Smile with Emelie

Smile with Emelie

Inspiring to freedom through positive vibes and helping you step into the best version of yourself 🌻


It takes courage to believe in yourself and your vision, but there’s nothing more fulfilling than to move towards your purpose and dream life.

If you’re not living in alignment with your purpose, you’ll constantly find yourself in an inner battle, causing stress and turmoil.

The way to alignment, is to listen to your intuition and follow your heart. It won’t be possible until you stop letting people’s thoughts and the way of society dictate your life’s outcome.

Namaste 🙏🏻🧘🏻‍♀️


“I don’t want to sell anything, but I do want freedom”

I’m sorry to burst your bubble, but without selling products + your service, it’ll leave you with zero income and freedom unless you trade your time for money. 😕

Everyone is doing sales on a daily basis, also you. Everyone.

Let’s simply break down how a sale is made.

Imagine yourself trying out a new café that you end up loving. ➞ You then recommend this café to your friend. ➞ Your friend goes there and loves it too. ➞ You now made a sale, without getting paid for it.

What you did was sharing what you authentically loved with someone else. There was no forcing or convincing your friend to go there. Your enthusiasm and words were enough.

This is how it’s possible to make sales online and therefore earn an aligned income. Which means you share your passions and values and those who vibe with that will purchase from you.

I hope this made sales a bit clearer and helped you understand that being pushy and salesy is outdated. Let’s make sales fun and impactful instead 🦋🙏🏻💧


People who say “I can’t do it” and “I’ll find a way”.

Are usually both right..

You’re speaking the words into reality.

There’s always going to be another way to see things.

You’ll never have explored all options.

Choose what you say wisely.



A simple hack to make life better 🔐👇🏻

Let go of what doesn’t serve you to give space for what actually does.

It’s that simple.

The catch is that every change is uncomfortable, meaning you have to get comfortable with being uncomfortable.

For me letting go meant leaving my 9-5 job and stable income source and go all in with my online business.

It meant packing all my stuff and move away from a busy city that never aligned with me.

It also meant rediscovering my values and start acting as the person who has the life I desire.

I believe that in order to fully be peaceful you have to live a life in alignment with your values and do things for you instead of others.

Do you agree? 💛


I know I’m here to experience..

Strong connections, love, nature, laughter, joy and memorable moments 👼✨

But I’m also here to share my energy and wisdom by helping others realize their worth and dreams.

Not too long ago I was still figuring this out, why I’m here and what I’m suppose to do in my life.

Only when I started to let go of who I thought I was and became aware of limiting beliefs that held me back - I could finally find my purpose. 🔮⚡️

Life’s just so much more than a mundane routine where you settle for less.

You don’t ever need to do that.

You just need to start following your intuition and heart instead of getting distracted by your mind.

Stop trying to live like you think you should and start doing what feels right 🌙🙏🏻


What if unlearning everything you think you are is the key to unlock your next level?

You probably have been thinking the same familiar thoughts for years, which has shaped your identity.

Your brain knows exactly what to expect and how to respond.

It is accustomed to anticipating and responding in a predictable manner - which makes change VERY hard.

You basically have to unlearn everything you believe you are and start from a blank page.

Doing this means your entire being will feel uncomfortable at first.

But to attain and live the lifestyle you desire, you must push through that very awkward phase.

The life you aspire is not reserved for just ‘lucky’ people, it’s within reach for YOU. Right now.

You’ll never feel ready and you can’t skip the uncomfortableness, so why postpone it any longer?

You get one precious life and you’re here to LIVE it fully ❤️


In the beautiful surroundings of Finland, I’ve been reminded of a fundamental truth: life is meant for living, breathing, loving and fully surrendering to the present moment.

If you choose to trust your intuition and heart over the constant chatter of the mind, a sense of lasting peace is waiting for you.

This has been my primary practice throughout the year 2023 — surrendering to what is here, right in this moment. Because ultimately, life is only now. Why should we try to escape that?


Freedom stole my heart 💗🕊️

It’s worth taking risks, stepping outside your comfort zone and being judged.

I can promise you freedom is worth everything.

I can also promise you it’s as hard as remaining in the same situation as it is to change.

It requires the same amount of energy spending time chasing your dreams as it requires to waste it.

The difference is that chasing your dreams will empower you and wasting your days will drain you.

Dreaming big is actually amazing, it gives you butterflies in the stomach and shivers.

Why wouldn’t you take the chance?

I’m telling you, it’s worth it. 🦋👏🏻



This Christmas is everything I could dream of and more, creating a sense of gratitude that radiates through me.

