Starta Farsta

Starta Farsta

Vi arbetar för att skapa bättre samhörighet i Farsta. Delta gärna! We work to create a better sense of community in Farsta. Please join us!

Vi är en oberoende grupp av unga individer med olika kulturella och akademiska bakgrunder samt erfarenheter . Vi arbetar med ett projekt som ämnar skapar produkter eller tjänster som kan öka känslan av samhörighet i Farsta. Projektet “För Farsta” har initieras av Kathleen Asjes och Geer Van Den Boogaard, bägge medlemmar i HUB Stockholm. Projektet stöds av olika offentliga och privata organisatione

Mobile uploads 02/09/2015

STARTA Farsta på plats och pitchar på Pitch Night. Spänningen på topp.

JOBB 21/07/2015

STARTA söker dig som vill göra skillnad och brinner för entreprenörskap. Sök själv eller tipsa någon!


Mobile uploads 29/06/2015

"Unga människor är inga återvändsgränder utan öppna dörrar" - Aida Hadzialic, Gymnasie- och kunskapslyftsminister.

Businesspodden 17/06/2015

Businesspodden Förhandsgranska och hämta podcasten Businesspodden i iTunes. Läs beskrivningar av avsnitten och recensioner från kunder.

Mobile uploads 16/06/2015

Kom och chilla med oss ikväll!

Mobile uploads 19/03/2015

När engagerade ungdomar går ihop är inget omöjligt.

Stort tack till deltagarna på kvällens Hub Flow. Slutsatsen från detta möte var att organisationer som jobbar mot ungdomar måste kliva ur sina stuprör och börja träffas och samverka. Därför planerar vi nu en After Work för specifikt ungdomsorganisationer. Mer info kommer inom kort!

Challenges for young entrepreneurs: Max Gouchan at TEDxBergen 18/03/2015

Passionerade entreprenörer: Max förklarar hur man blir en framgångsrik entreprenör och att utbildning inte är allt. Efter att ha gått ut gymnasiet och startat ett distributionsföretag till oljesektorn, har Max blivit en av de mest framgångsrika unga företagare i Norge.

Challenges for young entrepreneurs: Max Gouchan at TEDxBergen Max believes that one can acquire success through entrepreneurship and that education is not necessary the right way for everyone. After dropping out of high...

The Best Startup Accelerators Of 2015: Powering A Tech Boom 18/03/2015

Great accelerators are a good source of inspiration!

The Best Startup Accelerators Of 2015: Powering A Tech Boom Startup accelerators, now fixtures of the tech community, were hard to find just a few years ago.When researchers Yael Hochberg and Susan Cohen began researching accelerators in 2010 and 2011, they could hardly find 10 true programs to rank. On Tuesday, Hochberg and Cohen released their latest annual rankings of U.S. seed accelerators: culling a top 20 out of now more than 200 programs that claim to nurture young tech startups.The 2015 list puts AngelPad, a San Francisco-based accelerator, at the top. MuckerLab in Los Angeles ranks second overall, and multi-city program Techstars sits in third. (See full ranking at bottom.)The rankings project sifts through confidential data from the generations of startups to go through such programs, identifying averages across five important factors: fundraising, valuations, exits, survival rate, and alumni satisfaction. Each factor is weighted for the approximately 70 accelerators that supplied data out of the 150 accelerators who met all of Hochberg and Cohen’s criteria. Accelerators have to be fixed-term, cohort-based programs with significant educational and mentorship programs that culminate in a demo day.Those strict criteria kept out one notable program: Y Combinator, which ranked #1 in 2014. Hochberg and Cohen note that Y Combinator, a pioneer whose graduates have included Dropbox, Airbnb, and Reddit, has “evolved” its model into that of a hands-off seed fund.“Y Combinator is cashing in on the name it made for itself,” says Hochberg. “They’re talking about raising a multi-billion dollar late stage fund to take advantage of their model that selects great entrepreneurs rather than mold them.”Other accelerators that remain on the rankings are more hands-on than Y Combinator, which by metrics alone would have ranked first again this year. Some entrepreneurs enjoy the relative freedom the program offers, versus highly structured programs elsewhere.While accelerators have branched out from Silicon Valley on their own, part of the explosion has come from corporate and university-sponsored programs. Hochberg says those two groups especially “have grown like wildfire.” For the first time, a school-based accelerator made the top of the rankings — University of Chicago’s New Venture Challenge placed 4th.Some new accelerators are misguided attempts to make a quick buck. “Some people get mad when we ask why they want to start accelerators,” says Cohen. “They think it should be obvious: to make money. But there’s no evidence …

TEDxIIT - Muhammed Fazeel - Startup Simplified 17/03/2015

Muhammed Fazeel shared his experience of how to gain momentum to pursue an idea for startup.

