Berus - Herp Magazine

Berus - Herp Magazine

BERUS Magazine & BERUS Photography H**p Magazine
Absolutely FREE to Read. BERUS magazine is issued by Mr Leif Westrin and Mr Pierre von Rahmel.

The aims of the the paper are to promote a greater understanding for amphibians and reptiles in nature and in terrarium environments; to encourage research; to stimulate the development of sound and
healthy techniques to maintain and propagate amphibians and reptiles in captivity, and to initiate and support measures to protect threatened species. This digitally paper is religiously and political

Photos from Alejandro Arteaga's post 08/02/2024




Nuovo articolo scientifico :)

La vipera di Milos (Macrovipera schweizeri) è un affasciante viperide endemico delle sole isole greche di Milos, Kimolos, Polýaigos e Sifnos (Cicladi occidentali).

Sono orgoglioso di annunciare la pubblicazione, tramite la rivista scientifica Spixiana, del nostro lavoro riguardante la review estesa di quanto noto in letteratura per la specie (o sottospecie, dato che lo status tassonomico necessita di ulteriori approfondimenti) in termini di sistematica, origini, morfologia, ecologia, riproduzione, veleno e conservazione. Sono riportati, inoltre, alcuni dati osservati personalmente assieme all’amico Giovanni Paolino sull’attività autunnale.

Per chi volesse saperne di più su questo serpente, consiglio la lettura dell’articolo, disponibile gratuitamente al seguente link:

Buona lettura!

Grazie ai coautori Giovanni, Andrea, Ignazio e Sergio (taggati nel primo commento)

Nella foto, un individuo di modeste dimensioni osservato in “ambush” diurno autunnale (foto “in situ”, ossia senza disturbare l’animale).

Di Nicola, M. R., Pozzi, A. V., Avella, I., Mezzadri, S. & Paolino, G. 2022. Taxonomy, biology and natural history of the Milos viper Macrovipera schweizeri (Werner, 1935): literature review and observations on autumnal activity and importance of residual pools (Serpentes, Viperidae). Spixiana 45 (1): 111-120.

How Genes Can Leap From Snakes to Frogs | Quanta Magazine 10/11/2022

Gener vandrar.

How Genes Can Leap From Snakes to Frogs | Quanta Magazine The discovery of a hot spot for horizontal gene transfer draws attention to the possible roles of parasites and ecology in such changes.

Natural hybridization of the Eastern Steppe Viper Vipera renardi and the Common Adder V. berus 09/11/2022

Hybridisering mellan V renardi och V berus

Natural hybridization of the Eastern Steppe Viper Vipera renardi and the Common Adder V. berus Natural hybrids between V. berus and V. renardi were found in Spassk district of Tatarstan Republic. Hybridization is confirmed by results of sequencing of nuclear genes BACH-1 and Rag-1, as well as biochemical and morphological data and apparently


This study aims to ascertain the origin and population structure of Podarcis muralis wall lizards in south-eastern Europe and identify the biogeographic processes shaping the genetic diversity of lizards at its north-eastern range margin.

📜Read more:

Charles University
Universitatea Babeş-Bolyai
Bulgarian Academy of Sciences
Lund University
Universidade do Porto


Livet finner vägar.


Ny Elaphe.

🚨New Species Alert!!🚨
A colubrid with bladed teeth!! Researchers suspect this new species is able to avoid predation by mimicking the syntopic pit-viper Protobothrops jerdonii.

Based on combined morphological and osteological characters and molecular phylogenetics, a new species has been described of the genus Elaphe that was discovered from the south slope of the Qinling Mountains, Shaanxi, China,

Read the study here:

Photos from ZooKeys's post 08/07/2021

Nice Elaphe

India’s 'frogman' describes the richness of amphibian life in the Western Ghats 01/06/2021

India’s 'frogman' describes the richness of amphibian life in the Western Ghats To look at, it is no beauty. It has purplish skin, a piglike nose and is rather

Multiple lines of evidence reveal a new species of Krait (Squamata, Elapidae, Bungarus) from Southwestern China and Northern Myanmar 21/03/2021

En ny art.

