HighClass Romania

HighClass Romania

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Descoperă luxul cu HighClass - cele mai exclusiviste anunțuri pentru pasionații de raritate.

Photos from HighClass Romania's post 31/03/2023

PRET: 2.200.00€
Vila spectaculoasa amplasata in zona de Est a Bucurestiului, in cartierul Cernica, este disponibila pentru vanzare. Construita in 2007 si renovata in 2014, proprietatea este structurata pe demisol, parter, etaj si mansarda, avand o suprafata utila de 650 mp. Cu un design elegant si detalii de finisaj deosebite, aceasta vila impresioneaza prin generozitatea spatiului si compartimentarilor.

Demisolul reprezinta zona de fitness si relaxare a casei, aici aflandu-se o sala de sport, sauna, camera cinema, crama, camara si un grup sanitar. Parterul beneficiaza de un living spatios in care se afla si un semineu, zona de dining, bucataria, un spatiu pentru birou, holul si un grup sanitar. La primul etaj gasim doua dormitoare matrimoniale, fiecare cu doua incaperi cu destinatie-garderoba si grupuri sanitare proprii. Mansarda poate fi folosita ca un dormitor matrimonial cu dressing, baie proprie si o terasa de 60 mp cu vedere superba asupra gradinii si zonei de piscina.

Curtea este amenajata cu o piscina exterioara cu o suprafata de 90 mp si o adancla 1,7 la 2,4 m, un whirlpool bath pentru 6 persoane, zona barbeque, bucatarie, sera, vegetatie matura, garaj si un spatiu generos al accesului auto si alte locuri de parcare.

Proprietatea este construita cu finisaje de calitate superioara, usi interioare si parchet din frasin masiv, obloane din pin masiv si rame din fier tinute in baie de zinc, candelabre si alte corpuri de iluminat din bronz masiv, marmura Maron Emperador si ornamente din fier forjat interioare si exterioare ce aduc un aer si stil frantuzesc.

Suprafata terenului este de 3200 mp, suprafata construita este de 1150 mp, iar piscina exterioara are o suprafata de 90 mp si este acoperita cu un whirlpool bath pentru 6 persoane.

Pentru a va convinge de frumusetea acestei proprietati, va invitam sa o vizitati personal. Certificatul energetic va fi disponibil la momentul vanzarii.


Photos from HighClass Romania's post 27/03/2023

Mercedes-Benz AMG GLE Coupe 2021, echipată cu toate opțiunile disponibile, inclusiv un interior complet reînnoit cu piele VIVACY în valoare de 30.000 de euro, un exterior AMG TUNNING LARTE și jante în valoare de 20.000 de euro! Suntem deschiși pentru tranzacționarea cu autoturisme sau imobile la prețuri reale. Suntem specializați în oferirea de servicii de înaltă calitate pentru clienții noștri, fără a accepta variante care implică o creștere de preț. Acceptăm imobile, inclusiv terenuri, vile, case, garsoniere și apartamente, care să ofere un confort corespunzător pentru un preț corect. Cu o putere impresionantă de 330 de cai și motor diesel de 3 litri, acest vehicul este perfect pentru a-i oferi proprietarului său o experiență de conducere de neuitat.

Cele mai bune modele de mașini de lux pentru a cumpăra în acest an 14/03/2023

Află detalii despre cele mai luxoase mașini din 2023, precum BMW i7, Rolls Royce Ghost și Porsche Panamera, și descoperă caracteristicile lor tehnologice, de design și performanță. Explorează opțiunile personalizabile și inovațiile revoluționare ale fiecărei mașini pe platforma HighClass Romania.

Cele mai bune modele de mașini de lux pentru a cumpăra în acest an Află detalii despre cele mai luxoase mașini din 2023, precum BMW, Rolls Royce și Porsche, și descoperă caracteristicile lor pe HighClass RO.

Photos from HighClass Romania's post 11/03/2023

Descopera luxul la volanul acestui BMW M3 Competition cu o putere impresionanta de 510 cp si doar 25.000 km parcursi. Fabricat in 2021 si cu garantie pana in 2024 sau 200.000 km, acest automobil vine insotit de factura cu TVA deductibil. Nu rata ocazia de a detine un astfel de automobil high-class! Pentru mai multe detalii viziteaza platforma noastra HighClass Romania si descopera alte produse de lux pentru pasionatii de automobile. Putere

Photos from HighClass Romania's post 07/03/2023

Descopera luxul la volanul acestui Mercedes hibrid cu o putere impresionanta de 367 cp si doar 44.000 km parcursi. Fabricat in 2020 si cu garantie pana in 2024 sau 200.000 km, acest automobil vine insotit de factura cu TVA deductibil. Toate reviziile au fost efectuate in reteaua Mercedes, iar impozitul este doar 100 RON. Nu rata ocazia de a detine un astfel de automobil high-class! Pentru mai multe detalii viziteaza platforma noastra HighClass Romania si descopera alte produse de lux pentru pasionatii de automobile.