What matters the most is truly to have the time to spend with people who lifts you up and makes you feel loved.

This is not just Christmas holiday for me, this is the life I’m creating.

All because I stopped putting off my dreams for Monday, next month or new year.

I am building a life where I CHOOSE how I live, free from restrictions. A life where I am abundant in time with those I love. 💗


Do you need any previous experience to build online success? ABSOLUTELY NOT.

Let me explain why 👇🏻

When you start something new, you just can’t be good at it from the beginning. Just like entering the gym the first time, you’re not confident in what to do. The same goes here, if you’ve never run a business before, how could you know how to do it?

The most important is to learn from people who have already achieved success. 🌟

Alongside my online community I offer a step-by-step training and a 6 weeks business set up plan to get you started.

But there is something needed from you in case you want to build a life of freedom, which is..
.to be curious, consistent and open minded while being committed to personal development is a huge plus. 😮‍💨✨

There’s no secret to success, it’s just a starting point. Will you make 2024 your best year yet or will it mirror 2023? All up to you.


It’s time to SPEAK SOME FIRE into yourself & call out your own BS before 2024. 👀

Remind yourself what you want to get out from this ONE life, you’ve been blessed to live.

WHY are you here?

To live on autopilot every single day?

Most people I talk to DON’T yet have their dream job or life and is not working towards it. (or simply not even have a dream🤯)

Why would you continue to do something that’s far away from your dream?

Just to pay the bills?

Just to stay in your comfort zone?

There’s more to life than paying the bills and merely surviving.

The only TRUE block that’s holding you back is YOU. The rest is just fears and limiting beliefs.

I hope you can realize everyone you’re inspired by is a mirror of what’s possible for you. ❤️


You don’t have to settle for a mediocre life. You are capable of more and deep inside, you know it. 💎

What is the cost of you remaining in the same situation you’re in, for another 3 years, or even 10?

What will you miss out on by staying there? Time with your children, family and partner? Traveling the world and exploring new destinations? Your own health?

Is it worth settling for what you have now and by that loose days doing what you actually love?

The thing you’ll never get back is time. If you’re living out of alignment in a situation that doesn’t serve you now, then you’re literally wasting time.

The reason why I’m SO SURE of this is because I was once feeling this. I had big dreams, but couldn’t see the way I’d achieve them. Not until I woke up and took the steps needed to change my reality, my mindset and my way of working and making an income.

Believe me when I say this - NOTHING feels better than true freedom and being on a journey creating that for you, your health and your family is priceless.


Today is the best day of my life.

What happened you might ask me?

It’s actually just a matter of mindset.

Today SHOULD be the best day of your life.

Because it’s the only day you have.

This moment, right now.

So it’s completely up to you how you choose to view your life.



Why do we say we want something, but end up not doing it?

Because it scares us. Staying in the same place is comfortable and our brain prefers that.

The brain doesn’t want change, that’s not familiar. That’s not safe.

So instead of changing jobs, booking that one way ticket, moving to a new town or starting that business, we postpone it to another day (month, year..).

“It’s not the right time now, I need to finish what I have going on.”

Truth is, there is no perfect time and there will always be things going on in your life. It all comes down to, are you going to let the mind talk you out of doing it?

It’s scary at first, but the more times you decide to take a leap into the unknown known, the more comfortable you’ll feel and the more you’ll evolve. 💫🙌🏻


Would you rather be living close to the nature or in a busy city?

In what environment do you feel the most at peace?

Let me know below 🤩🙏🏻


Being surrounded by people who doesn’t think your dreams are impossible and actually encourage you to make them bigger - has been a big catalyst for my growth the last year. 🫶🏻

So excited for this upcoming weekend, when I’ll be heading back to the UK to gain more in depth knowledge about the products I get to share. 💧


Abrakadabra 🪄

“As I speak I create.”

Everything you tell yourself you’ll become.

That’s why affirmations work.

The more times you hear something, you’re more likely to believe it.

If you everyday say things like “ah man, I’ll never afford that” or “I am too busy to train” or “my children will never sleep in time” or “I can’t learn that” - you’re literally speaking this into existence.

Just because you feel, right now, something is the way it is, doesn’t mean it can’t be any other way though.

Wouldn’t you rather live a life of possibilities? To do so you have to change the narratives and rewire how you say things.

Recognize what you’re repeatedly saying everyday and see if you can flip that around.

Not only are you gonna get happier, but you’re also setting yourself up to more success in all areas of your life.💫


You can’t affect your circumstances, but you can decide how to react.

