desenvolveu nos volumes irmãos.

Gosto tremendo (e alívio na alma 😆) em fazer essa anunciação!

O lançamento será feito da seguinte forma...

Primeiro será lançada a versão digital agora no natal, dia 25, destinada aos apoiadores que fizeram parte do crowdfunding do projeto.

Toda informação necessária será comunicada por email.

Já a versão impressa tem sua previsão de lançamento para meados de Março de 2023. O evento será realizado no Rio de Janeiro.
Data ainda por marcar.

Sigam ligados nas próximas atualizações e conteúdos que iremos soltar para mais informações.

Fiquem bem! Até já😉

*Imagem montada exclusivamente para comunicação.

Photos from Heitor Corrêa Art's post 18/12/2022

Em março desse ano iniciei uma jornada tão inesperada quanto improvável. Trabalhar numa instituição de desenvolvimento e educação social a jovens e adultos portadores de necessidades especiais. Diferentes tipos de autismo e outras patologias.

A chamada veio de maneira informal pela queridona Ligia que me falou da oportunidade durante uma tarde de trabalho em meio a pilhas de cerâmicas.

Sem mentir. Apesar de ter grande curiosidade e interesse por desbravar esta área, meu primeiro sentimento foi de medo e muita dúvida. "Não sei se vou me adaptar. Talvez seja incapaz de fornecer um trabalho digno tal qual esse público merece."
Muito medo de me expor ao lado mais cru inerente desta realidade.

Mas, deixa disso. O vento soprou e a brisa sagitariana bateu forte. Decidi me permitir experimentar essa vivência. Peito aberto pra bem e mal. Bora!

Iniciei meu trabalho na na pré -primavera.
Verdinho, verdinho. Ansiando pelo desabrochar.

Atravessar o portão gradeado verde-esmalte da Rua das Escolas 74 me fez caminhar rumo a um horizonte completamente inédito de emoções, dramas, alegrias, perspectivas, brutalidade e amor. Muito amor. Amor bruto.

Pessoas incríveis donas de seus próprios universos fantásticos e oscilantes. Cada qual com sua receita, regras e impulsões. Comunidade de antagonismos co-habitantes de um fascinante caos harmónico.

Não foi naada fácil me adaptar a cada um dos cerca de 15/20 clientes dos quais, da noite pro dia, me tornei responsável por propor e direcionar a agenda de atividades dos mais diversos prismas. Da pintura ao trabalho na terra. Da expressão artística a oficina de construções.

De alguma forma louca, tudo foi tomando um rumo. Nunca como o planejado, certamente.
Mas sempre guiado por uma legitimidade e honestidade reinantes da realidade vigente.

Sem dúvida o trabalho mais real que tive. E a entrega mais crua e despida que tenho feito de mim mesmo até hoje.

Um público demasiadamente exigente e absolutamente genial com o qual, mesmo nos momentos mais duros, retribuem num retorno instantâneo cada gota de atenção e carinho recebida.

É a primeira vez nesses 10 meses de trabalho que me manifesto e.. (continua nos comentários).

Photos from Heitor Corrêa Art's post 18/12/2022
Photos from Heitor Corrêa Art's post 05/12/2022

BAUI Bauspielplatz Berne. Hamburg, 2022

Collab with ✨😌

Storyline on first post.


Photos from Heitor Corrêa Art's post 05/12/2022

BAUI Bauspielplatz Berne. Hamburg, 2022.

Storyline on first post.


Photos from Heitor Corrêa Art's post 05/12/2022

I've first step into BAUI by accident while I was searching for a wall to paint during my first visit to Hamburg on winter 2021.

I couldn't believe my eyes. So many crazy and beautiful wooden construction spread everywhere, completely customized and full of character in the middle of a park in Berne.

I was stoked. Jackpot!

By then, since there was nobody on sight and having in mind it was a snowy sunday, I took a carefree action to make a painting backside of one of the several buildings they have. Assuming it was sort of a abandoned "magic-land". I've posted back then.

