Gilbert Ewehmeh

Gilbert Ewehmeh

Contact information, map and directions, contact form, opening hours, services, ratings, photos, videos and announcements from Gilbert Ewehmeh, Business consultant, .


Today, I want to celebrate all the "CLEAN" entrepreneurs, hustling, bustling to make ends meet. No matter the ups and downs stay glue to your VALUES.... Those who are blessed with power and the swiftness of the eagle... Ahead let them go ...we will travel slowly and surely we will arrive.... We keep trusting Him.


Aujourd'hui, je veux célébrer tous les entrepreneurs « PROPRES », qui se bousculent, pour joindre les deux bouts. Peu importe les hauts et les bas, restez fidèles à vos VALEURS.... Ceux qui sont dotés du pouvoir et de la rapidité de l'aigle... En avant, laissez-les partir... nous voyagerons lentement et nous arriverons sûrement.... Nous continuons à Lui faire confiance.


Welcome to the new month. The 4 MBER Months will be your months of and ...


We are proud to collaborate with the GVI Investment Advisory Germany for an exciting investment pitch session
Scheduled for the 5th September 2023 at 2PM GMT. The online session will navigate both the Accelerate Africa Investment Pitch and the first Online Accelerator program for startups founders and early stage SMEs..

Let's connect here


I have reached 3.5K followers! Thank you for your continued support. I could not have done it without each of you. 🙏🤗🎉


The of For Business owners and investors... How to Conquer Your Fears and Take Smarter Risks..

Risk equals reward. And the bigger the risk taken, the bigger the chance for a larger payout.

As entrepreneurs, we’re used to being questioned about everything we do. Perhaps it’s one reason we became entrepreneurs in the first place — to prove that we’re better off doing whatever everyone else thinks we shouldn’t. In fact, you could argue that being an entrepreneur is less about building a business and making money, and more about having the power to shape your own destiny.

Risk equals reward. And the bigger the risk taken, the bigger the chance for a larger payout. When Christopher Columbus risked his life and that of many others to complete his first voyage across the sea to the unknown, his journey led to a great wealth of knowledge and commerce for Europe. When Soviet Cosmonaut Yuri Gagarin traveled to outer space, he opened up a whole new age in space travel and exploration for the rest of the world.

They all took enormous risks, and many questioned their decisions. But each time, the reward was huge.

I failed in my first business in Rwanda after investing Millions... Am working on the second after a big risk but with great lessons learned).

Of course, risk-taking is only as good as the amount of planning and thought put into taking it. Blind risk-taking is never a good idea.

Don’t be afraid of failure. Failure is necessary. Society tells us to fear it, but none of us would be where we are if we hadn’t failed. We all make mistakes; we all fail at something at some point. But changing how we think of failure is key.

Failure creates opportunity — the more we fail, the quicker we learn, and the more of a chance we have the next time to do something the correct way. Not to mention that without failure we wouldn’t enjoy our successes as much. Rather than fearing failure, be excited that with it, you are one step closer to achieving your goals.

Calculate the risks. Blind risks rarely, if ever, turn out well. It’s like randomly penciling in answers on a multiple-choice test that you never studied for — by probability alone, there is a fat chance you’ll achieve a high enough score to pass. But if you at least gave those questions some thought, you would have a much better shot. The same thing goes for starting a business. Launching one is always a huge risk, but you are better off doing your research first and calculating your risks than walking the high wire with no net to support you if you fall.

If you're an investor, take the risk and invest in a startup that has potentials instead of investing 10k start with 3k. Don't fear risk ...minimise the risk...

Photos from Gilbert Ewehmeh's post 08/05/2023

Was privileged to share the panel session on "startup contributing to economic growth" with Global investment experts at the Annual Investment Meeting . My conversation focused on African startups and the mandate of Accelerate Africa how investors can take advantage and invest in innovative startups across Africa to create more jobs.

We keep trusting Him. Let's Accelerate Africa

J'ai eu le privilège de partager le panel sur "les startups contribuant à la croissance économique" avec des experts mondiaux en investissement lors de la réunion annuelle sur l'investissement. Ma conversation a porté sur les startups africaines et le mandat d'Accelerate Africa, comment les investisseurs peuvent profiter et investir dans des startups innovantes à travers l'Afrique pour créer plus d'emplois.

Nous continuons à Lui faire confiance. Accélérons l'Afrique


Greatest Of All Times (GOAT)
Am a GOAT in my domain... You too you are a GOAT in your domain...Money or no money you are a GOAT.



A man created a zoo and fixed the price of the ticket at 3000 FCFA, no one came.

