Fitness Center

Fitness Center

Fitness is one of the most popular sports activities in the modern world. But, unlike sports, — without an emphasis on bodybuilding


Lunges back
Stand up straight and spread your arms to the sides. Take a wide step back with your left foot while bending your right leg at the knee. We go down as low as possible. Then we vigorously return to the original standing position. Next, we take a wide step back with the right foot, simultaneously bending the left leg. Do as many repetitions as possible. This exercise perfectly develops coordination and balance.


Squats with a chair
Turn your back to the chair, put your hands on the seat and fix your legs about half a meter from the chair. Bend your arms at the elbows, lowering your hips at the same time, then straighten your arms. This exercise strengthens the triceps.


Baby pose
Get down on your knees and assume a sitting position on your heels. Aim to lower your stomach to the front of your thighs, actively stretching your arms forward. Breathe at a normal pace. Hold this position for 20-30 seconds and repeat. Holding this position helps to stretch the muscles of the back, shoulders and sides.


Put your feet hip-width apart. Slightly point the feet to the sides. Bend your knees as far as you are comfortable, pressing your heels tightly and keeping your knees above your feet (without taking them forward). Do a squat and straighten up. Do this exercise as many times as possible. This exercise strengthens the muscles of the legs and buttocks.


Strengthening the back muscles
Lying on your stomach, touch your ears with your fingertips and lift the upper part of the body, keeping your feet on the floor. Lower the upper part of the case. Do this exercise 15 or more times, taking breaks and repeating the cycle up to 5 times. This exercise helps to strengthen the muscles of the back.


The bar
Lean on your forearms, keeping your elbows under your shoulders. Keep the height of the hip position at head level. Stay in this position for as long as you can, take a break for 30 seconds and repeat 5 times. This exercise helps strengthen the muscles of the abdomen, arms and legs.


Lifting the knee to the elbow
Stand up straight. Touch the right hand, the knee of the left leg, alternate sides. Perform the exercise at a pace that you like for 1-2 minutes with a rest break for 30 seconds and repeat up to 5 times. This exercise promotes the work of the heart and increases the respiratory rate.


Before starting each workout, you need to do a warm-up for at least 10 minutes. It will prepare the body for intense loads, helps to increase the effectiveness of training and help prevent injuries. It will also allow you to tune in to the workout and focus on the exercises.
Remember that training should be carried out easily and with pleasure. At home, you can conduct very interesting and useful workouts using simple exercises.


When and how is it better to study?
Some people think that it is better to do sports in the morning. Others are sure that training in the morning is too much stress for the body and it is better to bet on the evening. How to decide when to devote time to sports?

The answer is simple - do it when you and your body are most comfortable. After all, we are all different and for someone morning classes are a joy, and for someone a surge of cheerfulness occurs in the evening. Ideal option: do a light dynamic warm-up or exercise in the morning, and stretching or yoga exercises in the evening. So you will wake up in the morning, and you will tone up your muscles and relax in the evening.


Classical, dance and other modifications of aerobics — this type of fitness combines exercises for developing muscles and plastics and breathing exercises. Aerobics strengthens the cardiovascular system, promotes weight loss and improves the figure. It is very effective in burning calories.

There are a huge number of directions in aerobics. The most popular dance styles are aerobics, dance, afro, Latin, funk and others.


Setting goals is an important stage in fitness classes↑
There are several goals of fitness classes. The choice of the training program depends on the choice of the goal.

slimming, slim, beautiful figure.
health promotion, improvement of the cardiovascular system, joints,
improvement of general well-being, endurance of the body.
strengthening and increasing muscle mass.
There are two main types of physical activity — aerobic and anaerobic exercise.

Aerobic exercise is not only, in fact, aerobics, but also running, cycling, swimming, that is, those types of physical activity when the body uses oxygen to release energy, carbohydrates and fats burn and provide energy to working muscles. Aerobic exercise has an effective improving effect on health, improves the functioning of the cardiovascular system, maintains overall fitness, accelerates metabolism.

Anaerobic exercise is weight lifting aimed at increasing the volume and strength of muscles.

Stretching exercises are often combined with aerobic and anaerobic exercises to increase endurance through static loads and stretching of muscles, ligaments and joints.

Depending on the goals that you set for yourself, choose the types of fitness that suit you.