Photos from HighClass Romania's post 07/03/2023

Descopera luxul si confortul la tine acasa cu aceasta proprietate unica in stil mediteranean, situata in zona Pipera-Tunari, pe un teren de 1400 mp, alaturi de padurea Baneasa. Inspirata din casele din Beverly Hills, aceasta proprietate iti ofera o oaza de liniste si relaxare intr-un decor de poveste.

Pretul de 2.200.000 € merita fiecare cent.
Pe platforma noastra HighClass Romania, vei gasi cele mai exclusiviste proprietati din tara.

Photos from HighClass Romania's post 06/03/2023

Bucura-te de stilul de viata de lux la bordul unui yaht Mirakul 30 Hardtop din 2014, cu motor Diesel de 320 CP si doar 400 de ore de functionare! Acest yaht este in stare excelenta si este echipat cu 2 cabine, living cu canapea multifunctionala, baie cu dus, instalatie solara si invertor de 220 V, navigatie si GPS profesionala, statie VHS, ancora electrica, bimini top, turela si flapsuri electrice. Bucataria este dotata cu aragaz, chiuveta si frigider, iar platforma de baie cu dus este perfecta pentru momente de relaxare la soare.

Yacht-ul este inregistrat pe persoana fizica in Germania pana in iunie 2024, asigurare Bavaria, si este ancorat in Perast, Montenegro.

Nu lasa aceasta oportunitate sa-ti scape! Descopera mai multe despre yahtul Mirakul 30 pe platforma noastra HighClassRomani, cea mai exclusivista si rafinata platforma de anunturi de lux din Romania.

Photos from HighClass Romania's post 06/03/2023

Descopera performanta si luxul in noua masina disponibila imediat, in stoc fizic Brasov! Proprietarul este o persoana fizica, iar masina este noul Lexus NX 450h Plug-In hybrid E-Four (AWD) din 2022, modelul F-Sport.

Cu o autonomie de 70-80 km in mod electric, aceasta masina este un exemplu de eficienta si durabilitate. Pana la 140 km/h, masina poate rula exclusiv pe electric.

Cu o putere totala de 309 CP si o viteza maxima de 200 km/h, acest Lexus promite o experienta de condus uluitoare, cu o acceleratie de la 0 la 100 km/h in doar 6,3 secunde.

Masina provine direct de la reprezentanta Lexus din Germania, garantand calitatea si siguranta.

Iar daca vrei sa descoperi si alte automobile de lux, nu uita sa vizitezi platforma noastra HighClassRomani - locul unde gasesti cele mai exclusiviste si rafinate anunturi auto din Romania.

Photos from HighClass Romania's post 06/03/2023

Bucura-te de lux in acest Penthouse rafinat situat in cea mai exclusivista zona a Bucurestiului!
Te asteapta 4 dormitoare, 4 bai, 4 terase si finisaje de inalta calitate. Descopera mai multe detalii despre aceasta proprietate de vis pe platforma noastra nr. 1 din Romania cu cele mai HighClass anunturi.


Bun venit în lumea HighClass, locul unde bunul gust și opulența se întâlnesc pentru a crea o experiență de neuitat! Suntem o platformă unică în România, care oferă servicii de promovare a anunțurilor highclass și premium, adresate celor care apreciază luxul și exclusivitatea.

Cu noi, veți avea acces la cele mai exclusiviste proprietăți, mașini, ceasuri, bijuterii, avioane, yachturi și multe altele, alese cu grijă pentru a vă oferi o experiență de neuitat.

Suntem mândri de comunitatea noastră dedicată de utilizatori care împărtășesc aceeași pasiune pentru calitatea și luxul autentic. Vă invităm să faceți parte din această comunitate și să explorați opțiunile noastre exclusive pentru a găsi ceea ce căutați.


Smilesss is trending on NFTcatalog.
Verified and audited by our team.


ALPHA GIRL CLUB is trending on NFTcatalog.
Verified and audited by our team.


Womenrise is trending on NFTcatalog.
Verified and audited by our team.


NFT EAGLE promoted on our website.
Artwork created by:

The animated NFT Eagle is a semi-mystical beast with a lot of power and aggression. This bird is so powerful that it kills predators and hunts hunters. With the strength of its talons and the dagger that is its beak, the eagle can dive into a kill at speeds in excess of one hundred miles per hour. Are you the hunter or the hunted? Can this predator be owned?


Pixsons Card #03 BART

Our first card for sale, the number 03, Bart. The Pixons NFT card collection 1/1. The collection consists of 100 numbered cards, once it reaches 100, the collection will be finalized. All cards are created by us from 0.


