EPAM Romania, Bucharest Videos

Videos by EPAM Romania in Bucharest. This is the official page of EPAM Romania. Follow us to learn about career opportunities.

Just one day is not enough to recognize testers' efforts, so we decided to share inspiring #SoftwareTesting and #QualityEngineering content throughout the whole week.

Meet Zoltan Petranyi, EPAM’s Senior Quality Engineering Manager, as he tells why he chose testing, shares his tips for starting and growing a career and also talks about his biggest fear in his daily job.
#QualityAssurance #TestersDay #SoftwareTesting #QualityEngineering

Learn more about our Testing and Quality Engineering at https://bit.ly/3TnAzK9
And about #LifeAtEPAM at: https://bit.ly/3XC7cqd #MyEPAMStory

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Other EPAM Romania videos

Just one day is not enough to recognize testers' efforts, so we decided to share inspiring #SoftwareTesting and #QualityEngineering content throughout the whole week. Meet Zoltan Petranyi, EPAM’s Senior Quality Engineering Manager, as he tells why he chose testing, shares his tips for starting and growing a career and also talks about his biggest fear in his daily job. #QualityAssurance #TestersDay #SoftwareTesting #QualityEngineering Learn more about our Testing and Quality Engineering at https://bit.ly/3TnAzK9 And about #LifeAtEPAM at: https://bit.ly/3XC7cqd #MyEPAMStory

Munca în echipă este mai plăcută, iar uneori, realizează și un puzzle frumos! 🧩 La fel ca fiecare piesă unică a unui puzzle, fiecare membru al echipei noastre aduce cu sine ceva special. Când ne întâlnim, colaborăm și ne unim forțele pentru a crea ceva cu adevărat deosebit.🪄 #Teamwork #MotivationMonday #LifeAtEPAM #EPAMRomania

#ArtificialIntelligence solutions have revolutionized industries and simplified everyday life. On this #AIAppreciationDay, we honor the many achievements in the field of #AI. How has AI positively impacted your life? Can you imagine a life without it? Share your thoughts and experiences in the comments! If you're interested in harnessing the power of AI to revolutionize your business future, see how we can assist you at https://www.epam.com/services/artificial-intelligence #GenAI

We’re excited to announce our groundbreaking commercial partnership with European Aquatics, to create game-engaging, athlete-centric digital experiences that propel fan engagement to new interactive heights. https://epamsys.co/4aRc7a6

Ne bucurăm de biroul nostru situat la etajul 9, care ne oferă energia de care avem nevoie în activitatea noastră. Și cu așa o priveliște, este imposibil să nu te simți inspirat în fiecare zi. EPAMerii noștri sunt încurajati să-și urmeze pasiunile și să-și exploreze potențialul, iar asta se reflectă în mediul nostru de lucru dinamic. Ți-am stârnit interesul? Hai în echipa noastră! https://epa.ms/JoinEPAMRomania #EPAM #EPAMRomania #InsideEPAM #LifeAtEPAM

Cultural Diversity Day
It's #WorldDayforCulturalDiversity today! Let's celebrate what makes us unique! 🌏 We asked our team members around the world to share their favorite traditions with us. 💛 Here are just a few of the beautiful, colorful customs they shared with us.

La EPAM, înțelegem importanța echilibrului dintre muncă și relaxare. Prin urmare, biroul nostru, inspirat din natură. este conceput să ofere nu doar un spațiu de lucru, ci și un loc unde să te poți reîncărca cu energie și inspirație. Și, că tot vorbim despre inspirație, tu cm îți cultivi creativitatea? 💡 #EPAM #EPAMRomania #LifeAtEPAM #InsideEPAM #EPAMOffice ______ At EPAM, we understand the importance of balancing work and relaxation. That's why our office, inspired by nature, is designed not just as a workspace but also as a place where you can recharge with energy and inspiration. Speaking of inspiration, how do you nurture your creativity? 💡

As part of our International Women’s Day celebrations, EPAMers supported the #InspireInclusion photo challenge. In the pictures you can see in the video, our colleagues are forming hearts with their hands – the heart represents compassion, understanding and love, qualities that lie at the core of true inclusion. #WomensHistoryMonth #IWD2024

