Laszlo Photographer

I am a photographer living in Mures offering services to weddings, baptizing, parties, or any other events for a reasonable price


Kedves Ismerőseim!
Játszunk egy kicsit és legyünk egymásnak hozzájárulás 😉
Akinek saját vállalkozása van, a poszt alatt töltsetek fel egy FOTÓT, ami jelképezi azt, amivel foglalkoztok.
⚠️Mindezt árak, kommentek és linkek nélkül.
Ha az ismerőseim közül valakit majd érdekel az ajánlatotok, akkor bemegy az oldalatokra, vagy személyes üzenetben felkeres.
Ezután másoljátok át ezt a posztot a saját oldalatokra, hogy Én is hozzá tudjak szólni!!😉
Ez egy jó lehetőség megismerkedni és támogatni egymást.
Kezdem én: fémmegmunkálás, egyedi megoldások a kliens kérésére


20 vise wisdom that will make your life easier:
1. An extra object is an extra worry.
2. Without simple people there are no great people.
3. Memorize gratitude as well as anger.
4. It has never happened that a naked person loses anything.
5. When power is right, justice has no power.
7. If you ask - shame on you for a minute, and if you don't know - shame on you for life
8.. When misfortune comes, rely only on yourself.
9. After you have thought carefully - decide, and after you have decided - stop thinking.
10. There is no enemy more dangerous than the fool.
11. Do not hold back the one who is leaving and do not drive away the one who is coming.
12. Fall 7 times and get up 8 times.
13. In the house where people laugh, happiness comes.
14. If a problem can be solved, then you don't need to worry. If the problem has no solutions, there is no need to worry.
15. The bad man tries to justify himself, the good man - to correct his mistake.
16. Be the teacher of your heart – don't let your heart become your teacher.
17. Fast means slowly but without interruption.
18. The wise merchant does not remove all his merchandise at the very beginning.
19. Sometimes a moment is more precious than a treasure.
20. Be careful with the silent one


"Your drive to learn is your ultimate superpower; harness it and you become unstoppable."


HU- Kedves családom, barátaim és kollégáim!
Köszönöm, hogy életem oszlopai vagytok. Köszönöm a támogatást, a szeretetet és a barátságot, amelyet ebben az évben tanúsítottatok. Tiszta szívemből köszönöm mindenkinek, alig várom, hogy jövőre még több emléket osszunk meg egymással. Boldog új évet kívánok mindenkinek!

RO- Draga mea familie, prieteni și colegi!
Vă mulțumesc că sunteți pilonii vieții mele. Vă mulțumesc pentru sprijinul, dragostea și prietenia pe care mi le-ați arătat anul acesta. Vă mulțumesc tuturor din suflet, abia aștept să împărtășesc mai multe amintiri unul cu celălalt anul viitor. Le doresc tuturor un an nou fericit!

EN- My dear family, friends and colleagues!
Thank you for being the pillars of my life. Thank you for the support, love and friendship you have shown me this year. Thank you all from the bottom of my heart, I can't wait to share more memories with each other next year. I wish everyone a happy new year!

BG- Скъпо мое семейство, приятели и колеги!
Благодаря ви, че сте стълбовете на живота ми. Благодаря ви за подкрепата, любовта и приятелството, които ми показахте тази година. Благодаря на всички от сърце, нямам търпение да споделим повече спомени един с друг догодина. Пожелавам на всички щастлива нова година!

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