Multiple lines of evidence reveal a new species of Krait (Squamata, Elapidae, Bungarus) from Southwestern China and Northern Myanmar Kraits of the genus Bungarus Daudin 1803 are widely known venomous snakes distributed from Iran to China and Indonesia. Here, we use a combination of mitochondrial DNA sequence data and morphological data to describe a new species from Yingjiang County, Yunnan Province, China: Bungarus suzhenae sp.....


Ny trimmare, albolabris nu splittrat till två arter.

Thermal melanism explains macroevolutionary variation of dorsal pigmentation in Eurasian vipers 30/09/2020


Thermal melanism explains macroevolutionary variation of dorsal pigmentation in Eurasian vipers Colouration may endorse thermoregulatory and antipredatory functions in snakes. The thermal melanism hypothesis predicts that dark-coloured individuals are ecologically favoured in cool climates. However, the loss of aposematic and cryptic colourations may imply high predation for melanistic snakes....

Minidokumentär om sandödlor på egna tomten 25/06/2020

Nice little movie about the Sand Lizard.

Minidokumentär om sandödlor på egna tomten Facebook Twitter När filmaren Rickard Pihl (f d Johansson) upptäckte sandödlor på sin tomt föddes idén om att göra en naturdokumentär om dem. Nu är filmen klar och kan ses...

Amid agony, scientists discover world’s first venomous frog 03/05/2020

Amid agony, scientists discover world’s first venomous frog Two species pack one heck of a head-butt

loss of sexual size dimorphism in urban populations of a widespread reptile, the European grass snake Natrix natrix 26/04/2020

loss of sexual size dimorphism in urban populations of a widespread reptile, the European grass snake Natrix natrix Cities represent a unique ecosystem dominated by humans and high-density man-made infrastructure, associated with modifications or entire loss of local habitats

The first frog fossil from Antarctica has been found 25/04/2020

The first frog fossil from Antarctica has been found An ancient amphibian from Antarctica gives new insight into when the continent got so cold.

Where do you come from, stranger? A scientific-historical digression with discussion on nomenclature and taxonomy of Testudo graeca Linnaeus, 1758 09/04/2020

Where do you come from, stranger? A scientific-historical digression with discussion on nomenclature and taxonomy of Testudo graeca Linnaeus, 1758 It is shown that the location data for the terra typica restricta of Testudo graeca and for the terra typica designata for Testudo graeca are based on an incorrectly assigned location. In fact, the original place corresponds to Santa Cruz, known today as Agadir (Morocco) and not the old Spanish fort...

(PDF) Cryptic diversity in the smooth snake (Coronella austriaca) 09/04/2020

(PDF) Cryptic diversity in the smooth snake (Coronella austriaca) PDF | The smooth snake, Coronella austriaca, is a common snake species widespread in the Western Palearctic region. It does not form conspicuous... | Find, read and cite all the research you need on ResearchGate

Emergence of an evolutionary innovation: Gene expression differences associated with the transition between oviparity and viviparity 07/04/2020

Emergence of an evolutionary innovation: Gene expression differences associated with the transition between oviparity and viviparity Our understanding of the evolution of complex biological traits is greatly advanced by examining taxa with intermediate phenotypes. The transition from oviparity (egg‐laying) to viviparity (live‐bear...

Amphibian Doomsday Fungus Is 'The Most Deadly Pathogen Known To Science' 06/03/2020

Amphibian Doomsday Fungus Is 'The Most Deadly Pathogen Known To Science' The insidious fungus has been eradicating amphibian species for decades. It's estimated that 90 of the 500 known affected species have already gone extinct.

Diary of A Snakebite Death 10/12/2019

Diary of A Snakebite Death *** We're now on Patreon! - Please Help Support Our Video Productions! *** In 1957 at The Field Museum of Natural History in Ch...

New mutant ranavirus could decimate frogs | THE WILDLIFE SOCIETY 12/11/2019

New mutant ranavirus could decimate frogs | THE WILDLIFE SOCIETY New mutant ranavirus could decimate frogs By Joshua Rapp Learn Posted on November 8, 2019 The RCV-Z2 index site near the Alapaha River in Georgia. Photo courtesy UTIA A new deadly contagious frog virus made up of genes from Asia and America has the ability to rapidly wipe out whole amphibian populat...

