Erik Abrahamsson - The Swedish Investor

Erik Abrahamsson - The Swedish Investor

I help people to take their personal finance & investing to the next level. Let's connect on YouTube


Top 5 stock market news of February 2024

00:00 Intro
00:22 Xi Jinping’s Neverending Headache
02:37 265% Growth! Nvidia, is that You?
05:39 Argentina in Rehab
07:44 Have You Packed Your Bags?
09:05 Carrefour, Our Champion?


My goal with this channel is to help you make more money and improve your personal finances. How to become a millionaire? There are many ways to get there – investing in the stock market, becoming a stock trader, doing real estate investing, or why not becoming an entrepreneur? But whether you are interested in how to invest in stocks or investing strategies for creating passive income with rental properties – I hope to be able to provide you with a solution (or at least an idea) here. Warren Buffett - the greatest investor of our time - says that you should fill your mind with competing ideas and then see what makes sense to you. This channel is about filling your mind with those ideas. And in the process – upgrading your money-making toolbox.


Top 5 Stock Market News of January 2024

Argentina solved its financial troubles once and for all ... maybe?
Boeing lost 15% of its stock market value after losing only 0.0001% of its airplane doors.
Bitcoin got an ETF upgrade.
Elon Must lost his crown to a Chinese competitor.
Pirates in "The Gate of Tears" decided that they were the captain now and disrupted trade.
00:00 The Savior of Argentina?
02:25 Lost Door? Lost Value!
05:03 To the Moon?
06:46 BYD Stole the Crown
08:42 Pirates of the Canal



John Soforic retired at 49 with $20,000 per month in passive income. No, he didn't inherit the money, he didn't win the lottery, and he wasn't a super-talented and good-looking football player. He did something much more mundane, yet something much more reliable for ordinary people like you and me. He made good financial choices and had a disciplined mind. John wanted to teach his son the lessons he learned along the way, and instead of just telling him about it, he portrayed his teachings in a book with stories revolving around the fictional "The Wealthy Gardener". The reason why he picked a gardener is to showcase that this path does not only exist for the chosen few - it exists for you, for me, for everyone.

Timestamps for The Wealthy Gardener:
00:00 Intro
01:02 Your Wealth is Waiting For You
04:52 From Consumer to Owner
06:35 Financial Freedom is a Noble Pursuit
09:22 Rejecting the Status Quo
10:55 Recognizing the Seasons

My goal with this channel is to help you make more money and improve your personal finances.
How to become a millionaire? There are many ways to get there - investing in the stock market, becoming a stock trader, doing real estate investing, or why not becoming an entrepreneur?
But whether you are interested in how to invest in stocks or investing strategies for creating passive income with rental properties - I hope to be able to provide you with a solution (or at least an idea here. Warren Buffett - the greatest investor of our time - says that you should fill your mind with competing ideas and then see what makes sense to you. This channel is about filling your mind with those ideas. And in the process - upgrading your money-making toolbox.


Which One of These Popular Stocks Would I

DISCLAIMER: The content on The Swedish Investor is for informational and educational purposes only and should not be construed as professional financial advice. All investment strategies and investments involve the risk of loss.
Never invest money that you can't afford to lose.
Any reference to an investment strategy's past or potential performance is not, and should not be construed as, a recommendation or as a guarantee of any specific outcome or profit.

Yes, you read the title right. This video is not theoretical, nor is it based on a book. This is a practical video in which l'I analyze some of the most popular stocks out there - Apple, Microsoft, and Tesla. I'II look at these sought-after companies through my lens of value investing to see where I'd be most likely to put my own money today. The winning stock will be crowned the
"King of the Hill".

Before we get to the stocks, let me present the framework that I use to evaluate publicly traded companies. This process has been refined after over a decade of beating the market, and after reading some 100 books on investing, so hope you'll like it. What is it, and how does it work? In short, it's made up of three parts: growth, distributable cashflows, and multiple change. It's these three parts that create returns for us as shareholders. Let's go through them one by one.

00:00 Intro
04:08 Apple
10:38 Microsoft
16:53 Tesla
24:50 Secret Bonus

My goal with this channel is to help you make more money and improve your personal finances.
How to become a millionaire? There are many ways to get there - investing in the stock market, becoming a stock trader, doing real estate investing, or why not becoming an entrepreneur?
But whether you are interested in how to invest in stocks or investing strategies for creating passive income with rental properties - I hope to be able to provide you with a solution (or at least an idea here. Warren Buffett - the greatest investor of our time - says that you should fill your mind with competing ideas and then see what makes sense to you. This channel is about filling your mind with those ideas. And in the process - upgrading your money-making toolbox.


Revealing My Index-Beating Portfolio (Patreon)

For almost a decade now, I've been an index-beating value investor, and for quite some time I've been considering how to bring you along on this journey.
By joining me in a more practical, case-by-case, and private setting, I believe you can get yourself a headstart on your path toward financial freedom.

