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Prezentare foarte buna facuta de Bitdefender a modului in care sunt "furate" paginile de Facebook
#NOHACK Expert Talks - Cum identifici mesajele false primite pe Facebook? Dacă administrezi o pagină de Facebook ai văzut că în ultima vreme s-au înmulțit mesaje false care te pun să dai click pe link-uri „de verificare”. Nu
Se pare ca s-a "intetit" oferta.
Acum ce sa facem daca nu avem carduri la banca mentionata? Sa deschidem un cont acolo sa le deblocam? 😁
Posibil o legatura cu cresterea numarului de mail-uri de phishing generate de ChatGPT.
S-au zgircit la cumparat un antivirus pentru sistemele informatice, normal ca nu o sa plateasca 300'000 USD recompensa.
750GB de date furate!
Giant health insurer struck by ransomware didn't have antivirus protection The Philippine Health Insurance Corporation (PhilHealth), has confirmed that it was unprotected by antivirus software when it was attacked by the Medusa ransomware group in September.
Ca si mesajul precedent ING, unul primit de la OTP. Se pare ca incearca mai multe banci din RO.
A se vedea adresa de expeditie subliniata, nu e OTP.
Grija la ce dati click!
Circula niste mesaje tip phishing foarte bine construite, aparind ca din partea ING Homebank.
Doar ca link-ul catre "Actualizare date" duce catre un site din Georgia, ce imita bine site-ul ING Homebank.
Verificati pe ce dati click!
Amenda pentru gestionarea neglijenta a sistemelor informatice si a datelor personale.
Si "au dat-o la pace"...
Blackbaud agrees to $49.5 million settlement for ransomware data breach Cloud computing provider Blackbaud reached a $49.5 million agreement with attorneys general from 49 U.S. states to settle a multi-state investigation of a May 2020 ransomware attack and the resulting data breach.
A crescut numarul conturilor Facebook "furate" de un virus ce ia datele de conectare sau chiar datele personale.
Apare sub forma unui mesaj "absolut inocent" de la cineva din lista, ce contine un link.
La accesarea acestuia, pentru deschidere cere introducerea datelor de conectare Facebook.
Odata ce ati introdus datele, preia controlul contului. Incepe sa se multiplice trimitind mesaje asemanatoare cu cel din foto TUTUROR CELOR DIN LISTA DE MESSENGER/PRIETENI.
Daca si descarcati atasamentul catre care sunteti trimis, exista riscul ca datele Dvs. personale din telefon/computer sa fie preluate.
Revenim cu modalitati de recuperare.
Ati fost victima unui astfel de atac? Scrieti la comentarii. ;-)
Buna asta, "ademeniti cu un anunt de vinzare BMW".
Oare cm ne vor "proteja" pe noi?
PS: Era si seria 5 BMW-ul. 🥲
Russian state hackers lure Western diplomats with BMW car ads The Russian state-sponsored hacking group 'APT29' (aka Nobelium, Cloaked Ursa) has been using unconventional lures like car listings to entice diplomats in Ukraine to click on malicious links that deliver malware.
Vulnerabilitati ale MS Office neactualizate utilizate in accesarea de documente ale summit-ului de la Vilnius.
Daca nici astia nu stiu sa se protejeze, e JALE!
PS rezolvare temporara in cuprinsul articolului (sau contact us :-D )
Microsoft: Unpatched Office zero-day exploited in NATO summit attacks Microsoft disclosed today an unpatched zero-day security bug in multiple Windows and Office products exploited in the wild to gain remote code ex*****on via malicious Office documents.
Sa ajutam un pic.
Ati avut macar grija sa nu folositi pentru crearea contului de Chat GPT aceeasi parola ca cea de la contul de e-mail sau cel bancar? 😁
Over 100,000 ChatGPT Account Credentials Made Available on the Dark Web Cybersecurity matters even within a chat interface
Asta explica avalansa de mesaje primite de la citiva din cercul meu cu link-uri inexplicabile si fara legatura cu ce posteaza de obicei.
De obicei, "salve" de cite 3-5 postari cu un link catre o pagina dubioasa si explicatii intr-o romana tip "Google Translate".
I'm a tech expert and Facebook users must watch out for new bank-raiding alert FACEBOOK users are being targeted by a new shapeshifting scam which seeks to fleece them of cash through fake news articles, The Sun can reveal. Dodgy links being spread on social media is a tale a…
Prea multe notificari nedorite generate de aplicatii instalate pe telefon? Cum sa revoci accesul unor aplicatii la contul Google.
How to revoke third-party app access from your Google Account If you've given third-party apps access to your Google Account, you might want to go through the list and revoke permission for those apps you no longer use.
Zero-Day Alert: Google Issues Patch for New Chrome Vulnerability - Update Now! Google has released a security update to fix a new high-severity zero-day vulnerability in Chrome browser that is being actively exploited by hackers
APEL: 200 de redacții, asociații medicale, ONG-uri și personalități civice protestează față de discursul urii de la România TV, în cazul morții ziaristei Iulia Marin Apel împotriva discursului practicat de postul de televiziune România TV care incită la ură și discriminare față de persoanele cu probleme de sănătate mintală
E timpul sa dam inteligentei artificiale "o pauza". Totul evolueaza prea rapid pentru puterea noastra de intelegere.
Alaturati-va lui Elon Musk, Yuval Noah Harari &others si semnati petitia din link-ul de mai jos:
Pause Giant AI Experiments: An Open Letter - Future of Life Institute We call on all AI labs to immediately pause for at least 6 months the training of AI systems more powerful than GPT-4.
Noile adicții ale adolescenților Sînt aceste nevoi satisfăcute prin adicții? Doar temporar, însă efectele sînt copleșitoare.