He reduced to 2k, no one came.

He put 1k no one still came.

Finally, he said free entry, the next 1 hour the zoo was full of people.

Discreetly, he closed the door and opened the lion cage 🦁 and set the exit price at 5k, in 30 min, everyone paid to be able to leave the zoo.

lesson learned:
1- When nothing works in life, do not change your goals but rather change your strategy.

2- You have to be wary of free offers or services without any effort, they very often hide things that can harm your life.
3- If the offer is free, you are the product 😀.

NB: when we say free, it means that someone has to pay the price...


A unique opportunity to get an insight of the performance, drivers and risk implications of today's investment ecosystem.

Evaluate different approaches to equity portfolio management and investment opportunities. If you want to keep a long lasting legacy for your siblings and generation this is a must attend master class.


Accelerate Africa Country Coordinator for Tanzania. She is an Innovative Insurance guru... sending you Greetings from Dar es Salaam, Tanzania.


East African Tour (EAT)
Understanding the business climate and investment challenges in East Africa is our priority for this month. A region with one of the best infrastructural development with great business opportunities. From Rwanda to Kenya, Uganda to Tanzania etc.. let's Accelerate Africa


Tournée d'Afrique de l'Est (EAT)
Comprendre le climat des affaires et les défis de l'investissement en Afrique de l'Est est notre priorité ce mois-ci. Une région avec l'un des meilleurs développements d'infrastructures avec de grandes opportunités d'affaires. Du Rwanda au Kenya, de l'Ouganda et en Tanzanie etc.. accélérons l'Afrique


Entrying 2023 with confidence and courage..


We can't only think of us and what we will gain now... Let's think of the people the community and what we will gain in future...


Chilling Sunday.. ahead of a busy week....


Happy birthday Mr. President.

Photos from Gilbert Ewehmeh's post 22/10/2022

2 hours fruitful conversation and advise with Diko Mukete, Special Adviser to the Rwanda Minister of Finance..
Thanks so much for the warm reception sir.


2 heures de conversation fructueuse et de conseils avec Diko Mukete, conseiller spécial du ministre des Finances du Rwanda..
Merci beaucoup pour l'accueil chaleureux monsieur.


To be a motivational or Inspirational speaker....this is a long time career you have to nurture and mature....your action should speak for itself ....
..the inspiration or motivation you are giving to someone should be first of all seen in you...

How can a hungry man motive or inspire another hungry man..or inspire or motivate someone who is not hungry..

Don't be a motivational or Inspirational speaker only in literature .....but in ACTION.

First published.. October 2019.


*Perfecting your pitch deck to win over investors.*

Pitch decks are the vital first step in articulating your business vision and getting on the radar of investors.

But what is the right formula to get ahead of the competition and to spark an investor’s interest?

At Accelerate Africa we evaluate pitch decks every year. We talk to investors about what they look for in a good deck and which slides interest them most.

At the Acclerate Africa Summit, we will give you slide-by-slide advice on writing a winning pitch deck and the pitfalls to avoid.

Join us for an exciting session during the Accelerate Africa Pitch in the sideline of the Acclerate Africa Summit (AAS) 22, Kigali, Rwanda 16-18 November 2022.

You might be one of the three best winners to share up to USD 20,000 equity fund.

*Join us in Kigali Rwanda*
*16-18 November 2022*


Opportunities are usually disguised as hard work, so most people don't recognize them.
With my real estate partner, entering October.. stay tuned for update from

Welcome October,
Les opportunités sont généralement déguisées en travail acharné, de sorte que la plupart des gens ne les reconnaissent pas.
Avec mon partenaire immobilier, entrant en octobre .. restez à l'écoute pour les mises à jour de

Bienvenue octobre,


The 100 Accelerating Africa and the Accelerate Africa Awards (AAA) is a unique program to recognize the Leading Personalities across Africa (leaders in business, civil society, government, etc .) who are playing a leading role to unleash Africa's economy in their respective communities and countries.

We are hosting this event at the sidelines of Accelerate Africa Summit (AAS) scheduled for 16-18 November in the beautiful city of Kigali, Rwanda.

Join us to connect with resilient entrepreneurs and business leaders across Africa.

Les 100 Accelerating Africa et les Accelerate Africa Awards (AAA) sont un programme unique pour reconnaître les personnalités de premier plan à travers l'Afrique (dirigeants d'entreprises, de la société civile, du gouvernement, etc.) qui jouent un rôle de premier plan pour libérer l'économie africaine dans leurs domaines respectifs. communautés et pays.

