Quick-Wins, Riyadh Videos

Videos by Quick-Wins in Riyadh. A multi-regional management consulting and training firm that helps organizations plan their business, develop their strategy, design their structure, and develop their people and processes effectively and efficiently.

Building a clear "Organization Design" model is the first step towards business growth. It helps define roles and responsibilities, ensuring each employee understands how their work contributes to the company goals.

#quickwins #qw #organizationdesign #structure #design #implementation #corporate #governance #career #paths #succession #planning

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Building a clear "Organization Design" model is the first step towards business growth. It helps define roles and responsibilities, ensuring each employee understands how their work contributes to the company goals. #quickwins #qw #organizationdesign #structure #design #implementation #corporate #governance #career #paths #succession #planning

Every generation brings a fresh perspective to the workplace. Gen Z, especially, is entering the workforce with distinct attitudes and priorities shaped by their unique experiences. Here are 5 ways to motivate Gen Z employees at work. #quickwins #qw #genz #generation #work

Poor leadership communication within any organization can reduce morale and hinder productivity. When leaders fail to communicate effectively, employees may face challenges and lose trust in management and increase toxicity within the organization. Here are five ways in how poor leadership communication can impact an organization. #quickwins #qwservices #aboutqw #leadership #failure

The Phillips Curve Theory by A.W. Phillips, explains the relationship between “unemployment” and “wage inflation”. This theory is one of the foundation of economic analysis as it explains that when the unemployment rate increases, the inflation rate decreases and vice versa. This concept provides economists and policymakers with valuable insights into the interactions shaping both economic stability and labor market dynamics. #quickwins #phillipscurve #williamphillips #economic #inflation #unemployment #market #theory

Quick Wins is committed to provide swift and efficient business services. Our new identity embodies our dedication to accuracy and reliability. Featuring bold typography, our design empowers businesses with cutting-edge communication technologies. The vibrant red color reflects our commitment to innovative business solutions. #QuickWins #NewIdentity #Business #celebrating #16years #Success

We are proudly celebrating our 16 years anniversary which were driven by a legacy of empowering businesses and fostering meaningful client partnerships. We celebrate our dedicated team, inspiring community, and shared commitment to shaping a brighter future. #QuickWins #celebrating #16years #Success

In today's changing and competitive business environment, Organizations must strike a balance between agility and resilience to navigate the dynamic forces. Agility enables businesses to adapt swiftly to market shifts and seize emerging opportunities, while resilience ensures their ability to withstand sudden obstacles and bounce back from setbacks. To ensure you don’t expose your business to any kind of risks, here are some steps that should be focused on. #QuickWins #BusinessSuccess #StrategyMatters #EfficiencyBoost #QWservices #Resilience ⁠#Agility

Quick Wins four core services are carefully crafted to push your business to the top of the industry. #AboutQW #QuickWins #BusinessSuccess #StrategyMatters #EfficiencyBoost #CoreServices #QWServices

Starting a new business can be very exciting yet very challenging and overwhelming if you are not well prepared. We can always help you with that!

Four Trends Shaping The Future Of Work
We are facing new headwinds, including an unpredictable economy, undervaluation of companies and massive layoffs across the technology industry, along with the continuation of worker shortages in skilled labor industries such as construction and manufacturing.

Cybersecurity is a critical issue for businesses of all sizes. Businesses may be significantly impacted by cybersecurity concerns, They should prioritise cybersecurity since it increases overall productivity. Only if the business hires qualified employees might it actually occur. For example, there should be specialists who understand how to prevent viruses from harming computers. Cybersecurity is a collection of practises that companies and organisations can use to safeguard their computer networks and data from unauthorised access. It offers a defence against the growing threat posed by hackers, privacy intruders, virus spreaders, and online scammers .which can result in monetary loss, reputational harm, cost increases, operational disruptions, altered company procedures, lost income, intellectual property theft, and legal repercussions. Operational hiccups and modifications to corporate procedures that raise expenses are other effects of cyber attacks. Reputational harm is one of the major losses, in addition to monetary losses. Businesses rely on technology more and more to store sensitive data and complete transactions in the current digital era. This leaves them open to cyberattacks for hackers who are always trying to find methods to use holes in their systems. Cybersecurity lapses can lead to the loss of sensitive data, including customer and intellectual property information. There are various ways for businesses to defend against online dangers. To identify and block suspicious traffic and dangerous software, one method is to utilise firewalls and detection systems. Another option is to establish leaders and positions within cybersecurity and develop risk-based cybersecurity policies with support from the top down. Businesses can also educate staff members about current cyberattacks and how to prevent them by training them to examine links before clicking on them. Identifying potential avenues of entry that hackers could use is crucial for businesses. We

