Advanced Urology Singapore, Singapore Videos

Videos by Advanced Urology Singapore in Singapore. Offering customised, comprehensive solutions for all your urological needs.

Happy Chinese New Year!

Gong Xi Gong Xi! Happy Chinese New Year! 🐉

Wishing you a roar-some Year of the Dragon filled with joy, good fortune, and endless possibilities! May your days be as majestic as the dragon's flight, and may every challenge be conquered with strength and wisdom.

Here's to a year of prosperity and good health! 🥳✨




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#UrologistSingapore #UrologicalHealth #CNY #ChineseNewYear #CNY2024 #YearOfTheDragon

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Happy Chinese New Year!
Gong Xi Gong Xi! Happy Chinese New Year! 🐉 Wishing you a roar-some Year of the Dragon filled with joy, good fortune, and endless possibilities! May your days be as majestic as the dragon's flight, and may every challenge be conquered with strength and wisdom. Here's to a year of prosperity and good health! 🥳✨ 恭喜恭喜!春节快乐!🐉 祝你度过一个充满欢乐、好运和无限可能的龙年!愿你的日子像飞龙一样雄壮,愿你用力量和智慧战胜每一个挑战。 祝新的一年繁荣安康!🥳✨ #AdvancedUrology #AdvancedUrologySG #UrologyClinic #UrologyDoctor #UrologistSingapore #UrologicalHealth #CNY #ChineseNewYear #CNY2024 #YearOfTheDragon

🎉✨ Cheers to a brand new year filled with endless possibilities! 🌟 Wishing you joy, success, and good health in 2024. May it be a year of growth, prosperity, and memorable moments. Happy New Year from all of us at Advanced Urology Singapore! 🥂 🎉✨为充满无限可能、全新的一年干杯! 🌟祝你在2024年快乐、成功、身体健康。愿今年是个成长、繁荣和难忘的一年。 先进泌尿外科全体同仁祝您新年快乐!🥂 #AdvancedUrology #AdvancedUrologySG #UrologyClinic #UrologyDoctor #UrologistSingapore #UrologicalHealth #newyearnewme #newyear #happynewyear #ringinginthenewyear #newyearsresolution #newyear2023 #nye

🪔✨ Wishing you a Deepavali that's as bright and beautiful as all the twinkling diyas, from all of us at Advanced Urology! May this festival of lights fill your life with love, laughter, and lots of sweets. Remember to share those yummy treats with friends and family! 🪔✨ 🪔✨祝你有一个像所有闪烁的油灯一样明亮和美丽的屠妖节,来自我们先进泌尿外科的所有人! 愿这个灯火辉煌的节日使你的生活充满爱、欢笑和许多甜蜜。记得与朋友和家人分享这些美味的食物!🪔✨ #AdvancedUrology #AdvancedUrologySG #UrologyClinic #UrologyDoctor #UrologistSingapore #UrologicalHealth #Deepavali #Deepavali2023

May the joyous celebration of Hari Raya Aidilfitri bring happiness and laughter to your home and family. Selamat Hari Raya from all of us at Advanced Urology! 愿欢乐的开斋节庆典为您的家和家人带来欢乐和欢笑。 先进泌尿外科中心祝所有人的开斋节快乐! #AdvancedUrology #AdvancedUrologySG #UrologyClinic #UrologyDoctor #UrologistSingapore #UrologicalHealth #SelamatHariRaya #EidalFitr

Happy Chinese New Year!
🍊🧧Gong Xi Fa Cai, everyone🧧🍊 Advanced Urology wishes all who celebrate a joyful and blessed rabbit year ahead, with health, wealth and prosperity in equal abundance 🐇 恭喜发财大家 🍊 先进泌尿外科祝所有庆祝兔年快乐和幸福的人,身体健康,财富和繁荣 🐇 #AdvancedUrology #AdvancedUrologySG #UrologyClinic #UrologyDoctor #UrologistSingapore #UrologicalHealth #ChineseNewYear #HappyChineseNewYear

