Dr. Miriam Ghabrial

Dr. Miriam is now following her passion in creating beautiful smiles with her knowledge in aesthetic

Photos from Dr. Miriam Ghabrial's post 20/01/2023

It’s time for a giveaway!! 🎉🎉🥳🥳

Follow the rules above 👆🏻👆🏻

Winners will be announced next Thursday!


A friendly reminder that getting your teeth cleaned at least every 6 months is crucial for your overall oral health! Accumulation of calculus on the teeths surface can lead to severe gingival inflammation, gingival recession, loss of bone structure and eventually tooth loss. Protect your teeth before its too late 🦷


Don’t miss the chance to have healthy skin for the holidays! 💉✨


A little goes a long way! With only 1 ml of dermal fillers, we helped this patient achieve contoured and juicy lips! Hyaluronic acid gives optimal hydration to any area of the face with its golden property of attracting water molecules! 💉✨




Botox is a great way to prevent your dynamic wrinkles from turning into static ones! Starting earlier in age gives better results over time. ✨💉

👩‍⚕️Procedure: Botox for frown lines
✨Purpose: Reduce wrinkles caused by frowning
💉Product: Botilinium toxin
⏱Appointment time: 30 mins
✅Results: 2-14 days, no downtime
⏰Longevity: 3-6 months
📍Location: Khartoum, Sudan

Photos from Dr. Miriam Ghabrial's post 20/10/2022

Your perfect smile awaits! Every smile is different and that’s the beauty of creating designs of porcelain veneers made especially for you!


Get your teeth whiter in just 30 mins! Professional bleaching done using Laser by Dr. Miriam using the safest and most effective techniques.


Remember to change your toothbrush regularly, every 3 months on average!


Have your face refreshed and wrinkle-free with a little sprinkle of Botox before the holidays 💉✨

P.s. Just a reminder that you should get your botox session done at least 2 weeks before a big event!

Photos from Dr. Miriam Ghabrial's post 11/06/2022

Reach out to your nearest dentist to help you identify and treat bad breath! 🦷✨


Magical transformation with dermal fillers for under eye discoloration 💉✨


Enhancing your chin in a subtle way can have a great effect on having a balanced facial profile! Another view for this beautiful transformation ✨💉


With a simple Botox procedure in the crow’s feet, you can obtain smoothness around your eyes ✨💉


With a simple botox procedure, smoothening lines around the eyes can be obtained targeting the crow’s feet! ✨💉

Photos from Dr. Miriam Ghabrial's post 18/05/2022

Come to your free consultation and learn everything you need to know about laser in dentistry! 🦷


Giveaway! Giveaway!

Rules are simple:
1) Make sure you’re following my account
2) Follow my page
3) Like this post
4) Tag 3 of your friends in the comments ⬇️

Winner will be announced May 16th ,2022



Profhilo Treatment

⏱Treatment Time: 30 mins
✅Results Duration: 6 to 12 months
🙂Pain: None to minimal
⏰Results: After 2 sessions, 4 weeks apart


Profhilo is a bio remodeling treatment made of hyaluronic acid moisturizing agent which works to cure wrinkles from within rather than just filling them. It hydrates skin from deep within while adding weightless volume for a youthful look. It also has a lifting and tightening effect to remodel sagging and ageing tissue.

البروفايلو هو اعادة التشكيل الحيوي مصنوع من حمض الهايلورونيك المرطب اللذي يعمل علي شفاء التجاعيد من الداخل بدلا من ملئ التجاعيد فقط.
البروفايلو يعمل علي ترطيب الجلد من العمق بينما يعمل علي إضافة حجم بلا وزن لإضافة مظهر شبابي.
البروفايلو أيضا له تأثير رفع و شد الوجه لاعادة تشكيل الوجه ضد الترهل و علامات الزمن


Mother’s Day is coming up! Don’t miss the chance to spoil your mom 💕


Giveaway! Giveaway!

Rules are simple:
1) Make sure you’re following my account
2) Follow my page
3) Like this post
4) Tag 3 of your friends in the comments ⬇️


Beautiful forehead botox for our beautiful patient ✨💉💕


Happy holidays, from us to you & your families 💕🎄


Get yourself some juicy lips for the holidays 💋💉✨

👩‍⚕️Procedure: HA Dermal Lip Fillers
✨Purpose: Add definition to lip borders, accentuate Cupid’s bow, Add overall volume
💉Product: Hyaluronic Acid
⏱Appointment time: 45 mins
✅Results: Immediate, no downtime
⏰Longevity: 9-12 months
📍Location: Khartoum, Sudan


This type of review makes my day so much better! Helping my patients achieve what they desire is my passion. Building a personal relationship with each patient is super important to me as it gives me the opportunity to get to know my patients inside out, while customizing the perfect treatment plan to fulfill their needs!

هذا النوع من التعليقات يجعل يومي سعيدجدا ! و من شغفي و دواعي سروري هو مساعدة المرضي لتحقيق ما يرغبون به.
و من أهم أساسيات عملي هو بناء علاقه شخصيه مع كل مريض لان ذلك يعطيني الفرصه لأعرف مريضي من الداخل و الخارج، حينما اعمل علي تخصيص خطة العلاج المثاليه لتلبية رغبه المريض


Our patient wanted to enhance her chin to make her face look more proportional. We used hyaluronic acid dermal fillers to help achieve the perfect combination of length and projection for a natural look! ✨💉

في هذة الحاله أرادت المريضه تحسين شكل الذقن لجعل شكل الوجه اكتر تناسقأ.
لقد استعملنا hyaluronic acid dermal fillers للمساعده للوصول الي مزيج من الطول و التخطيط للحصول علي مظهر طبيعي!