Parasitic Diseases of Reptiles - Exotic and Laboratory Animals - Merck Veterinary Manual 11/11/2019

Parasitic Diseases of Reptiles - Exotic and Laboratory Animals - Merck Veterinary Manual Learn about the veterinary topic of Parasitic Diseases of Reptiles. Find specific details on this topic and related topics from the Merck Vet Manual.

Data on the reproduction of a Caucasian Viper, Vipera kaznakovi Nikolsky, 1909 (Serpentes: Viperidae) from Hopa (Northeastern Anatolia, Turkey) 30/10/2019

Data on the reproduction of a Caucasian Viper, Vipera kaznakovi Nikolsky, 1909 (Serpentes: Viperidae) from Hopa (Northeastern Anatolia, Turkey) Data on the reproduction of a Caucasian Viper, Vipera kaznakovi Nikolsky, 1909 (Serpentes: Viperidae) from Hopa (Northeastern Anatolia, Turkey)

Scientists invent animal-free testing of lethal neurotoxins 29/10/2019

Scientists invent animal-free testing of lethal neurotoxins Animal testing will no longer be required to assess a group of deadly neurotoxins, thanks to University of Queensland-led research.

First widespread chytrid fungus infections in frogs of Peruvian Amazon rain forests 18/10/2019

First widespread chytrid fungus infections in frogs of Peruvian Amazon rain forests University of Michigan biologists have documented, for the first time, the widespread presence of the notorious chytrid fungus in 80 species of frogs from lowland rain forest sites in the Peruvian Amazon.

‘Big cats are glamorous and attract money … amphibians of India are fighting a lonely battle for survival’ 14/10/2019

‘Big cats are glamorous and attract money … amphibians of India are fighting a lonely battle for survival’ An estimated 8.7 million species share the planet with humans, of which 150-200 species go extinct every day. Vijay and Ajay Bedi, twins who are award winning wildlife filmmakers, recently finished a three-year project on...


Bufo viridis :)

🐸 Pätnásť odtieňov zelenej…alebo čo by ste chceli vedieť o evolúcii, biogeografii a taxonómii ropúch rodu Bufotes.

Okrem iného sa dočítate o 15 druhoch rodu Bufotes skúmaných cez genomické, genetické a biometrické dáta, mitochondriálnych výmenách, pôvode allopolyploidných hybridov a rozsiahlych hybridizáciách, super-kryptickom koncepte druhu a výraznej taxonomickej revízii. Novo získané dáta tak viedli k opisu dvoch druhov Bufotes cypriensis Litvinchuk, Mazepa, Jablonski, Dufresnes, 2019 (endemit ostrova Cyprus) a Bufotes perrini Mazepa, Litvinchuk, Jablonski, Dufresnes, 2019 (endemit Strednej Ázie).

🐸Fifteen shades of green...or what you would like to know about the evolution, biogeography, and taxonomy of Bufotes toads.

Among other things, you can read about 15 species of the genus examined through genomic, genetic and biometric data, mitochondrial replacements, origin of allopolyploid hybrids and extensive hybridizations, super-cryptic species concept, and major taxonomic revision. New data supported a formal description of two new species, Bufotes cypriensis Litvinchuk, Mazepa, Jablonski, Dufresnes, 2019 (endemic to Cyprus) and Bufotes perrini Mazepa, Litvinchuk, Jablonski, Dufresnes, 2019 (endemic to Central Asia).

📥Viac v/More in Dufresnes et al. 2019: Fifteen shades of green: the evolution of Bufotes toads revisited. Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution. 141: 106615.

(PDF) Widespread amphibian declines from epidemic disease driven by global warming 18/09/2019


(PDF) Widespread amphibian declines from epidemic disease driven by global warming PDF | As the Earth warms, many species are likely to disappear, often because of changing disease dynamics. Here we show that a recent mass extinction associated with pathogen outbreaks is tied to global warming. Seventeen years ago, in the mountains of Costa Rica, the Monteverde...