TEDxIIT - Muhammed Fazeel - Startup Simplified Muhammed Fazeel was a student at IIT, Illinois institute of Technology, before transferring to UIUC, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, where he is ...

TEDxBoston - Bill Warner - How to Build a Startup Company from the Heart 16/03/2015

Bill Warner shared his passion of entrepreneurship: how to build a startup company from the heart.

TEDxBoston - Bill Warner - How to Build a Startup Company from the Heart Passionate Entrepreneurs: How to Build a Startup Company from the Heart About TEDx, x = independently organized event In the spirit of ideas worth spreading,...

The gap in entrepreneurship that no one wants to publicize 12/03/2015

The gap in entrepreneurship that no one wants to publicize LEADWhy you won't be the next somebody and why that's perfectly okayEntrepreneurs are often glorified for their one big project that sells to a large company for an absurd amount of money. But for the vast majority of entrepreneurs, this is not actually the case. In fact--if I had to guess--I'd bet this is't the case for 99.8% of entrepreneurs.How many Mark Zuckerbergs are there? How many Elon Musks? How many Steve Jobs? Richard Bransons? Tony Robbins? Jeff Bezos? Bills Gates? Melissa Mayers? Tony Hsiehs? Mark Cubans? I'm running out of big names that immediately come to mind. Why? Not because I can't think of them, but because there really aren't THAT many when you compare the number ber successful ones to the amount of moderately (or un-) successful entrepreneurs.You might be thinking I'm wrong, but visit any major media outlet--especially tech-oriented outlets. You'll find it's a small cast and crew that adorns the front covers and main spreads.One of the biggest problems with entrepreneurship is the over-glorification of successful entrepreneurs.This over-glorification creates an unrealistic environment and skewed perceptions of success. Do I think every entrepreneur should aspire to be as successful as Mark Zuckerberg? Absolutely! But the likelihood of that actually happening? Your chances are probably better winning the lottery.Why are the odds of success so low?It's not surprising that 3/4 of entrepreneurs and small business owners fail within their first year. The bar of success is set incredibly high. Instead of focusing on building the best business they can, they chase the dream of Series A funding, big buyouts, and viral success. The mainstream discussion of entrepreneurship has people's heads in the clouds when their heads should be down, focused on honing their craft or creating amazing experiences for their customers.Media outlets talk about two types of entrepreneurs:The budding darling who has big hopes and dreams (which is okay, but rarely do we hear about them ever again).• The Elon Musks and Mark Zuckerbergs of the world.But where's the entire middle gap?Where are the people who are forging their own way, but aren't famous? Where's the article about the mom and pop granola company in Michigan that started in a quaint kitchen and is getting national distribution? What about the all-natural, all-organic, popsicle company out of Florida that's quietly carving out a niche?Here's the problem with the middle gap of entrepreneurship and why …

Social Innovation Ideas (And A Career Tip) From Laurene Powell Jobs 08/03/2015

Social Innovation Ideas (And A Career Tip) From Laurene Powell Jobs Entrepreneurs deserve a better shot at financial success if they’re working on civic-minded projects, says Laurene Powell Jobs, the widow of Apple founder Steve Jobs. In an on-stage discussion Wednesday at Stanford, she shared her thinking on a wide range of issues, including the need for immigration reform, how women can overcome career obstacles, and some new ways to create bigger payouts for social innovators in fields such as education and conservation.Powell Jobs is the founder and chair of Emerson Collective, a Palo Alto, Calif., organization that defines its purpose as “shaking up the status quo, one entrepreneur at a time.” She is best known for her work as a funder and advocate in areas such as immigration rights and education. FORBES earlier this month estimated her personal wealth at $19.7 billion, making her the sixth richest woman in the world.Powell Jobs, who seldom makes public speaking appearances, was interviewed on stage at Stanford’s engineering school by Thomas Byers, a professor of entrepreneurship. Much of their session was spent recapping Powell Jobs’s career journey and her emergence as a philanthropist and social entrepreneur, starting with her decision in the mid-1990s to found College Track, which helps low-income teenagers prepare for college.During the final minutes of her session, however, Powell Jobs fielded a variety of questions from students eager to get her take on a wide range of current issues. Among the questions: At a time when commercially minded start-ups are turning their founders into billionaires, are the brightest young enterpreneurs reluctant to pursue projects in the public good, because their income prospects are dimmer?“You’re never going to get the upside that you would on a for-profit company,” Powell Jobs responded, “but the intrinsic rewards are off the charts.” The sense of doing good, by itself, is a powerful motivator. All the same, she acknowledged that low pay can be demoralizing. One way of addressing that, she said, would be for venture capital firms to contribute a small slice of their successful for-profit investments into a pool that could benefit social entrepreneurs. Another option, she said, would be for major corporations to do something similar.Powell Jobs also was asked if she had encountered any barriers in her career, because she’s female. She alluded to a four-year period between college and Stanford Business School, when she worked in sales and trading at Goldman Sachs. “There were …