So I came back now during my just finished vacation days for making another piece around, this time in the sweet company of my bae , and, for our surprise, we went into a sudden meet of a very alive and active place. Full of kids playing allover.

Noticing we were into a private spot then, we knocked on the door to ask for a permit to paint again and we were super kindly attended by the director Christian Schwark who not only gave us the permission we asked but also shared an amazing attention in showing us the place and telling it's story.

BAUI is a beautiful playground knowed as a "Bauspielplatz", meaning to sort of a construction park where kids and their parents can go for developing a vast range of activities and create projects together. Going from woodshop to cooking. Or just free playing.
A very typical community site from Germany for what I could understand.
But nowadays not a very easy-to-find kind of one.

In retribution to the kindness shared with us we painted a childish piece for the kids there. A mixing of an idea I had of exploring some symbols of the environment around. Particularly the crow birds and the woods.
Intending to give clear references to local people who goes there everyday.

The awesome detail was that, without our knowledge, Christian came and told us he has a ten years friendship with a female crow named Katja, who goes there everyday at the same time for getting feed up by him.
And therefore, he showed much care and appreciation for our painting.

After painting I came back a couple days for seeing more of they're work (continues on comments)

Photos from Heitor Corrêa Art's post 22/11/2022

A lil vacation breeze at last ❄️😌

Photos from Heitor Corrêa Art's post 07/11/2022

Drag squeed wish you a cheerful week everyone!

It's party time in Rei Tina's Kingdom 🦑☀️☀️

Brief glampse of process swiping. Stay tooned!


Teatime for dragons and sea rats 🫖🐉🐭

Scene from our upcoming book Rei Tina. Stay tuned.


No final de 2020 recebi o convite da querida e sua brilhante filhota, Ana Terra, pra ilustrar "Rei Tina", um dos 3 livros que a Ana escreveu durante um período de reclusão no início da pandemia.

A Gabi fez uma campanha de crowdfunding pra viabilizar a produção dos livros e da coleção "Biblioterra" e, graças aos apoiadores, alcançamos o valor necessário para o projeto.

Tenho trabalhado no livro desde início de 2021 e, agora, caminhamos em fase de finalização.

F**a aqui um pequeno registro de cada passo do processo e também o convite para todos seguirem acompanhando o que vem aí.



At the end of 2020 I received an invitation from both my dear friend and her brilliant little girl, Ana Terra, to illustrate "Rei Tina", one of the 3 books Ana wrote during a period of reclusion at the beginning of the pandemic.

Gabriela launched a crowdfunding campaign to enable the production of the books and the "Biblioterra" collection and, thanks to the supporters, the necessary amount for the project was achieved.

I've been working on the book since early 2021 and now we're taking it to the final stages.

Here's a small record of each step of the process and also an invitation for everyone to keep tunned to what's coming ahead.


🦤... processo

Photos from Heitor Corrêa Art's post 27/01/2022

Hamburg, nov 2021 🌿🪵

"O dia ainda vai longe".

Photos from Heitor Corrêa Art's post 27/01/2022

Passagem por Hamburgo, novembro de 2021.

"O dia ainda está longe" 🌿🪵

Photos from Heitor Corrêa Art's post 06/12/2021

Pulei fora do Porto por 2 meses para vir, enfim, visitar o meu pessoal durante uma temporada acalorada do nosso alegórico Pindorama. Depois de quase 3 anos desde a última vez, principalmente por causa da covid.
fuso é responsável por dar continuidade a todo o meu trabalho em andamento, até novo aviso. Ou até que ache sensato interferir, antes de se juntar no rolé 😌🧡

Pilhado para gerar algumas interações e colaborações por aqui. Principalmente pela área Fluminense, onde ficarei a maior parte do tempo.

Portanto, quem sintonizar, sinaliza aí e vemos o que acontece.

