Find information technology companies in Cluj-Napoca. Listings include Accesa, Frequentis Romania, Hosterion - gazduire web, WeDoMobile, RIA Solutions Group, Tecknoworks.
The place where creative problem-solvers that care for people, solutions, and their impact thrive.
At Frequentis Romania we develop IT products for mission critical applications in the field of Air Traffic Management and Public Safety.
Servicii de găzduire web (web hosting) și înregistrare de nume de domenii internet.
Welcome to the official RIA Solutions Group page, your source for news and conversation about RIA Solutions Group`s services and solutions.
Tecknoworks is a global technology consulting firm. We identify and integrate technology solutions that grow your business.
Beyond Technology| Leading IT Service Provider| Software Development |
IT geeks, quality obsessed, customer-centric, pet friendly, awesome colleagues, exceptional partners
Suntem o echipă tânără cu multe idei, inițiativă și cu proiecte de succes care vorbesc despre noi.
Alighieri is a digital strategy and development company. Our vision is to grow healthy business through technology, by focusing on innovative digital experiences.
Servicii de proiectare, furnizare, instalare, punere în funcțiune și întreținere a sistemelor de securitate, instalații de detecție și alarmare la incendiu, sisteme de control al a...
ABC Incubator oferă un sistem complex de sprijin pentru întreprinderile de tehnologie aflate la început. 🚀 "AI incredere in noi"
We help our clients worldwide to master their Digital Transformation in order to remain competitive
We design, build, integrate and operate software robots using the latest RPA technologies.
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Official page of QCatalyst Romania
IT solution provider company focused on delivering custom-built software solutions and business process outsourcing services. We blend passion and technology into outstanding solut...
Sistem de asistență amplu care aduce la următorul nivel siguranța din trafic. Este menit să vă
Hands-on strategic IT partner for the entire software lifecycle, mixing corporate expertise with start-up agility
Piaxo is a privately held engineering consultancy company from Romania, part of the EU. The company is delivering nearshore and offshore Outsourcing Services in several industries...
Deliver excellent solutions based on you business needs.
Dyntell reprezinta solutia ERP completa, inovatoare si eficienta pentru toate tipurile de intreprinde
Compania Sitline Technology a fost inființată în anul 2017 din dorința de a excela în domeniul IT si a automatizărilor industriale prin oferirea de soluții complet integrate.
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BMW TechWorks Romania, a joint venture with NTT DATA, is the IT hub for BMW. Our team of skilled developers is creating cutting-edge software solutions to revolutionize automotive ...
Organizăm și sprijinim inițiative pentru dezvoltarea profesională a tinerilor în IT, oferindu-le resursele necesare pentru a-și construi o carieră solidă în acest domeniu dinamic.
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