Maya Mandala International

Maya Mandala International

Master of sacred knowledge. Founder of Mandala Academy. Reartreats and courses around the world.


The process of a sacred meeting with oneself does not happen quickly. It does not occur as a result of any technical device. It is like a meeting of love, it cannot be planned.

This meeting happens in trust and in connection with the transcendent. It is not mental knowledge, not knowledge from books.

It is a direct experience of one’s own existence: what is the body, what is the breath, what is my truth, what is my presence.

✨Mandala practice is a return to one’s essence, to one’s original nature. Remembering happens here and now. In the original nature there is no duality, it is a unified space. There is no light and dark, good and bad. Like day and night. We have the original wisdom, the original state of the Divine.

✨Practice gives us knowledge of how to move beyond the realms of the masculine and feminine, beyond the limitations of human existence, to recognize our clear presence and to carry that clear presence into all aspects of life.

Through Mandala, we heal and realign not only the body, but also our state of consciousness, our breath, our presence.

When we reclaim our energy, then the potential that is stored in our energy centers begins to unfold.


Dear ones, we have good news for you! Now 2 online products for purchase and practice are available for you.

1. Mandala Dance level 1 with Maya

This instructional video is for the first level of dance. In the video, Maya explains the practice of Mandala Dance on a physical and energetic level.

The video is designed for those who are already familiar with the Mandala dance and want to improve their personal practice. It is also suitable for those who are new and want to learn and try the practice of Dance on their own.

Please note that the video is not an instructor-led course and is intended for personal practice only.

Mandala Dance is a profound practice that involves working with energy, restructuring and transforming the female body in accordance with the natural forces inherent in women, discovering her feminine essence, and recognizing the goddess within oneself.

▫️Lesson duration: 85 minutes.

2. Music for Mandala Dance

This music was written specifically for the practice of Mandala dance.

The music is built on the same principle as the dance itself, the sounds smoothly flow around all the eights, waves and circles.

If you wish to make a purchase, simply write to my assistant:
▫️ Ilyuza, (telegram).

I wish you healing and enjoyable practice ✨


On the island of Bali, there was a training retreat «Mandala Dance Level 1».

It was a circle of women from different parts of the world and a deep process where there was a correction in the body, in states, and in consciousness.

Together we experienced a unique experience of meeting, unity, friendship, relaxing the body, and opening our hearts.

I wish every woman to live herself and to open up to deep feelings of life, creating from the flow of love, clarity, and wisdom ❤️


What has helped me in life, and what have I oriented myself towards?

The call of the soul, the call of my heart.

In the most challenging situations, when there were no friends, no events that delighted the soul, this call, this inner voice helped navigate through various stories and situations.

I explored this place within myself for a very long time: what to orient myself towards, where there is a center, where there is something that helps stay in clarity, in presence. Something that helps accept the situation as it is.

While in the external world, we have landmarks, shapes, ideas, taste, color, smell, sensations, deep within, at some point, images, forms, concepts, ideas disappear, and what remains is a state of presence.

It is unlike anything, impossible to compare with anything.


When we tune ourselves through dance, we come into a balanced state of mind, in such harmony.

And from this balance, we deeply feel our soul, our heart, and our true direction in the state of listening to our being.

💎 From January 28th to February 3rd, there will be a retreat "Mandala Dance Level 1" with me in Bali.

This is a unique opportunity to learn the practice from the source and open up new possibilities in your life.

⭐️ Early bird pricing is available until January 8th.

📍Registration is open on the website:,

📍as well as with the organizer:
▫️Victoria, [email protected]
+62 813‑5353‑0113 (WhatsApp).


Earth’s inhabitants ❤️

Today is an important day of transition to a new cycle.

What will it be like for you?
It depends on you.

Create your own reality, history, and eventfulness, filling them with your own meanings, love, beauty, creativity, and wisdom.


Healing circle with me in Bali❤️

What to expect?
Heart - to - heart conversation and healing meditation work.

Topics to uncover:

▫️The core of sacred female practices and their impact on women energy and harmony in daily life

▫️Sacred geometry and Mandala dance.

▫️What is Mandala dance? What is the peculiarity of this practice? What benefits does the practice offer to women?

⏳ Wednesday, Dec 20th | 16:00 PM to 18.00 PM
🏛️ 🐉Dragon Tea Temple🐉

You can sign up via the link in my stories.


The five-day retreat «Sacred Sensuality» in Bali has concluded ✨ It was multifaceted and beautiful, offering a profound experience of healing, transformations, and renewal.