Therefore, I've decided to launch a Patreon with exclusive content, revealing my full portfolio and all the action that comes with it.
For people like us, who may not have a large inheritance, exceptional athletic or music skills, or anything else that can catapult us instantly into early retirement, stock market investments remain the most reliable way to financial success. All that is needed is a sound intellectual framework and time. The earlier you start and the earlier you develop the required tools for successful stock-picking, the earlier you'll reach financial freedom, simple as that. What would some extra percentage points in increased performance do for your future wealth? Cutting a couple of decades from your working life is within your reach if that's your choice.

I started investing on the 6th of August 2013.
Since then, my portfolio has returned 19.5% on invested capital Also, keep in mind that this includes my whole investment journey since I purchased my very first stock. I'm optimistic that the cumulative experience gained from a decade in the market and around 100 books on investing will positively impact my results going forward.
Finally, the performance has not been achieved through some single big homerun, but rather through the combined effort of many investments and avoidance of any real big misses.

The content on this page is for informational and educational purposes only and should not be construed as professional financial advice. All investment strategies and investments involve risk of loss. Any reference to an investment strategy's past or potential performance is not, and should not be construed as, a recommendation or as a guarantee of any specific outcome or profit. We do not take responsibility for any financial decisions made with this information as a basis.
Always do your own homework & analysis.

My goal with this channel is to help you make more money and improve your personal finances.
How to become a millionaire? There are many ways to get there - investing in the stock market, becoming a stock trader, doing real estate investing, or why not becoming an entrepreneur?
But whether you are interested in how to invest in stocks or investing strategies for creating passive income with rental properties - I hope to be able to provide you with a solution (or at least an idea here. Warren Buffett - the greatest investor of our time - says that you should fill your mind with competing ideas and then see what makes sense to you. This channel is about filling your mind with those ideas. And in the process - upgrading your money-making toolbox.



Seth Klarman is a legendary value investor with some $25B in assets under management at his Baupost Group. In 1991 he released a book called
"Margin of Safety - Risk Averse Value Investing Strategies for the Thoughtful Investor" which has become something of a must-read among sophisticated investors. Unfortunately, it is out of print, and a physical copy cost $2,000 to get from Amazon. One can only speculate of WHY Mr.
Klarman decided not to make a second edition, there's clearly demand for it these days. Is it because he's already wealthy enough so he just doesn't care? Is it because he offended some group of people that doesn't like being offended?
Or is it because he thought that maybe he revealed a little too much of his investing secrets?
I don't know. But I had to get a copy myself, in order to bring you guys this top 5 takeaways summary. Let's dive in!

My main tool for fundamental screening and analysis of stocks:


How to Invest Your First $1,000 Benjamin's

A few years ago, in a rural area in Mississippi, there was a hardworking young man named Benjamin. He and his younger sister lived with their mother, who worked two low-paying jobs just to put food on the table. Their small house was a sore sight. It had a roof that leaked, and mold on the walls. "What more could you wish for?", they commonly joked. Benjamin's dad had been a fisherman until he disappeared in a storm 5 ears ago. His father's death increased the pressure on Benjamin to provide for the family. So ever since, to his mother's great worry, and besides attending school, Benjamin took his rusty bike to the harbour for some extra work on the fishing boats. On his way down there, he always passed through a nice neighbourhood with crisp white houses, nice cars on the driveways, and worriless children playing on the tidy lawns . One day, he would help his sister and mother to move there.

Benjamin's mother wished for him and his sister to get an education, so they could have a better life than the one she had had. Benjamin was a bright kid, and he was soon to start community college. Before starting, he had been able to store away $1,000 from his spare-time job on the fishing boats. Benjamin was kinda proud of this achievement because he had read that he was already close to be in the top half in America!

Having spoken to some of the adults in the rich neighbourhood on his way to the harbour, Benjamin had come to understand that one of the best ways to reliably make big money was through investing - and the earlier he started, the better apparently. Benjamin was determined to make his $1,000 grow to create a better life for his family.

Although he stumbled along the way like any 19-year-old would, Benjamin's persistence and willingness to learn, ultimately led him to create the foundation of his future fortune - a fortune which helped bring more happiness and joy to his family. This is the story of how a small sum of money sparked a journey towards financial success.

Many thanks to my friend Richard D***s, who helped me in making this video possible.
My main tool for fundamental screening and analysis of stocks:


How Beniamin Graham Made His First

This is the story of how Benjamin Graham, the
"father of value investing" and the mentor & teacher of the most successful investor ever, Warren Buffett, made his first $1,000,000. Graham accomplished this during the worst bear market in history. Even though most of this story take place almost a century ago, surprisingly many of Graham's actions and ideas can be applied in the ambitious persons' own journey towards financial freedom today. Let's dive in!

My main tool for fundamental screening and analysis of stocks:
(If you sign up, I'll earn a small commission)

Many thanks to my friend Richard D***s who helped me in making this video possible.