Simbora 🤘☀️☀️


Jumped out of Porto for 2 months to finally come to visiting my folks during a wet season on our allegorical Pindorama. Almost 3 years goes by since the last time, due to covid specially.
fuso is in charge of continuing all of my work in progress, until I'm back. Or until feels it's reasonable before interfering, and before joining in on this tour 😌🧡

I'm pretty excited in generating some interactions and collaborations around here. Especially in Rio area, which is where I'll stay most of the time.

Therefore, whoever tunes in, send out a signal and we see what happens.

Simbora ✊☀️☀️


"Clamejante rebentar" ✊🌷☀️

Contributo em homenagem ao 25 de Abril para a .panoplia._ .

Tribute to The 25th of April.

Inspirado na canção "Acordai", de Fernando Lopes-Graça e José Gomes Ferreira.


Homens que dormis
A embalar a dor
Dos silêncios vis
Vinde no clamor
Das almas viris
Arrancar a flor
Que dorme na raíz

Raios e tufões
Que dormis no ar
E nas multidões
Vinde incendiar
De astros e canções
As pedras do mar
O mundo e os corações

De almas e de sóis
Este mar sem cais
Nem luz de faróis
E acordai depois
Das lutas finais
Os nossos heróis
Que dormem nos covais


Been switching brushes designing this trippy jungle background for a very lit animation project I'm taking part of, and really look forward to share more with you sooner..

Now is time to join this whole tree mess all up in the composition and see how they goe together 🌳☀️🤞

Keep it cool everyone!


terra a terra ☀️🧡

Photos from Heitor Corrêa Art's post 03/03/2021

| " Typical " |

More casual stuff from sketchbook & life 🌿🌙

Photos from Heitor Corrêa Art's post 01/03/2021

~ from sketchbook ~

The stampede of the giant anteater on BR 040.
And some idea throw down for future reference.

Dec, 2015.

It was close to midnight, after 10 hours long driving from Rio towards to Goiás through BR 040 when we finally crossed the first ecological reserve area somewhere near to Santa Maria, Distrito Federal.

Of the 4 of us, I was the only owl awake at this point, depositing my last energy chips at the wheel.

Hence, at the twinkle of an unpretentious glance at the corner of the road, I saw a fleeting shadow taking shape as it rose from the vegetation and twisted with considerable speed towards the weald.

A majestic wild giant anteater.

Its instant presence was noted as fleeting as a comet cutting stars into the sky. Still, eternal enough to allow the headlights to draw softly its silhouette, revealing its hunchback perimeter through the rotation of the stealthy maneuver, allowing me then to keep its image alive in my memory.

A manifestation so briefly remarkable that keeps alive in my thoughts up to these days. Acting as a reminder to myself of being truly present in whatever situation I'm living in (or trying the best to). On the surrounding life and what else more may be there hidden in the corners of our roads, waiting for our sudden glance 🌿👁️🌿


Caderno, estudo de personagem | Character study.

Photos from Heitor Corrêa Art's post 08/02/2021

Fragments of "O Grande Desconhecido".


O Grande Desconhecido | 50x50cm.
Acrylic on mogno sapele patched plate.

This was a very dear commission piece I was thrilled of making for a very good friend of mine from school times✨

A free based narrative on his wide-open hearted way of experiencing this world's infinite and unknown places. Carrying not much but good fellowships and positive will.
One of the most charismatic persons I know and fortunately have tons of sweet memories to re-visit time to time.

This piece also holds a very adventurous storyline on its own for it has been a victim of a pretty profound accident during it's process, which I'll be sharing with you all here in a bit.. 😌

Brigadaço por essa bela oportunidade e confiança uma vez mais meu irmão ! Que ela possa lhe fazer boa companhia por muitos tempos e trajetos. Abraço grande ✊☀️🧡

Photos from Heitor Corrêa Art's post 08/02/2021

Fragments from "O Gande Desconhecido". Acrylics on wood | 2019

Private commission 🌙

Photos from Heitor Corrêa Art's post 19/01/2021

̶ ̶A̶ ̶L̶ ̶U̶ ̶M̶ ̶Ī̶ ̶A̶ ̶ ̶

Breve estudo de tracejado e atmosfera para um trabalho em andamento.