De aia e bine sa crezi ca e rotund Pamintul! ;-)
Oamenii - cele mai inteligente fiinte de pe Planeta? 😂
We're only human 🤷.
Actualizarile importante de securitate ale lunii februarie ale Microsoft.
Time to patch!
Windows Security: time to patch these three zero-day vulnerabilities - gHacks Tech News Microsoft patched three security issues that are exploited in the wild on the February 2023 Patch Day. Here is an overview of them.
Actualizare importanta pentru Iphone de la versiunea 8 in sus.
Rezolva probleme grave de securitate in dispozitivele Apple.
Update now! Apple patches vulnerabilities in MacOS and iOS Apple has released patches for macOS Ventura, iPadOs, and iOS. Among the patched vulnerabilities is a WebKit vulnerability which may have been exploited in the wild.
Primul procesor la 6GHz!
Intel Core i9-13900KS Review: The World's First 6 GHz 320W CPU The fastest and most power hungry PC chip ever.
A aparut (pentru curiosi 😎) Notepad cu tab-uri ce merge cu Windows 11 (stable version).
Pasii pentru instalare in articol.
How to get Notepad with Tabs in the stable version of Windows 11 - gHacks Tech News We show you how to get Notepad with Tabs in the stable version of Windows 11 right now. You can revert the change quite easily.
Vulnerabilitate aparuta la sute de placi de baza MSI! 🙁
Comparatie performante AMD vs Intel vs Nvidia pentru DirectStorage.
DirectStorage Performance Compared: AMD vs Intel vs Nvidia Intel's Arc A770 beats competitors in DirectStorage 1.1 benchmark.
Versiune Chrome ce permite dezactivarea plugin-urilor si extensiilor per site.
Google Chrome to let you disable or enable extensions per site Google is working on a new feature that allows you to disable or enable Chrome extensions based on site-by-site basis.
Noua versiune MS Edge cu rezolvarea unor vulnerabilitati si “text prediction” a aparut.
Microsoft Edge 109 launches with text prediction feature and security fixes - gHacks Tech News Microsoft released Microsoft Edge 109 Stable today, just a few days after Google released Chrome 109 to the Stable channel.
Peste 1300 de site-uri “fake” ce “pretind” ca ar fi site-ul oficial.
Atentie de unde descarcati! 😎
Over 1,300 fake AnyDesk sites push Vidar info-stealing malware A massive campaign using over 1,300 domains to impersonate the official AnyDesk site is underway, all redirecting to a Dropbox folder recently pushing the Vidar information-stealing malware.
Malwarebytes still rules! 🤘
Readers' Choice 2023: The Antivirus and Security Software You Trust Most Effective security on your PC, phone, and tablet can mean the difference between productivity and play or utter disaster. These are the top tools our readers trust to protect their devices.
A aparut rezolvarea la bug-ul Defender. 🙂
Un script ce restaureaza O PARTE din shortcut-urile sterse de actualizarea precedenta. 😂
Microsoft Script to restore (some) deleted Windows shortcuts after Defender ASR incident - gHacks Tech News In a response to a faulty security update released on Friday, Microsoft published a PowerShell script to restore some of the deleted shortcuts.
MS Defender for Endpoint contine un bug ce “reuseste” sa stearga shortcut-urile de programe la restartare 😅.
Deci tot ce e MS Windows Server de la 2008 ce ruleaza Defender o poate patzi.
Verificati Top-ul PC-MAG de antivirusi si treceti eventual la ceva mai sigur 😉.
Buggy Microsoft Defender ASR rule deletes Windows app shortcuts Microsoft has addressed a false positive triggered by a buggy Microsoft Defender ASR rule that would delete application shortcuts from the desktop, the Start menu, and the taskbar and, in some cases, render existing shortcuts unusable as they couldn't be used to launch the linked apps.
Ce este Chat GPT, la ce poate fi folosit în lumea reală și de ce a început să ridice semne de întrebare Utilizarea inteligenței artificiale (AI) în tehnologiile emergente continuă să avanseze rapid. OpenAI, cu sediul în San Francisco, a pus la dispoziție ultima sa creație, chatbotul ChatGPT.
Weekly Tech Insights: Issue 15 Table of Contents Introduction News Windows Linux / FreeBSD Mobile Browser Privacy and Security Software Updates Gaming Other Editorials and other articles A world without cookies is still an advertising world Microsoft needs to improve Nearby Share to include mobiles
Opera browser now lets you set custom images for tiles - gHacks Tech News Opera browser's latest Dev Channel release allows you set to a custom image as a tile's thumbnail in the new tab page.
Hackers Using CAPTCHA Bypass Tactics in Freejacking Campaign on GitHub Automated Libra hackers using CAPTCHA bypass techniques to create GitHub accounts as part of freejacking campaign called PURPLEURCHIN.
Bitdefender releases free MegaCortex ransomware decryptor Antivirus company Bitdefender has released a decryptor for the MegaCortex ransomware family, making it possible for victims of the once notorious gang to restore their data for free.
Patch now: Serious Linux kernel security hole uncovered The Zero Day Initiative originally rated this Linux 5.15 in-kernel SMB server, ksmbd, bug a perfectly awful 10.
LockBit ransomware claims attack on Port of Lisbon in Portugal An cyberattack hitting the Port of Lisbon Administration (APL), the third-largest port in Portugal, on Christmas day has been claimed by the LockBit ransomware gang.
TeraCopy 3.9.7: options to run PowerShell scripts and use IFTTT - gHacks Tech News The Windows file copy dialog replacement app TeraCopy 3.9.7 introduces support for PowerShell scripts and more.
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