Business Model VS Business Plan The business model and the business plan are both key elements to an organization’s development, growth and succession planning and decision making. A business model outlines the company's goals, target market, method of execution, and what makes it unique and different from competing businesses. It’s how an organization creates, delivers and captures value in economic, social, cultural or other contexts. Business models help you develop strategies for customer acquisition, talent recruitment, key partnership alliances, and business development. A business plan is a document that details the organization’s strategy and expected financial performance for years to come. It is typically required by all types of businesses that has a plan for profitability. A well-developed business plan lays out a map for marketing, financial planning and operations. If the business plan is a road map that describes how much profit the business intends to make in a given period of time, the business model is the vehicle that gets you there. A model covers everything from ideal customers, customer relationships, value propositions, company activities and assets, and key partners that help you gain, maintain and retain your customers, employees and core values. نموذج العمل أم خطة العمل؟ ما الفارق؟ يعد نموذج العمل وخطة العمل عنصرين رئيسيين في تخطيط التنمية والنمو وصنع القرار في المنظمة. يحدد نموذج العمال أهداف الشركة، السوق المستهدف، طريقة التنفيذ والنقاط الرئيسية التي تجعل المؤسسة تختلف وتتفرد عن المنافسين. حيث أن استخدام نموذج عمل واضح هو الطريقة التي تخلق بها المنظمة القيمة الحقيقية للمستهلكين أو العملاء، وتضع فائدة من الناحية ال

How to know if we’re on the right track?
This is a fundamental and crucial question we all should frequently ask ourselves, on the personal, professional, and organisational levels. We should regularly stop and ask ourselves if we are on the right track or not. What actions should we take? In order to answer these questions practically, all businesses must perform regular business assessments, outline specific goals and objectives, and outline the actions that must be taken to achieve those goals. Taking that into more detail, to perform an effective business assessment, the following basic aspects must be covered, regardless of the field or industry the organization is specializing in: Product/service offering: Assessing the product attractiveness to clients. Measuring the quality of client management Financial Assessment, with respect to: The revenue growth Net profit margins Return on assets Cash flow health People’s assessment Management and employees, in terms of: Interpersonal skills &Technical skills Market Position Current competitiveness Future potential These are some of the aspects, with all their related and connected details, like the team culture and their understanding of the business mission, vision, and main values. Taking into consideration that each and every mentioned detail should be covered internally in terms of strengths, weaknesses, and external opportunities and threats. When and how frequently should we perform assessments? There will not be a specific answer to this, depending on the needs; however, in general cases, assessments should be performed regularly to keep track of progress and to know whenever there is any kind of deviation from the aligned vision. Once there is a deviation or an issue found in all of the mentioned, organizations may require to go through professional consultation to have the analysis of experts, which might be essential in order to have a proper assessment from outside the organization. هذا سؤال أساسي وحاسم يجب أن ن

We’re expanding! Helping businesses to grow in the middle east since 2005, yet we never stop and we carry on for more and more success, that’s why we always aim to be closer to our partners. We’re pleased to announce the launching of our new office in Kuwait, the heart of the Arabian Gulf. Since we believe that the continuous development of all businesses around us guarantees the continuous growth of ours, we’re celebrating our new office opening with a special event on the 23rd of February, to guide all kinds of businesses in their organizational transformation and development. As a consequence of the continuously emerging global economic, political and technological changes, organizations should have the readiness and methodologies that would allow them to smoothly navigate this change through employing their services, processes and human resources to match the rapidly changing market needs, hence we’re discussing the digital transformation of businesses and we’ll go together through business simulations that will let us discover the obstacles we may face on the way to the top. Stay tuned for more details about the upcoming event! حان وقت التوسع! منذ 2005 ونحن نقوم بدعم المؤسسات والهيئات الحكومية والشركات في مختلف القطاعات للنمو والتطور، ونسعى دائمُا لتحقيق المزيد من النجاح واستغلال الفرص، لنكون أقرب لشركائنا. نود أن نعلن عن بدء العمل في مكتبنا في الكويت، لمواصلة العمل مع شركائنا ومناقشة أهمية التطور المؤسسي والتحول الرقمي في القطاعات والمجالات المختلفة، في مؤتمر يوم 23 فبراير الجاري. مع وجود التغيرات السياسية والاقتصادية والتكنولوجية اليومية الطارئة، يجب على المؤسسات المختلف

Testimonial - The Deal Simulation
Participants explore and practice their own negotiation style through a blended learning scenario in our simulation. Ahmed El-Hefnawy, from Tejara for Investment & Development, shares with us how our simulation boosted his negotiation style & tactics. For more details, contact us on [email protected] #quickwins #learninganddevelopment #experientiallearning #negotiationskills

Testimonial - The Deal Simulation
Not only practical and interactive, but also The Deal Simulation will make your staff master negotiation skills! Ahmed Al-Khalifa, from Al Jeel Medical & Trading Co., shares with us his experience in our simulation. For more details, contact us on [email protected] #quickwins #learninganddevelopment #experientiallearning #negotiationskills