Happy New Year
Happy New Year to all! 🥳 In welcoming this new year, Advanced Urology wishes all nothing but onward success, bountiful health and a lifetime of joy ✨ 祝大家新年快乐! 迎接新的一年,先进泌尿外科只愿一切顺利、身体健康和一生快乐 ✨ #AdvancedUrology #AdvancedUrologySG #UrologyClinic #UrologyDoctor #UrologistSingapore #UrologicalHealth #HappyNewYear #NewYear

Merry Christmas!
‘Tis the most wonderful time of the year! 🎅🎁 Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays from all of us here at Advanced Urology. We wish you a beautiful, joyous celebration with your loved ones, family and friends🎄✨ ‘这是一年中最美好的时光! 🎅🎁 先进泌尿外科 全体员工祝您圣诞快乐,节日快乐。我们希望您能与您所爱的人、家人和朋友度过一个美丽、欢乐的庆祝活动🎄✨ #AdvancedUrology #AdvancedUrologySG #UrologyClinic #UrologyDoctor #UrologistSingapore #UrologicalHealth #MerryChristmas #Christmas

Kindly be informed that we will be closed on 18th – 20th November 2022, for a company event. Operations will resume as usual the following day on 21st November 2022. We apologise for any inconvenience caused. Should you wish to make an advance booking or reschedule your booking, please call +65 8866 1838 to schedule an appointment. 请注意,我们将于 2022 年 11 月 18 日至 20 日因公司活动而关闭。第二天即 2022 年 11 月 21 日,我们将照常营业。 很抱歉给您造成的不便。如果您想提前预订或重新安排您的预订,请致电 +65 8866 1838 进行预约。 #AdvancedUrology #AdvancedUrologySG #UrologyClinic #UrologyDoctor #UrologistSingapore #UrologicalHealth

As we welcome the festival of lights into our homes, we hope the joy and merriment of this special celebration will surround you and your family for years to come. Happy Diwali to all! 当我们欢迎灯光节进入我们的家时,我们希望这个特别庆祝活动的欢乐和欢乐将在未来几年围绕着您和您的家人。 祝大家排灯节快乐! #AdvancedUrology #AdvancedUrologySG #UrologyClinic #UrologyDoctor #UrologistSingapore #UrologicalHealth #Diwali #Deepavali

Hari Raya Aidilfitri
On this special day of celebration, we’d like to wish you and your loved ones a blessed Hari Raya Aidilfitri. May the new year bring forth joy, peace, prosperity and abundance of good health to to you and your love ones. 在这个特别的庆祝日,我们祝您和您的亲人开斋节快乐。 愿新的一年为您和您所爱的人带来欢乐、和平、繁荣和身体健康。 #AdvancedUrology #AdvancedUrologySG #UrologyClinic #UrologyDoctor #UrologistSingapore #UrologicalHealth #SelamatHariRaya #Eid #Aidilfitri #EidMubarak #Syawal

Our team at Advanced Urology would like to wish everyone a very Happy Chinese New Year! 🏮 May the year of the tiger bring an abundance of happiness, prosperity and roaring good urologic health to you and your loved ones! 先进泌尿外科中心全体成员祝大家农历新年快乐!🏮 愿您和所爱之人虎年幸福、事业兴旺,身体健康,没有泌尿烦恼! #AdvancedUrology #AdvancedUrologySG #UrologyClinic #UrologyDoctor #UrologistSingapore #UrologicalHealth #ChineseNewYear #HappyChineseNewYear #GongXiFaCai #YearofTheTiger

