Volunteers Assemble

Volunteers Assemble

Welcome to all the volonteers part of the European Solidarity Corps in Sweden.

We meet each others to share our experiences, to give us support and have a nice time!


📣 Välkommen allihopa!

The aim of the Volunteers Assemble that is a online meeting is to have a space for every ESC volonteers in Sweden 🇸🇪 to meet each others.

The participants have the control of the Volunteers Assemble thanks to a shared Drive : https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/19vItKkEznAuPi3DSjyPnIEZBfrEfdW4h?usp=sharing

🤓 There, in the File TOPICS you can add the topics you would like to have during the meetings and you can create folders to share anything related to those topics.

To join the Zoom Meeting you can follow this link:

If needed : Meeting ID is 667 239 5248 and Passcode: ESC

Volunteers Assemble - Google Drive
