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#118 - Meanwhile, in an Alternate Universe...
IF Dumitru Mihai on Instagram 0 likes, 0 comments - IF Dumitru Mihai () on Instagram
Hello, Spring! 💕🐝🌸🌼🌻🪻🌷⚘️🌺
This week we explore...
"What Bees Are Actually Doing All Winter"..a multi-part series.
Laptisorul de matca. Cum poate fi produs si valorificat Laptisorul de matca. Cum poate fi produs si valorificat . Bogat în vitamine si aminoacizi, este folosit în apiterapie, medicina si consum.
Global pollinator losses causing 500,000 early deaths a year – study Insect declines mean reduced yields of healthy foods like fruit and vegetables and increased disease in people
With a third of crops depending on pollinators, bees are undoubtedly the essential workers in our food system! Show our tiny heroes some love by planting native flowers in your garden, say no to toxic pesticides and take it easy with weeding.
Let's keep our ecosystems buzzing! 🐝
La mulți ani, România!💙💛❤🇷🇴🐝
Miere de armurariu 1kg 35 lei
Mierea cu cătină este perfectă pentru creșterea imunității în această perioadă.
Mierea cu cătină este perfectă pentru creșterea imunității în această perioadă.
Adevărul despre mierea zaharisită (cristalizată) - Fagurele Cu Miere V-ati intrebat vreodata de ce cristalizeaza (se zahariseste cm se spune popular) mierea de albine? Iata adevarul despre mierea zaharisita!
The Hexagon is the most optimal form used by the Bees,
the most efficient, most balanced shape,
it represents Perfected Packing or Sphere Kissing
tiling the plane and the full geometric Vacuum
with nesting self-similarities, in both the big picture and small picture.
It is this pattern: The 6 Around The One,
it is the most optimal form used by the Bees:
The Hexagon achieves the maximum storage of Honey in the maximum of area and space.
This is because the radius of the circle can walk around its circumference precisely 6 times.
Thus the tessellation or tiling of hexagonal geometries is ideal for honeycombs,
for building, Saturn's north pole, and snow-snake structures.
It is therefore a highly balanced system.
Perhaps this is why Carbon has 6 nucleons, 6 protons and 6 electrons,
because all that is burnt and decayed, must ultimately reduce down to carbon black,
as a primitive starting point for the re-structuralization of new form.
The Hexagon is no doubt a key to Atomic structure.
Jain 108
Image: Strange Phenomenon
Sweet Gold
IF Dumitru Mihai on Instagram IF Dumitru Mihai shared a post on Instagram: "". Follow their account to see 53 posts.
IF Dumitru Mihai on Instagram IF Dumitru Mihai shared a post on Instagram: "". Follow their account to see 51 posts.
Autumn in our apiary
IF Dumitru Mihai on Instagram IF Dumitru Mihai shared a post on Instagram: "". Follow their account to see 50 posts.
Can you spot the Queen?
Don't be fooled by processed, store-bought honey. Authentic honey is where it's at. Raw honey, that is local to your region, is helpful for allergies — BUT how do you know if it's authentic? Here's a graphic for start. Come to the 2022 TNHF and learn all about honey and beekeeping!
Get tickets to the 2022 TN Honey Festival! Visit: https://tennesseehoneyfestival.com/
Cherry blossom 🐝💟
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