Brief study of stroke and atmosphere for a work in progress.


"Jacaretinga Cobalto". Oct, 2020.
Result from my first attempt in painting tiles with the sharp teach and support from the awesome 🔥☀️💛
Make sure to follow them!!

Such a peculiar and strong character medium to play with.

Usually every ideia comes out very different from the first thought. But in this case it followed a more specific direction, as it was supposed to, as long as painting tiles can be such an inaccurate process, specially for beginners.

And that's exactly what makes the whole magic in cooked art forms.
Is thrilling to find out what's gonna come out from the heat box.

All about mutation.. Transformation..
And detachment of course.

Spirited for trying it out more.

*Muito obrigado pela parceria e oportunidade, queridas!! Até breve 🙂✊*

Photos from Heitor Corrêa Art's post 13/12/2020


" Recanto". Tamanho A3 +, impresso em papel fosco aprimorado Epson com o cuidado impecável de

Print de edição limitada de apenas 30 exemplares, assinados e numerados.
35 € + despesas de envio (a nível mundial).

Por favor, envie um DM ou e-mail para pedidos e informações ✉️

Muito obrigado a todos pela atenção e apoio!!

Mantenham-se seguros ✊

Recanto". Size A3+, printed on Epson enhanced matte paper with the impecable care of

Limited edition print of 30 copies only, signed and numbered.
35€ + shipping cost (worldwide).

Please send a DM or email for inquires ✉️

Thank you all very much for your attention and support!!

Keep safe ✊

Photos from Heitor Corrêa Art's post 13/12/2020


(PT) Cozinhei este par de prints uns meses atrás e apresentei-os em minha última mostra no saudoso espaço da . Porém só agora encontro o momento de divulgá-los propriamente.

São duas edições limitadas de 30 cópias cada, impressos cuidadosamente pela querida em papel Epson enhanced matte tamanho A3+.

Cada um custa 35€ + custo de envio associado.

Peço que os interessados, por favor, me enviem DM ou email ✉️

Muito obrigado pela atenção e suporte de todos!!

Mantenham-se seguros ✊

I've cooked these two fellow prints a few months ago and presented them in my last show at the nostalgic space of . But only now I find the time to publicize them properly.

There are two limited editions of 30 copies each, carefully printed by dear on Epson enhanced matte A3+ size paper.

Each one costs 35 € + related shipping cost (worldwide).

Those who are interested, please send me a DM or email ✉️

To all of you I thank greatly for your attention and support!!

Stay safe everybody ✊

Photos from Heitor Corrêa Art's post 23/11/2020

"Canjira pra Jão", 2020.
Acrylic on paper. Commissioned work.

Comissão muito especial que tive a honra de fazer pro meu amigo de fé, irmão camarada .

João é curandô de mazelas e encantador de almas. Cantadeiro por cadência e comunicador por natureza.

Dentre muitas vivências juntos, foi ele quem me aproximou da Umbanda, pelo o qual sou eternamente grato.

Ele desenvolve um trabalho muito maneiro pela conta , onde aborda assuntos de medicina, cultura, religião, pautas sociais e mais um monte, que só vendo.
Confiram lá!

Obrigado pela oportunidade e confiança .poyares !
Amo-vos mabredas! Saravá ✊☀️☀️💛


Process detail shot of a very well spirited commission I got the pleasure to make for a good friend just a few while from now.

Photos from Heitor Corrêa Art's post 18/11/2020

"Começou num paturi. Acabou num vendaval."

- Quarantine sketchbook. Day 38.

A small unpicked drawing I did for a project couple months ago during a internal cloudy forecast ☁️☁️🦆




"Calha na Maré" came together as a unplanned organic mind flush of little things I had stock on corners during these late times.