Dr. Lie Discusses Prostate Health
Are you running to the toilet more often than you’d care to admit? 🚽 While frequent urination from an enlarged prostate is not very common among younger men, it is still possible for men in their 30s to develop bothersome symptoms of an enlarged prostate. Seek the relief you need about your prostate health as our Specialist Urologist, Dr Lie Kwok Ying provides some helpful insight on the matter. Watch the full video here. 尿频症状已持续了很长时间?🚽 尽管对于年轻男士而言,尿频通常不是由前列腺肥大引起的,但从三十多岁起,男性已有可能面临前列腺肥大的恼人症状。 想知道怎么做才能缓解您的前列腺不适、维护前列腺健康,欢迎了解我们的泌尿科专家李国英医生(Dr. Lie Kwok Ying)分享的有益建议。立即在此观看完整视频。 #AdvancedUrology #AdvancedUrologySG #UrologyClinic #UrologyDoctor #UrologistSingapore #UrologicalHealth #MaleInfertility #MensHealth #HealthyMan #HealthyMen #Prostate #ProstateHealth #EnlargedProstate

Happy New Year from Advanced Urology
The first day of 2022 officially starts! 🎉 It is time for us to rejoice and welcome the arrival of the new year with hearts full of positivity and gratitude. From all of us at Advanced Urology, wishing everyone a very Happy New Year. 2022年的第一天正式到来了!🎉 是时候让我们用乐观感恩的心,一同迎接新的一年。 先进泌尿外科中心在此祝大家新年快乐。 #AdvancedUrology #AdvancedUrologySG #UrologyClinic #UrologyDoctor #UrologistSingapore #UrologicalHealth #HappyNewYear #NewYear #NewYear2022

The most wonderful time of the year is here! 🎅🎁 May this joyous celebration be a memorable one with your loved ones, family and friends. While you enjoy all the fun and festivities, this is a reminder to not delay your bathroom breaks - let it flow when you need to go! Merry Christmas greetings from all of us here at Advanced Urology! 🎄 一年一度最美好的圣诞节到了!🎅🎁 愿您能与所爱之人、家人、朋友一同共度佳节,创造新的美好回忆。欢庆之余,别忘了也要及时去洗手间——有需要,就释放! 先进泌尿外科中心全体人员在此祝您圣诞快乐!🎄 #AdvancedUrology #AdvancedUrologySG #UrologyClinic #UrologyDoctor #UrologistSingapore #UrologicalHealth #Christmas #MerryChristmas #HappyChristmas #ChristmasTime #ChristmasMood #Xmas #XmasTime #TisTheSeason

Advanced Urology would like to wish all celebrating a blessed and safe Deepavali ahead 🪔. May the Festival of Lights illuminate your life with abundance of happiness and good urological health. 先进泌尿外科中心全体成员祝大家排灯节幸福安康🪔。 愿这个光明节能够照亮您的生活,节日带给您幸福和泌尿健康。 #AdvancedUrology #AdvancedUrologySG #UrologyClinic #UrologyDoctor #UrologistSingapore #UrologicalHealth #HappyDeepavali #HappyDiwali #Deepavali #Diwali #FestivalOfLights

Recurrent Urinary Tract Infection with Dr Shirley Bang
DID YOU KNOW? 1️⃣ out of 5️⃣ women will experience one Urinary Tract Infection (UTI) in her lifetime. While UTIs can happen to anyone, women are unfortunately more vulnerable to this infection because of their shorter urethra. Therefore, bacteria do not have to travel far to reach the bladder. In this video, join our Urology Specialist Dr Shirley Bang, who further delves into the underlying issues of UTI among women and the possible cure for them as well as answer some of the most common questions on the matter. 你知道吗?每 5️⃣ 名女性中就有 1️⃣ 名一生中会经历一次尿道感染(UTI)。 尽管任何人都有可能罹患UTI,但不幸的是,女性感染的可能性更高。这是因为女性的尿道较短,细菌更容易抵达膀胱。 立即观看此视频。在这个视频中,先进泌尿外科中心的泌尿科专家冯雪龄医生(Dr. Shirley Bang)对UTI的潜在影响及治疗方法进行了更深层的探讨,对一些常见的问题进行了解答。 #AdvancedUrology #AdvancedUrologySG #UrologyClinic #UrologyDoctor #UrologistSingapore #UrologicalHealth #RecurrentUTI #UTIs

