

Experienţe Premium.

MONDEVENTS este partenerul preferat al companiilor din Cluj Napoca pentru organizarea de evenimente corporate, fie că vorbim de conferinţe, seminarii, lansări de produse, sau petreceri aniversare.

TEDxCluj 2023 - Human - Aftermovie 23/10/2023

🌟 În urmă cu câteva luni, am avut onoarea să facem parte dintr-o experiență uimitoare la TEDxCluj 2023 Human! 🚀 Am fost martorii unor discuții și idei care au inspirat și au provocat gândirea. Acum, suntem bucuroși să împărtășim cu voi o mică bucată din acea zi specială prin aftermovie-ul oficial al evenimentului!
🙌 Dacă ați fost acolo, amintirile vor prinde viață. Dacă nu, pregătiți-vă in 2024 pentru o călătorie fascinantă prin idei inovatoare și povești inspiraționale!


TEDxCluj 2023 - Human - Aftermovie TEDxCluj 2023 Human | June 10 2024 | BT Arena Cluj Napoca | At the core of our being, there are a number of fundamental characteristics that define us as Hum...

Photos from Mondevents's post 28/06/2023

Five years ago we embarked in a journey we did not know who valuable would be – being part of TEDxCluj team, coordinating and growing an event that already had a tradition in Romania. Now, we know that working for 9 months to deliver one amazing day is definitely worth it, especially when seeing a full house, great speakers, great public and working with the best of the best suppliers.

TEDxCluj 2023 Human took place on June 10th 2023, at the usual location – BT Arena – and gathered 1500 participants from all over Romania and abroad. 12 speakers, 4 performance moments, laughter and sometimes tears, emotions but most of all, ideas worth spreading until 2024 edition. With Lucian Mîndruţă as event host, and Hedi Hoka, Atena Boca, Gabriel Păun or Gerd Leonhard as speakers, TEDxCluj was a blast!

This event has become a tradition for Mondevents and the month of June has been one of the most busy ones in the past years. We are already preparing for TEDxCluj 2024!

Photos from Mondevents's post 15/06/2023

Romanian Testing Conference, the largest international software testing event in Romania, took place between June 6 – June 8 in Cluj Napoca, at Grand Hotel Italia.
This has been THE GO-TO EVENT for meeting the world’s Rockstars of Software Industry and Software Testing in the past 13 years, and in 2023, Mondevents was also involved in coordinating the creation and delivery of this great event.✨

29 speakers from all over the world were invited to this conference to deliver speeches and tutorials in Cluj Napoca, engage with the participants and add value through the information shared with the audience.

From the beginning, we were involved in updating the website , communicating with the speakers, building the event agenda, arranging the travel and accommodation for the speakers, organizing the event on site, coordinating with the event sponsors, and many other tasks that helped building this amazing event, for the 350 participants.
It was a very complex project, but the event team was fantastic and we are proud to have been part of RTC2023 Enabling Change.

Photos from Mondevents's post 12/04/2023

TEDxCluj 2023 - HUMAN. is going to be AMAZING. Ideas worth spreading are waiting for you on June 10th, and now you can also take advantage of the 25% discount for Easter holidays. :)


We are soooo busy working, that we don't have the time to talk about the amazing projects we are involved in so often. ❤️
Our event portfolio is growing with Romanian Testing Conference 2023 - Enabling Change, an event dedicated to all testers and technology addicts, people that are passionate about their jobs and just want to take it to the next level. 🚀
So between 6th and 8th of June, join us for three days of exciting talks, workshops, and networking opportunities with industry experts at the best event dedicated to the Testing industry.


What does it mean to be HUMAN.?
We are again part of the amazing team behind TEDxCluj and we will try to offer you ideas worth spreading in 2023, at TEDxCluj 2023 - HUMAN. :)
Early Bird tickets are available now, but not for long .
See you on June 10, 2023, at BT Arena!


🎥 Trenchless Balkans Conference & Exhibition aftermovie ✨

Photos from Mondevents's post 09/06/2022

Trenchless Balkans is an international conference and exhibition promoting condition assessment (CCTV inspection and leak detection), ground penetrating radar (GPR), cured in place pipe (CIPP) lining, close-fit sliplining, horizontal directional drilling (HDD), pipejacking, pipe bursting, auger boring, microtunnelling and several other trenchless techniques. Rehabilitation or new installation of underground utilities is possible with trenchless techniques which bring crucial advantages such as minimum surface excavation, less environmental damage, shorter construction period and less social cost.

In 2022 the conference moved from Turkey to Romania. The client contacted us to help organize the international conference, at its 4th edition worldwide, but first edition in Romania. Two full days that needed to be perfect for the client. We started with the event plan, creating the website, setting-up the ticketing platform and defining the sponsorship packs and agenda. Continued with everything that is so important for events like this one, like sourcing and contracting the technical team, event host, suppliers for video, simultaneous translation, photo, DJ, etc.

✨ The results are great: 180 guests from all over the world, 30 exhibitors, 17 speakers, 2 days of presentations of innovations and projects, 1 gala dinner party and lots of quality networking.

🙏 We would like to thank the partners that offered their support for this amazing event: Grand Hotel Italia, Bogdan Bob Rădulescu, Nicu Cherciu, Suny Side Up Agency, Wattech, Dj Moshu, PMA, Ansamblul Romanasul, Artigiana Studio.

După succesul din 2021, TEDxCluj revine în 4 iunie 2022 în același format hibrid, cu o temă care va aduce participanți din toată România în fața... 17/01/2022

See you at TEDxCluj 2022! :) #

După succesul din 2021, TEDxCluj revine în 4 iunie 2022 în același format hibrid, cu o temă care va aduce participanți din toată România în fața... După primul eveniment major hibrid organizat în timpul pandemiei, în România, TEDxCluj revine cu un nou concept, o listă fresh de speakeri, și mai ales cu o...


Povestea MONDEVENTS este despre evenimente corporate care pun compania într-o lumină diferită pentru angajaţi şi colaboratori.

Este despre crearea de concepte de eveniment în perfectă simbioză cu brandul, pentru ca publicul să cunoască valorile reale ale companiei.

Despre profesionalism şi experienţă aplicate pentru a ajuta companiile să se dezvolte prin creşterea loialității angajaţilor.

Despre parteneriate stabile şi beneficiile aduse de acestea: încredere, siguranţă şi timp. Încrederea că vom alege cele mai bune idei şi soluţii pentru evenimentul dumneavoastră, siguranţa că vom livra ceea ce promitem şi timp pentru a vă bucura de momente unice.

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🎥 Trenchless Balkans Conference & Exhibition aftermovie ✨
Fares 90 Years Anniversary
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MONDEVENTS | Premium Corporate Events Cluj
MONDEVENTS. Premium Corporate Partner.

Opening Hours

Monday 09:00 - 19:00
Tuesday 09:00 - 19:00
Wednesday 09:00 - 19:00
Thursday 09:00 - 19:00
Friday 09:00 - 19:00