Once again at the retreat, I rejoiced in witnessing how reconnecting with the body, soul, and heart changes the dynamics of life perception—sensations, feelings, tastes, colors, scents, and sounds. The entire palette undergoes a radical transformation.

Participants opened up to a deep sense of their bodies, experiencing entirely new emotions and feelings they had never felt before in their lives.

Unfortunately, in my work with people, I notice that more than 90% are not in tune with their bodies and live in their minds. It is crucial for harmonious movement and development in life to be attuned and connected to one’s body.

Every time, it brings me great joy to see individuals profoundly connecting with their bodies and souls.

How do you experience the connection with your body and soul? Can you feel, hear, and listen? Share in the comments 💜


An announcement for those currently in Bali 🤍

On November 23rd, there will be a practice meeting with Maya where we will be practicing wave breathing.

Wave breathing is connected to the flow of energy in our bodies, which moves in a wave-like manner. This type of breathing is one of the tools used in ta***ic practices.

Exploring our breath is an important part of our lives, as it allows us to influence our health and regulate our state on all levels of life.

We will explore:
- Where in our body does our breathing get stuck?
- Where do we not breathe fully, allowing everything that happens to pass through us, and consequently, not letting go?

We will:

✔️ Release emotional blocks;
✔️ Help energy move freely within the body;
✔️ Experience physical and emotional memories;
✔️ Release tension in the joints and muscles.

Date, time and location of the meeting:
November 23rd, 12:00 - 15:00, Ubud.

Pre-registration is mandatory.

To learn more and participate, contact the organizer:
▫️ Sasha Dergousova
+380504623206 (WhatsApp)



«Dance Mandala Level 1» training retreat will be conducted by the creator herself.

▫️From January 28th to February 3rd, on the Island of Bali.

Dance Mandala is a profound healing practice that involves working with energy, body, and consciousness. It combines dance movements, breathwork, and mindfulness skills.

The «Dance Mandala Level 1» retreat is the introductory stage of the practice, where you will learn to align your body, coordinate movements, breath, and consciousness, reconnecting with mindful embodiment. It aims to harmonize the soul, energy, and heal negative past experiences.

Dance Mandala has a profound impact on all levels of life:

- It heals the body, energy, and consciousness.
- It connects you with the quality of conscious presence.
- It restores natural rhythms and cycles that are inherent.
- It harmonizes all aspects of life, including relationships in the family, society, and space around us.
- It reconnects you with instincts and the wisdom of nature, with your own soul, truth, and authenticity.

Dance Mandala brings back a person's natural state and resonance, connecting them with wisdom, clarity, and love.

🏡The retreat will take place from January 28th to February 3rd in Bali, Indonesia.

✔️For more information, registration, and bookings, please visit the website:

or contact the organizer:
▫️Victoria, [email protected]
+62 813‑5353‑0113 (WhatsApp).

We invite you to participate and open yourself to a deeper experience of life through the flow of love, clarity, and wisdom.


Events in Europe 💫

This fall, I am going to Europe ❤️

I plan to spend time in practices and meditations, as well as organize a series of meetings and events for those who are interested.

📍From August 29th to 31st I will be in Switzerland;
📍From August 31st to September 3rd I will be in Damanhur, Italy;
📍From September 6th to 8th I will be in Barcelona;
After that, I plan to be in France.

If you live in Europe and are interested in participating, please leave an application through the link in the profile header or with the assistant:
💌 Ilyuza, +7 (917) 742-24-12 (WhatsApp), (Telegram).

In your message, please provide your initials, your city, an active phone number for messaging apps, and your application will be recorded 💫

See you in Europe ❤️


Двигаясь из тела, вы начнете двигаться по-другому.

Вы будете смотреть не только через глаза, но через все свое Существо, через ощущение и биение тела. Тогда энергия будет пульсировать и вибрировать везде. И если вы начнете чувствовать волну в теле, тогда Вселенная будет резонировать с вами и поддерживать вас всецело ❤️

Сегодня по традиции рассказываем про онлайн-занятия, которые помогут вам позаботиться о вашем теле, еще больше, глубже его чувстовать и раскрывать.

💎 Волновая йога – мягкое и плавное занятие на все тело, направленное на раскрытие тела через движение, волну и спираль по женскому принципу.

✔️Раскрывается позвоночник, гибкость, мягкость;
✔️Развивается тонус и гибкость.

