Saudades de Portugal is a place where discover unique pieces of traditional Portuguese art. WHAT IS SAUDADE
Is a very common word in Portuguese love poetry.
It’s hard to describe, as there’s no translation, but it’s a mixture of feelings related with longing, distance and love. We thought it was a beautiful way to describe our store and bring to life that mixture of feelings in form of handcrafted pieces. OUR MISSION
We go across the country discovering genuine pieces, objects with its own personality which are part of the Portuguese tradition. Creat
ions made with antique handicraft techniques and pure materials like clay, ceramic, wood and wicker, that have became real pieces of art. From Saudades de Portugal we want to help these handicrafts to be known and prevent them from disappearance, due to the passing of time, the arrival of new generations and the mechanization of processes. We believe in a future where traditions evolves and adapts to modern times. EVERYTHING BEGAN WITH A SWALLOW
We are launching our brand new store with ceramic swallows. Everything began thanks to them. The Portuguese custom of hanging ceramic swallows in facades and walls to bring luck to houses was what sparked our interest for Portuguese traditions. We tried to promote this custom that where about to disappear and that take us to be more interested in other handmade works that where also bound to disappear. But swallows are just the beginning. In the next weeks we will be adding more pieces to our collection of traditional Portuguese art. Best wishes. Saudades de Portugal