I support the first vice president Dr.Riek machar.

I support the first vice president Dr.Riek machar.

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Unkrain and Russia war.


Only Dr.machar will do this.

Sorghum is better than maize for making dairy cattle silage

Years ago, sorghum was one of the most important food crops in Africa, but over the years, farmers have abandoned it in favour of maize.

However, what farmers do not know is that sorghum has many advantages over maize and other pasture grasses.

To begin with, it can grow well in both high and low potential areas where maize cannot do well. As a fodder crop, it can be used in place of maize for making silage and grain and even as a fresh chopped forage for various animals, including cows, goats, sheep, pigs and chickens. As animal feed, it has the same energy level as maize or any other cereal.

Due to its higher sugar content, sorghum can do better than maize when it comes to silage making because farmers do not need to add molasses as they do when making silage.

Sorghum can withstand dry conditions (600mm annual rainfall) and remain green at very low moisture level, thus, providing farmers with adequate feeds when maize and other feed sources fail.

Sorghum can still do well in very poor soils where maize, napier and other cereals cannot grow. Most varieties of sorghum produce much more forage than maize.

Another big advantage is that the lower leaves of sorghum do not dry as the plant matures, they remain green and, therefore, retain a higher crude protein content than maize. Unlike maize, sorghum can grow again after harvesting the grain (the second crop that grows from regeneration is called a ratoon). This way, the farmers can reduce the cost of replanting, land preparation, seeds and time.


For a good sorghum crop, a farmer should follow the following guidelines:

Land preparation: For both forage and food varieties of sorghum, start preparing the land at the end of the rains (August is a suitable time). Sorghum does well in fine soils. It can also be grown where the soils are not disturbed much (or under conservation tillage practices).

Seed rate and spacing: Farmers should plant sorghum at a seed rate of 2.4-3.2kg per acre. Fodder varieties should be planted at a spacing of 75 by 10cm. Varieties meant for feed and grain (dual-purpose sorghum) requires a spacing of 60 by 20cm, which allows for a higher grain-fodder ratio.

Sowing: Sorghum should be sown at the onset of the rains. Drill seeds along the furrows (trenches) and plant them 3cm deep when dry planting to avoid germination during false rains but 2cm deep if the ground is wet.

Manure application: Well-composted manure or fertiliser should be applied during land preparation and worked into the soil. Foliar feeds can be added when the plant is knee-high.

Thinning: The crop should be thinned when it is 30cm high or 30 days after planting, whichever comes first, to ensure a spacing of 10cm between rows for fodder sorghum and 20cm between rows for dual-purpose varieties.

Weeding: Hand weeding should be done at least twice. A sorghum field should be kept weed-free especially in the early stages of growth.

Pest and disease-control: Control of cutworms, aphids, shoot-fly and stalk borer is necessary. Birds like sorghum especially at milk stage. They prefer white-seeded varieties and will feed on it before eating the brown-seeded type. Sorghum is generally disease-tolerant, but control diseases.

Harvesting: Sorghum meant for seed production should be harvested at maturity stage. On the other hand, that meant for fodder can be cut when still green and fresh. Leave it in sun for it to wilt for 12 hours then chop and feed to the animals. To make silage, start harvesting at dough stage (when the grain is at milky and hardening stage). For dual-purpose sorghum, cut the head with a knife or use a combine harvester.

Get it quick: Sorghum varieties

E6518: Matures in 230 days (about seven-and-half months). It produces about 33 90kg bags of sorghum grain and 230kg bags of fodder per acre. The plant attains a height of 3m. This variety is suitable for fodder.

E1291: Matures in 160 days (about five months). One acre produces 66 90kg bags of sorghum grain, 66kg of sorghum matter and 200kg dry matter. It grows to 1.7m. The variety is suitable for food and fodder.

Ikinyaruka: Matures in 160 days. It produces 77 90kg bags of sorghum and 200kg dry matter per acre. The variety is suitable for both food and fodder. It grows to a height of 1.7 metres.

BJ28: Matures in 110 days and produces 156 bags of fodder and 33kg dry matter per acre. It grows to 2.5 metres. The variety is good for food and fodder.


The nation have sunk down in the pit which they made,but I know you will rescue you people as did it during our time with Sudan.
You Are not a man of tribalism nor nepotism. you treat your country citizens like twin.

The majority of populations forget why you are here...................................................................................
The bloodthirsty hate the blessed one. You are here forsakes of nation if it's not you the country should still in tormentor.for kindness you let everyone slumber under shadow of peace not death.

Forgiveness is virtue of the brave.

you surprise the world in 2018, no body aspects it that you can be back to juba, but you makes it happens.that the heart of humanity.

Blessed are all those who put their trust In him.
Viva south Sudan.

By Banychieng Dak R.


Dr.Riek machar is man of peace.


President kiir disclar war again in jonglei by Dinka language.