📍Продолжительность занятия: 50 минут.

💎 Разминка для суставов – интенсивный комплекс для всех суставов организма снизу вверх, от пяточек, к кистям и шее.

✔️Выстраивает правильное положение тела;
✔️Хорошо подготавливает к танцу Мандала.

📍Продолжительность занятия: 43 минуты.

💎 Танцевальная разминка – занятие по разминке для гибкости и глубокой работы с растяжкой.

✔️Помогает высвободить явления, как физиологические, так и психологические.
✔️Выстраивает баланс;
✔️Улучшает координацию тела.

📍Продолжительность занятия: 33 минуты.

Подробнее можно ознакомиться в разделе «Видеозанятия»:

Приятных занятий! 🤍


Hello, dear ones ✨

We are doing an urgent survey for training "Mandala Dance level 1" and "Basics of Life level 1" in September, in Istanbul.

If you want and ready to come to the retreat, please leave a request in the waiting list at the link:

We wish you a good day and thank you for your cooperation ❤


In Kyrgyzstan, on the shore of Lake Issyk-Kul, training and certification seminars "Mandala Dance level 1, 2 and 3" were held.

It was a large women’s circle who came from different parts of the world and lived together through a unique experience of learning deep practice to work with energy, body and consciousness.

For someone, a long-awaited meeting took place, and for someone – the very first experience.

The unification of women with different levels in dance showed how the movement and development in practice is going on, how each is able to live herself and her level in each mandala, open up to a deep sense of life, creation from the flow of love, clarity and wisdom.


A masterpiece is born of those people who are not afraid to make mistakes.

We are always afraid to leave the
structure and accept the destruction of old forms.

But to create a new one, you need to go through the death of the old one. You need to plunge into chaos, and then into creation. When the old form is destroyed, it is always the birth of a new one. There is nothing to compare it with, there is no way to repeat it.

Because it is a masterpiece, and everyone has it in their soul. In order to get to it, you need to go through alchemy and mistakes.

Create them and love them, they will lead you to a real acquaintance with your true self.


Relationships are a multifaceted process. They're everywhere: with yourself, with people, with the world, with the earth, with nature, with everything that surrounds each of us.

There are no rules and standards in them. There is no right and wrong. For this reason, in this process it is normal to try, explore, make mistakes and continue.

It is a personal journey for everyone, where we find our own unique and suitable format of interaction. In this process, our assistants are the inner compass, our own feelings, decisions and choices.


Just imagine…

This summer you will feel and take this incredible feelings and qualities further into your life:

✨The joy of being flexible, relaxed, soft and light.

✨Free, centered and open.

✨Capable to feel a lot and gently live different processes, to gain more and more stability and strength in the body.

✨The happiness of trusting, to be in unity in a circle with others and to receive support.

✨Permission to be different and, most importantly, alive, real.

✨The ability for large-scale creativity and manifestation at a qualitatively new level.

✨To enjoy the power of nature and beauty in a stunning nature reserve, where there is a lot of freshness, air, mountains and space.

💎The long-awaited training seminars «Mandala Dance» will take place very soon, in May, in Kyrgyzstan.

If you are ready to feel life deeper, to be in your manifested potentiality, to gently go through the cycles of life and create from the flow of love, clarity and wisdom, then we invite you!

📍All information, registration and reservation on the website.

And also from the organizers:
💎 Saltanat, +996 707 905 959, [email protected];
💎 Eliza, +996 770 977 925, [email protected]


Seminar "Relationships in a couple", Almaty, June 15-18, 2023.

When is love possible?

When there is a basis for love.
This is the desire to learn to take steps in relation to each other and the ability to respond to the needs of a close person. Don’t be afraid to be sensitive, honest and emotionally open. Build a reliable attachment with another person and be able to forgive. It is always a growth process and gaining a deep connection with others and yourself personally.

💎At the seminar "Relationships in a couple" you will have a journey-the research of relationships and their transition to a new quality and condition.

💎You will be able to understand how:
– to go through development in pairs;
– to get out of difficult experiences in your pedigree, in your life and heal this experience;
– to build new connections inside your soul and body and form a new reality with each other in the relationship you want to be in;
– to return and live the energy that was stopped in the past relationship;
– to discover new qualities of the soul and pass into the vulnerable parts of each other, filling them with love, support and meaning.

📍It is for those who are in a couple, and those who want to find a couple, to prepare for this meeting and get to know your person.