My goal with this channel is to help you make more money and improve your personal finances.
How to become a millionaire? There are many ways to get there - investing in the stock market, becoming a stock trader, doing real estate investing, or why not becoming an entrepreneur?
But whether you are interested in how to invest in stocks or investing strategies for creating passive income with rental properties - I hope to be able to provide you with a solution (or at least an idea here. Warren Buffett - the greatest investor of our time - says that you should fill your mind with competing ideas and then see what makes sense to you. This channel is about filling your mind with those ideas. And in the process - upgrading your money-making toolbox.



Support the channel by getting 100 to 1 in the Stock Market by Thomas Phelps here: https://
As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualified purchases.

For those of us that do not possess massive wealth-generating talents, such as writing extremely relatable music, leading and inspiring thousands of people in an organization, or being able to take hundreds of punches to your head, investing is probably the greatest road to riches.
And if there's one area within investing where the mathematics are truly month-watering, it's when you are looking for stocks that can return 100-to-1.

$10,000 invested in a single 100-to-1 stock will turn you into a millionaire. The Home Depot would have given you millionaire status since 1991.
Microsoft since 1995, Amazon since 2002, Apple since 2005 and companies like NVIDIA and Celsius have managed to do it even quicker.

Now maybe you are thinking "sure, if I had some bacon I'd have some bacon and eggs if I had some eggs". Many of us may not have $10,000 laying around, and we would certainly not be willing to invest them in a single company if we did. But the mathematics are impressive with a thousand or a few hundred dollars too. Just consider that if you invest in 100 stocks and just one of them makes 100x, all the other 99 can go to 0 and you'd still break even. It's difficult to find a 100-to-1 stock, but so is picking 99 companies out of 100 that all go to O. In fact, I know some hedge funds that would pay your weight in gold in case you can accomplish that.

The Home Depot, Microsoft. Amazon, Apple,
NVIDIA and Celcius are success stories of the past though. Peter Minuit bought the whole of Manhattan for just $24 worth of trinkets back in the 1600s, but of course, you and I have to operate in today's market, so let's dive in and try to understand how we can catch the next 100-to-1 stock.

My main tool for fundamental screening and analysis of stocks:


Why You Can Beat The Investment Professionals (a Wall Street Story)

The stock market is one of those rare places where the underdog (we, the private investors) can beat the professionals (Wall Street). Why?
This modern take on a David vs. Goliath story will tell you.

My main tool for fundamental screening and analysis of stocks:
(If you sign up, I'll earn a small commission)

Many thanks to my friend Richard D***s who helped me in making this video possible.

My goal with this channel is to help you make more money and improve your personal finances.
How to become a millionaire? There are many ways to get there - investing in the stock market, becoming a stock trader, doing real estate investing, or why not becoming an entrepreneur?
But whether you are interested in how to invest in stocks or investing strategies for creating passive income with rental properties - I hope to be able to provide you with a solution (or at least an idea here. Warren Buffett - the greatest investor of our time - says that you should fill your mind with competing ideas and then see what makes sense to you. This channel is about filling your mind with those ideas. And in the process - upgrading your money-making toolbox.


Why Some Stocks are Cheap & Others Expensive

Warren Buffett has said that the stock market isn't always efficient, but mostly efficient. Is it possible to use the idea of a mostly efficient market to find undervalued companies in 2023? In this video, l'Il present a method that just might get us there.


Improve your chances by 3495% | Atomic Habits by James Clear


Richer, Wiser and Happier (By William Green)


Value Investing Explained in 5 Levels of Difficulty


Warren Buffett: 12 mistakes every investor makes


The Story of the Great Bear of Wall Street


The automatic millionaire summary

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Videor (Visa alla)

Top 5 stock market news of February 2024Timestamps: 00:00 Intro00:22 Xi Jinping’s Neverending Headache02:37 265% Growth!...
Top 5 Stock Market News of January 2024TL;DWArgentina solved its financial troubles once and for all ... maybe?Boeing lo...
Top 5 Stock Market News of January 2024
THE WEALTHY GARDENER - SUMMARY (BYJOHN SOFORIC)John Soforic retired at 49 with $20,000 per month in passive income. No, ...
Which One of These Popular Stocks Would I Buy?
Revealing My Index-Beating Portfolio (Patreon)#index #patreonFor almost a decade now, I've been an index-beating value i...
MARGIN OF SAFETY SUMMARY BY SETH KLARMAN)Seth Klarman is a legendary value investor with some $25B in assets under manag...
How to Invest Your First $1,000 Benjamin'sStoryA few years ago, in a rural area in Mississippi, there was a hardworking ...
How Beniamin Graham Made His First$1,000,000This is the story of how Benjamin Graham, the"father of value investing" and...
100 TO 1 IN THE STOCK MARKET (BY THOMAS PHELPS)Support the channel by getting 100 to 1 in the Stock Market by Thomas Phe...
Why You Can Beat The Investment Professionals (a Wall Street Story)The stock market is one of those rare places where th...
Why Some Stocks are Cheap & Others Expensive Warren Buffett has said that the stock market isn't always efficient, but m...



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