Boudoir & Portrait Photography by Diana Goleanu
Fotograf Bo***ir, Portret si Glamour
"You are the best BRAND. Make it outstanding!" Bjarney Ludviksdottir
"I can if I want to because it`s my Business." Tabitha Brown
"Strong women aren`t born, they are made by the storms they walk through."
***irByDianaGoleanu ***irPhotography ***ir ***irSiPortret
"Heavy is the crown and yet she wears it as if it were a feather.
There is strength in her heart, determination in her eyes and the will to survive resides within her soul.
She is YOU.
A warrior,
a champion,
a fighter,
***irPhotography ***ir ***irPhotographer
"A woman who embraces her femininity is a woman who knows her POWER!"
"Be fearless, love yourself, your body, your mind and your heart. Take comfort in knowing if you practice this, you will find your power and that power will make you UNSTOPPABLE!" Emily Comnick
***irByDianaGoleanu ***irPhotography ***ir ***irPhotoShoot ***irPhotographer
"A bo***ir session can be very tasteful and very sexy at the same time. But when there is a couple involved, it`s simply full of passion!"
***irByDianaGoleanu ***irTimisoara ***irPhotography ***ir
In ultima vreme am fost intrebata, tot mai des, daca realizez si sedinte "normale" 😄, de tip portret, personal branding sau business.
Raspunsul este simplu: Da!
Desi, trebuie sa recunosc ca ador sa pozez o femeie in ipostaze mai provocatoare, gasesc la fel de frumoase si creative sedintele in care "accentul" nu este pus pe corpul acesteia, ci pe ceea ce poate ea sa realizeze sau pe cine este ea.
Confidence breeds BEAUTY!
***irByDianaGoleanu ***irPhotography ***ir ***ir ***irAndPortraitPhotographer ***ir
"Be strong,
Be fearless,
Be beautiful." Misty Copeland
***irByDianaGoleanu ***irPhotography ***ir ***ir ***ir
"Self confidence is a super power. Once you start to believe in yourself, MAGIC starts happening."
***irByDianaGoleanu ***ir ***ir
"Confidence is sexy... Wear it daily."
***irByDianaGoleanu ***ir ***ir ***ir ***irAndPortraitPhotography
"Believe in yourself and you will be unstoppable."
***irByDianaGoleanu ***irAndPortraitPhotography ***irSiPortret
"No one is you and that is your power!"
***irByDianaGoleanu ***ir ***ir ***irSiPortret
"To fall in love with yourself is the first secret to happiness." Robert Morley
***irByDianaGoleanu ***ir ***ir ***irSiPortret
"Your body is what makes you sexy.
Your smile is what makes you pretty.
But your personality is what makes you beautiful."
***irPhotography ***ir ***irByDianaGoleanu ***irPhotoShoot ***irSiPortret
"She remembered who she was and the game changed." Lalah Deliah
***irPhotoShoot ***ir ***irByDianaGoleanu
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Timisoara, 300765
Fotograf de familie, maternitate, petreceri aniversare și evenimente - Timișoara
Nu pot să cânt, să pictez și nu știu să scriu ce simt, așa că nu îmi rămâne decât fotogr
Albumele de absolvire vă vor menţine vii amintirile legate de colegi, profesori și prieteni, amintiri ce vor prinde viaţă ori de câte ori răsfoiţi aceste albume de promoţie.
📸 Nature * Portrait * Couples * Children photos Frumusețea este un termen abstract, ale cărui aspe
Timisoara, <
Evenimentele durează cateva ore, amintirile dispar cu timpul, dar fotografiile sunt pentru totdeaun
Timisoara, 307375
Fotografia pentru mine este mai mult decât o POZĂ!Este un moment capturat intr-o secunda,care rămâne!
Timisoara, 300507
If You're Happy Doing What You Love, Nobody Can Tell You You're Not Successful would love to take y
Focused on the humanity of moments🫀 •real •authentic •emotional •no perfection 📷Digital &🎞 film