While we're busy deploying apps, Whiskers is deploying... well, his paws into the #EPAMCloud 😸! He may not know much about coding (yet), but he's already pushing the boundaries of "pawsible" in our #Cloud & #DevOps Online Program. He's living proof that curiosity can lead to real solutions. Hop on the cloud with us and let's Engineer the Future together! No scratching post required. https://training.epam.com/en/training/3966

Sometimes stepping away from the screens and enjoying a little fun is the best way to find fresh ideas. Who knows what exciting ideas we'll stumble upon when we let our minds wander? 💡 How do you usually take breaks? Share your favorite ways to recharge in the comments below! #EPAM #EPAMRomania #EPAMOffice #LifeAtEPAM #PuzzleBreak

The #FutureOfWork is unfolding before our eyes, and our very own Mihai Cislariu - Head of Data & Analytics has some great insights to share! With a perspective shaped by recent global shifts, he sees a horizon where work-from-home blends seamlessly with office culture, creating a hybrid model that values both productivity and personal well-being. Discover how this balance could mean less traffic, more family time, and a greener planet, yet still honors those coffee-break chats and dynamic office discussions that many of us love. #EPAM #EPAMRomania #InsideEPAM #LifeAtEPAM #EPAMers

Women's History Month
We’re kicking off #WomensHistoryMonth with a big shout-out to all the phenomenal women around the world and to all our EPAMers who are dedicating their time to support and empower women and young girls to accelerate #GenderEquality. Here are just a few of the many programs we’re proud to share. Learn more at https://epamsys.co/3IBOs1T. #IWD2024 #Diversity #Equity #Inclusion #InspireInclusion #WomensHistoryMonth

During the Burberry x EPAM Innovation Day, we revealed groundbreaking concepts for Burberry's brand and customers. After months refining 18 ideas, we presented the top three: Digital Tailor, Immersive Catwalk and Wardrobe Manager. Joining them were our digital assistant and biometrics research concepts — all aiming to boost loyalty among Burberry's luxury consumers. ✨ 🎬 Watch the full video: https://epamsys.co/42Hysog

Ever imagined what it feels like to work in an environment where every day is a new opportunity to innovate? Meet Mihai Cislariu - Head of Data & Analytics at EPAM, who's here to give you a sneak peek into the #LifeAtEPAM. For him, every day is a new adventure, far removed from the mundane. Experience firsthand the exhilaration of navigating new territories in a variety of industries and the thrill of working with the most advanced technologies available today. Join us, and let's #EngineerTheFuture together: https://www.epam.com/careers/epam-romania

We asked our EPAMers and social media followers to share their ideas on what can be the best gift for a partner who works in tech. 🎁 Here are the winning ideas – keep these in mind for the next year and share your recommendations in the comments! ❤️

Setting the tone for today, perfect for finding the focus or simply unwinding 💫💻 We can't decide which item is our go-to for a great day: a coffee cup for that burst of energy, a squishy toy for enhancing concentration, a mousepad for seamless work, or a notebook for capturing ideas. 🤔 What about you? Share your work essentials and join us in celebrating the small moments that enhance productivity! #EPAM #EPAMRomania #LifeAtEPAM #ASMR

Monday mornings call for a cozy cup of creativity! ☕ What's in your mug while conquering tasks today? #EPAM #EPAMRomania #LifeAtEPAM

To commemorate this year’s #InternationalDayOfEducation, we want to take a moment to thank all of our #EPAM volunteers who share their knowledge and expertise and help create inclusive access to #education for all. Learn more about our #EPAMeKids program at https://epamsys.co/3Hv0RUt 📚 📖 #EducationDay #eKids

Today we’re celebrating #Programmers – the architects of our tech-driven world! Thank you for making the future possible! 👨🏿‍💻👩🏻‍💻 #ProgrammersDay #Coding #Developers

Happy New Year from all of us at EPAM! Wishing you and your family health, happiness and prosperity. May 2024 bring us peace and happiness.🎄⛄🌟 #EPAM #EPAMRomania #Holidays