NFT art by .art promoted on our website.

Shades of Liberty (Neural Morphism #4)

31 tons of Hope wouldn’t be enough to describe the Shades of Liberty. More than that, it embodies the spirit of change and progress enlightening our own lives. Because, for what it’s worth, it’s never too late to be whoever you want to be. There’s no time limit nor rules to this thing we call Life. Just infinite colors and shades for you to grab, and start all over again.

This artwork was built pixel by pixel using an innovative technique of Neural Morphism. The style was specially developed by us, leveraging AI into the creative process to remind you how Freedom looks like, always.


NFT art by .art promoted on our website.
Kawaii Knock Knock Kitty (Neural Morphism #7)

Ancient cultures believed that cats could scare away ghosts from the past, were somehow sacred and divine. So they brought a cat to every corner of the Earth to remind us that there is a knock for every door that shuts behind. A knock on Luck. A knock on Time. A sweet and safe glimpse of Life.

This artwork was built pixel by pixel using an innovative technique of Neural Morphism. The style was specially developed by us, leveraging AI into the creative process.

Hope it brings you the Fortune you seek, the knock you wish in Life.


Promoted on www.nft-catalog.com






MasterPiece Collection

Peng1 Masterpiece collection. Wondering what an NFT would look like if created by famous artists throughout history. I have often wondered the same thing. If only I had a time machine. I'm excited to announce that after an intense google search for building a time machine and numerous Wikipedia articles, I bring you NFTs from punks to apes to sloths and llamas in the stylings of the likes of Picasso, Van Gogh, and many others. This is a unique masterpiece collection of only 256 pieces. Each piece will have a mixture of various traits from over 100 traits total.


Buddha’s Elephant

The elephant for Buddhists represents wisdom, protection, intelligence and good luck. This work is inspired by the white elephant that Queen Maya dreamed of entering her body and giving birth to Buddha 9 month later in the gardens of her palace. It also carries with it the 7 chakras that unite the consent or mind with the matter or physical body and by visualizing them you will obtain balance and harmonize your life. The lotus flower that it carries with it represents the physical and spiritual purity that we must all carry although our path is swampy as are the places where this beautiful flower grows. With all the sacred symbolism that this work carries you will obtain the highest vibrational level that is that of SELF-LOVE.


ORIGINAL VIDEO Ankha (Animal Crossing)

Ankha is a snooty cat villager in the Animal Crossing series, appearing in every game except Animal Forest, Wild World, and Pocket Camp.


The Cardines NFT 0011

The Cardines NFTs are sardines of the future, minted on the Cardano Blockchain.

Cardines NFT 0011

Toppings: none

Color: blue rainbow

Fins: pink

Mouthpiece: n95 mask

Accessories: lei

Fork: exquisite with slime

Background: green


Art by
ORIGINAL VIDEO Ankha (Animal Crossing)

Ankha is a snooty cat villager in the Animal Crossing series, appearing in every game except Animal Forest, Wild World, and Pocket Camp.

Her Japanese name is "Nile," which refers to the African river that many Egyptians settled on. Her German name, "Kleo" is short for "Kleopatra," the German version of Cleopatra, the famous Egyptian queen. Her French name “Cleo” also references Cleopatra. As an islander in Animal Crossing, Ankha loves cherries and is allergic to apples.

Ankha has bright yellow fur with navy blue stripes and wears Egyptian-like navy eyeliner. Ankha initially wears a Red Aloha Shirt while she is an islander, in City Folk and New Leaf, she wears the Mummy Shirt, and in New Horizons, she wears the Palatial Tank Dress. She wears an Egyptian headdress that resembles the Nemes crown with a cobra called the "Uraeus", which symbolized kingship in ancient Egypt. In City Folk, Ankha's headdress contains a scarab charm in place of a cobra figurine.

Ankha is also constantly frowning, as she never smiles at all in her appearances. There's also no difference between her smile and her frown.


👀🟠Satoshi Nakamoto's Bitcoin Credit Card NFT - Rare Collectable (1/1)

Satoshi Nakamoto's Bitcoin credit card and token is now available and open for bids to all collectors out there! Part of Thirteen's nft crypto collection, this one of a kind collectable depicts Satoshi Nakamoto's Bitcoin Credit Card, (valid from 2009 - 2140) and spinning Bitcoin token.

Collect now! New releases coming very soon...

Crypto: ~ Name: Satoshi Nakamoto ~ Size: 1080x1080 ~ Q:4K

: thirteen



The Official Collection from the House of NFT Couture. Unique 1 of 1, drawn by hand and inspired by our favorite fashion designers. The inaugural collection of Haute.png will be limited to 100 Looks.