And nonetheless curtly that's pretty much what it is. As naive as they seem, as colorful as they show.
Nothing was meant to be like that, but it was. It should.

This year surely has been being pretty much uncomfortable and challenging for everyone in many new shapes.
A lot of reflection and reconsideration of one's personal flow is requested upon the moment for keeping the track. And I imagine lots of us has being doing so in the ways we find possible.

For me, I have been battling against my own rythym (or lack of it).
Disorganization, insecurity and personal unsatisfaction had found prosperous ground to grow in some cracks of my structure. Conscientiously thou.

I've not been developing what I expected as a creative; got myself awkwardly comfortable in my side jobs and personal relationship in a unproductive way, and let myself get loose for a while from the rails I believe in.

Between pending projects and homeworks I've decided to take a brief interlude to make a small show up. Such an immature and egocentric move just as I felt was going to be like.

As me ego wanted.

Transgressing any proper order or time-frame, the aim became just to do something out of a free flow process letting everything hit so unavoidable enlightening and incommodious as the burn of a lemon drop on a open wound.

Leading awareness to where it was called to.

A simple and necessary exercise of allowance we can make time to time.

And so troubles may take playful shapes above our eyes inviting us to get along with whatever comes with the tide.

What stays stuck in the gutter, and what goes with the flow.

O que calha na maré 🍋☀️👁️
Obrigado pelo convite, suporte e parceria .jpg ✊✨


"Calha na Maré" came together as a unplanned organic mind flush of little things I had stock on corners during these late times.

And nonetheless curtly that's pretty much what it is. As naive as they seem, as colorful as they show.
Nothing was meant to be like that, but it was. It should.

This year surely has been being pretty much uncomfortable and challenging for everyone in many new shapes.
A lot of reflection and reconsideration of one's personal flow is requested upon the moment for keeping the track. And I imagine lots of us has being doing so in the ways we find possible.

For me, I have been battling against my own rythym (or lack of it).
Disorganization, insecurity and personal unsatisfaction had found prosperous ground to grow in some cracks of my structure. Conscientiously thou.

I've not been developing what I expected as a creative; got myself awkwardly comfortable in my side jobs and personal relationship in a unproductive way, and let myself get loose for a while from the rails I believe in.

Between pending projects and homeworks I've decided to take a brief interlude to make a small show up. Such an immature and egocentric move just as I felt was going to be like.

As me ego wanted.

Transgressing any proper order or time-frame, the aim became just to do something out of a free flow process letting everything hit so unavoidable enlightening and incommodious as the burn of a lemon drop on a open wound.

Leading awareness to where it was called to.

A simple and necessary exercise of allowance we can make time to time.

And so troubles may take playful shapes above our eyes inviting us to get along with whatever comes with the tide.

What stays stuck in the gutter, and what goes with the flow.

O que calha na maré 🍋☀️👁️
Obrigado pelo convite, suporte e parceria .jpg 🙏✊✨

Photos from Heitor Corrêa Art's post 12/09/2020

Fragments of "Calha na Maré", a brief transient show I've opened last September 3rd at .

On very short-lived exhibition going until next September 20.

Stop by to catch a peek if you're around Porto 🖖🍋☀️


Nesta quinta 3/9 inauguro uma pequena mostra in situ na com
vernissage orgânica a partir das 18h.

Apareçam se estiverem pela área 🖖🍋

Next thursday 3/9 I'll open a small site specific show in with organic vernissage starting from 18h.

Stop by if you're nearby 🖖🍋

Timeline photos 31/08/2020

Getting some pending work done and others coming to the flow.. ☀️

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Clique aqui para solicitar o seu anúncio patrocinado.

Vídeos (mostrar todos)





Outra artes e entretenimento em Porto (mostrar todos)
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para encomendas ou informações: [email protected]


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Rua Bonjardim 685
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