▫️Venue: Almaty
▫️Date: June 15-18, 2023

📍All information, registration and reservation on the website –,

or from the organizers:
▫️Eliza, +996 770 977 925 , [email protected] ;
▫️Yerbolat, +62 821 4523 5233 , [email protected]


MANDALA DANCE 2nd, 3rd LEVEL in Kyrgyzstan, May 22-27, 2023.

«Mandala Dance 2 and 3 Level» are certificated dance seminars.

Mandala Dance 2 level qualitatively changes the condition, health and woman’s life:

💎recovers health, works deeply with the entire body system and returns to the conscious presence of living in the body;
💎works with internal organs and the system, launching the processes of rejuvenation and purification of blood, lymph;
💎 brings into balance the hormonal and emotional background;
💎 improves posture and natural grace returns, alignment and body coordination occur, where we gain strength and stability;
💎 connects with your soul and essence into a state of love, clarity and wisdom.
💎 restores harmonious interaction with the world in a state of trust and support. Everyone finds friends, in whose circle you can deeply relax and recover the soul harmony.

At 3 level, we reach the level of the divine creativity, wisdom and love, where the ability to create on a larger scale and holistically, where there is a attunement with divine principles, wisdom, creation and evolution opens.

Mandala Dance 3 level deeply studies various types of stretching, where the body becomes stronger, lighter, softer and more relaxed.

We are entering into new abilities of our consciousness and body potentiality, seeing, feeling and the ability to gently go through all the cycles of life. We walk in a single circle with each other in the same rhythm: in a multidimensional dance pattern and beauty space.

We master new forms of dance movement, which consist of 3 levels, and open up new neural connections of our mind, which gives new opportunities for thinking, seeing and acting.

🏠Venue: Kyrgyzstan, Issyk-Kul, Ak-Maral Recreation Center.

📍All information, registration and reservation on the website:

or from the organizers:
▫️Saltanat, +996 707 905 959, [email protected];
▫️Eliza, +996 770 977 925, [email protected].

Семинар Основы Жизни 2 уровень 16/03/2023

BASICS OF LIFE 2 LEVEL in Kyrgyzstan, May 30-June 3, 2023 with Maya.

"Basics of Life 2 Level " is an absolutely new seminar for deep work in conscious living of oneself at a qualitatively new level.

It will be an intensive process where we will change ourselves and our lives:

💎to heal negative scenarios of your generation, role and beliefs at the level of the soul's memory, all systems and structures in which we live our lives.

💎to entrench in your strength and wisdom, in connection with the Earth and reformat your consciousness state into the life continuation from the quality of clarity, awareness, responsibility and love.

💎to open up in your true realization, love, sexuality. In wealth, abundance and in all material aspects.
We will switch to our potentiality and realize our dreams, desires in relationships, in creativity and life in general.

💎to go out into the realization of your potential and true desires, live your life out of royal quality, dignity and nobility and shape it in new aspects and levels of development.

💎to create a new eventfulness in the quality of creativity, creation and freedom at the level of individuality, dancing and playing with yourself and the world.

Presenter: Maya Mandala.

🏠Venue: Kyrgyzstan, Issyk-Kul, Ak-Maral Recreation Center.

📍All information, registration and reservation on the website:

or from the organizers:

💎 Saltanat, +996 707 905 959 , [email protected] ;
💎 Eliza, +996 770 977 925 , [email protected] .

Семинар Основы Жизни 2 уровень


in Kyrgyzstan on May 14-20.

"Mandala Dance 1 level" is the initial stage of practice: where you will build your body, consciousness coordination, breathing and movement, return yourself to conscious living in the body, the harmonization of the soul and negative past experiences.

💎It returns a person to his natural state and sound, connects him with wisdom, instincts and knowledge of nature, with his truth and reliability, with his soul.

This seminar is conducted by Veronika Rudikova (Muvia), a Maya’s student and the instructor of the 3rd level of Mandala practice.

🏠Venue: Kyrgyzstan, Issyk-Kul, Ak-Maral Recreation Center.

📍All information, registration and booking on the website:

or from the organizers:
💎 Saltanat, +996 707 905 959 , [email protected];

💎 Eliza, +996 770 977 925 , [email protected]


DIVINE CODES is an alchemical journey seminar that will be held on 21st- 25th of October 2022 in Cirali, Turkey.

At the seminar, we will tune in to the highest settings of our consciousness and from the state of clear presence we will be able to harmoniously go through the processes that exist in our reality.