Nous organisons cet événement en marge du sommet Accelerate Africa (AAS) prévu du 16 au 18 novembre dans la belle ville de Kigali, au Rwanda.

Rejoignez-nous pour entrer en contact avec des entrepreneurs et des chefs d'entreprise résilients à travers l'Afrique.


How it all started, 17 years ago . In the beginning was the vision and the vision is still in him all about vision, determination and resilience...

Comment tout a commencé, il y a 17 ans. Au début était la vision et la vision est toujours en lui... c'est une question de vision, de détermination et de résilience...


𝐍𝐞𝐯𝐞𝐫 𝐬𝐭𝐚𝐲 𝐢𝐧 𝐚 𝐩𝐥𝐚𝐜𝐞 𝐰𝐡𝐞𝐫𝐞 𝐧𝐨 𝐨𝐧𝐞 𝐬𝐞𝐞 𝐲𝐨𝐮𝐫 𝐯𝐚𝐥𝐮𝐞.
A father said to his daughter “You have graduated with honors, here is a car I bought many years ago.
It is a bit older now but before I give it to you, take it to the used car lot downtown and tell them you want to sell it and see how much they offer you for it.

The daughter went to the used car lot, returned to her father and said, “They offered me $1,000 because they said it looks pretty worn out.”

The father said, now “Take it to the pawn shop.” The daughter went to the pawn shop, returned to her father and said,”The pawn shop offered only $100 because it is an old car.”

The father asked his daughter to go to a car club now and show them the car. The daughter then took the car to the club, returned and told her father,” Some people in the club offered $100,000 for it because it’s a Holden Torana and it's an iconic car and sought by many collectors”

Now the father said this to his daughter, “The right place values you the right way,” If you are not valued, do not be angry, it means you are in the wrong place. Those who know your value are those who appreciate you. Never stay in a place where no one sees your value.



Never post your achievements
Post stupid and silly stuff they will think you have no future
People hate progress ...

That's why stupid stuff go viral than useful stuff..


Ne publiez jamais vos réalisations
Publiez des trucs stupides... pour qu'ils pensent que vous n'avez pas d'avenir
Les gens détestent le progrès...

C'est pourquoi les trucs stupides deviennent viraux plutôt que les trucs utiles.


Your family doesn't know how much difficulties and pressure you go through in your daily life or in your job. And your work doesn't know the circumstances of your life and your home.

Your colleagues, your friends and loved ones will not understand the size of the new and old responsibilities that are above you.

Bottom line nobody feels for you but yourself. No one will understand what you're really going through and they most likely don't appreciate efforts.

Just keep on keeping on... Fight... take care of yourself 🥹😢🥺


Fruitful conversation with my friend and partner.. Anan Zen von Kanaan Chargé d'affaires at Israel au Cameroun Discussions centered on Israel Cameroon Cooperation with focus on the 6th Edition of the Israel Cameroon HITECH seminar with great innovation this year.



This painting of a young woman breastfeeding an old man in a prison cell was sold for Euros 30 million. The painting may look perverse but the story behind is from historical records.

The poor man was sentenced to "death by starvation" for stealing a loaf of bread during the reign of Louis XIV in France. The woman was his only daughter and the only visitor to his cell. She was allowed to visit him daily but was frisked thoroughly such that no food was taken in.

When after 4 months the man still survived with no weight loss, the authorities were perplexed and started spying on her in the cell and to their utter astonishment found her to breastfeed her father to the fullest sharing her baby's milk. The judges then realizing the compassion and love of the woman for her father, pardoned the father and set him free.

Thank you all for your amazing birthday messages .


ewehmeh@43, I have come along way... I am made of more.... Baba God thank you for your GRACE & FAVOR! one word... GRATITUDE !


When life gets blurry, adjust your vision and stay focus.. 'Mi hofni' (greetings) from Ngaoundere.


Quand la vie devient floue, ajustez votre vision et rester focaliser 'Mi hofni' (salutations) de Ngaoundéré.


Let's walk the talk..


13th African Union private sector forum.
23rd to 25th July 2022, Lusaka, Zambia.

Let's Accelerate Africa


We keep Walking, Talking and Connecting, to make things happen despite the Ukraine War.


Join us for the first edition of the Accelerate Africa Bootcamp 22.


Kigali, Rwanda


Chairing today a strategic board meeting at Startup'Nkap Rwanda... When we talk investment and Innovative finance for startups and SMEs Startup'Nkap Inc. is your one stop shop.


Typical African Child...June 16 Day of the African Child.

Videos (show all)

Let's Accelerate Africa,
Recieved by the Minister of SMEs