It’s totally up to you how your days feel.

Do you feed your mind with negative thoughts and pulling yourself down?

Or are you loving and caring for yourself and shining your light to the world?

Be aware that when you get triggered or angry by someone or something, this is a reflection of how you feel about yourself.

Everyone you meet is here to teach you something and in every meeting you have a choice.

Either you can choose happiness or misery. There are no other choices.

This is the fundamental key for finding more joy in life. Just think about the last time you got upset, anxious or angry - could it have been possible to react in another way?


Just some thoughts from the past days..

Life is a beautiful journey of growth and the ability to be conscious about your thoughts and behaviors will change everything.

Take time to reflect every single day.

🌕 Nothing in life is ever black or white

🌕 What’s best for you might be the worst for the person next to you

🌕 It’s never worth giving up what you want because of outside influences

🌕 Whatever you want is out there waiting for you to just open your eyes

🌕 If your intuition tells you it’s the right thing, it is

🌕 Worrying will never change the outcome

🌕 Learn to face your darker sides, because otherwise you’ll continue seeing them in others, because the world is a reflection of the world inside you

🌕 Always let yourself feel, if you don’t go through it, the emotions get stuck somewhere and you’ll have to face them later instead


In just over a week I’m on a flight to London meeting my online family for the first time. 🥹

A community that changed my entire life, gave me hope for the future and the right tools to succeed.

Being surrounded by a tribe of likeminded, driven and passionate people inspires me to continue to grow and thrive.

Together we’re on a journey building our dream life, something I never could have imagined a few years ago.

I’m grateful for the deep connections I’ve made already and for all the beautiful souls I’m going to meet. ✨


Happy Monday ✨

“𝘐𝘧 𝘪𝘵 𝘮𝘢𝘬𝘦𝘴 𝘺𝘰𝘶 𝘩𝘢𝘱𝘱𝘺, 𝘪𝘵’𝘴 𝘯𝘦𝘷𝘦𝘳 𝘢 𝘸𝘢𝘴𝘵𝘦 𝘰𝘧 𝘵𝘪𝘮𝘦.”

I love starting a new week with a long walk, writing down my goals and having a late breakfast.

How do you start your Mondays? 🦋


Literally why you haven’t reached your goals yet can be the fact that you haven’t written them down..

The fear of disappointment is taking over. What if you don’t reach the goal? By not writing it down you hide from yourself, because you didn’t actually put it down on paper, so you didn’t actually fail.

This also means you’re less likely to achieve any goals and will remain in the same place where you’re at this moment. It was a huge game changer for me to write down my goals and cross them off as I achieve them - seeing things seriously change 🔮🦋


Traveling has always been important for me. It’s something special seeing new places and getting to know people from all around the globe. You never know who you’re going to meet or what you’ll end up doing or where you’ll be going next.

I love how I just throw myself in the present moment and forget I own a smartphone. Usually I have been traveling alone and I must say I’ve had my best experiences going solo. It must be because you have no one to be comfortable with.

You’re not comfortable when traveling, you’re constantly stepping outside your comfort zone by having to figure things out by yourself. That’s why you grow incredibly fast when traveling. That’s why you never fit in when coming back.




💧 Clean, living and vibrant drinking water

🏋🏼‍♀️ Weightlifting in the gym

🌎 Traveling and exploring the world

🍱 Sushi!! It’s my favorite food

🦋 Helping & inspiring others to live a more fulfilling and positive life by working for themselves

What is something you’re passionate about?



It’s not the time now - I’ll do it later.

Later often becomes never.

How would you feel in 10 years if you put of the things you truly wanted to do?

Your desires are planted in your heart for a reason. 💗


Something to think about..

My thoughts about other people are 𝗺𝗲𝘀𝘀𝗮𝗴𝗲𝘀 to myself - about myself.

What I see in others is a result of a choice I make, because I 𝗱𝗲𝗰𝗶𝗱𝗲 my own thoughts.

Someone else can 𝗰𝗵𝗼𝗼𝘀𝗲 to see something else in the same person.

Everything I see is a 𝗿𝗲𝘀𝘂𝗹𝘁 of my thoughts.



Life’s too short to keep waiting for opportunities to knock on your door.

Everything you want is already out there in the world, just waiting for you to go after it.



The greatest risk of all is putting of something you truly desire with the hope you’ll have time to do it later.



If you constantly procrastinate because you find yourself saying “I don’t have the time” - you’ll never actually get time either.

It’s all about switching the story you’re telling yourself from ”I don’t have the time” to “how can I create time?”.

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