Timeline photos 19/02/2015

Entreprenör söker ung topp-talang

Uppdrag: Bygg ett bättre Sverige
Budget: 50 miljoner SEK
Tidsram: 24 månader
Deadline för ansökan: fredag 27 feb 17:00
till [email protected], behandlas löpande

Entreprenör söker ung topp-talang Uppdrag: Bygg ett bättre Sverige Budget: 50 miljoner SEK Tidsram: 24 månader
Deadline för ansökan: fredag 27 feb 17:00 till [email protected], behandlas löpande

Initiativ vill förverkliga ungas idéer 10/02/2015

Tidningen Farsta/Sköndal skrev en helsida om oss, och grymma Ziyin och Jhamilin som gick vårt program i höstas. Heja ungt entreprenörskap, heja förorten!
Tack vare The Hub Stockholm, med Jhamilin Galindo Mamani, Ziyin Gsj Huang, Martin V-outer.

Initiativ vill förverkliga ungas idéer Ligger förortens framtid i entreprenörskap? Ja, det är i alla fall tanken med Starta Farsta, ett privat initiativ som vill ge unga kunskapen och chansen att starta eget.

De hjälper unga förverkliga drömmar 06/02/2015

De hjälper unga förverkliga drömmar Louise Lindén och Sissa Pagels, som har startat Young Innovation Hub i Stockholm för att hjälpa andra unga entreprenörer att lyckas med drömprojektet. Några månader in i äventyret har det kommit förfrågningar från hela landet om att få kopiera konceptet.


"Våra unga vuxna måste ut i arbete eller utbildning eller vad som stärker dem på arbetsmarknaden. Våra unga arbetslösa är en tidsinställd bomb. Det är mycket farligt för samhället." Säger statsminister Stefan Löfven.

Det har Starta Farsta också insett. Varje dag jobbar vi med en av lösningarna på problemet, nämligen att stödja de unga förortsborna som vill starta eget.

Vill du veta hur du kan bidra? Mejla [email protected]

Timeline photos 25/12/2014

We wish you a Merry Christmas and a Happy New 2015! 🎄⛄️☀️

Graduation Day 2014 18/12/2014

Önskar er en trevlig Jul och tusen tack allihopa för en super rolig kväll med Starta Farsta!! Extra tack till The Hub Stockholm, Thomas, och Scarlet! Mmånga som besökt oss, en härlig Tisdag helt enkelt.:D Stort grattis till entreprenörerna och lycka till! :) Vi ses igen!
Tag yourself and your friends!

Accelerating business dreams with Starta Farsta | Impact Hub Stockholm 05/12/2014

Accelerating business dreams with Starta Farsta | Impact Hub Stockholm Starta Farsta provides young entrepreneurs with the opportunity to accelerate their business ideas. We spoke to Starta Farsta's Managing Director Martin Vercouter to learn more.

Timeline photos 04/12/2014

Du är hjärtligt välkommen till Starta Farstas AVSLUTNINGSFEST för hösten 2014!!
Register here:

Timeline photos 04/12/2014

This afternoon the young entrepreneurs from the Starta Farsta accelerator program were hard at work planning their graduation event!

Want to learn more about their business ideas? Check out their stories here:

Timeline photos 28/11/2014

Community Breakfast with Starta Farsta 19/11/2014

Community Breakfast with Starta Farsta You’re invited to our Community Breakfast on the 27 November! Next Thursday at our Community Breakfast we will be joined by the Managing Director of Starta Farsta, Martin Vercouter. He will share his story he, along with the other members of Starta Farsta works with and empowers young entrepreneurs…

Timeline photos 14/11/2014

"Det känns mycket spännande att få vara en del av finalen. Det var mycket oväntat men en oerhört glad överraskning att folk gillar det vi gör" - Anton Håkanson - Snailday

Anton är finalist i kategorin Årets företag på Sveriges Ungdomsentreprenör. Den 19 november avgörs tävlingen på Fryshusets Arena i Stockholm. Missa inte detta!!

Finalkvällen kommer att bjuda på underhållning, föreläsningar och panelsamtal. Skriv upp dig på gästlistan:

Lean Startup Machine Kick-Off Launch Party | Impact Hub Stockholm 07/11/2014

Lean Startup Machine Kick-Off Launch Party | Impact Hub Stockholm On Friday 14th November Seed Nordic is bringing Lean Startup Machine to Stockholm. Join them for the launch party to learn more about Lean Startup Machine.

Timeline photos 07/11/2014

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Är du nyfiken på den fascinerande träningsformen luftakrobatik? En sport som ger både glädje, ökat självförtroende och b...