The main essence of the workshop practices:

⭐️ attunement with the higher states of our consciousness, which will give us inner support and support;

⭐️ alignment and harmonization of your body, consciousness in accordance with the Divine codes;

⭐️ attunement with your higher self, with the depth of your being and with the Divine space;

⭐️ the acquisition of this Unity and the skill of keeping ourselves in it, because we very quickly get out of it;

⭐️ learning how to stay present, to perceive reality from clarity as it is;

Usually we scatter ourselves in the past or in the future. These practices will help us gather ourselves to be in the moment and in the presence.
After all, when we are in the presence, we get the experience of meeting with the true self and then we meet the Divine in ourselves.

👆🏻 When we know how to collect ourselves and connect with the whole - this is the basis and powerful support in balancing our path and connecting with our true selves.


🗓 Retreat dates: October 21-25, 2022.

🏞 Place: Turkey, Cirali.

📲 Detailed information from the organizer: Ksenia
+7 903 621-66-33 (calls, WhatsApp, Viber), [email protected]



“The state of the observer happens not only in relation to ourselves in different experiences of ourselves, but also from the observation of another person - how he lives his life.

In the state of life as the observer, we learn to look at everything and everyone without judgment and evaluation ...” Maya

From the seminar “Basics of life”


At the alchemical retreat "Divine Codes", which will be held October 21-25 in Turkey,
we will reassemble ourselves through practice - let go of the past and find ourselves more complete in the present.

We may know:
- who we are;
- why are we here;
- what is our true path.

There will be many practices on working with the body and mind, breathing, movement and sound practices aimed at building oneself on all those present at the retreat.

💎In the course of practice, we will refer to various phenomena and investigations in order to train the possibilities of observation, presence and observation. And, as a consequence , build your body according to sacred geometry - in the footsteps of ideal proportionality.

The body, lined up to sacred geometry, helps us to cause an increased frequency of energy. And if we do not build the breath, then the energy does not pass through it, it’s heavy and, consequently, is disturbed by physical and energy processes. And then we live in the body in a difficult state.
And when we build our body and breath, we learn to call all the excitement and energy through ourselves, without holding them in ourselves and without holding ourselves back in the past.

- start in your life, while remaining in the near future;
- circulation totally in the present, living it and at the same time letting go of the past, so it does not accumulate and is not translated into karmic accumulations.

The workshop is suitable for participants of all skill levels, men and women.

🔴When registering before September 25, EARLY COST is shown.

🔴All the details on the website

Or from the organizer: Ksenia
📲 +7 9624555575 (calls, WhatsApp, Viber),
📩 [email protected]

of the soul geometry


Dears, we have great news for you💫

On October 21-25, Maya will lead an alchemical seminar “DIVINE CODES” in Turkey.

Many have been waiting for this seminar and now you have the opportunity to get to it🙏🏻

The seminar will be held in an amazing place of power - Cirali, Turkey.

“Divine Codes” is a journey seminar full of bodily practices and rituals aimed at building the internal alchemy of the body in accordance with the principles of sacred geometry.


💎 tune in with the united Divine couple ;

💎 let's practice on the balance of elements;

💎 let's go into practice on synchronization and balance of time;

💎 we explore the very original principle of the structure of the Universe and the planetary system;

💎 we will activate and cultivate the highest ability and the highest potentiality in ourselves, attuning with the highest canons;

💎 will tune in with our Solar and Lunar energies and explore how the canons of male and female were laid down;

💎 will do practice and attunement to meet a partner, and those who are already in a couple explore where their couple has the highest potential and where it is important to strive for, what opportunities;

💎 explore how to reach high purity and tune into it;

The workshop is suitable for all levels of participants, men and women.

🔴When registering before September 25, EARLY PRICE is valid.

🔴 All the details on the website -

Or from the organizer: Ksenia
📲 +7 9624555575 (calls, WhatsApp, Viber),
📩 [email protected]

Videos (show all)

The quality of our life depends on our intentions. Our life is our responsibility. What we create in our consciousness m...
May your experience of meeting yourself be a beautiful one. As there is nothing more powerful, more pure, than the momen...
The observation of our subconscious and previous lives provides us knowledge and capability of how to dive beyond the du...
Gorgeous Mandala dance, level 3 in Saint Petersburg❤️ Geometry of Light in the presence of the master and enlighten bein...
Mandala Dance level 2 in Svetlogors
Peru about Maya
Inteview with a foundеr of Mandala Dance lineage
Warm up for hips and lower part of the body
