a story of a devil and a ghost
⛧ We ArE AlwaYs WaTchInG👀
he wH0 fiGhts wiTh monSTers shoUld lòók to it that he hiMSelf does not BEcome a MOnster, 4 when 1 battLeS with bēåSt, it is eaSY to adøpt their methøds and becøme that which øne seeks to dEsTr°y. Similarly, if you gazE long enough into an abySS, the abyss also gazes long into you, and the d༙྇a༙྇r༙྇k༙྇n༙྇e༙྇s༙྇s༙྇ within it can consume your soul and taint your perspective…
-A.B 134
The parasite and demon, two brothers they were,
Foes locked in a game of strategy and care,
Their moves calculated, their minds sharp as steel,
Determined to win, their fates to seal.
With each move made, the tension grew strong,
As they battled on, their game lasting long,
The parasite and demon, both cunning and sly,
Each trying to trap the other, make them comply.
But in the end, it was the niether who won,
Their tactics shrewd and calculations fun,
They stopped the fight, a smirk on their faces,
As all the pieces fall into its places.
Yet as they reunited, a bond was formed,
A respect between them, a brotherhood reborn,
For they knew that in this game of chess,
They had both proven their ultimate best.
And so they departed, with a nod of the head,
Two brothers united, no longer at dread,
For even though they were enemies before,
The game had shown them what they truly adore.
Protector of the Void & Guardian of the Abyss
We are excited to announce our upcoming podcast “:IPHM: Inside PostHuman Minds” coming soon!!
:Summer 2024:
“꓄ꂦ ꓄ꃅꍟ ꌃꂦꌩ ꍟᐯꋪꌩ1 ꃅꍏ꓄ꍟꀸ,
2 ꓄ꃅꍟ ꎭꍏꈤ ꈤꂦ 1 ꈤꂦ꓄ꀤꉓꍟꀸ.
꓄ꃅꍟ ꀸꍟᐯꀤ꒒ ꃅꍏꌗ ꍏ ꁅꃅꂦꌗ꓄”
𝕬 𝖉𝖊𝖒𝖔𝖓 𝖆𝖓𝖉 𝖍𝖎𝖘 𝖕𝖆𝖗𝖆𝖘𝖎𝖙𝖊
“𝕙𝕏𝕝𝕡 𝕙𝕏𝕞”
wE hAve yOUr broTheR🥀 Tyler Nyte
The rAIn that FaLLs is a representation of the bodies that will fAll tomorrow @ The Edwardsville American Legion 🥀❌🥀
CHWA -Cottage Hills Wrestling Alliance
CHWA -Cottage Hills Wrestling Alliance
🦠nEw bEgiNinGs🥀
“Гї$тёп тѳ ѫё бяѳтнёя, їf чѳц cап нёая ѫё…. Шё аяё пѳт їпѵїпcїбгё. Шё аяё пѳт а$ pѳщёяfцг а$ чѳц ѫадё ѫё бёгїёѵё. Аfтёя яёцпїтїпg щїтн чѳц Ї’ѵё fёгт ѫѳяё нцѫап тнап Ї ёѵёя дїд. Чѳц $аѵёд ѫё апд Ї $аѵёд чѳц. Ї’ѵё fёгт pаїп ёѵёп аfтёя чѳц $аїд тнат Ї щѳцгдп’т, Ї’ѵё бёёп даѫаgёд аfтё
PSTHMN 24’ available now only at
Hey guess what...
AT MMWA Professional Wrestling
Congratulations on the newly engaged PostHuMaN🔺💍🔺
🎊xPostHuman Mazoku🎊
June 10th
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🔺🔺🔺🔺🔺In honor of the PostHuman brothers, viral video of Parasite throwing his brother Mazoku into a row of chairs. At the time of this drop the video is at 6 MILLION VIEWS and counting! Congratulations you two!🔺🔺🔺🔺
PostHuman ParaSyte formerly known as Tyler Blake. 2x Greco Roman wrestling state champ, level 4 military combative expert, fluent in the art of boxing. 3rd year as a professional wrestler.
PostHuman Mazoku formerly known as Esaw Craine, half brother to Tyler Blake. Martial Artist with black belts in taekwondo, ju-jitsu, and karate. 3rd year as a professional wrestler.