From all of us at Advanced Urology, we would like to wish you a Happy Mid-Autumn Festival today 🌝. May this day bring good fortune and a harvest of smiles to you and your loved ones. Don’t forget to enjoy your mooncakes under the beautiful full moon! 🥮 先进泌尿外科中心全体成员祝您中秋节快乐🌝。 愿这一天为您和您的所爱之人带来福气和欢笑。别忘了在美好的满月下享用月饼!🥮 #AdvancedUrology #AdvancedUrologySG #UrologyClinic #UrologyDoctor #UrologistSingapore #UrologicalHealth #MidAutumn #MidAutumnFestival #Mooncake

Treatment Methods For Prostate Cancer
ICYMI: We did a FB LIVE on the latest treatment methods for prostate problems! You can learn all about it in this video as our Specialist Urologist and Andrologist, Dr Ronny Tan gives us an in-depth look into the various types of prostate problems as well as the treatments available for them. Still have questions? Contact our urology specialists by calling +65 8866 1838. 未免您错过:我们进行了一场关于前列腺问题最新疗法的Facebook直播! 观看本视频,您能了解所有前列腺健康的相关信息。我们的泌尿科及男科专家陈万伟医生(Dr. Ronny Tan)深入探讨了各类前列腺问题及其现有疗法。 还有其他疑惑?立即致电+65 8866 1838咨询我们的泌尿科专家。 #AdvancedUrology #AdvancedUrologySG #UrologyClinic #UrologyDoctor #UrologistSingapore #UrologicalHealth #Prostate #ProstateHealth

Eid al-Fitr
May this festive season bring you and your loved ones joyfulness all throughout the year. From all of us at Advanced Urology extending our warm wishes to all our clients, friends and families who are celebrating Eid. Wishing everyone a blessed Hari Raya Aidilfitri! 🌙 愿这个喜庆的节日能为您和您的家人带去绵延全年的欢乐。先进泌尿外科中心全体职员向每一个庆祝开斋节的您、您的朋友和家人,致以由衷的祝福。 祝大家开斋节快乐!🌙 #AdvancedUrology #AdvancedUrologySG #UrologyClinic #UrologyDoctor #UrologistSingapore #UrologicalHealth #HariRayaAidilfitri #Eid2021 #EidMubarak

We Should All Screen Patients With Type 2 Diabetes For TDS?
Our urology specialist, Dr Ronny Tan shares his expertise on whether it is encouraged to screen all patients with type 2 diabetes for TDS. Get to know more on the correlation between low testosterone levels with Diabetes. Watch the full video on our IGTV to learn more on the current guidelines and recommendations relating to the testosterone effect on obesity, metabolic syndrome and diabetes mellitus. Consult our urology specialist for a detailed health assessment to take good care of your urological health. Call +65 8866 1838 to book an appointment now. 先进泌尿外科中心的泌尿科专家陈万伟医生(Dr. Ronny Tan)从专业角度为大家分享了他对应否鼓励所有二型糖尿病患者都进行TDS筛查的看法。立即观看IGTV上的完整视频,探索睾丸激素水平低与糖尿病之间的关系,并了解透过调节睾丸激素来控制受其影响的肥胖症、代谢综合症及糖尿病的推荐方法。 关爱泌尿健康,欢迎联络我们的泌尿科专家进行详尽的健康检查。立即致电+65 8866 1838进行预约。 #AdvancedUrology #AdvancedUrologySG #UrologyClinic #UrologyDoctor #UrologistSingapore #UrologicalHealth #Diabetes #Type2Diabetes #TDS #Testosterone