Photos from Dr. Miriam Ghabrial's post 17/12/2021


This is how long your botox should last!

Full effects of Botox will be seen at 2 weeks. Some people might start to see results sooner than others. Results will begin showing after 2 days. The peak of Botox’ effect is at 2 weeks and will stay at this peak until around week 8 (on average), then it will slowly start returning to normal, one step at a time.

The misconception is that botox should remain at its peak for the full period of 3-6 months. Every patients’ body is different, and their metabolic rates are different. Some patients will come in every 3 months while others will come in every 6 month even after using the minimal dose.

Another misconception of Botox, is that once your Botox wears off, you will look worse. You will NOT look worse after it wears off. Botox works by temporarily inactivating the muscles, so they become weaker over time not allowing your skin to crease as much as before. So continuous sessions of Botox will help prevent permanent wrinkles in the future.


By using the safest injection techniques, preventing permanent frown lines a.k.a “11s” can be achieved with the proper dose of Botox. ✨💉

باستعمال تقنية الحقن الامنه، نستطيع منع الخطوط بين الحاجتين (١١١) و ذلك باستخدام الجرعه المناسبه من عقار البوتوكس


Expectations while getting lip fillers ✨💉


The aim is to rejuvenate the face beautifully whilst remaining elegant and natural looking! Using the safest techniques of injecting Botox to help smoothen forehead lines ✨💉

الهدف الأساسي هوا إعادة الشباب بجمال الي الوجه في نفس الوقت الحفاظ علي اناقه و طبيعه المظهر!
استعمال التقنيه الامنه في حقن البوتوكس تساعد علي تنعيم خطوط الجبهه


Happy Patients 💉✨


I, myself had really bad crows feet wrinkles ever since I was 17-18 years old. It was very apparent, especially in pictures. Sometimes these small insecurities can bring your self esteem down. Regardless of age, wrinkles can be hereditary and there’s no need to accept something that makes you feel bad about yourself! We’re all beautiful in our own way, but enhancing our natural beauty to make ourselves feel better should be accepted!

With a minimum dose of Botox treatments around the eyes, crows feet wrinkles can drastically decrease 😊

انا عن نفسي كان لدي تجاعيد حوالين العين و الجبهه من ما كان عمري ١٧ سنه.
و كانت التجاعيد واضحه جدا عندي خصوصا في الصور الشخصيه.
و في بعض الأحيان هذه التجاعيد تقلل من ثقة الشخص بنفسه علي الرغم من صغر السن.
التجاعيد ممكن تكون صفه وراثيه و لا يوجد سبب لقبول اي شئ يجعلك تحس بالسؤ تجاه نفسك.
فكلنا جميلات بطريقتنا الخاصه .
ومن الطبيعي جدا ان نسعي لتحسين جمالنا الطبيعي .
باقل جرعه من علاج البوتوكس ممكن علاج تحاعيد حول العين و تجاعيد رجل الغراب.


Getting your regular dental cleaning sessions every 6 months are crucially important to maintain good oral health!

Plaque is a sticky film that forms on tooth surfaces when bacteria is mixed with sugary or starchy foods. Tooth brushing and flossing can get rid of plaque but over time is hardens and turns into calculus, which needs to be removed by a professional in the clinic! These deposits can lead to cavities, gum disease and tooth loss.


Getting your regular dental cleaning sessions every 6 months are crucially important to maintain good oral health!

Plaque is a sticky film that forms on tooth surfaces when bacteria mix with sugary or starchy foods. Tooth brushing and flossing can get rid of plaque but over time is hardens and turns into calculus, which needs to be removed by a professional in the clinic! These deposits can lead to cavities, gum disease and tooth loss.


Did you know that bruxism (teeth clenching) can cause some serious health issues? Worn down teeth, can be one of the most obvious symptoms which can lead to increased sensitivity and even tooth loss. Other symptoms can be associated with bruxism as well, such as headaches, earaches, pain and stiffness in the jaw joint (temporomandibular joint) and disruptive sleep.

There are many treatments for bruxism such as using a mouth guard, muscle relaxing exercises and BOTOX injections! These injections help relax the masseter muscle, which is the one responsible for chewing so therefore significantly decreases teeth grinding!


No need to be angry! Soften your frown lines with the help of a very subtle Botox treatment.

👩‍⚕️Procedure: Botox for frown lines
✨Purpose: Reduce wrinkles caused by frowning
💉Product: Botulinum toxin
⏱Appointment time: 30 mins
✅Results: 2-14 days, no downtime
⏰Longevity: 3-6 months
📍Location: Khartoum, Sudan


Patient reviews and opinions are of prime importance to me. Making sure my patients are happy and comfortable with the whole procedure is the ultimate goal. No question will go unanswered! ✨💉

آراء و تعليقات المرضي تعتبر من اهم الأمور بالنسبه الي. و هدفي الاساسي هو التأكد من رضاء و راحة المريض في خلال إجراء العلاجات التجميليه الغير جراحيه.
و أيضا هدفي الاساسي هو الاجابه علي جميع أسئلة المرضي. لا اترك سؤال دون الاجابه عليه.

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