Official Website: http://nft.hautepng.com

OFFICIAL DROP DATE: October 6, 7:05am EST


Explore again

The world has stood still for far too long. It’s time to get back to experiencing everything the world has to offer. Come aboard and join us for a trip around the world. From the Eifel Tower to the Red Square and then to the Seychelles. Visit all 195 countries in and instant and begin to live again.
A signed copy will be sent to the first 50 buyers.


AlCabones #09412

Al Cabones, a network of organized crime groups based in the blockchain. The collection consists of 10,000 wanted skeleton mobsters each carrying their own history of ruthless crime. Following their escape, they chose to enter and hide away in the blockchain where they plan to create even more chaos. It’s about time the Metaverse is supplied with narcotics, right?
Promoted on our website.


Promoted on our digital gallery.



EtherealZephyr is a good friend. He also has nerve endings that never seem to get fried by too many colors or too much texture, and I like that. He lives on ley lines.

A long time ago we made a few things together, and this is the black empty space at the center of his swirling energy that I placed in the middle to see what you can do with a composition where the focal point is the negative space.

This uses original textures from EtherealZephyr combined with my modified Colin Budd script and some nPX sorting. The kitchen sink approach, I guess.


Lucky Doge Club #435

Lucky Doge Club is a collection of 1000 cute and lucky doge NFTs which are chosen carefully from 20 Quadrillion doges via algorithm by combining hundreds of properties.



Art by:
The dream of a night after a day spent calming the anxiety that came after being afraid of death and losing control. The fear of losing the most important people represented by the gravestones floating on the water. The way out is always there but before reaching it you have to face your fears.




Art by:


FETUS - Digital depiction of the Love, struggle, development and survival at the earliest stage of life.




Art by:

EURO2020 Viva Borris Emanuele Re d'Italia 02 of 19

This series is a tribute to Italy winning Euro2020 at the dismay of the English Prime Minister Boris Johnson. The series emphasis is on "IT COMING (R)OME". The piece includes small details relating to the win in the style of Verdis hidden revolutionary messages that spread through Italy intended or not.




Art by:

Post Breakdown Renaissance

Where we come from. What we are. Where we're going.

BUY NOW: https://foundation.app//post-breakdown-renaissance-12253


Art by:
For these powers I can not withstand

Hand drawn doodlesketch from the 90s. Inspired by Todd McFarlane's Spawn.



Art by:

Girls of the Internet - Patience (exclusive composition and animation)

Girls of the Internet present their debut NFT collection - to celebrate the 2 year anniversary of their debut album SYRUP. SYRUP was one of BBC 6music's Albums Of The Year for 2019, achieving a 9/10 in Mixmag.



Art by:

Bitcoin Harvest 2222 A.D.

On a galaxy 1200 light years away a line alien farmer brings the harvest home.




Art by:

Flashing Lights, Shooting Stars
Digital Painting Neo Tokyo Vibez



Misty Loop
Misty mountains around Almaty is the perfect place to learn how to fly and how to get beautiful video.


Art by:

The Vid

The Vid is inspired by the new trend of our life
This is my abstract representation on how it should look like under the microscope , not like a boring mushroom.

Edition 1/1
4k 30 fps
Unlockable content with Verisart Certification.



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Videos (show all)

Art by: @cosmyth_ Post Breakdown RenaissanceWhere we come from. What we are. Where we're going.BUY NOW: https://foundati...
Art by: @girlsoftheinternetmusic Girls of the Internet - Patience (exclusive composition and animation)Girls of the Inte...
Art by: @justjonezy Flashing Lights, Shooting StarsDigital Painting Neo Tokyo VibezBUY NOW https://rarible.com/token/0x6...
Misty LoopMisty mountains around Almaty is the perfect place to learn how to fly and how to get beautiful video.BUY NOWh...
Art by: @theartsniffer The VidThe Vid is inspired by the new trend of our lifeThis is my abstract representation on how ...
Artwork by: @noah_stacey The Dream HouseA collaboration between artist Noah Stacey and composer Peter Gundry.Stare into ...
Artwork by: @eghostyshev Gold. Atomic number 79Magnificent goddess who weaves an eternal spiral of gold through time, sp...
When I sell my NFTThis comic is presented as a gif file, but only the owners will discover how the comic ends. What a fa...
Only 64$ .MoonwalkEarth is overrated, lets moonwalk on the moon..BUY NOW : https://app.airnfts.com/nft/Moonwalk_16201629...
Official video is not censored!Art by: @randis.albion EveWinner will get the original artwork in print resolution (4200x...
Art by : @marco3dgerato Oh sheets!Some nights are sleepless and your gloomy thoughts sing their lullaby.2048x204830fpsBU...
The World EthereumThis series was created around the idea that nature is capable of generating new organic shapes and pa...



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